xīn lán New Zealand (Aotearoa)   shǒudōu:huì líng dùn  guógūdàimǎ: nz   
xīn lán New Zealand (Aotearoa)zuòzhělièbiǎo shǒudōu:huì líng dùn
  xīn lán( NewZealand)。 zài zhōng guó tái wān xiāng gǎng chēng wéi niǔ lánmáo wéi Aotearoa, cháng bái yún zhī xiāng
   xīn lán guó wéi cháng fāng xíngcháng kuān zhī wéi 2:1。 wéi shēn lán zuǒ shàng fāng wéi yīng guó guó yòu biān yòu xiāng bái biān de hóng jiǎo xīng xīng pái liè jūn duìchènxīn lán shì yīng lián bāng chéng yuán guó,“ 'àn biǎo míng tóng yīng guó de chuán tǒng guān xīng biǎo shì nán shí xīng zuòbiǎo míng gāi guó wèi nán bàn qiútóng shí hái xiàng zhēng wàng
   guó huī
   xīn lán guó huī de zhōng xīn 'àn wéi dùn huīdùn miàn shàng yòu 'àn jiǎo xīng dài biǎo nán shí xīng zuòxiàng zhēng xīn lánmài kǔn dài biǎo nóng yáng dài biǎo gāi guó de xùmù jiāo chā de tóu xiàng zhēng gāi guó de gōng kuàng sān zhǐ yáng fān de chuán biǎo shì gāi guó hǎi shàng mào de zhòng yào xìngdùn huī yòu wéi shǒu chí de máo rénzuǒ shì chí yòu guó de 'ōu zhōu mín shàng fāng yòu dǐng yīng guó suō bái wáng 'èr shì jiā miǎn diǎn shí yòng de wáng guānxiàng zhēng yīng guó wáng shì xīn lán de guó jiā yuán shǒuxià fāng wéi xīn lán jué lèi zhí shòu dài shàng yòng yīng wén xiě zhexīn lán”。
   xīn lán yòu liǎng shǒu wèi děng tóng de guó :《 tiān yòu xīn lán》( GodDefendNewZealand) tiān yòu wáng》( GodSaveTheQueen)。 zài wèi de shì nán xìng jūn zhùguó gǎi wéitiān yòu guó wáng》( GodSaveTheKing)。《 tiān yòu wángshì yīng guó de guó yīng lián bāng de huáng shì sòng 。《 tiān yòu wáng bān zuò wèiguó yǎn zòuér zuò wéi huáng shì sòng shǐ yòngyòu guān xīn lán guó de yìng yòngyóu xīn lán wén huà chuán tǒng guǎn
   huì líng dùn shì( Wellington)。 huì líng dùn shì shì jiè shàng chǔyú zuì nán duān de shǒu chéng shì miàn 266.25 píng fāng qiān huì líng dùn rén kǒu 379,000( 2007 nián), shì rén kǒu 189,700。
   zuì chéng shì
   ào lán shì( Auckland)。 miàn 580 píng fāng qiān rén kǒu 1,318,700( 2006 nián 3 yuè), shì rén kǒu 1,079,304。 shǐ jiàn 1840 nián, 1841 zhì 1865 nián jiān céng wéi xīn lán shǒu ào lán shì xīn lán rén kǒu zuì duō de
   zhù yào chéng shì
   chéng( Christchurch)、 dīng( Dunedin)、 'ěr dùn( Hamilton)、 běi dùn( PalmerstonNorth)、 wàng jiā ( Wanganui)、 xīn máo ( NewPlymouth)、 yīn 'ěr( Invercargill)、 luó tuō 'ā( Rotorua)、 'ěr sēn( Nelson)、 lán ( Blenheim)、 'ěr( Napier)、 'ēn( Gisborne)、 táo lǎng jiā( Tauranga)、 dùn( Picton)、 wàng léi( Whangarei)、 táo ( Taupo)、 léi máo ( Greymouth)、 huáng hòu zhèn( Queenstown) děng
   guān fāng yán wéi yīng ( English, 98% rén kǒu shǐ yòng)、 máo ( Māori, 4.2% rén kǒu shǐ yòng)、 xīn lán shǒu ( NewZealandSignLanguage, 0.6% rén kǒu shǐ yòng)。
   guó jiā zhèng yào
   guó jiā yuán shǒu suō bái 'èr shì( HMQueenElizabethII); zǒng 'ā nán · nán ( AnandSatyanand), 2006 nián 8 yuè jiù rèn shì xīn lán shǐ shàng shǒu wèi zǒng zǒng hǎi lún · suō bái · ( HelenElizabethClark), 1999 nián 12 yuè rèn zhí。 2005 nián 9 yuè sān dāng xuǎn lián rèn
   huái táng ( WaitangiDay) 1840 nián 2 yuè 6
   měi nián de 2 yuè 6 shì xīn lán de huái táng zhè tiān céng zài 1974 nián bèi dìng wéi xīn lán de guó qìng , 1976 nián yòu bèi xiāo guó qìng zhè míng chēngměi nián de zhè tiān xīn lán quán guó fàngjià tiān。 1907 nián 9 yuè 26 xīn lán cóng yīng guó huò zhù quán
   guó miàn
  268,680 píng fāng gōng shì jiè 75 míng)。 zhuān shǔ jīng 120 wàn píng fāng gōng shuǐ miàn zhàn 2.1%, guó cháng 1,600 gōng dōng zuì kuān chù kuān 450 gōng liǎng zuò zhù yào dǎo nán dǎo běi dǎomiàn yuē wéi 266,200 píng fāng gōng xiǎo yuē běnměi guó jiā zhōu xiāng tóng yīng guó lüè
   rén kǒu
  4,252,000( 2007 nián shì jiè 122 míng)。 rén kǒu 15.229 rén / píng fāng gōng shì jiè 193 míng)。 běi dǎo de zǒng rén kǒu wéi 3,102,500, zhàn xīn lán zǒng rén kǒu de 75 nán dǎo rén kǒu wéi 1,013,800。 zhōngōu zhōu mín hòu zhàn 78.8%, máo rén zhàn 14.5%, zhàn 6.7%。 ào lán de rén kǒu zhàn quán guó zǒng rén kǒu 30.7%。 shǒu huì líng dùn de rén kǒu yuē zhàn quán guó zǒng rén kǒu de 11%。 ào lánhuì líng dùn chéng shì rén kǒu zuì duō de sān chéng shìmáo shì rén kǒu zuì duō de shǎo shù mín xīn lán 70% de mín xìn fèng xīn jiào tiān zhù jiàoshì shì jiè shàng rén kǒu shì huà zuì gāo de guó jiā zhī
   guó nèi shēng chǎn zǒng zhí
  1038.73 měi yuán( 2006 niánshì jiè 53 míng)。 rén jūn GDP29,698 měi yuánshì jiè 27 míng)。
   rén lèi zhǎn zhǐ shù
  0.943( gāoshì jiè 19 míng
   xīn lán yuán( NewZealanddollar, NZD)。 jiǎn chēngniǔ yuán”。 xīn lán yuán yóu xīn lán chǔ bèi yínhángzhōng yāng yínháng yìn zhì xíng
   shí jiān
   xīn lán biāo zhǔn shí jiān( NZST)。 xīn lán biāo zhǔn shí jiān lín wēi zhì guó biāo zhǔn shí jiān zǎo 12 xiǎo shí( UTC+12), běi jīng shí jiān zǎo 4 xiǎo shíxià shí zhì wéi UTC+13( 9 yuè zhì 4 yuè)。 xīn lán de chá qún dǎo xīn lán biāo zhǔn shí jiān zǎo 45 fēn zhōngxīn lán hěn jiē jìn guó biàngēng xiànshì quán shì jiè zuì zǎo jìn xīn de tiān de guó jiā zhī chá qún dǎo 'ēn shì shì quán shì jiè zuì xiān yíng jiē xīn tiān dào lái de fāng
   xíng zhèng huá
   quán guó gòng fēn wéi 12 běi ( Northland)、 ào lán ( Auckland)、 huái tuō( Waikato)、 fēng shèng wān( BayofPlenty)、 huò wān( HawkesBay)、 ( Taranaki)、 - wàng jiā ( Manawatu-Wanganui)、 huì líng dùn ( Wellington)、 hǎi 'àn( WestCoast)、 kǎn léi( Canterbury)、 ào ( Otago)、 nán ( Southland)。 shè yòu 74 xíng zhèng gòu zhōng bāo kuò 15 shì zhèng tīng、 58 huì chá qún dǎo( ChathamIslands) huì
   yuán dàn( NewYear'sDay) 1 yuè 1
   yuán dàn ( DayafterNewYearsDay) 1 yuè 2
   huái táng ( WaitangiDay) 2 yuè 6
   shòu nán jié( GoodFriday) 3 yuè 21 ( 2008 nián
   huó jié hòu xīng ( EasterMonday) 3 yuè 24 ( 2008 nián
   ào xīn jūn tuán ( ANZACDay) 4 yuè 25
   wáng dàn chén ( Queen'sBirthday) 6 yuè de xīng
   láo dòng jié( LabourDay) 10 yuè de xīng
   shèng dàn jié( ChristmasDay) 12 yuè 25
   jié ( BoxingDay) 12 yuè 26
   měi hái yòu tóng de zhōu nián qìng huì líng dùn zhōu nián niàn ( WellingtonAnniversaryDay) 1 yuè 22 zuì jìn de xīng
   hūn yīn
   xīn lán de dìng jié hūn nián líng shì 16 zhōu suìdàn shì 18 zhōu suì zhī qián yào tóng bìng jiān 。 2004 nián 12 yuè 9 xīn lán guó huì guò bàn shù tōng guò tóng xìng liàn zhě tóng rén shì de gōng mín jié xiǎng yòu děng tóng de wèixiāng guān 2005 nián 4 yuè 26 zhèng shì shēng xiào
