唐代 王翰 Wang Han  唐代   (687~726)
A Song of Liangzhou
In proper proportion Songs Water the horses the great wall hole Row
In proper proportion songs Crescent complain
Tang Zu Erzi gifts
Swallows articles
Fu de Star Teen idol altar delivery Inquire Wei Hua Hin
Feng and Saint delivery system Zhang shang Book Tour Edge
Liang Zhou Ci 2
Spring thought of return
Multiple poems at a time
ancient style poetry

In proper proportion songs Crescent complain

   Wang Han

Do not you see Kau Yi Chun Court in Hall, House again and again straight flying, such as hair.
Zhu birds all day with windows, a half into the black dragon clouds Que. Color female palace night without incident,
Find out more Phoenix school flute. Bead volume to be cool north, to the moon Nankai embroidered household.
Hu Wen Yi Crescent emperor, Bao Feng took the title two Chi sort out divining stalks. Sound transmission cursory open Kanaya,
Jade ring folder Chi Ming Road. Ting Tong Hua Yan Changle sleep, three thousand Americans tracer Kam.
Lights, smiling more Luo Yi, Yao Jian tents Cheng'en pillow. Jun unexpectedly halfway back to the heart,
Do not look for Immortality Sendai. Lang forbidden door of an inner room away from the phase position memory, Alexandrite day rock house is not open.
For real peach to the human species, starting with sea seek Penglai. Penglai is not rectifiable, and
Misty knows how to boat. Gold for the plate of brass stem, sunny palm Bailu engine.
Jun sweet sense of the Queen Mother of Italy, want to greet pennant rain cloud car. Fei Mu Lian view of the former air grievances,
Shao Jun Wherein have to phase errors. Once buried Maoling field, Jianqie Crescent is not heavy care.
Late out of the car, Nanshan Temple, did not return to Xian Wei Wei Yi. Asr cry of the tree towards the unicorn,
Changtae spot under the tree growing. Night life will be half a century, long song Mo sigh of wine.
Can not think of the day left to know, a lifetime mention the death count.


【Source】 卷20_113

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