唐代 窦巩 Dou Gong  唐代  
The South invigoration
Veteran line 1 to Yin
Hsiao gifts All official
As the incoming first to post Wuchang Xiakou Book thing Government offered the main xianggongzhuang
Hanyin relay and Yu-wen decade Encounter revolve Go west River, due to the Parting Words
(early)spring Loose River Wildness
Young woman words
Year-end Xi Yuan Brethren extremely Book love
ascend Jade hook booth Dedicate The middle part of anhui province Li Xiang Gong
Cried Lu Hampshire 8 physician trained in herb medicine
present Ashina title of the military officer subter general
Shanfubintang Glance Housing du 2 public Renshou Midyear Questions Chi script
(early)spring accompany Yu-wen 10 owned by Wu
trans- Antrum cheqi,the general official's title in ancient china old city
present Wang shi wean
Tang, Tung way for
Silla into White Eagles
Qiu Xi
Multiple poems at a time
ancient style poetry

Shanfubintang Glance Housing du 2 public Renshou Midyear Questions Chi script

   Dou Gong

Renshou million and two hundred years, Mongolia ink light smoke cage.
Haggard title at that time, Han Zu Long submarine is not God.

【Source】 卷271_115

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