   guó huā
   yín jué( koru)
   zài máo chuán shuō zhī zhōngyín jué yuán běn shì zài hǎi yáng zhù de hòu bèi yāo qǐng lái dào xīn lán de sēn lín shēng huójiù shì wéi zhe zhǐ yǐn máo de rén mínzuò yòng fēi cháng zhòng cóng qián de máo liè rén zhàn shì dōushì kào yín jué de yín shǎn shǎn de shù bèi miàn lái rèn huí jiā deyīn wéizhǐ yào jiāng fān guò láiyín de miàn biàn huì fǎn shè xīng yuè de guāng huīzhào liàng chuān yuè sēn lín de jìngxīn lán rén rèn wéi yín jué néng gòu xiàn xīn lán de mín jīng shén zhè zhǒng zhí biàn chéng wèile xīn lán de biāo zhì róng dài biǎoxiàn zài guó shàng xià dōukě zhǎo dào yín jué de yàng
   guó shù
   chì huái( FourwingsSophora)
   guó niǎo
   wéi niǎo( kiwibird)
   wéi niǎo yòu míng niǎoxué míng wéi tuóxīn lán zuì zǎo de mín máo rén jiāng zhè zhǒng jiào shēng wéi“ kiwi! kiwi! kiwi!” de niǎo mìng míng wéi niǎozhè zhǒng huì fēi de niǎo xiǎo yòu yòu cháng de huì máo de máoxīn lán rén jiāng zhè zhǒng huān jiān huó dòng huì fēi de 'ài niǎo 'ér zuò wéi guó jiā de xiàng zhēng wéi niǎo shǔ huá shèng dùn gōng yuē zhōng de bǎo dòng
   guó shí
   shíyòu chēng
   xīn wén chū bǎn
   quán guó gòng yòu bào zhǐ 140 zhǒng zhōng bào 29 zhǒng zhì 4700 duō zhǒng bào yòu xiàn gōng wēi 'ěr xùn - huò dùn yòu xiàn gōng wéi 'èr bào tuánzhàn quán guó bào xíng liàng de 90%。 zhù yào bào kān yòu:《 xīn lán xiān bàohéng héng xīn lán xíng liàng zuì de bào;《 wǎn yóu bào》;《 ào lán míng xīng bào》;《 xīn wén bào》;《 zhì lǐng bào》;《 diàn shì zhǐ nán》( zhōu kān);《 xīn lán zhōu kān》、《 tīng zhòng zhìděngxīn lán bào lián shè yóu xīn lán suǒ yòu bào chéng de zuò xīn wén gòuchuàng jiàn 1880 niánzǒng shè zài huì líng dùnměi tiān 24 xiǎo shí jiànduàn xiàng xīn jiā bào zhōu bào chuán sòng guó nèi guó xīn wénxīn lán diàn tái chéng 1925 niányòu 1 guó jiā tái、 30 shāng tái、 1 yīnyuè tái 1 shēng yīn dàng 'àn guǎn。 1995 niánshāng tái tuō xīn lán diàn táichéng wéi dān de xīn lán shāng diàn tái gōng bìng 1996 nián 7 yuè chū shòu gěi rénguó jiā tái zhòng diǎn shí shì guó nèi zhèng zhì xīn wén gài 96% guó xīn lán diàn tái yòng yòu xiàn de duǎn xiàng nán tài píng yáng zhuǎn guó jiā tái jié xīn lán diàn shì tái 1962 nián zhèng shì fàng jié xià shè diàn shì tái diàn shì 'èr tái diàn shì táixīn lán diàn shì tái de xìn hào gài quán guóshōu shì shuài 70%。 diàn shì sān tái shì xīn lán wéi de jiā rén diàn shì táiyóu jiā gōng kòng 。 1989 nián 11 yuè kāi gài miàn wéi quán guó rén kǒu de 85%。 lìng wài zài xīn lán hái shōu kàn fèi de yòu xiàn diàn shì SKYTV。
   guó míng suō xiě
   xīn lán hǎi wài lǐng yòu de guó míng: .nu( niǔ 'āi dǎo)、 .ck( qún dǎo), .tk( tuō láo qún dǎo)。
   cháng diàn huà dài
  [ biān ji běn duàn ]
   xīn lán 1856 nián chéng wéi yīng guó de zhì zhí mín , 1907 nián chéng wéi zhì dào liǎo 1947 nián wán quán 。 
   xīn lán 5000 wàn nián lái zhí rén zhùzhí zhì gōng yuán shí shì cái yòu lái qún dǎo de háng hǎi jiā chéng zuò zhōu lái dào xīn lándào gōng yuán shí 'èr shì quán guó shòu qīng lái de fēn liǎo duō dìng diǎn; 1642 nián lán háng hǎi jiā 'ā bèi 'ěr · yáng sōng · màn zài yuǎn yáng mào xiǎn zhōng 1642 nián xiàn xīn lán de hǎi 'àn dàn zài dēng shí zāo dào máo rén de gōng 'ér xùn dàn lán de míng mìng míng zhè kuài wéi( NieuwZeeland), huì zhì liǎo fēn hǎi 'àn de dàn bìng wèi zài dēng ; 1769 niányīng guó hǎi jūn jiàn cháng zhān · chuán yuán chéng wéi shǒu xiān xīn lán de 'ōu zhōu rénsuí hòu lāo hǎi bào jīng de rén men lái dào zhè chuán jiào shì hěn kuài jiē zhǒng 'ér láidìng diǎn kāi shǐ zhú jiàn jiàn lái liǎo
   dào 1840 niánxīn lán máo rén kǒu wéi 10 wàn rén yuē 2000 míng 'ōu zhōu dìng zhě ( máo rén chēng wéi Pakeha, bái rén ) fēn zài yán hǎi xīn lán shí méi yòu quán guó zhèng huò quán guó lǐng dǎo rénmáo rén bái rén tuán qǐng qiú yīng guó gōng mǒu xiē bǎo zhì ; 1840 nián 2 yuè 6 máo rén yīng guó wáng shì zài dǎo wān de huái táng zhèn qiān shǔ liǎohuái táng tiáo yuē》, gāi tiáo yuē shǐ xīn lán chéng wéi wáng shì shǔ de zhí mín zhè tiáo yuē bèi rèn wéi shì xīn lán de jiàn guó wén jiàngāi tiáo yuē shǐ zǎo kāi tuò zhě yòu quán zài xīn lán dìng bìng yǔn nuò máo rén 'àn yuàn yōng yòu men de sēn lín gāi tiáo yuē shuō míng máo rén jiāng duì shēng huó fāng shì zuò chū jué dìngbìng dāyìng jiàn zhèng shǐ quán rén mín guò shàng píng zhì de shēng huógāi tiáo yuē què liǎo xīn lán rén xiǎng yòu yīng guó gōng mín de quán gāi tiáo yuē qián réng rán shìxiàn xíng wén”, bìng qiě shì xīn lán shè mín guān fāng miàn hěn zhēng de huà tiáo yuē qiān shǔ hòugèng duō de rén kāi shǐ lái dào xīn lán bìng zài zhè dìng duō shù rén nán dǎo dìng yīn wéi de shì gēng zuòzài 'ào hǎi 'àn hái xiàn liǎo jīn kuàng
   běn shì láilái běi dǎo zhù de rén hái shì duō nán dào 1890 nián dàiquán guó rén kǒu zēng jiā dào shí wànbìng kāi shǐ jiàn shè tiě gōng dìng zhě jiàn liǎo nóng chǎng jīng chéng wéi xīn lán jīng de zhī zhù, 1893 niánxīn lán chéng wéi xuǎn quán de guó jiādāng shíyīng guó réng rán shì xīn lán wén huà de zhòng yào chéng fēn bìng jīng cháng bèi wéijiā xiāng”, chéng qiān shàng wàn de xīn lán rén dài biǎo yīng guó cān jiā shì jiè zhàndào 1918 niányòu bàn de cān zhàn zhě zhàn zhēng huò zài zhàn zhēng zhōng shāng。 1935 niánxīn lán xuǎn chū gōng dǎng zhèng gāi zhèng jìn xíng liǎo liè de shè huì gǎi zhōng bāo kuò měi zhōu 40 xiǎo shí gōng zuò zhì guó jiā kuǎn de wèi shēng zhì 'èr shì jiè zhàn kāi shǐ hòuxīn lán zài pài chū jūn duì yuē quán guó rén kǒu de bǎi fēn zhǐ shí chū guò zuò zhànzhàn zhēng jié shù hòuduì xīn lán de nóng chǎn pǐn de qiú zēng jiā, 1950 nián dàiquán miàn jiù xùn zēngzhǎnggōng kōng qián fán róng
   yóu duì jìn kǒu bié shì shí yóu duì ròu lèinǎi zhì pǐn yáng máo chū kǒu de cháng làixīn lán de jīng zài 1970 nián dài 1980 nián dài kāi shǐ 'è huà, 1970 nián dài chū yīng guó jiā 'ōu zhōu gòng tóng hòuxīn lán shī chuán tǒng de chū kǒu shì chǎngsuí hòu chū xiàn shī shè huì wèn ; 1980 nián dài zhōng hòu gōng dǎng zhèng kāi shǐ jìn xíng xīn de huò zhèng gōng jiě chú xiàn zhì xiāo jīn tiē jiāng duō zhèng mén yòu huà děng fàn wéi de gǎi jīng kāi shǐ zhú jiàn hǎo zhuǎnshī rén shù kāi shǐ xià jiàngcóng 90 nián dài hòu kāi shǐ xīn lán jīng liǎo chí de jīng zēngzhǎngshī shuài dào 3.5% de shǐ xīn
   èrzhèng zhì
