宋代 张耒 Zhang Lei  宋代   (1053~1114)
Jianzimu orchid
Partridge days
Man Ting Fang
Merry son
Junior Tour
Qiu Rui Xiang
chicken flapper
Off_set_ Name
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hut East window Yu ji Moonrise Mumeplant japanese See video Window
8 Pirates
aug Eleven daily Morningside
Bai Gongci
Multiple poems at a time
ancient style poetry

Again and Horses

   Zhang Lei

I swim in fifteen Kansai, but then pick evil ride.
State of West Rail Cong Hua Ma, ten people can not restrain the Warriors.
Uncertainty led to legislation in court, _set_ the wind cries of the two-legged people.
I heart this rather strong re-Wei, Fu Chi multiplied by the saddle stirrup tread.
Long Qu shouted four people go flying back as firm as a plant body.
Wan Road bridge is more than competition, falling sideways force in the mud trench.
Dangling feet threw it, I lost a spot still save hoof hand.
Jumped back in shore, the whole Taoist sigh full consultation.
The short grass off the horizon, do forget to go home at San roaming.
Quchi rather complex by the spur, and the people together into the only self.
Seoul to ten years, I walked south, the horse who sigh sigh into the hand.
Chu Township, state to dirty, people make the best horses, such as a boat dog.
My heart is not Laoshen been bad, dream from time to time I still see it.
Tooth suddenly felt like drawing, the status of Yin Fu generous public poetry.
Of people you encounter throughout middle age, the world often have a rare creature.
Ning gives me the ruthless, Saoshou long song also sigh.
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