宋代 张耒 Zhang Lei  宋代   (1053~1114)
Jianzimu orchid
Partridge days
Man Ting Fang
Merry son
Junior Tour
Qiu Rui Xiang
chicken flapper
Off_set_ Name
Lost title
hut East window Yu ji Moonrise Mumeplant japanese See video Window
8 Pirates
aug Eleven daily Morningside
Bai Gongci
Multiple poems at a time
Merry son

Merry son

   Zhang Lei

Ting Gao, Kiba, the Double Ninth Festival near, pounding cloth fall again.
YU Nai worry into the intestines, the old invasion Pan temples, Zan Huang wrong, and the flower should be ashamed.
Chutian night, the white smoke to do at the apple, Polygonum waterside head.
Grass affectionate, sun_set_ silent, Yan Wang Nampo, people rely West Wing.
Yurong know whether security? A total of Kam Hong Jian word two leisurely.
Empty hate white clutch, Bluebird ups and downs.
Prior to the chagrin of the wind, heart that the two-inch eyebrow leaves, cut very Xianchou.
Love to untold Department, allotments east.
  Leaves under the Pavilion Gao: Gao under a pavilion for the Leaves
  This is the one word description of homesickness. Loading put pen to paper scenery, first highlighted in the season. "Kiba Ting Gao down" three, write nearly Chung Yeung Festival, the leaves falling one after another swing of the water's edge to the flat ground, and beat women for their loved ones warm clothing in the late autumn. Here, "Kiba" that leaves. "Nine Songs Xiang Fu Chu Man": "curl Come autumn, Xi Kiba Dongting under the waves." Often write later this autumn, and write homesickness. "Ting Gao," refers to the water's edge the ground. "Double Ninth Festival" on September 9 that the lunar calendar; ancient customs, people often climb on this day, Peizhu cornelian cherry, drink chrysanthemum wine. Have relatives and friends from home, will inevitably miss each other. Wang Wei, "September 9 Brothers in Shandong," says: "know my brothers climb away, Biancha cornel but one person." "Pound clothes", the ancient women getting cold in the autumn when the beat in the anvil stone to prepare for winter clothing sent to distant relatives for the winter. Li Bai, "Wu Song of Midnight": "Chang a month, million pound clothing sound." Shen Quan period "was gone" Yiyun: "September Leaves cold anvil reminder, ten memory Liaoyang the battlefield." This "pound clothes," the voice of the young woman most likely to cause their girl human suffering imposed on the distant thoughts. The long journey of the people can easily think of his wife at home, so pound for their own clothing scene, both pain and warm. Here, "Kiba" "pounding cloth" used in conjunction, not only wrote the late autumn, the unique scenery, for the whole words express a bleak desolate background, but also made the following meaning of the word development of a strong foreshadowing.
  "Chutian night, the white smoke to do at the apple, Polygonum waterside head." Scenery in the apartment in the meaning of separation of Acacia. Since the evening is full of a sense of nostalgia in mind, so not only in the evening air overlooking Chutian, water vapor has been waiting till the end of the wind around the white apple, has been waiting till flowering Polygonum deep waters. "White Ping", in the water floating grass, because with wave drifting, drifting away from home prone to have the sad wanderer.
  "Polygonum", who were born in the water or water Polygonum Polygonum Ze, open pink flowers, fragrant spicy leaves. Huaiyang words are, so, facing the Chutian and homesickness will not read the words in the; plus two o'clock staining, put him out of nostalgia, deep contrast. Although there was paint a portrait of pure, but the King of Feelings, Implications and.
  Showings for the first "safe Yurong know me?" Pointing to the thinking of the people, which aims to reveal the words, written so poorly at the various scenarios become clear. This "Yurong," looks very word beauty as flowers, here refers Yilou away thinking of the object. "Safety has to know?" Song to do away thinking the object of concern and worry, which caused the following Acacia talk, to express affection.
  "Before the wind up_set_ the" four, switching to imagine the pen, imagine the pain when his wife miss their love like. He thought his wife might be in the wind the previous month, the heart chagrin, his brow wrinkled, how it is maintained only bored Grief it? Writing on the thoughts themselves, precisely in order to express their deep and sincere love for his wife's thoughts and pain. The commonly used approaches to poetry, vivid and easy to make readers feel warm.
  "Love to untold Department, allotments east" combined with quality language string together the whole article. Acacia extremely, Unspoken; not want to say, but said even more sadness, I would rather this situation to bring the water delivered to the east as well. Mao Pang "Xifen fly" has been saying: "Tonight, deep in the mountains, Lethal allotments wave back." Ideas, methods and the same. (Chi Man Hing)

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