  [ biān ji běn duàn ]
   yīng guó wáng shì xīn lán de guó jiā yuán shǒu wáng rèn mìng de zǒng zuò wéi dài biǎo xíng shǐ guǎn quánzǒng nèi chéng de xíng zhèng huì shì dìng de zuì gāo xíng zhèng gòunèi zhǎng shí quányóu huì duō shù dǎng chéng huì zhǐ shè zhòng yuàngòng 120 ), yóu xuǎn chǎn shēngrèn 3 nián chéng wén xiàn xiàn shì yóu yīng guó huì xīn lán huì xiān hòu tōng guò de liè xiū zhèng 'àn yīng guó shū yuàn de mǒu xiē jué dìng suǒ gòu chéng
   xīn lán mín zhù zhèng hùn shì duō xuǎn dài biǎo zhì( MixedMemberProportional) guó huì yùn zuòyòu bǎi 'èr shí wèixīn lán guī dìng máo rén zhì shǎo yòu liù bǎo zhàng wèiér zhèng dǎng de xuǎn guò chéng yào yòu 'é wài de máo dài biǎo qián guó huì zhōng yòu shí wèi máo yuánxīn lán zhèng wéi lián zhí zhèngyóu gōng dǎng( LabourParty) jìn lián méng( ProgressiveCoalition), jiā shàng liǎng shǎo shù zhèng dǎng héng héng dǎng( GreenParty) lián wèi lái dǎng( UnitedFutureParty) de yuán zhù suǒ chéngxiàn zài de xīn lán zǒng wéi hǎi lún · ( HelenClark)。
   xīn lán yòu zuì gāo yuànshàng yuàngāo děng yuànruò gān fāng yuàn shòu jiù jiā tíngshēng chǎnmáo rén shì huán jìng děng shū wèn de zhuān mén yuànshàng yuàn yóu shǒu guānyuàn cháng lìng wài liù míng gāo děng yuàn guān chéngyīng guó shū yuàn wěi yuán huì wéi zhōng shěn yuàn。 2003 nián 10 yuè 14 xīn huì tōng guòzuì gāo yuàn 'àn》, 2004 nián 7 yuè 1 chéng zuì gāo yuànxīn yīng guó shū yuàn jiān de lián chè zhōng zhǐ
   zhèng dǎng
  1、 xīn lán gōng dǎng( LabourParty)。 xiàn zhí zhèng dǎng。 1916 nián chéng gōng huì zhì máo rén shì gōng dǎng de chuán tǒng zhī chí zhěcéng duō zhí zhèng。 1999 nián 12 yuè lián méng dǎng lián zhí zhèng。 2002 nián 8 yuè jìn lián méng dǎng lián zhí zhènglǐng xiù hǎi lún · suō bái · ( HelenElizabethClark)。 zhù mài · wēi lián ( MikeWilliams), gāo dǎo dài wéi · běn sēn
  2、 jìn lián méng dǎng( ProgressiveParty)。 xiàn zhí zhèng dǎngyóu xīn lán lián méng dǎng qián lǐng xiù 'ān dùn 2002 nián 4 yuè jiànzài huì zhōng zhàn 2 zhōng xuǎn yuán 1 fēi xuǎn yuán 1
  3、 xīn lán guó jiā dǎng( NationalParty)。 xiàn zhù yào fǎn duì dǎng。 1936 nián yóu tǒng dǎng gǎi liáng dǎng bìng 'ér chéngcéng duō zhí zhèng。 2002 nián 7 yuè xuǎn zhōng zāo shòu zhòng cuòjǐn huò 27 wèi shàng jiè huì jiǎn shǎo 12 wèi。 2003 nián 10 yuèguó jiā dǎng cái zhèng shì yán rén táng · shí dài yīng chéng wéi gāi dǎng lǐng xiù
  4、 xīn lán dǎng( NZFirstParty)。 1993 nián 7 yuè chéng zhù yào zhī chí zhě shì lǎo nián rénzhōng xiǎo zhù shōu xuǎn mín máo rén děng。 1996 nián 12 yuè guó jiā dǎng lián zhí zhèng。 1998 nián 8 yuè guó jiā dǎng de lián méng lièchéng wéi fǎn duì dǎnglǐng xiù wēn dùn · ( WinstonPeters)。 2002 nián 8 yuè xuǎn zhōng huì wèi cóng shàng jiè de 5 zēng zhì 13
  5、 xīn lán xíng dòng dǎng( ACTNewZealand)。 qián shēn shì qián gōng dǎng zhèng cái cháng dào chuàng de xiāo fèi zhě shuì rén xié huì, 1994 nián 11 yuè gǎi wéi xiàn míngjiǎn chēng xíng dòng dǎng( ACTParty)。 zhī chí zhě zhù yào shì cái tuán shānglǐng xiù luó · hǎi ( RodneyHide)。
  6、 dǎng( GreenParty)。 qián shēn wéi jià zhí dǎng( ValuesParty), 1972 nián 5 yuè chéng 。 1990 nián 5 yuèjià zhí dǎng zhì bìnggǎi chēng xiàn míng。 1991 nián jiā lián méng dǎng。 1997 nián 11 yuè dǎng xuān zài zuò wéi lián méng dǎng chéng yuán cān jiā xuǎnzhēn · fěi méng ( JeanetteFitzsimons) rèn lǐng xiù
  7、 xīn lán lián wèi lái dǎng( UnitedFutureNZParty)。 qián shēn lián dǎng( UnitedNZParty) 1995 nián 6 yuè chéng 。 2000 nián 11 yuè wèi lái dǎng( FutureNZParty) děng zhèng dǎng bìnggǎi wéi xiàn míng。 2002 nián xuǎn zhōnggāi dǎng cóng 1 zēng zhì 9 lǐng xiù · dèng 'ēn( PeterDunne)。
  8、 zhèng dǎng yòutài píng yáng jīng shén dǎng( MauriPacific)、 bǎo shǒu dǎng( ConservativeParty)、 mín zhù dǎng( DemocraticParty)、 jiào chǎn dǎng( ChristianHeritage) děng
  [ biān ji běn duàn ]
   xīn lán wèi tài píng yáng nán ào dōng nán fāng yuē 1, 600 gōng chùjiè nán zhōu chì dào zhī jiān màn hǎi 'ào xiāng wàngběi lín xīn duō tānɡ jiāfěi zài nán wěi 34 zhì 47 zhī jiānxīn lán yóu běi dǎonán dǎo 'ěr dǎo jìn xiē xiǎo dǎo chéngmiàn 27 wàn duō píng fāng gōng zhuān shǔ jīng 120 wàn píng fāng gōng hǎi 'àn xiàn cháng 6900 gōng xīn lán zhù chēngsuī rán jìng nèi duō shānshān qiū líng zhàn zǒng miàn 75% shàngdàn zhè shǔ wēn dài hǎi yáng xìng hòu wēn chā zhí shēngzhǎng shí fēn mào shèngsēn lín gài shuài 29%, tiān rán chǎng huò nóng chǎng zhàn guó miàn de bànguǎng mào de sēn lín chǎng shǐ xīn lán chéng wéi míng shí de wáng guóxīn lán shuǐ yuán fēng quán guó 80% de diàn wéi shuǐ diànsēn lín miàn yuē zhàn quán guó miàn de 29%, shēng tài huán jìng fēi cháng hǎoběi dǎo duō huǒ shān wēn quánnán dǎo duō bīng húpōběi dǎo fēng 'ā pèi huǒ shān gāo 2797 huǒ shān shàng yòu xīn lán zuì de húpō táo miàn 616 píng fāng gōng nán dǎo héng kuà nán wěi 40°~47°, dǎo shàng yòu quán guó fēng shānā 'ěr bēi shān zhōng de lǎng · yuē bīng chuān bīng chuānshì shì jiè shàng hǎi zuì de bīng chuānshān wài yòu liè bīng chuān zhōng 'ā nǎo miàn 342 píng fāng gōng shì xīn lán 'èr lán luò chā 580 shì jiè qián liè
   xīn lán shǔ wēn dài hǎi yáng xìng hòu jié běi bàn qiú xiāng fǎnxīn lán de 12 yuè zhì 2 yuè wéi xià tiān, 6 yuè zhì 8 yuè wéi dōng tiānxià píng jūn wēn 25 shè shì dōng 10 shè shì quán nián wēn chā bān chāo guò 15 nián píng jūn jiàng liàng wéi 400~1200 háo
   huán jìng
   xīn lán yuē nián qián fēn cóng 'ér shǐ duō yuán shǐ de dòng zhí zài de huán jìng zhōng cún huó yǎn huàchú liǎo de zhí dòng zhī wàizhè hái yòu xíng duō biàn de zhuàng rán jǐng guānxīn lán cóng gāng ( Gondwanaland) fēn zhī hòuzhè xiē yuán shǐ de zhǒng biàn zài zhè kuài de shàng yǎn huà fán yǎnzhù míng de rán xué jiā wèi · bèi ( DavidBellamy) chēng zhè shì fāng zhōu”( Moa'sArk), míng chēng lái xīn lán suǒ yòu de xíng niǎo ”( moa, yòu míng kǒng niǎo), dàn xiàn zài jué zhǒng cóng rén lèi kāi shǐ zài xīn lán dìng láiduǎn duǎn 1000 duō nián de shí jiān jīng shǐ duō yuán shēng zhǒng xiāo shī , dàn jìn nián lái xīn lán zhèng jiā liǎo rán bǎo de qíng kuàng jīng yòu hěn de gǎi shànbǎo cuò shī bāo kuò xiāo miè shēng dòng bǎo de yòu hài shēng jiàn liǎo 13 zuò guó jiā gōng yuán、 3 zuò hǎi yáng gōng yuánshù bǎi zuò rán bǎo shēng tài 、 1 hǎi yáng shī bǎo wǎng luò bǎo bié de liú húpōxīn lán zǒng yuē yòu 30% de guó wéi bǎo lìng wàixiàng kakapo yīng chuí 'ěr wéi niǎo děng zhēn bīn wēi zhǒng de yán jiū guǎn jìhuà kāi shǐ zhí xíng
