唐代 韦蟾 Wei Chan  唐代  
And Ke bitter old home on the poor timely rainfall
Yuelu Road Monastery
Changle Li Tang to do relay joc entitle
Chaolichang entitle
Multiple poems at a time
ancient style poetry

Yuelu Road Monastery

   Wei Chan

Shihmen regression then Cangwu wild, melancholy shade and color depth two concubines widowed. Guang Dian Cui Wei TIMES, the
Zhangkuojiequ Qianyan next. Buddha listened forest birds fly, take a closer look by the murals pack horse.
Ming Dai rainbow warm days oblique beams, the wet bulk power smoke duck watts. Sandalwood plastic northern tribes,
Writing instruments Bayeux West Country. Good bad title bar drunk into the bamboo, rattan storm worthy to narrow down.
Shen Pei pen magnificent fighting force, Song Du etymology both elegance. Shi Fang Jushi to his fast,
The other side of the Master Investment Results summer. I have not only from the chaos of grief, who advised me a lengthy suspension.
When it was with Liu Yimin, with the community into the East Linyuan Gong.

【Source】 卷566_12

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