唐代 修雅 Xiu Ya  唐代  
Wen Deng Lotus sutra cantus
Multiple poems at a time
ancient style poetry

Wen Deng Lotus sutra cantus

   Xiu Ya

Mountains and lifeless, the power power of pine smoke. Empty forest under the jagged stone. Stone was a monk
Results sit cross-legged cross knee. White Lotus by reciting, from Dan to the evening. The right hand of the left, the tiger tracks wolf tracks.
Ten five, different flowers messy. Meet by chance, no deep acquaintance. Known to be Guzhi Ren,
This person is the Tan Yan, a tan-wing? I heard this through a deep aim,
Call it a wonderful feel righteous God. Listen to co-head deep borders of the bases, Daigo drops coke intestines.
Meaning of the Buddha marrow progenitor Come, I Come by the purpose of the heart. Poor snap of the fingers and hands,
This is not up to the present. Real great, holy, very strange, empty Wang Qun have to make.
Glorious eighteen thousand soil, Soil and are made of gold color. A light four-six students,
Mad husband Youzi asked Maitreya, I was learning deserted, gains and mood will be closed.
After today's pro-Wen Song Ci, Shijue ass side by bandits. I have no family that year,
Do not want to step Wuhan Red James. After today's pro-Wen Song Ci, Shijue trekking all the treasure.
I also love chant that year, the chaos that God will search offerings. After today's pro-Wen Song Ci,
Why not, brush, true information. I then sex lightly, that time will be abandoned half-empty.
After today's pro-Wen Song Ci, Shijue poly sand non-trivial. My past had been to mountains and water,
He said that Hill will be non-native place. After today's pro-Wen Song Ci, Shijue no inch to the mountains and rivers.
I am not tame ape heart past, often the golden virtual home. After today's pro-Wen Song Ci,
Shijue nothing to boxing Gong. After division by the word Song Ci, every word bad taste Daigo chewing.
Daigo of taste and beauty Jane, not lips, teeth not only in the loss to Lawson.
After a division by Song Ci, sentence pro-white cattle moving step. Swift as the wind the step of white cattle,
Not in the West, not East, only daily in Floating Life. Why bother I do not know of a household,
Wine of the intestine, the bowel meal, the elderly speaker calls no. He Yi deaf, He Yi Gu,
The ear is not the world of non-Cong, deaf Special to the Commission in the deaf. The present world not unknown,
Head Mint Blind to the Commission. Cong not co-Cong, co-Ming unknown, winch up and down,
Dead Sea virtual life. Longitudinal division of the world sound knowledge, who can know the heart of teachers.
Longitudinal division of the world shape knowledge, who can know the name of division. Wang line doctors Buddha division order,
Heart disease to treatment with the living beings. Fans who can wake up, and the crazy are determined by the net scale, those who are evil,
Where are holy. The case is not only days respectful, respectful of people also like Wing closure,
Ghost like chants, like the Buddha chant. Qide back together feel the dust of the believers, not Jishou and Guiming.


【Source】 卷825_32

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