现代中国 吴奇隆 Nicky Wu  现代中国   (1970~?)
Good speed!
Multiple poems at a time

Good speed!

   Nicky Wu

We know that you go that day did not say a word
When the clock struck midnight, the pain of separation is not open you the door of deep silence
Finally the day we give you not a word to the left
When the crowded platform of people bid farewell to pinch squeeze can not afford to have my deep sadness
I know you have a million words a thousand words but you would not say it
You know I worry that I may not say sorry for export
When you remove the share of the glory back pack I can only let the tears flow in my heart
Surface force of the wave with a smile I wish you a pleasant journey
When you _set_ foot on the platform away from a person I can only wish you deeply
Deeply wishes you the most dear friend wish you a pleasant journey
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