宋代 徐铉 Xu Xuan  宋代   (917~992)
Aekyung Siyou Monk Taste Tour length An introduction Qinyongjianshi 物体或景象 Audibleness Yinzengcishi And show same Xingke
North townhouse shi yan zayong poem chrysanthemum
North townhouse shi yan zayong poem loose
North townhouse Shi yan Zayong Shi Zhu
Refuge East return By yun and huang send only see
Demotion Taizhou To help a joint cause city work
Question 2 patients
Question 2 patients
Step function word,empty word 5
Changzhou Relay in timely rainfall
Chen jiao also to put taizhou However, for this answer send poetry of
exhibit, display Assistant minister House view fancy candles lit in the bridal chamber at wedding
Chizhou exhibit, display Honorific fitle of civil governor of a province in ancient china See You Qi Mountain Poems by showing Send
Pay Guo antecedent
watch night
life Sub Day
Every spring daily swim Rear lake Liu gifts daily life
Spring Purple Iwayama of passengers not to
Multiple poems at a time
ancient style poetry

Light Mu Empress Coronach 3

   Xu Xuan

Sin Yu of die hard, Kun-Yi Road from the light.
Bi Gong new form of ethics, the old Ying Cheung Sha Lu.
Su Yao-door canopy cover, pour complete stranger long wars.
Dongfeng miserable hills trees, nothing see the pro-Sang.
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