   suī rán jīng guò rén lèi 1000 duō nián de kǎn xīn lán réng yòu fēn zhī de guó réng shì mào de sēn lín fèn wèi gāo yuán zhè xiē shǔ guó jiā gōng yuán sēn lín gōng yuánjìn zhǐ kāi nín jìn qíng xiǎng shòu zhōng de xīn lán sēn lín de diǎn shì wēn cháng de lín , zhōng yòu de shù juéténg lèi shēng zhí ―― kàn lái hěn bān cóng lín de múyàng de bèi shān shì shì jiè shàng zuì de zhí zhī qián shēngzhǎng zài xiāng duì jiào xiǎo de běi dǎo 'āo luó màn 'ěr bàn dǎo
   xīn lán shì hǎn jiàn niǎo lèi de tiān tángzuì zhù míng de shì huì fēi de niǎoxīn lán de fēi zhèng shì guó jiā biāo zhì huì fēi de niǎo hái yòu wēi yāng (weka) bīn lín miè jué de kakapo yīng zhè shì quán shì jiè zuì de yīng zhǐ néng dào 'ǎi de guàn huò jiào xiǎo de shù shànglìng zhǒng de niǎo lèi shì hǎo xīn hěn zhòng de zhuó yáng yīng ( yuán shēng gāo yīng ), zhè zhǒng yīng huì fēi rén lèi dǎn de xìng 'ér wén míng
   guó jiā gōng yuán
   běi dǎo
   ài méng guó jiā gōng yuán EgmontNationalPark
   léi wēi guó jiā gōng yuán TeUreweraNationalPark
   dōng jiā luó guó jiā gōng yuán TongariroNationalPark
   wàng jiā guó jiā gōng yuán WhanganuiNationalPark
   nán dǎo
   ā bèi 'ěr · màn guó jiā gōng yuán AbelTasmanNationalPark
   'ài kǒu guó jiā gōng yuán Arthur sPassNationalPark
   shān guó jiā gōng yuán Aoraki/MountCookNationalPark
   xiá wān guó jiā gōng yuán FiordlandNationalPark
   lǎng guó jiā gōng yuán KahurangiNationalPark
   'ā pài líng shān guó jiā gōng yuán Mt.AspiringNationalPark
   'ěr sēn guó jiā gōng yuán NelsonLakesNationalPark
   luó guó jiā gōng yuán PaparoaNationalPark
   guó jiā gōng yuán Westland/TaiPoutiniNationalPark
   'ěr dǎo
   léi 'ōu guó jiā gōng yuán RakiuraNationalPark
  [ biān ji běn duàn ]
   xīn lán shì xiàn dàifán róng de guó jiā。 2006 nián guó nèi shēng chǎn zǒng zhí wéi 1038.73 měi yuán( 2006 niánshì jiè 53 míng); rén jūn 29,698 měi yuánshì jiè 27 míng); rén lèi zhǎn zhǐ shù wéi 0.943( gāoshì jiè 19 míngyòu suǒ shàng shēng)。
   xùmù shì xīn lán jīng de chǔxīn lán nóng chǎn pǐn chū kǒu liàng zhàn chū kǒu zǒng liàng de 50%, yáng ròunǎi zhì pǐn yáng máo de chū kǒu liàng jūn shì jiè wèixīn lán hái shì shì jiè shàng zuì de róng shēng chǎn guó chū kǒu guóshēng chǎn liàng zhàn shì jiè zǒng chǎn liàng de 30%。 kuàng cáng zhù yào yòu méijīntiě kuàngtiān rán hái yòu yínměnglín suān yánshí yóu děngdàn chǔ liàng shí yóu chǔ liàng 3000 wàn dūntiān rán chǔ liàng wéi 1700 fāng sēn lín yuán fēng sēn lín miàn 810 wàn gōng qǐngzhàn quán guó miàn de 30%, zhōng 630 wàn gōng qǐng wéi tiān rán lín, 180 wàn gōng qǐng wéi rén zào línzhù yào chǎn pǐn yòu yuán yuán jiāngzhǐ bǎn děng chǎn fēng gōng nóng lín chǎn pǐn jiā gōng wéi zhùzhù yào yòu nǎi zhì pǐnmáo tǎnshí pǐnniàng jiǔ yān cǎozào zhǐ cái jiā gōng děng qīng gōng chǎn pǐn zhù yào gōng chū kǒunóng gāo xiè huàzhù yào nóng zuò yòu xiǎo mài màiyàn màishuǐ guǒ děngliáng shí néng zìjǐ cóng 'ào jìn kǒuxùmù shì xīn lán jīng de chǔxùmù yòng wéi 1352 wàn gōng qǐngzhàn guó miàn de bàn zhì pǐn ròu lèi shì xīn zuì zhòng yào de chū kǒu chǎn pǐn yáng máo chū kǒu liàng shì jiè wèizhàn shì jiè zǒng chǎn liàng de 25%。 xīn lán chǎn fēng shì shì jiè zhuān shǔ jīng , 200 hǎi zhuān shǔ jīng nèi qián měi nián yuē 50 wàn dūnchú liǎo zhù yào chǎn shí jiā gōng ròu lèi pǐn gōng zhī wàixīn lán de shí jiā gōng shùdiàn xùn liàofǎng zhìlín zhì pǐndiàn dēng shān yòng pǐn shì děng fāng miàn de jìng zhēng yuè lái yuè lái qiángjìn nián lái shū shēng huó fēng yòng pǐn de zhě fān chuán zài zēngzhǎngxīn lán de piào zhǐ shù NZX shàng shì yàng de gōng zhèng fǎn yìng liǎo zhè xiē chǎn
   wén huà
  [ biān ji běn duàn ]
   máo wén huà
   xīn lán 400 wàn rén kǒu zhōng yuē 15% shì máo hòu huò shì shǔ mǒu luòmáo rén jiè yóu huá ( whakapapa, zhuī dào chéng zhe ( waka, zhōuhéng liáo kuò de tài píng yáng 'ér lái de xiān
   máo rén yòu zhe fēng yòu huó de wén huàbǎo liú liǎo men cháng jiǔ lái jīng shén rán shì jiè de lián jié men bié de ”( mihi, wèn hòufāng shì tòu guò lái chuán chéng de jiā shìmáo rén zài zhōng shuō chū men demáng jiā”( maunga, shān)、“ ā ”( awa, )、“ léi”( marae, huì táng)、“ ”、“ yǐn wéi”( iwi, luò ”( tipuna, zhòng yào de xiānde míng
   xīn lán yuē fēn zhī de máo rén shǐ yòng léi 'ōu máo ”( TereoMaori)。 shǐ yòng zhè zhǒng yán de rén yuē yòu bàn dào 'èr shí suìzhè shì zhǒng yánlèi yáng zhōu xià wēi ), yòu zhǒng de shī gǎn yīnyuè xìngmáo shì xīn lán de guān fāng yán zhī
  kiwi chú liǎo yòng lái chēng niǎozhè hái yòng lái chēng xīn lán rénzuì zǎo zhuī zhì shì jiè zhànzhè shì dāng nián xīn lán shì bīng de chuò hàozài guó huò shì chǎng shàngxīn lán de běn huò dān wèi héng héng xīn lán yuán cháng bèi chēng wéi ”, yīn wéi qián miàn shàng tóu de yòu zhǐ niǎoér zuì zhù míng de néng shì měi wèi de guǒ guǒ yuán chǎn zhōng guó zhí dào xīn lán shí bèi chēng wéizhōng guó ”。 dàn shì xīn lán guǒ nóng zài liàng chū kǒu zhè zhǒng shuǐ guǒ shíwéi míng wéi guǒxiàn zài wén míng quán shì jiè
   táo jiǔ  
   xīn lán de zhù yào táo zāizhòng shì zài gān zàoyáng guāng zhào de dōng zhōng bāo kuò 'ēn( Gisborne)、 huò wān( Hawke’ sBay) 'ěr bǎo( Marlborough) sān zhù yào zhù yào hái yòu 'ào lán( Auckland)、 dīng bǎo( Martinborough)、 'ěr sēn( Nelson) zhōng 'ào ( CentralOtago)。 zhè xiē wèi wěi 36 zhì 45 zhī jiānzòng cháng 1600 gōng lèi běi bàn qiú cóng 'ěr duōwěi zài 44 zhì 46 zhī jiāndào nán biān de bān zài zhè yàng hòu zhì shí fēn shì de zāizhòng táojiēguǒ jiù zhǎn chū zhǒng zhǒng tóng de fēng xīn lán de pǐn jiǔ guān guāng yuè lái yuè shòu zhòng shì zhě cháng yóu yán zhejīng diǎn xīn lán měi jiǔ gōng ”( ClassicNewZealandWineTrail) tàn fǎng jiǔ zhuāngcānyù huó dòng zhù yào chǎn jiǔ měi nián huì bàn měi jiǔ měi shí jiéér qiě duō shù jiǔ zhuāng kāi fàng yóu pǐn jiǔ shǎo xíng jiǔ zhuāng hái jiān jīng yíng cān tīng fēi guǎnbìng gōng líng shòu wǎng shàng xiāo shòu
