唐代 谢偃 Xie Yan  唐代  
Potpourri Songs hoof libretto
Official conservatory in the han ynasty (206b.c.-a.d.220) New songs should be taught
Multiple poems at a time
ancient style poetry

Potpourri Songs hoof libretto

   Xie Yan

Chom View Jiao Chun Tai, the new Xin Mei Lu sobbing. Spit mixed leaf spring, new flowers opening overlap.
Shadows on the Orioles went flying, singing birds to the degree. See snow floating Yao Qian, Ru Wu Xiu back.
The Hong Weiyi Ge, Gu step out of the blue boudoir. For around the duck house, first off peaches and plums footpath.
Shu also roll with the wind, Wearing give complex low. To ask Tonight music, but listening to songs together.
Star night for a long time sinking deeper shadow on ramp. Light wear skirts only moving, very thin flower DW.
Po fine wind socks, light dew Hongsha. Phase did not have to see music, blue lights according to Kau.


【Source】 卷28_46

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