宋代 姚勉 Yao Mian  宋代  
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ecliptic Crime Introduction

   Yao Mian

Emperor fourth _set_, NZ Jijia Xi.
Tiger Moon midwinter, when the afternoon Fang leakage.
North wind shock Vals, No. fierce sounds of twigs.
Dark, such as commercial snow, Shino faint vertical hanging.
Smoke before day interest Mingse to court deal.
Li Teng stakes of wood stump for chickens' roosting chickens, birds, habitat acute Linshao.
Quite surprised the south, the sundial degrees should be comfortable later.
Hu Jing is still promoting, disease and even horse gap Chi.
Children suddenly go reported at the wall without full regulation.
Busy looking out of position, such as the beginning of Crescent.
Choi Jin Yan Wu loss, as potential bright jade.
Heaven tortoiseshell, measured out war vaguely.
Old juvenile phase noise calls, cutting social boiling drum Pi.
I do not know what strange things, cover the Qing Yang Hui.
I have heard that the School of sun and the moon to push calendar.
At line speed month later, the number of wins uneven shrinkage.
Moon will join the event, not the least bit bad Intuit.
Arrogant or phase mask, two Yao Si a loss.
Full Moon Day cover month, a sense of yin yang so bad.
Cover sun and the moon at new moon, Yin Sheng is minimal.
Also heard Tamagawa son eclipse had poetry.
Weici sun and the moon were, the day look unfamiliar things.
Two-phase attack is not, relative to its said non-food.
April is fine eating frog, build self-Yi-Yi Qi.
I view as a poet, some of the blog.
Yu Trent apartment bridge, and leave whom this speech.
Sun and Moon are toad Ukraine, the matter of the Strange.
Status eat its own light, could I go and fly.
Book called sun and the moon, Sky faint and fans.
Lu for treatment relative to the food, said that when not doubt this.
Vested think they said, the sad heavy sigh consultation.
Day were all positive, all shadow over Vientiane.
Why not this by Zang, Yan Xi wins sex fluid.
Yang can not save space, Tisi numerous cross-yi.
Sigh sigh of years now, the day of its repeated Chang Wei.
Da Man said variable stars, Lei Chen Shiyi flowing water.
More in the summer of May, Yu You-fan Gyeonggi.
June not only look after the eclipse the main dry hunger.
In reply to this eclipse, Calamity any fan AIDS.
God said is true, sitting well chat Dynasty.
The days of people at the May Jun Fei.
Guanju sad Fit, aimed at talented people thinking.
Extravagant or earnings before Man, will move to material desires.
Today the day of the eclipse, or the fear of the Gong Wei.
But Wu Jun Sheng, Yan Private not delay.
Jun respect as the Day, Robinson as the base month.
Zhengxintai in court, can plug breach of Seven Generations.
States handle or get stolen, eyes and ears of the phase shield bully.
Today the day of the food, but also fear of the group of children.
But Wu Jun Ming, Qi Yong toward the blind fanatic.
Take charge of the Meiji, force can not destroy.
REHABILITATIVE north of the enemy, a negative surprise border barrier.
Mood is not brave soldiers, cries of Saimaa Fun arrogance.
Today the days of food, or by the edge of something dangerous.
But Wu Jun Wu, Anken leave he owned.
Re-read these three priority in're honest.
Case or a yes, yes that is changing the base.
Shall be days not to text, by withdrawal disciple play.
If people were killed Jue Ming, will seek medicine doctors.
Kwai hopane a heart, had feared that day unknown.
When the row gate of heaven Ho, Yu-Chi Tong broken first.
A cry policies, calendar about heart sad.
Chan Ho as a person, no Yi-yuan turtles.
Leakage in the dark house, Su-such as gods.
Willing Chuzhuang Wang, regulation remonstrance from the Fan Kyi.
EMPEROR not effective, gentle old Zhao Yi.
Heaven's Soldiers will Blanchir, intellectual candle play.
Such as transit at Lai, Ming Huang Huang for leave.
Chan Ho by two, with the Yin-Tang Gao Kui.
Establish a public _select_ion phase, host country of the public.
Wutai player using simple, wonderful _select_ion upright posture.
Do not handle Qi in the grant, not printed mink pendant tired.
Court excluded atmosphere shade, the incumbent off fat Wei.
Light by the end of Chinese and Japanese, the emperor is adjacent reliance.
What are the three Chen, scared my six divisions.
Yi-generation attack, such as Ti, the day give her the pet section of your Excellency.
If the cypress and other traitorous, power sweep no relic.
Militia out rewards and punishments, Yong Rui Ben Bear roots.
South Vietnam neck can Ying, Bank of China will back bamboo cane.
Like the sun frost, exterminate destroy what can not do anything.
Where this third speaker, the center for a long time thinking.
Understand can be held only charges the word bandit said.
Able to turn chaos as a rule, you can return to disaster for the PCT.
Hou Yi shot do not study, do not boast cross-chasing effect.
Prayer wheel hibiscus, wiped out the salt pool.
According to the common people were Yang, Xi Xian nine light soil.
Colored peace like a heavy halo ZTE period.
Hao Wah color dome, according to the nations long-sighted.
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