   xīn lán de shù wén huà zhǒng chǎn shēng liǎo jié máo rénōu zhōu rén zhōu rén yáng zhōu rén de zhìxīn lán de shù juàn fǎn yìng liǎo zhè zhǒng róng xīn lán zuì yòu jià zhí de huì huà zhōngyòu xiē shì yóu chá 'ěr · gāo ( CharlesGoldie) shí jiǔ shì suǒ huà de máo rén huà xiànghuà jiā lín · mài hóng( ColinMcCahon) de zuò pǐn shǐ yòng liǎo wén jiào xiào xiàng máo yán shén huà bèi duō rén rèn wéi shì xīn lán zuì wěi de shù jiā duō láng chú liǎo zhǎn chū zhè xiē zuò pǐnhái yòu shù jiā de zuò pǐn léi 'ěr · léi( RalphHotere) léi · ( GrahameSydney)。
   wén xué
   yòu duō xīn lán zuò jiā jiāng máo wén huà chuán shuō xiě jìn yīng wén wén xué zuò pǐn zhōngkǎi · ( KeriHulme) chuàng de xiǎo shuō《 TheBonePeople》 ér huò quán wēi de wén xué jiǎng de kěn dìng yòu zuò jiā jié liǎo liǎng zhǒng wén huàchuàng zào chū bié de xīn lán wén xué zhōng bāo kuò pài cuì · léi ( PatriciaGrace)、 wéi · 'āi ( WitiIhimaera) hóng nèi · huá léi( HoneTuwhare)。 ài lún · ( AlanDuff) zhù zuòzhàn shì bīng》( OnceWereWarriors) ér wén míngbìng yóu dǎo yǎn · ( LeeTamahori, 007 diàn yǐngshuí zhēng fēngde dǎo yǎn 2002 nián bān shàng yín
   yǐng shì
   hǎo lāi yòu shǐ lái de zuì zhì zuò,《 jièshì yóu · jié xùn( PeterJackson) zài xīn lán pāi shèxīn lán de fāng diàn yǐng gōng suí zhe zhè piàn de chéng gōng 'ér chí chéng cháng zhōngzhè sān de tóu liǎng gòng dào liù zuò 'ào jiǎngér sān wáng zhě guī lái 2003 nián 12 yuè shàng yìngxīn lán de fēng jǐng chū xiàn zài zhè liè diàn yǐng zhōngér duō jǐng wèi xīn lán de guó jiā gōng yuán bǎo nèi
   gēn wéi · 'āi yuán zhù xiǎo shuō gǎi biānyóu · luó( NikiCaro) zhí dǎo de diàn yǐngjīng shì》( WhaleRider) zài 2002 nián de duō lún duō guó yǐng zhǎn lìng guān zhòng wéi jīng yànbìng dào guān zhòng piào xuǎn zuì jiā diàn yǐngzhè piàn miáo huì liǎo xiǎo máo cūn luò de shēng huóbìng jiā liǎo méi huí ( MaiTawhiti) de biǎo yǎn men shì ( kapahaka, biǎo yǎn shùtuán 。《 jīng shìpāi shè diǎn zài dōng 'ēn de xiǎo cūn zhuāngzhè shì quán shì jiè zuì zǎo kàn dào tiān chū de fāng
  《 jīng shìshì kǎi · - xiū ( KeishaCastle-Hughes) de chǔnǚ zuòdàn shì yīn wéi zài zhè diàn yǐng de jīng cǎi yǎn chū huò liǎo 'ào zuì jiā zhùjué míngbìng chéng wéi shǐ shàng huò gāi jiǎng xiàng míng zuì nián qīng de yǎn yuán
   xīn lán yǐng tán zuì jìn de zhì zuò yòu · jié xùn chóngpāi de piànjīn gāng》, gāi piàn 2005 nián 12 yuè shàng yìngchū shēng xīn lán de 'ān · dāng sēn dòng huàpiānshǐ ruì ér wén míng dǎo yǎn pāi shè liǎo chuán 》( TheLion, theWitchandtheWardrobe), gēn wéi ( C.S.Levis) huàn xiǎo shuō shì 》( Narnia) gǎi biān 'ér chéngzhè diàn yǐng zài 2005 nián 12 yuè shàng yìnggāi piàn zài xīn lán zhù hěn duō míng de diǎn xuǎn jǐngbāo kuò liǎo 'ào lán de shān sēn lín( WoodhillForest), kǎn léi de yáng qún shān chē zhàn( FlockHillStation) dèng lún( Duntroon) jìn de xiàng yán shí ( ElephantRocks)。
   xīn lán de yīn yǐn liǎo quán shì jiè de zhù yuètuán sāng shì( TheDatsuns)、 TheD4、 yáng zhōu rén( Pacifier) 'ā ( AnikaMoa), guó chàngpiān gōng qiān liǎo yuē · tuō( MoanaManiapoto) de yuètuán( TheTribe) máo yuán yīn yíng guó wài de zàn chú liǎo liú xíng yuètuányōng zhī ”( CrowedHouse) de tuán cháng 'ěr · fēn( NeilFinn) zhī wàixīn lán shǒu dān · · · ( DameKiriTeKanawa) dān · wéi · méi jié( DameMalvinaMajor) dōuzài guó wài yǎn chūshàonǚ shǒu hǎi ( HayleyWestenra) de zhuān jichún jìng》( Pure), xíng zhōu jiù dēng shàng yīng guó diǎn páiháng bǎng míngmài zhù míng nán gāo yīn huá luò de zhuān ji hái hǎo
  [ biān ji běn duàn ]
   xīn lán de jiào zhì bèi shì wéi shì jiè shàng zuì hǎo de jiào zhì zhī men tōng guò xué xiào xué gōng xué yuàn jiào gòu gōng gāo zhì liàng jiào xīn lán de jiào yuán yīng guó de chuán tǒng jiào zhìquán guó shí xíng tǒng de jiào jiào jīng fèi kāi zhī zhàn zhèng kāi zhī sān wèi
   zǎo yòu 'ér jiào
   shì jiào ér shì zài yīng yòu 'ér shàng xué qián de zhào zǎo yòu 'ér jiào bāo kuò yòu 'ér yuántuō 'ér suǒyóu zhōng xīnjiā tíng tuōér tóng kānhù zhōng xīn shè yóu yuányòu 'ér yuán ( měi zhōu )5.00-10.00 xīn yuán
   zhōng xiǎo xué jiào
   zài xīn lán, 6 zhì 16 suì de hái jiē shòu xiǎo xuézhōng xué gāo zhōng jiào quán guó yòu 66 wàn zhōng xiǎo xué shēng jiù 2,800 duō suǒ guó zhōng xiǎo xuézhèng měi nián duì zhōng xiǎo xué jiào de tóu 20 xīn lán yuánxīn lán de duō shù hái 5 suì kāi shǐ shàng xué, 19 suì qián zài gōng xué xiàozhèng kuǎnshàng xué wéi miǎn fèi jiào jiē shòu shū jiào de xué shēngyòu cán xué xíng wéi zhàng 'àinián líng yán cháng dào 'èr shí suìgōng xué xiào yóu xīn lán zhèng gōng jīng fèi bìng qiě biàn xīn lán
   gāo děng jiào
   shàng wán zhōng xué de xué shēng jiē shòu gāo děng jiào péi xùnzhè zài gōng xué yuànjiào xué yuàn xué péi xùn gòu jìn xíngxué shēng yào wèitā men de gāo děng jiào jiǎo xué fèi yuē 800 duō jiā péi xùn gòu gōng fàn wéi guǎng fàn de xué jìhuà zhōng de mǒu xiē chéng huò quán guó xué rèn
   xīn lán xué míng chēng suǒ zài
   ào lán xué TheUniversityofAuckland- ào lán
   ào lán gōng xué AucklandUniversityofTechnology- ào lán
   huì líng dùn wéi duō xué VictoriaUniversityofWellington- huì líng dùn
   méi xué MasseyUniversity- běi dùnào lánhuì líng dùn
   kǎn léi xué UniversityofCanterbury- chéng
   lín kěn xué LincolnUniversity- chéng
   ào xué UniversityofOtago- dīng
   huái tuō xué TheUniversityofWaikato- 'ěr dùn
   shēng huó zhù fèi yīn suǒ zài chéng shì zhù huán jìng tóng 'ér bān měi nián yuē wéi 9000 zhì 11000 xīn yuán chéng xué yán jiū shēng gōng chéng wéi zhù lěi dìng xué fēn hòu huò yán jiū shēng wén píng huò shuò shì xué wèizhǐ yào yòu liáng hǎo de xué bèi jǐngzhōng guó zhèng guī xué liáng hǎo yīng wén shuǐ píng nán bào shuò shì yán jiū shēng chéngzhè zhǒng chéng de lìng chū yōu diǎn shì kuà xué xuǎn yuán lái shì gōng huò wén xué de gǎi shāng ér yán jiū wéi zhù de yán jiū shēng cóng shì liàng yán jiū bìng jiāo gāo shuǐ píng de lùn wén hòu cái huò shuò shì xué wèi huò shì xué wèiwén píng chéng bān wéi nián dào nián bànshuò shì chéng bān wéi nián bàn dào liǎng nián shì chéng yào 'èr nián dào sān nián shí jiānwéi bāng zhù jīng tiáo jiàn jiào chā de xué shēng wán chéng xué zhèng zhì dìng liǎo miǎn xué shēng dài kuǎn zhèng gāi zhèng shǐ xué shēng cóng zhèng huò zhī xué fèi de dài kuǎn yòng zhī cháng shēng huó de xué shēng jīn tiēdāng ránshēn qǐng rén shì xīn lán gōng mín huò zhě yòu xīn lán de yǒng qiān zhèng zhōngxué shēng jīn tiē yào guī háixué shēng dài kuǎn dài xué shēng zhǎo dào gōng zuò hòugēn shōu de duō shǎo zhú cháng hái gěi zhèng
