宋代 袁说友 Yuan Shuiyou  宋代  
travel Dynasty Six public posts
Postscript to the public donated Zhu Zhongjing Jane Fung Man public posts 4
Postscript to the public donated Zhu Zhongjing Jane Fung Man public posts 4
King Temple
White Ping Ting
Is aimed To Xu Pu Inspect troops Rough The boat had Merry Village
Is aimed Xu Pu Search Soldiers road within Frozen together abandon Boat Lu 2
Is aimed Xu Pu Search Soldiers road within Frozen together abandon Boat Lu 2
Is aimed Xu Puyuezhougui
Close family
Bi-Lan Tang
illness Cannot Shen Yuan Shaoqing from Thatched cottage Contributory drink
Parking is taken Crescent pavilion moth Meishan act Floating clouds The cover
berth Jinling tomb Chung-yuan book was
Multiple poems at a time
ancient style poetry

To go to the mountain--to become a hermit Sun was honorific fitle of civil governor of a province in ancient China

   Yuan Shuiyou

How can his life just lazy slow, apart from the body seems to diffuse the official micro-Lang.
Do not blame the homebound as diabetes, how many workers the discretion of the wake up mad.
Xue Qing Yun To try to fulfill, still find the back of cold exposure on bed.
Hill is like riding on a cow Pitt break, breeze piper wild Meixiang.
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