唐代 崔液 Cui Ye  唐代  
Potpourri Songs hoof libretto
Era Chun Gui
The fifteenth of the first moon (which is lantern festival in china) dark 6 1 for Fly with the owls poem
Northern Hebei Province Spring hope 1 for Cui shi poem
s literary or artistic style on that of the ancients goddess Mediate cantus 2 1 for Lang One and all poem
Potpourri Songs hoof libretto
Multiple poems at a time
ancient style poetry

Northern Hebei Province Spring hope 1 for Cui shi poem

   Cui Ye

Looking back view Hebei, Chun-Sheng two rivers rooms. However, the remaining Kuang Wan Li, the International Maritime seen mountain.
Run the rain break Qinglin, smoke green leisure space. Asked the town nowhere, watched the clouds off.

【Source】 卷54_36

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