   wài jiāo
  [ biān ji běn duàn ]
   xīn lán wài jiāo zhèng de gēn běn de shì wéi shì jiè bié shì tài píng yáng de píng bǎo zhàng xīn lán de zhù quán 'ān quán jìn xīn lán jīng fán róng guó jiā de jīng mào guān
   zhōng guó guān
  1972 nián 12 yuè 22 xīn lán zhōng guó jiàn jiāo láiliǎng guó yǒu hǎo zuò guān duàn zhǎn。 1999 nián 9 yuèzhōng guó guó jiā zhù jiāng mín duì xīn lán jìn xíng guó shì fǎng wènzhè shì zhōng guó guó jiā yuán shǒu shǒu fǎng wèn xīn lán。 2000 nián 11 yuèzǒng fǎng wèn zhōng guó。 2001 nián 4 yuèxīn lán zǒng fǎng huá。 2003 nián 10 yuè jǐn tāo zhù duì xīn lán jìn xíng guó shì fǎng wèn。 2005 nián 5 yuè bāng guó wěi yuán cháng duì xīn lán jìn xíng yǒu hǎo fǎng wèn。 2005 nián 5 yuèxīn lán zǒng duì zhōng guó jìn xíng gōng zuò fǎng wèn。 2006 nián 4 yuèwēn jiā bǎo zǒng duì xīn lán jìn xíng zhèng shì fǎng wènliǎng guó qiān shǔ liǎo liè zuò xié wén jiànjìn nián láishuāng biān jīng mào guān zhǎn xùn zhōng guó qián shì xīn lán zuì zhòng yào de mào huǒ bàn zhī 。 2005 niánzhōng xīn shuāng biān mào 'é 26.8 měi yuánxīn lán shì chéng rèn zhōng guó shì chǎng jīng wèi de guó jiā shì zhōng guó kāi zhǎn shuāng biān yóu mào xié dìng tán pàn de guó jiā。 2004 nián 12 yuèzhōng guó héng héng xīn lán yóu mào tán pàn zhèng shì dòng
  [ biān ji běn duàn ]
   xīn lán yóu de shǐ shí fēn jiǔ yuǎnxīn lán yóu shì quán shì jiè zuì zǎo chéng guān guāng gòu de guó jiā gāng 2001 nián huān bǎi zhōu nián qìngxīn lán zhèng 1901 nián 2 yuè 1 chéng quán qiú zhì yóu de zhèng ménzhè shì míng zhì de tóu chéng zhī chū zhǐ yòu qiān míng guó wài guān guāng jīn měi nián yòu 230 duō wàn míng lái hǎi wài de yóu bài fǎng xīn lán yóu chéng wéi xīn lán zuì de wài huì lái yuán zhī yóu měi nián wéi xīn lán dài lái chāo guò liù shí liù niǔ de shōu zhè shù réng zài kuài chéng cháng zhōngào zhōu shì xīn lán yóu de zuì shì chǎngměi nián yuē yòu 87.5 wàn yóu lái 'ào zhì 2005 nián 10 yuè wéi zhǐxīn lán guò shí 'èr yuè nèi de dào fǎng rén shù nián tóng chéngzhǎng 3%。
   ào 884, 056; jiā 44, 277; zhōng guó 100, 844; guó 58, 807; xiāng gǎng bié xíng zhèng 24, 256;; yìn 20, 210; běn 141, 291; hán guó 109, 244; lái 21, 258; lán 26, 798; běi 'ōu 29, 343; xīn jiā 29, 300; zhōng guó tái wān 28, 585; tài guó 17, 998; yīng guó 289, 324; měi guó 224, 285; zǒng 2, 049, 876。
  * suǒ yòu shù tǒng xiàn 2005 nián 10 yuè dào 2006 nián 9 yuèlái yuán: StatisticsNewZealand
   xīn lán wéi nín gōng duō zhǒng tóng dàng de zhù xuǎn cóng háo huá bīn guǎn dào bié zhì de xiāng cūn jiǎ bié shùzài dào wēn xīn de bēibāo guǎnyīngyǒu jìn yòu bié shì zài xīn lán xià tiān de yóu wàng : 12 yuè zhì nián 2 yuèzuì hǎo qián dìng zuì chū liǎng wǎn de zhù qǐng dào dāng yóu xìn zhōng xīnān pái hòu de xíng
  Qualmark zhù píng tǒng
  Qualmark shì xīn lán de zhù zhì liàng píng tǒngdài yòu Qualmark biāo zhì de guǎn měi nián dōuyào jīng guò zhuān píng yuán de píng
  1 xīng jiē shòunéng zhù de zuì yàoshǔ běn mǎn zhù yào qiú de zhěng jié shū shì de zhù huán jìng
  2 xīng cuòyòu xiē shè shī chāo chū zhù běn yào
  3 xīng hěn hǎoshè shī wán bèi dào hǎo zhì fēi cháng hǎo de biāo zhǔn
  4 xīng yōu shè shī wán bèi guàn bǎo chí gāo shuǐ píng
  5 xīng dǐng shǔ xīn lán zuì gāo shuǐ zhǔn
  appliedfor: biǎo míng mǒu guǎn shàng wèi jīng guò píng / huò shàng wèi píng dìng bié
   xīn lán běi wéi dài hòunán wéi wēn dài hòuzuì wēn nuǎn de yuè fèn wéi 12 yuè、 1 yuè 2 yuèzuì lěng de yuè fèn wéi 6 yuè、 7 yuè 8 yuèzài xià píng jūn zuì gāo wēn zài shè shì 20 zhì 30 zhī jiāndōng wéi shè shì 10 zhì 15 zhī jiān duō shù chǎng zhōng zhe suí de xiū xián zhuāng duō shù cān tīng xiāo chǎng suǒ jiē zhe biàn zhuāng de rénnán shì bān chuān zhuāng lǐng dàizhǐ yòu chéng shì zhōng de shǎo shù dǐng zhèng shì cān tīng jiǔ wàixià tiān shí yìng dài jiàn qīng biàn de wài tào huò hòu yùn dòng shān fáng tiān zhuǎn liáng huò shì dēng shàng hǎi jiào gāo de shí wēn jiàng zhè yòu shí huì xià suǒ qǐng xié dài qīng biàn de fáng shuǐ wài tào huò jiā guǒ shì zài 5 yuè zhì 9 yuè jiān dào fǎngqǐng dài bǎo nuǎn de dōng bìng duō chuān jiàn
   yǐn shí
   xīn lán dehuán tài píng yángliào fēng shì shòu dào 'ōu zhōutài guó lái yìn běn yuè nán suǒ yǐng xiǎngquán guó de fēi guǎn cān tīng gōng zhè zhǒng jié de liào lìng rén chuí xián sān chǐ guǒ xiǎng pǐn cháng dào de xīn lán fēng , diǎn yáng ròuzhū ròu ròuguī xiǎo lóng xiā bào bèishàn bèigān shǔ guǒ shù fān qié (tamarillo) děng pēng zhì de cài pǐn , hái yòu zuì dài biǎo xìng de xīn lán tián diǎn luò ” (pavlova), zhè shì bái nǎi yóu xīn xiān shuǐ guǒ huò jiāng guǒ zài dàn bái shuāng shàng zhì chéng dechú liǎo chéng shì shǎo shù gāo háo huá cān tīng zhī wàixiàn dài cháo liú zǒu xiàng gèng qīng sōng de fēi―― jiǔ shì cān yǐn fēng guó liào bāo kuò shìyìn shìqīng zhēn shì shì shìzhōng shì lái shì tài shìquán xīn lán gòng yòu 900 duō jiā zhōu liào cān tīngdào liǎo xīn lánqiān wàn bié wàng liǎo duō cháng cháng xīn lán de táo jiǔ
   xiū xián
   xīn lán yòu shí jiā jiǎ zhuāng yuán míng lièxiǎo 'ér měi guǎn shì jiè pái míng”( SmallLuxuryHotelsoftheWorld) zhī zhōng wàihái yòu duō biàn xīn lán jīng zhì guǎn gōng gāo pǐn zhì de zhù tōng cháng wèi rén yān hǎn zhì de xiàn zài yuè lái yuè duō zhù diǎn gōng Spa。
   yóu xīn lán chù huán tài píng yáng huǒ xiàn( PacificRimofFire) shàngyīn dào chù dōuyòu wēn quánshù bǎi nián láizhè xiē wēn quán shì dāng máo rén de zuì 'àiér dāng 'ōu zhōu rén kāi shǐ zhù zhòng kuàng quán de yǎng shēn gōng xiào zhī hòu kāi shǐ liú xíng lái zhè luó tuō 'ā jiànxiē quán fèi táng 'ér wén míngshì xīn lán zuì zhù míng de wēn quán xiāngluó tuō 'ā duō guǎn chē guǎn yōng yòu de tiān rán wēn quán chízài wēn quán( PolynesianSpa), nín hái cóng shù zuò chí zhōngtiǎo xuǎn tóng wēn kuàng chéngfèn de chíwèi chéng běi fāng de hàn wēn quán( HammerSprings) shì xīn lán de zhù yào gāo yuán wēn quán jiǎ hàn quán hàn quán gōng wēn quán chí、 Spa zhǒng mào xiǎn xiū xián huó dòng
   yǎn chū
   fèn chéng shì dōuyòu liú de yīnyuè huì yǎn chū yuànguǎn xián lěi yáo gǔn jué shì dōukě xīn shǎng dào
   háng bān
   xīn lán háng kōng gōng 2006 nián 11 yuè kāi tōng liǎo 'ào lán zhì zhōng guó shàng hǎi de zhí fēi háng xiànbìng jìhuà zài 2008 nián 7 yuè 18 kāi tōng 'ào lán běi jīng zhī jiān de zhí fēi háng xiànměi zhōu liǎng háng bān
