宋代 袁说友 Yuan Shuiyou  宋代  
travel Dynasty Six public posts
Postscript to the public donated Zhu Zhongjing Jane Fung Man public posts 4
Postscript to the public donated Zhu Zhongjing Jane Fung Man public posts 4
King Temple
White Ping Ting
Is aimed To Xu Pu Inspect troops Rough The boat had Merry Village
Is aimed Xu Pu Search Soldiers road within Frozen together abandon Boat Lu 2
Is aimed Xu Pu Search Soldiers road within Frozen together abandon Boat Lu 2
Is aimed Xu Puyuezhougui
Close family
Bi-Lan Tang
illness Cannot Shen Yuan Shaoqing from Thatched cottage Contributory drink
Parking is taken Crescent pavilion moth Meishan act Floating clouds The cover
berth Jinling tomb Chung-yuan book was
Multiple poems at a time
ancient style poetry

Second month of spring Advised farming Have offered two wheat and Dingduan Shu Qi tea to rhyme

   Yuan Shuiyou

Zhou Yuan Mei Mei Mou praise, I visited the spring session of Xi Jiao Zhong.
Shiqiao buckling ancient shodai, Mei Xuan wind near the saddle blanket on bridle.
Xuande Italian elders like cloth, dish meal and children were drunk.
Seeing Xiuse ridge more than the first, the wind off the light squid ear weight.
Donghuang business full of terraced rice paddies, ponds not wait for spring grass dream.
Road near Ruimai contributors who showed off the two-branch Hai masses.
Phi brush under the gas spring, George output was magical.
I think for the past drought years old child, with several days of incense for the memo.
Man hanging humble heart to know government workers, said Vladimir Zican Oasis from.
To a plow rain this spring, is at the Gao Yu full cultivation.
For plow competing in the East as a toe, cooking Kwai Mi date field stripping of First Instance.
Three rural then unexpectedly rich music, forget the ills, such as four-body itching.
This is only to this Yi Mou hi, big hands extravagant trouble Qu and Song.
Wing Supplements Kongtong a language, such as the satirical Maoling for Chung phase.
How can poetry be hitting the bowl into a reminder, saying evil Zican get exercise control.
And the king of clapping song harvest, regardless of home leave dumping Jiuweng.
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