南宋 戴表元 Dai Biaoyuan  南宋   (1244~1310)
Aug Caroche Yuan Zhang Wan yue Get word
Aug fifteen dark Rain Slight moonlight
Thanks Yuan Yue Necropolis Temple Tour _set_ for water Are pregnant Source of old
Ban jieyu Fan problem chart
Waterfront home Northeast Shao said, to more than mountains Fortunately The village is also regulated by factors
Po Lam Hospital
Baoshansi Cold Food Write and reply in poems according to original poem's rhyming words And Langzhong Weng
Bi peach cantus Crown Cheng made
Restitution of soldiers White rock mountain The homes for
After the soldiers see Sanjiangkou H. mutabilis L. in (full) flower
Heigo February Fifteen daily To the government out of places the rock Xi
Heigo Clear tomorrow Tsing tong Road
Multiple poems at a time
ancient style poetry

Tiger stick tin

   Dai Biaoyuan

Xishan stick in the deep, and the world never to learn.
Sin has never said it was holy cave, the tiger can not rape during storms.
Dereliction of duty this year, big mountain, piedmont tiger to fight human consumption.
I also blame rumors this meaning, Li asked more Home pity.
Xishan stick in people, Guang Jian Shu farming.
Chiu Chuang-old juvenile is hunting, day and night Mountain Bank.
Pheasant Hill received wild deer as food, Tian Han fruit ripening cream civet.
Sagittal ridge bow waist level plug housing, Semi Zhang Xi Huangmaohai review.
Ben wind arrows anxious dogs robins, machine made and not before Ming Li.
Tiger does not know the plane smell his life, suddenly reversed phase and dead.
Exclaimed Dayton Micro Motion slowly crescendos, ah is not that hacked his wife and children go.
Go through to _set_ up machines at the track, but there are blood stains on the leadership of the party spotted clothes.
Ending up almost, enough grief for this public good.
Alas, almost holy sigh, this lack of doubt.
I have heard Yidu calamity matter who, physical calamity also Yidu its body,
I dare to Seoul as a benevolence. To bait animals which,
Seoul also hook bait that matter, I dare to Seoul for the wise.
Stick Xishan mountain never deep,
No tigers do not have the ancient, not this tiger.
Natural forest home of this matter, there is no Hushi Seoul tiger heart.
But to make Seoul the heart without arms, tiger mountain home where Nair.
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