   dàn xiàn zài guǒ cóng běi jīng děng fāng zǒu yào zhuǎn běi fāng bān cóng shǒu 'ěr huò zhě dōng jīng zhuǎn chéng zuò hánhán huò zhě hángnán fāng cóng xiāng gǎngshàng hǎi huò zhě xīn jiā zhuǎn chéng zuò guó tàiniǔ háng huò zhě xīn háng
   fēi xíng shí jiān
   shàng hǎiyuē 11.45 xiǎo shí
   běi jīngyuē 14 xiǎo shí
   guó chǎng
   xīn lán de guó chǎng wèi 'ào lánhuì líng dùn chéngmǒu xiē cóng 'ào zhōu lái de háng bān huì jiàng luò zài 'ěr dùnběi dùnhuáng hòu zhèn dīng
   xié huò xié chū xīn lán de wài guó huò jīn 'é bìng xiàn zhì guò xié huò xié chū chāo guò 10,000 xīn lán yuán de xiàn jīn tián jiāoxié dài xiàn jīn bào gào biǎo”( BorderCashReport)。 wài guó huò qīng zài yínháng fèn guǎnguó chǎng chéng shì zhōng shè de duì huàn chù duì huàn wéi xīn lán huò suǒ yòu zhù yào xìn yòng dōukě zài xīn lán shǐ yòng guǎnyín xíng fēn shāng diàn jiē shòu xíng zhī piào
   xīn lán de yínháng yíng shí jiān wéi zhōu zhì zhōu zǎo shàng 9:30 zhì xià 4:30。 duō fāng shè yòu dòng guì yuán (ATM), yínhángzhù yào gòu jiē gòu shāng chǎngzhǐ yào nín yòu guó xìn yòng dòng guì yuán de wèi shù jiù yòng lái kuǎnqǐng zài nín suǒ zài guó yínháng shēn qǐng
   huò shuì
   suǒ yòu shāng pǐn de biāo jià zhōng jūn hán 12.5% de huò shuì (GST)。 yóu yào qiú tuì shuìdàn guǒ shāng jiā jiāng gāo 'é huò pǐn yóu dào gòu mǎi zhě suǒ zài guó miǎn shuì( GST)。
   xiǎo fèi fèi
   xīn lán rén bān shōu xiǎo fèi―― biàn zài cān tīng huò jiǔ yòng guò guǒ yóu xiǎng shòu 'é wài de shū huò wèile biǎo shì xiè xíng jué dìng shì fǒu yào 'é wài de xiǎo fèixīn lán de guǎn cān guǎn de zhàng dān lìng shōu fèi
   xíng zhī piào
   xīn lán yuán de xíng zhī piào méi yòu xiāo shòuxiǎng yào lái xīn lán yóu de guó yóu xié dài xíng zhī piàozài wèi lái yào xié dài shì zhù yào huò lèi xíng de yóu zhī piàolái dào xīn lán yóu gòu mǎi dào 'ào de xíng zhī piào
   yóu xìn zhōng xīn
   zài xīn lán kāi chē yóuhuì yòu duō zhǒng yóu fāng shì jǐng diǎn de xuǎn wéi xié zhù yóu xīn lán yóu xìn zhōng xīn (VIN) yìng yùn 'ér shēngsuǒ yòu zhōng xīn dōuyòu xǐng mùdì biāo zhì de“ i”。 yóu xìn zhōng xīn shì guān fāng rèn de gòu gōng zhǔn què de xīn lán yóu xìn fēn xīn lán de 94 diǎnzhōng xīn gōng zuò rén yuán de zhī shí fēng gōng guān zhǔn què de yóu xìn nèi róng bāo kuòzhù jiāo tōng ( háng kōnggōng tiě lún )、 jǐng diǎn huó dòng de xìn bìng dài bàn dìngxíng chéng jìhuà jiàn pǐn niàn pǐnyóu piào diàn huà cān tīng xìn huó dòng yóu lǎn shǒu
   xīn lán yóu jiǎng
  “ xīn lán yóu jiǎng”( NewZealandTourismAwards) biǎo míng gāi jiǎng xiàng de huò zhě gōng zuì gāo pǐn zhì de yóu yànqǐng zhù yóu jiǎng de yín jué( koru) biāo zhìkàn dào zhè biāo zhì wèi zhe nín dào xīn lán zuì hǎo de yóu chǎn pǐn yàn

  New Zealand is an island nation in the south-western Pacific Ocean comprising two main landmasses (the North Island and the South Island) and numerous smaller islands, most notably Stewart Island/Rakiura and the Chatham Islands. The indigenous Māori named New Zealand Aotearoa, which is commonly translated into English as The Land of the Long White Cloud. The Realm of New Zealand also includes the Cook Islands and Niue, which are self-governing but in free association; Tokelau; and the Ross Dependency (New Zealand's territorial claim in Antarctica).
  New Zealand is notable for its geographic isolation, situated about 2000 km (1250 miles) southeast of Australia across the Tasman Sea, and its closest neighbours to the north are New Caledonia, Fiji and Tonga. During its long isolation New Zealand developed a distinctive fauna dominated by birds, many of which became extinct after the arrival of humans and the mammals they introduced.
  The population is mostly of European descent, with the indigenous Māori being the largest minority. Asians and non-Maori Polynesians are also significant minorities, especially in the cities. Elizabeth II, as the Queen of New Zealand, is the Head of State and, in her absence, is represented by a non-partisan Governor-General. The Queen 'reigns but does not rule.' She has no real political influence, and her position is essentially symbolic. Political power is held by the democratically elected Parliament of New Zealand under the leadership of the Prime Minister, who is the Head of Government.
  It is unknown whether Māori had a name for New Zealand as a whole before the arrival of Europeans, although they referred to the North Island as Te Ika a Māui (the fish of Māui) and the South Island as Te Wai Pounamu (the waters of greenstone) or Te Waka o Aoraki (the canoe of Aoraki). Until the early 20th century, the North Island was also referred to as Aotearoa (colloquially translated "land of the long white cloud"); in modern Māori usage, this name refers to the whole country. Aotearoa is also commonly used in this sense in New Zealand English.
  The first European name for New Zealand was Staten Landt, the name given to it by the Dutch explorer Abel Tasman, who in 1642 became the first European to see the islands. Tasman assumed it was part of a southern continent connected with land discovered in 1615 off the southern tip of South America by Jacob Le Maire. The name New Zealand originated with Dutch cartographers, who called the islands Nova Zeelandia, after the Dutch province of Zeeland. No-one is certain exactly who first coined the term, but it first appeared in 1645 and may have been the choice of cartographer Johan Blaeu. British explorer James Cook subsequently anglicised the name to New Zealand. There is no connection to the Danish Zealand.
  New Zealand is one of the most recently settled major land masses. The first settlers of New Zealand were Eastern Polynesians who came to New Zealand, probably in a series of migrations, sometime between around AD 800 and 1300. Over the next few centuries these settlers developed into a distinct culture now known as Māori. The population was divided into Iwi (tribes) and hapū (subtribes) which would co-operate, compete and sometimes fight with each other. At some point a group of Māori migrated to the Chatham Islands where they developed their own distinct Moriori culture.
