Wang Fu Department, Jiang leisurely. Into stone, not look back. On top of the wind re-day rain, stone should be returned pedestrian language.
The first four-second word, draw a picture of Amah Rock vivid and moving picture. There are vast continuous river, stands the Wang Fu Shan River, stands a hill overlooking the rock shaped like a woman eagerly. Hill, silent stand; water flow to stop. Mountains, water, stone, static and dynamic phase, glorified image of the clear, to say the least. It is noteworthy that, in this depiction, Conceiving a rich ideological content, into the poet's deep and sincere affection. "Wang Fu Department, Jiang yo", write Amah Rock's environment, atmosphere. "Long" word, depicting the river flowing through the ages, in full flight, both the account of the story's background, rendering a rich lyrical atmosphere, while the image background Amah Rock, Stone wrote the vigil riverside living: as if there is a spiritual stone standing near the river, eagerly afar, she has life, she thought, waiting. This still life to moving scenery lining the way, not only to make the picture vivid, three-dimensional sense, but also the metaphor of the Missing Women Huaiyuan and I miss the endless. Read here, we naturally think of Bai "Yearning" famous words: "Si yo, Henyou You hate to go off when the tenor." This long endless emotions, with the long period without a break in the river, not very much like What? "Yo" here is not only paint a portrait-like, atmosphere rendering, but also a copy write love, vividly depicting the thinking women of situation Acacia. This two Feelings and finance, indivisible, full of images and artistic appeal, three birds with one stone really is wonderful. "Into the stone, do not look back", the poet describe the specific methods Youyi anthropomorphic image of Amah Rock. People have materialized into a stone; stone and psychic, best song of man, and objects together, Feelings and harmony. This not only vividly depict the Amah Rock vivid image, but also the board's long-term thinking women, miss the deep, love's faithful portrait of head. This two tight bearing above, is a beautiful ancient art of folklore made a vivid summary of Zhaobi much, but received the impressive artistic results. Next, "the hills re-wind the rain day," said Amah Rock is the storm does not move, rock, on lodging, day and night, long withstand the wind and rain, but it did not change their mind river bank is still standing. Is written in stone here, the image and character, that is still the thinking woman's constancy. She has experienced all the hardships suffered the torment of Acacia, still With love until we die, still looking forward to, waiting for the distant pedestrians. This simple and beautiful festival parade, the faithful love, sympathy and Qijing do not cause it? Acacia thousands, thousands from the situation, the number of words to her husband on the long journey pour ah! "Stone should be returned pedestrian language", the poet in the sentence at the end to open the pen dang, made a romantic inferred: travel until the time when her husband returned, it would certainly stand to talk riverside stone Acacia Zhongchang ah! However, where the husband? Pedestrian what day go? "My heart is cut off the king was informed that pregnant" (Guo Zhen "Spring Song of Songs pm Midnight"), the husband may think that women's Acacia has it? Pedestrian return day, the stone can say that? These are left to the reader to think, but this screeching stopped writing the poet. Results sentence it is not the meaning with leisurely, giving inspiration to the United States to enjoy the beauty. This poem in plain simple, contains a wealth of content. The poet describes only a fragment of the scene and Conceiving a Shajian their feelings, mediocre writing, like a handy, not effortless, but it is infinite affection, twist of chewing, hair people deep thought, very touching,, it can cause people's sympathy. (Zhang Bing Shu)