宋代 姚勉 Yao Mian  宋代  
qìn yuán chūnshòu chén zhōng shū) Write your life Chen zhong book
qìn yuán chūnshòu tàng cuì
qìn yuán chūnjiàn zhāng cuì) s poem preserves Zhang Cui
qìn yuán chūnsòng yǒu rén guī shǔ) s poem Accompany friend return Sichuan
shēng shēng màn tóng nián méi) Beauties And Xu Class plum
liǔ shāo qīng
xīn láng bié) Congratulate benedict Memories Do
xīn liáng He new cool
ruì xiān Rui Xian
chuí yáng a weeping willow
ān xiàng xié jiàn xíng yīng shuǎng 'ài zèng shī jiā yòu hǎo bǐng zhī tiān néng shì jiā An Xiangzu with their children, Farewell Bright and brave Cuteness Ka donated to his poetry Be well affected towards heart Bing yi The day the world will be able to their homes
jiāo banana
bái white crane
bié allo- The west lake
bǐng chén dōng héyuè kuí shēng dào shī
bǐng chén dōng héyuè kuí shēng dào shī
bǐng chén dōng héyuè kuí shēng dào shī Bing-Chen Dong Happy and harmonious chief Soundtrack Four Poems
bǐng chén dōng héyuè kuí shēng dào shī
bǐng chén zhǐ zhào jīng dào xìn zhōu bēi tíng Bing-Chen Jing Road, just called up the state title letter Glassful booth
bìng hòu jiǔ dào shàng wǎn dào duàn qiáo
cháo māo
cháo māo
chén míng qīng gài
duō shǒu yī yè
shī ancient style poetry
qìn yuán chūnshòu chén zhōng shū


   hǎi yuán lóng piāo rán bǎi chǐ lóu
   shòu wén guāng wàn zhàngxīng chén xuàn cǎishuǎng jīn fēng chéng qiū
   xián bīng qīngbān xīn hǎi nèi 'ér jīn liú
   fān shū wēi huā jìn yuè lǎn tóu
   zhù shēn shì yíng zhōu
   wèn gèng yòu cháng shēng bié yào
   shì shēng lái dàishén xiān dào háo duān yòu guì fēng hóu
   bài huáng fēngchéng 'ēn qīng suǒjiàn shuō xiāng míng yòu 'ōu
   cóng jīn liǎo gōng shì cóng chì sōng yóu

【wénjí】sōng shù