Though a bugle breaks the crystal air of autumn,
Soldiers, in the look-out, watch at ease today
The spring wind blowing across green graves
And the pale sun setting beyond Liangzhou.
For now, on grey plains done with war,
The border is open to travel again;
And Tartars can no more choose than rivers:
They are running, all of them, toward the south. 一曲梁州金石清,边风萧飒动江城。 座中有老沙场客,横笛休吹塞上声。 孤城临远水,千里见寒山。白雪无人唱,沧洲尽日闲。 鸟归残烧外,帆出断云间。此地秋风起,应随计吏还。 渡海登仙籍,还家备汉仪。孤舟无岸泊,万里有星随。 积水浮魂梦,流年半别离。东风未回日,音信杳难期。 Who will the Heavenly Sword, Sword peaks cut out. Back current is swift waters, hills opposite weight. Margaret co-sticky green trees, cliff clip thick clouds. Night, dumping rain basin, the former marsh from Duron. Glance at the Xiren Deng, Tai Kok left corner. Overlapping waves sometimes, Lonely every day. As early as the first swallow to cool, after penetration of sail alone. Total return without the camp, full of old songs Link Lake. Xian Zai gentleman style, irony and the ancients the same. Herbs Chu Yun, the move home Xiang Dong. Star Cream Akino wide, rain hail mountain night air. Hermit sooner or later phase, roots in the old herein. 天下猿多处,西南是蜀关。马登青壁瘦,人宿翠微闲。 带雨逢残日,因江见断山。行歌风月好,莫老锦城间。 Toru alchemy on the peak, not the poor find mysterious meaning. Ancient altar of grass together, past white space. Wonderland sun and the moon, the Dixiang smoke. Summer human foot trouble, wants to love wind in the pines. General praise courage, more power in the murder. Engine bell of wine to drink, the Wind Song sword. Chopped flat leaf turned teacher, treetop to take cross river. Confucius should be laughed off, four branches in mid-envy. 铭旌归故里,猿鸟亦凄然。已葬桐江月,空回建水船。 客传为郡日,僧说读书年。恐有吟魂在,深山古木边。 Yin Ya life tune, Who night of heart. He near the third person, but s garments alone. Dinner not deafening music, family owned obstruction on Cen. Green Door Xu climb to send, then Yunlin hometown. 都堂公试日,词翰独超群。品秩台庭与,篇章圣主闻。 乡连三楚树,县封九华云。多少青门客,临岐共羡君。 寻春与送春,多绕曲江滨。一片凫鹥水,千秋辇毂尘。 岸凉随众木,波影逐游人。自是游人老,年年管吹新。 Infinite fame dust, Xuan cover the new year. North Quedong Tang Road, mountains and seas of people. Monk goes from couch Shu, Yan Yuanfeng floor spring. Flies on behalf of civilization, it is difficult return catch hull. 少华中峰寺,高秋众景归。地连秦塞起,河隔晋山微。 晚木蝉相应,凉天雁并飞。殷勤记岩石,只恐再来稀。 Haidong who is an opponent, go back channel to be isolated. Que download the new situation, the boat cover the old map. Poor waste back to the sun and the moon, water containing Huan area. Do homeland for many years, in the absence of mulberry complex. 看花兴未休,已散曲江游。载笔离秦甸,从军过洛州。 嵩云将雨去,汝水背城流。应念依门客,蒿莱满径秋。 Going alone at sea, returning two years. Leisure was a long sentence, becoming separated from the old Zen. Interjection waterfront wooden puzzle, windows peak until Heaven. Still on the clouds, do not sweep the stone bed sleeping. 树凉清岛寺,虚阁敞禅扉。四面闲云入,中流独鸟归。 湖平幽径近,船泊夜灯微。一宿秋风里,烟波隔捣衣。 今古递相送,几时无逝波。篇章名不朽,寂灭理如何。 内殿留真影,闲房落贝多。从兹高塔寺,惆怅懒经过。 黄河一曲山,天半锁重关。圣日雄藩静,秋风老将闲。 车舆穿谷口,市井响云间。大野无飞鸟,元戎校猎还。 出送乡人尽,沧洲未得还。秋风五陵树,晴日六街山。 有景终年住,无机是处闲。何当向云外,免老别离间。 官从谏署清,暂去佐戎旌。朝客多相恋,吟僧欲伴行。 河冰天际白,岳雪眼前明。即见东风起,梁园听早莺。 |