南宋 张孝祥 Zhang Xiaoxiang  南宋   (1132~1170)
The word return rumor
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the west point on the horizon where the sun _set_s the moon's reflection on a river Danyang Lake

   Zhang Xiaoxiang

Spring Lake Information, emphasis is also at three years,
I had a lake boat east wind, blowing willow slightest.
World Road is now used, this heart around leisurely.
Coldness Pavilion water reaching the sky, a gull flew.
  ① Lake: refers to the three towers lake.
  Department of the word made heavy to south. Auspicious known as "Qi Rui young", to make this word, has gone through officialdom
  Storm, familiar inconstancy of human relationships, so Chujing felt, betrayed a feeling of quiet indifferent. The end of two of the mood, and Jin
  On behalf of the poet Tao Qian's "take Ju Dong, leisurely to see the mountain" is similar.
  The word is of the pagoda and for revisiting the three, the three pagoda, located in three towers Lake (also known as Liang Lake) of the River, next to another coldness of its kiosks, which the word "coldness Pavilion water groaning" sentence coldness booths.
  From the sentence "Take the Lake Spring," "Information" that regards. Du Fu's "ill go get holes Chaofu Xie Jiangdong" poem: "South Point, see search Yu Li Bai, Information Today Ru Fu Road." "Take the Ru" is a personal greeting. Object is not the word of greeting someone, but "Spring Lake." As has previously been to, to see, for example heavy enemy, so Seoul greetings greetings. "Spring Lake" who wrote more than below the slightest pine covered the lake in spring water, shore Chunhua, Dibian spring grass, forest birds in spring, in which the system. Ci for "lake" of affection so strong, "heavy to another three years," a spoken why. One such place, he would have liked to have, though only occasionally passing by, said, "might leave traces of later" ("Three pagoda stop the rain"); now heavy that its joy can be imagined, the second is this again, then separated from the previous three years, a few years yet to come, the feelings of natural deep simmers. Rediscover old general, they often also have such emotional impulses. This is a very common sentence, literally too much, but it is rather meaningful, to say the hearts of everyone but not necessarily to say all the words.
  Not yet on the two people to three pagoda, first the heart already. Under the words "east wind off the lake I boat", this started playing. "Over the lake ship" the ship passing the lake, the lake is reached over a three-pagoda. "East Wind" blowing, one should be "Spring"; "willow slightest breeze was blowing," and then should be "Spring." Add to the fun wind, will know that mind; blowing willow, like human solutions, and the poet of the heart weight to Information fervent each other against the background. At this time also, Department of boat landing but also ears, so God has written in full at completion. Then when the poet re-entry after three pagoda, how will paint a portrait lyric it?
  "World Road is now customary, leisurely around the heart." Contrary to the reader's expectations, over-chip clock is neither intended to undertake poorly at the description, but also completely replaced by a feeling of pure rational ink, spit out into the bureaucracy since the Since the pain the world road ahead of a cavity hidden bitterness. "Has been used to" who is gone through many ups and downs of life twists and turns on the road after the perception of the statement. Poets interested in the resumption of the Central Plains. Support for the war party, but not in favor of instant success, first as an autonomous self as a fundamental, but also open up with the admonition was the road, quite by Song Emperor's commendation. But the government is still reconcilable Taliban in power, they see the exclusion of dissidents by private, long before poets had plenty of pep, without Dayong, anti was repeatedly moved disgrace, could not help but Italian cold disheartened, resulting in a bureaucratic struggle to leave the dirty to the natural environment for the peaceful liberation in mind the idea of ​​the trouble. "In my heart full of leisurely" and "everywhere" is the kind of place, the lake is one of three towers in one place. This film had taken place in two with the intrinsic link above. In fact, Santa is not the word people into the lake scenery of the most beautiful place ever, the three pagoda is only a rather dilapidated temples. - "Collected Works on the Lake" has a "rebuilt three towers Verse", which said: "Although the three towers, walls often empty. Yang Buddha Euchee all, read the residual benefit little monk." "Three pagoda stop the rain "poem also said there is" regression pay Chu City, less like a monk to teach disabled empty ". People love the word, is it because it ignored the plight of the decline may be cited exactly the same tone, while the magnificent scenery of the lake and the pure heart is fit it?
  The so-called "leisurely" is a temporary test off the hubbub of mind forget pain.
  Tao "drinking" a poem: "Picking Ju Dong, leisurely to see the mountain. Rixi good mountain air, bird phase also." Ci "leisurely" under, only to find out what? Is the "coldness Pavilion water reaching the sky, a gull flew!" Ci Wang pagoda in the three lakes see the scenery more than men, and there are "hills in the smoke, the high waves and Heaven", the "cool breeze to shake the willow, sunny day, Lai Ho flowers", the "sun_set_ fishing boat failed to return Rao" (poetry are reflected on the three pagoda), and here alone brings up a gull flying between water and sky scenes, and of the special of the pen.
  Cover also Yuanming "Wang Yun ashamed Takatori, waterfront fish shame" means. Scenery among the blending emotion, and "World Road" sentence for the albedo, but also the heart to write this "leisurely." Tao in the "phase birds also" under continued saying: "herein are Zhenyi, to distinguish words have been forgotten." Words people have said: "leisurely Heart, beauty and the king said," ("Niannu Jiao Guo Dongting ") wrote the word" gull flew a "will end at the end, then the end of two of the" true meaning ", we can at will of its silent.

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