Drunk to restructure Huayang towels, Saoshou surprise to see the new hair. Murdoch illness a bit more wine, Just because Mingbao endure poverty. Arowana water loss can not do anything with, no dust Jane jade turtles. Peak day is Sheng Zhao, Ju know there are idlers forest. Cottage School Road, impoverish the years, it takes long before the old Confucian emphasis. Exploits want to be down permanently, Lee was in the name of it even for a moment. Who knows jade mountain Jing Pu, Li Long gone Pearl Harbour. Message to the enemy off despair discontented, leaders of ancient times things more special. Who is more prone Cup title À Road, not from the joy back drunk. After the cold when the Gujian melancholy, The solitude of a light sleep soundly without residue. Bamboo Window cool Yumingqiulai, Jiang Guoqing pound Yehan anvil. Eliminate the number of passengers not pregnant, the Wind Saoshou Hao long. 未秋为别已终秋,咫尺娄江路阻修。心上惟君知委曲, 眼前独我逐漂流。从来姑息难为好,到底依栖总是诹。 西望家山成浩叹,临风搔首不胜愁。 Yuqing Liu Yiyi Jiang hall, shaking hands nakan this parting. Duheguqin as far pennant, Red wine but unfortunately diverged Green Pavilion. Early next month Yedian chickens, flowers dark horse late off the city. Recalling the night after the Department determined to know the phase, Dongfeng back very sad. Amendment to building self-Bu Tibetan side, respect for the former Shijiu cluster Yin. When the possession of semi-Yan Song dark Crane, A pillow the night Listening to the Spring Autumn Sound. Yi Xing Feng Yue 谩 paid workers, firewood and fisheries everywhere degrees fleeting. Southern states are still people, landscape house arrest Sheng Chuan. 江村摇落暂逢秋,况是闻君独远游。浙水风烟思吊古, 楚乡人物赋登楼。书沈寒雁云边影,梦绕清猿月下愁。 念我故人劳碌久,不如投老卧沧洲。 Cor gray night scenery, vast forests play into the hands were dark and quiet road. Flooded the old white-haired fleeting industry, Bishan hut lying sun. Passenger side of Han-Qiu Xing sad, sick in lust laugh Shen Lang. Wherein CASTLE □ □ □, □ think of returning home a few times Saoshou. 异乡岁晚怅离怀,游子驱驰愧不才。夜夜砧声催客去, 年年雁影带寒来。半林残叶迎霜落,三径黄花近节开。 几度无聊倍惆怅,临风搔首独兴哀。 偶来绝顶兴无穷,独有山僧笔最工。绿径日长袁户在, 紫荃秋晚谢庭空。离花影度湘江月,遗珮香生洛浦风。 欲结岁寒盟不去,忘机相对画图中。 西风吹冷透貂裘,行色匆匆不暂留。帆带夕阳投越浦, 心随明月到杭州。风清听漏惊乡梦,灯下闻歌乱别愁。 悬想到杭州兴地,尊前应与话离忧。 Wherein from pregnant dream frequency, poor living lonely four no neighbors. Risk is difficult because of rhyme poems into law Regardless of the wine is a bit more body. Do not panic-year-old enemy eyes, white hair by the time before the new statue. Years of wandering Ruping track, was boarding an up_set_ God. Saoshou Rinpu opposite direction alone, passenger side shocked to find that old Chinese disabled. Tao Chi habitat often recommended not encountered, Encounter rather play the Gongyu crown. Xing worry about rhyme with insurance, boring I'm afraid the glass dry. How about a long day, such as drunk, and the poet to pay to see a smile. Yo banner banner out of East Building, unique state of God Lang cents. Liu Min-only energy rich, Xiao He Renjie foot Monkey. River Ruoliu hanging off a burial, water, brush painting House Station Green curtain. Yujin respect tipsy feeling the enemy, suspended from spring river boat. Have not come across the immortal way, want to go hard Wind several times. Lock Road crane with no time forgot, On what date the mysterious star altar. Often guest to stay in the scenic mountains, forest breeze good alchemy. Floating dust me off martingale, relative to deserve a linger from. Labyrinth Mau forest cover value, emerald green shoot around the house. Luan Autumn Sound Pillow Dance a month, Half of the window clouds cranes nests. Wen Yi Chen Qi had policies, willing to learn Yang Xiong mockery. I have a section in the breeze high, Zhijun live delivery of Winter. Yo long before the negative uninhibited, worthy of the Central Plains sad look back on benefits. Who can recommend a hero this day, Price was pushed all the sound. Generation of high winds left a foreign country, a hundred years left Canbei sites. After the word off air of melancholy, the _set_ting sun from the Han Yan Fu millet. Yao Jin Pao warm ice at silkworm, wine, half intoxicated escort boarding. Invite a good laugh whisk whip Yin Xing, Drunk male interjection about black hat succeed. Shaking front Ruoliu a burial, outside the Yao Shan Lin Chui Lan separated. It is peaceful merry place, spring flowers, and stop under the Can. 萝径萧然曲业存,闲云流水四无邻。身留白屋潜踪迹, 门□□吟学隐沦。吟对琴尊江上月,笑看花木镜中春。 遗书自有亲□处,何必驱驰扰世尘。 Collard misty brush hubbub, do not despair River wicker gift beam. Langyuan Cloudland Gu He Jiong, Penglai nearly a day away. Hong Bao Nian Xian Feng Yun-floating, flowers purple rain Yao Tan consumption. Longevity forest off naturally, but also to accompany mandarin duck heron into the Qing Dynasty. 山中旧宅四无邻,草净云和迥绝尘。神枣胡麻能饭客, 桃花流水荫通津。星坛火伏烟霞暝,林壑春香鸟雀驯。 若使凡缘终可脱,也应从此度闲身。 为客囊无季子金,半生踪迹任浮沉。服勤因念劬劳重, 思养徒怀感慨深。岛外断云凝远日,天涯芳草动愁心。 家林千里遥相忆,几度停车一怅吟。 Saoshou heard of these songs Chu, Fu Yi go back tears hanging river. Travail often think three spring hate, Keep thinking what its like-inch grass. Zhejiang Water Dream pregnant thousands of miles away, clouds look more Soviet units worry. Unique yellow Tangke sad, Yong Liao E several times the Wind. 千里云山恋旧游,寒窗凉雨夜悠悠。浮亭花竹频劳梦, 别路风烟半是愁。芳草傍人空对酒,流年多病倦登楼。 一杯重向樽前醉,莫遣相思累白头。 十年学道苦劳神,赢得尊前一病身。天上故人皆自贵, 山中明月独相亲。客心淡泊偏宜静,吾道从容不厌贫。 几度临风一回首,笑看华发及时新。 |