宋代 曹冠 Cao Guan  宋代  
Spring palace plum
Only to find out peony
Only to find out Lanxi
Only to find out Surge in House will have appropriate Ling Cheng Unreasonable words Fu advised of the word
Only to find out To go on a picnic for viewing flowers Drink in Small garden garden neenee Butterfly in Love
Pro early summer
Pro early summer beautiful State and prefecture garden
Pro early summer
Few play Sungai Court View Water
Cold weather xiaojiao Morally lofty or upright Church View Mountain
Cold weather Xiaojiao
Cold weather Xiaojiao
Huanxi Shaliu
Huan Xisha
Huan Xisha
Chao zhongcuo soup
Stories of
Stories of County nursery Resilience Tour Rock Gui
Stories of Huai above and Zhao zai Fu Yun Tong
Stories of chant within Moon
Multiple poems at a time
ancient style poetry

Only to find out Lanxi

   Cao Guan

Gui Zhao a lengthy sub-wave stability.
Power endlessly rising smoke, green water and groaning away.
Tips verses full of win.
Hui Jin Xing to booze _.
Fei Xu sultry flowers according to eye.
Wide micro-wind day, Yan Ching wire outside the volume.
Who can bamboo door models.
Busy on the sun coast boat outfitting.
  Write the word throughout the whole boat on the lake's findings and feelings.
  At the beginning of a say, boats separate waves, flat steadily forward, with "Gui" modified "Boating", indicating that this is a beautifully decorated, small yacht; "long", that boats go leisurely, contrasting scenes of leisurely boat people. "Smoke endlessly rising, green water groaning away." This is the word people on board saw the scene, smoke-filled stretch of rolling hills, lake, endless waves of green water, has been stretched far from the "sky." Beautiful scenery, scenic, relaxed and happy poet can not help but poetic inspiration masterpiece, "a poem full of winning tips, booze Hing to play golden bowl." Beautiful views of the infection, inspired him to Dayton, get a lot of beautiful poems. "Win", was obtained; "full", very words and more. Creation of harvest, very proud of him, so swing "golden bowl", happily drinking. "Play" when the word smug drinking vividly written, jubilant demeanor. Poem full of "tips", inevitably some exaggeration, but this was an appropriate use of hyperbole, "did not dare to because of exaggerated into shape, decorated along the singular is also derived." ("Liu Xie Exaggeration"), so read up naturally appropriate and will never feel "exaggerated."
  "Bamboo can be models who house? Outfitting the _set_ting sun on the shore boat free." Side enjoy the scenery while drinking poetry, we know that time flies, the sun _set_s, the back, facing the shore, and he thought that the green bamboo shade of the family, someone to treat me? Presumably that which his acquaintances and relatives Residence premises, probably he had considered mature, and then drive the boat to shore. Last sentence and the sentence echoes the content, the narrative over the entire travel process. By the boat "sub wave stability," since the boat in the "_set_ting sun" in the berth only, write to the aesthetic psychology of people see, in accord with only human, and made the word up and down through the seamless whole, the structure better.
  Wanda and the word has a beautiful mood, straightforward and simple and easy language, nimble and lively rhythm, Reading feels relaxed, memorable and feel warm and tranquil. (Wang Fangjun)
Edited by: 白水
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