唐代 刘希夷 Liu Xiyi  唐代   (651~678)
On behalf of the grief anemone
The music diction Into the plug
In proper proportion songs river one of the two forms operas inthe yuan dynasty Eight
In proper proportion Songs to gather mulberry leaves
hadorwould Military Bank
Attest Row
Spring female line
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Daoyi articles
Son line
Sent in the clear Luo Yin 4 months Entry into
View mirror
late spring
Multiple poems at a time
ancient style poetry

On behalf of the grief anemone

   Liu Xiyi

Luoyang East peach flowers, flying off someone?
Xi Luoyang daughter color, line every falling long sigh.
Falling this year, the color change, who re-bloom next year?
See Evergreen has been destroyed as a salary, but also smell the mulberry fields into the sea.
East Los Angeles can no longer see the ancient, modern people also falling wind.
One year spent similar, are different from year to year.
Send the roots of sub-prime words should be half dead Pulsatilla pity.
This Weng Baitou really poor, the roots of the Iraqi former U.S. youth.
Fang Sun-son under the tree, Qing Song Miaowu before falling.
Guanglu pool table text Fairview, General pavilion painting immortal.
Once confined to bed not met, the three pleasures in whose side the spring?
Reverberates Crescent to when? A minute later Hefa confusing as silk.
But looking at singing and dancing since ancient times, the only sad evening birds.
  This is an archaism Dynasty Poem, title and as "on behalf of the Baitou Yin." "Baitou Yin" is the Song of Chu Han Dynasty transfer phase and the old problems, old woman decided to write words and negative men, the heart break. Liu Xi Yi woman wrote this poem from the man, chant youth perishable, wealth is uncertain.
  The first part of the poem (twelve), to write her daughter see the flowers and sentimental Luoyang, to express the grief of youth perishable; half (ten) written by the young to the old Pulsatilla experience, pouring life is short, rich feeling of impermanence . Joy and sorrow interwoven poems, one expensive and one low, ups and downs, the idea of a very unique situation Siwan turn, harmonious rhythm, smooth, beautiful. Poem warning people: youth and wealth are not eternal, who has the time of aging. The poem contains a life philosophy: time is changing everything in the universe, life is short, the roots of perishable, wealth is difficult for a long time, things change.
  Poem of the first half of the first verse from the Hou Han Songjahak "Songs Dong Jiao Rao", but after Liu Xi Yi's re-creation, more typical of general. As the first half of the conclusion, "One year," two is the essence of the famous police, it precise and appropriate metaphor, the essence of language, it is Superintendent province. "One year", "through the years," the inverted repeat, not only the row again and again echoed, the sound beautiful, but also to emphasize the fact that the relentless passage of time and the fate of the helpless feelings, real emotion. "Flowers like", "people are different," the vivid metaphor, highlights the ups and downs and sometimes the flower of youth is no longer the contrast of life, food for thought.
  Wei Ge Xing poem mix, Southern near the body and beam, Chen Gong body art experience, and self-contained kind of mildly elegant style. It also learned Dynasty Poem made between the narrative discussion, the poet's lyrical approach to narrative, but also use all kinds of clever interweaving contrast, play a dual, with the Code's strengths is that the outstanding artistic achievements of poetry.
  This is an archaism Yue, title and as "on behalf of the Baitou Yin." "Baitou Yin" is the Han Dynasty and the Song of Chu Tune phase the old questions, old woman decided to write words and negative men, the heart break. Liu Xi Yi woman wrote this poem from the man, chant youth perishable, wealth is uncertain. The idea of originality, lyrical Wanzhuan, graceful language, phonological harmony, artistic high, that is highly regarded in the Tang Dynasty, has always passed for the celebration.
  Write the first half of the poem sentimental woman falling in Luoyang, to express life is short, the roots of the old feelings easily; bald old man suffered second half reduced to writing, to express things change, impermanence of feeling rich, to "dance, but look at ancient times, the only sad evening birds" The complete summary of the intention. Before and after the transition in order to "send word sub-prime roots should be half dead bulbul pity," two, point out the roots of women's future can not help today's man is bald, bald man of the past is the fact that the roots of today's woman. The roots of women poets and the specific fate of the bald man to typification, showing it is a large group of men and women in feudal society, the lower the common destiny, and thus made should be the same boat with "Awaken" role.
  Poem of the first half of the first verse from the Hou Han Songjahak "Songs Dong Jiao Rao", but after Liu Xi Yi's re-creation, more general models. As the first half of the conclusion, "One year," two is the essence of the famous police, it precise and appropriate metaphor, the essence of language, it is Superintendent province. "One year" "through the years," the inverted repeats, not only the row again and again echoed, the sound beautiful, but also to emphasize the fact that the relentless passage of time and the fate of the helpless feelings, real emotion. "Flowers like", "people are different," the vivid metaphor, highlights the ups and downs and sometimes the flower of youth is no longer the contrast of life, food for thought. Half bald man with the experience to write, you can appreciate, the poet instead of "woman" and "flowers," the contrast, refers to the use of the term "person" and "flower" comparison, not only because of Piece character limit, but also due to include can not control their own destiny for all the poor people, including the poet himself. Perhaps, resulting in a lot of poetry will be attached on this legend. Such as "Datang new language," "The Tale Poem" that says: the poet also think that this poem is a kind of ominous, the so-called "poetic prophecy," One year later, the poet really killed. Generation and spread of such nonsense, people care not only reflects the poet's talent, sympathized with his misfortune, but also show that the mood of this poem are too sentimental.
  Wei Ge Xing poem mix, Southern near the body and beam, Chen Gong body art experience, and self-contained kind of mildly elegant style. It also learned the narrative poem Yuefu discussions between the hair, the poet's lyrical approach to narrative, but also use all kinds of clever interweaving contrast, play a dual, with the Code's strengths is that the outstanding artistic achievements of poetry. Liu Xi Yi does not appear to fame during his lifetime, and in death, Sun Jiliang compile "is the sound _set_," "Poem of Liu Xi Yi in order to concentrate the most, is greatly during the alleged" ("Datang new language"). Suffered depression can be seen in his life, his sentimental emotions negative ideological roots. This is a strong sentimental mood poem reflects the feudal system and the fact that human bondage harm.
  (Ni his heart)

Created by: 戴玨
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