宋代 王镃 Wang Zi  宋代  
white cuckoo
white cockscomb
white orchid
white peony
Dutch defeat
Seek refuge from war Keyan poetry see the green slopes to send the gentlemen
Lotus song
Longevity grass Qiao Feng Fu for the leaf
And tear
Zhao was Honorific fitle of civil governor of a province in ancient china West escape when the side
the first month of summer
The first month of summer 3
Chu quilt
Chun Gui speech
cold spell in spring
Multiple poems at a time
ancient style poetry

Longevity grass Qiao Feng Fu for the leaf

   Wang Zi

Lu Yan Tang Sou, bones become immortal.
Dan Chuan trees left, change the extension of its year.
Dan suddenly melt liquid incense, scattered into the dark green cliff top.
Longevity pregnant Ling grass, stems and leaves where fresh fresh.
Dry root hanging blue sky, stream throughput virtual smoke.
From soil and water power, not with the cold and heat transfer.
Who can register ladder, move to the eaves edge.
Dan spent with the group of wood, beauty only Juanjuan.
Penzer, although Aiju, both houses of shortage of money.
Lianxi empty love the Netherlands, to open before the autumn fall.
Qiao Mountain in passengers, said a congenital eye out.
Eye line with life, eternal long stretches.
Do not you want to adopt as the ancestral dragon crazy medicine, seamounts where driving House boat.

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