唐代 卢纶 Lu Lun  唐代   (739~799)
Border-songs II
Border-songs III
A Farewell to Li Duan
A Night-mooring at Wuchang
Border-songs I
Border-songs IV
Send Korenaga Buddhist monk return South of the changjiang river 1 for Ying Buddhist monk
Sent to South Korea Title of the highest administrative commanding officer in border area Also edge
accompany Ji zhongfu Old school books go Chuzhou In the mountains Since fu Sin officer Official Position
Pei Wei brother were sent to Aunt Zhuji this sub- Deceased father Element with the old official
Send salt PEI Official Shu
Reference should be sent to Pan Macro word Fail in an exam return south of the Changjiang River
accompany From uncle Chengdu Assistant of county magistrate Shu Guang return
Send Songxiaoshufu XuanZhou screen
Add to Li longitudinal Biejia Ministry councillor man It went Changzhou act
Songyuanzanfu Burden Longmen County
Songlisuiwei Clan
Zhao Danyang delivery Shaofu,officer's title in tang dynasty namely Name in ancient Juan own younger brother
Send Ju Tan Wang ming changwat
accompany Surname Correct a wrongly written character or a misspelt word go Hunan Send a party to escort the bride to the groom's house And Ye Zhao and state and pre-historical drama Jane Yang Li ming changwat
Songli Shang shu man monarch Kun quarter Minister Guijinhuazhou
Multiple poems at a time
ancient style poetry

William and Kyrgyzstan Assistant minister Zhongfu Minister of public works in ancient china Physician trained in herb medicine Shu Miao Ministry councillor Fat Choi Buque Donghoucangcao Zhao

   Lu Lun

Intrinsic life alone and cheap, less for the disease are infants. Year-old started reading, then there are four soldiers.
Tong Xinxing uninhibited, this went to myself. Luo Hu into the month, next day meteorite.
Night Teng Baling, disappointed suddenly imposed extravagant. Clouds over the pages of swing, fish and dragons all restless.
Jiang Liu Xiang by floating, well send Poyang city. Poyang rich apprentice, blame my stupid no camp.
Encyclical of poetry righteousness, Xu Jian name with the Bin. Journey more retention, water and land confront each other.
Xiao Yun Wang mood array, the night scared worry Crane sound. Country Song desolately means, vast Qin and Beijing.
Mephitis gas only scattered wind, Wong Wai Ming as day. Side than every grain of gold, did not know the public and the Qing.
Not to be on the ten, not even three years into. To achieve those who even know, I was Julien Young.
Su Chi and does not stand, qingpao only see Ying. Su faint frail to protect themselves, impatient of the special form of static.
Kom Tong Hall before becoming overcast, spin the event secret were welcome. No performance test taking, responsibility can only solid light.
Xinfeng Old Palace, Palace of the tree locking clouds shut. Hereby re-eup in hand, but had to have been.
Yuan Ho meandering wind, water, towering temple also. Gold puzzle night rain, wind and Yu Ying Yin.
Although the detection rate of the official Cao, step on the country razed. Jian Gu'an life points, not a curse to sprout.
Gone with the Wind by Sun Hai Lang, a few off the innocent sentence. Weiwei Tan Teng Chen, Tianzhu alone is dumping.
Way quietly lost child, points will be found in the public and. Shou Gan Su century, a consultant is picked green.
Meet in October to pay, all Hui drift has been zero. The old sense of understanding worried, and asked Ken Qiongqiong alone.
Assistant minister articles were, outstanding Huai Ling Chu. FU if the trumpet sounds of the palm, the Secretary made such Jianling.
The remaining celebrate good doctor, Yayun and Qin Qing. Yuyu Song with snow, the rustling hung into the deep.
Members outside the really expensive Confucianism, twenties was Ying Hua. Gui month Xiangpiao fact, milk drops Qiongying slip.
Buque think red melt, whisk towels are also fine arts. Butterfly garden show-fang, Ruiyun condensate Ping.
Supplements Hing difficult Mou, Yi Kuang no-way transfer. Nine brew storage Mi Jie, Xin three flowers turn cold.
Male school book intelligence, a world Painting. Shu gambling spirits change, is the word happy couple surprised.
Bad shoulder length garment drag, the total reins Feng and Ling. Total Fu Yaotai snow, with the view of Valley Zheng.
Sword fencing parties, sinking suddenly as bottles. God is not ignorant to ask, the days of Moore listen.
Jun beads jade plate holders, diarrhea my arms sleeve surplus. After reading tears cross Yi, Ji yuanyan Bailing.


【Source】 卷277_29

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