  The first Europeans known to have reached New Zealand were Dutch explorer Abel Janszoon Tasman and his crew in 1642. Several of the crew were killed by Māori and no Europeans returned to New Zealand until British explorer James Cook's voyage of 1768–71. Cook reached New Zealand in 1769 and mapped almost all of the coastline. Following Cook, New Zealand was visited by numerous European and North American whaling, sealing and trading ships. They traded European food and goods, especially metal tools and weapons, for Māori timber, food, artefacts and water. On occasion, Europeans traded goods for sex. Māori agriculture and warfare were transformed by the potato and the musket, although the resulting Musket Wars died out once the tribal imbalance of arms had been rectified. From the early nineteenth century, Christian missionaries began to settle New Zealand, eventually converting most of the Māori population, who had become disillusioned with their indigenous faith by the introduction of Western culture.
  Signing of the Treaty of WaitangiBecoming aware of the lawless nature of European settlement and increasing interest in the territory by the French, the British government sent William Hobson to New Zealand to claim sovereignty and negotiate a treaty with Māori.[i] The Treaty of Waitangi was first signed in the Bay of Islands on 6 February 1840. The drafting was done hastily and confusion and disagreement continues to surround the translation. The Treaty is regarded as New Zealand's foundation as a nation and is revered by Māori as a guarantee of their rights. Hobson initially selected Okiato as the capital in 1840, before moving the seat of government to Auckland in 1841.
  Under British rule, the islands of New Zealand had been part of the colony of New South Wales. In 1840 New Zealand became its own dominion, which signalled increasing numbers of European settlers particularly from the British Isles. At first, Māori were eager to trade with the 'Pakeha', as they called them, and many iwi (tribes) became wealthy. As settler numbers increased, conflicts over land led to the New Zealand Land Wars of the 1860s and 1870s, resulting in the loss of much Māori land. The detail of European settlement and the acquisition of land from Māori remain controversial.
  Gustavus von Tempsky is shot during the land warsRepresentative government for the colony was provided for by the passing of the 1852 New Zealand Constitution Act by the United Kingdom. The 1st New Zealand Parliament met for the first time in 1854. In 1856 the colony became effectively self-governing with the grant of responsible government over all domestic matters other than native policy. Power in this respect would be transferred to the colonial administration in the 1860s. In 1863 Premier Alfred Domett moved a resolution that the capital transfer to a locality in Cook Strait, apparently due to concern the South Island could form a separate colony. Commissioners from Australia (chosen for their neutral status) advised Wellington as suitable because of its harbour and central location, and parliament officially sat there for the first time in 1865. In 1893, the country became the first nation in the world to grant women the right to vote. In 1907, New Zealand became an independent Dominion and a fully independent nation in 1947 when the Statute of Westminster (1931) was ratified, although in practice Britain had ceased to play any real role in the government of New Zealand much earlier than this. As New Zealand became more politically independent it became more dependent economically; in the 1890s, refrigerated shipping allowed New Zealand to base its entire economy on the export of meat and dairy products to Britain.
  New Zealand was an enthusiastic member of the British Empire, fighting in the Boer War, World War I and World War II and supporting Britain in the Suez Crisis. The country was very much a part of the world economy and suffered as others did in the Great Depression of the 1930s. The depression led to the election of the first Labour government, which established a comprehensive welfare state and a protectionist economy.
  Tino rangatiratanga (Māori sovereignty) flagNew Zealand experienced increasing prosperity following World War II. However, some social problems were developing; Māori had begun to move to the cities in search of work and excitement rather than the traditional rural way of life. A Māori protest movement would eventually form, criticising Eurocentrism and seeking more recognition of Māori culture and the Treaty of Waitangi, which they felt had not been fully honoured. In 1975 a Waitangi Tribunal was set up to investigate alleged breaches of the Treaty and in 1985 it was enabled to investigate historic grievances. In common with all other developed countries, social developments accelerated in the 1970s and social and political mores changed. By the 1970s, the traditional trade with Britain was threatened because of Britain's membership of the European Economic Community. Great economic and social changes took place in the 1980s under the 4th Labour government largely led by Finance Minister Roger Douglas, and commonly referred to as "Rogernomics."
  Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II of New Zealand
  Anand Satyanand,
  Helen Clark,
  Prime Minister
  New Zealand is a constitutional monarchy with a parliamentary democracy. Although it has no codified constitution, the Constitution Act 1986 is the principal formal statement of New Zealand's constitutional structure. Queen Elizabeth II is the head of state and is titled Queen of New Zealand under the Royal Titles Act 1974. She is represented by the Governor-General, whom she appoints on the exclusive advice of the Prime Minister. The current Governor-General is Anand Satyanand.
  The Governor-General exercises the Crown's prerogative powers, such as the power to appoint and dismiss ministers and to dissolve Parliament, and in rare situations, the reserve powers. The Governor-General also chairs the Executive Council, which is a formal committee consisting of all ministers of the Crown. Members of the Executive Council are required to be Members of Parliament, and most are also in Cabinet. Cabinet is the most senior policy-making body and is led by the Prime Minister, who is also, by convention, the Parliamentary leader of the governing party or coalition. The current Prime Minister is Helen Clark, the leader of the Labour Party.
  The New Zealand Parliament has only one chamber, the House of Representatives, which usually seats 120 Members of Parliament. Parliamentary general elections are held every three years under a form of proportional representation called Mixed Member Proportional. The 2005 General Election created an 'overhang' of one extra seat, occupied by the Māori Party, due to that party winning more seats in electorates than the number of seats its proportion of the party vote would have given it.
  New Zealand government "Beehive" and the Parliament Buildings, in Wellington.Since 17 October 2005, Labour has been in formal coalition with Jim Anderton, the Progressive Party's only MP. In addition to the parties in formal coalition, New Zealand First and United Future provide confidence and supply in return for their leaders being ministers outside cabinet. A further arrangement has been made with the Green Party, which has given a commitment not to vote against the government on confidence and supply. Since early 2007, Labour has also had the proxy vote of Taito Phillip Field, a former Labour MP. These arrangements assure the government of a majority of seven MPs on confidence votes.
  The Leader of the Opposition is National Party leader John Key. The ACT party and the Māori Party are also in opposition. The Greens, New Zealand First and United Future each vote against the government on some legislation.
  The highest court in New Zealand is the Supreme Court of New Zealand, which was established in 2004 following the passage of the Supreme Court Act 2003. The act also abolished the option to appeal to the Privy Council in London. The current Chief Justice is Dame Sian Elias. New Zealand's judiciary also includes the Court of Appeal; the High Court, which deals with serious criminal offences and civil matters at the trial level and with appeals from lower courts and tribunals; and subordinate courts.
  New Zealand is the only country in the world in which all the highest offices in the land have been occupied simultaneously by women: Queen Elizabeth II, Governor-General Dame Silvia Cartwright, Prime Minister Helen Clark, Speaker of the House of Representatives Margaret Wilson and Chief Justice Dame Sian Elias were all in office between March 2005 and August 2006 (also of note New Zealand's largest listed company: Telecom New Zealand had a woman - Theresa Gattung as its CEO at the time).
  Foreign relations and the military
  New Zealand maintains a strong profile on environmental protection, human rights and free trade, particularly in agriculture.
  New Zealand is a member of the following geopolitical organisations: APEC, East Asia Summit, Commonwealth of Nations, OECD and the United Nations. New Zealand has signed up to a number of free trade agreements, of which the most important are the China-New Zealand Free Trade Agreement & Closer Economic Relations with Australia.
  For its first hundred years, New Zealand followed the United Kingdom's lead on foreign policy. In declaring war on Germany on 3 September 1939, Prime Minister Michael Savage proclaimed, "Where she goes, we go; where she stands, we stand". After the war, however, the United States exerted an increased influence on culture and the New Zealand people gained a clearer sense of national identity. New Zealand joined with Australia and the United States in the ANZUS security treaty in 1951, and later fought alongside the United States in both the Korean and the Vietnam Wars. In contrast, the United Kingdom became increasingly focused on its European interests following the Suez Crisis, and New Zealand was forced to develop new markets after the UK joined the EEC in 1973.
  New Zealand House, High Commission of New Zealand in LondonNew Zealand has traditionally worked closely with Australia, whose foreign policy followed a similar historical trend. In turn, many Pacific Islands such as Western Samoa have looked to New Zealand's lead. The American influence on New Zealand was weakened by the disappointment with the Vietnam War, the sinking of the Rainbow Warrior by France, and by disagreements over environmental and agricultural trade issues and New Zealand's nuclear-free policy.
  While the ANZUS treaty was once fully mutual between Australia, New Zealand and the United States, this is no longer the case. In February 1985, New Zealand refused nuclear-powered or nuclear-armed ships access to its ports. New Zealand became a Nuclear-free zone in June 1987, the first Western-allied state to do so. In 1986 the United States announced that it was suspending its treaty security obligations to New Zealand pending the restoration of port access. The New Zealand Nuclear Free Zone, Disarmament, and Arms Control Act 1987 prohibits the stationing of nuclear weapons on the territory of New Zealand and the entry into New Zealand waters of nuclear armed or propelled ships. This legislation remains a source of contention and the basis for the United States' continued suspension of treaty obligations to New Zealand.
  Within New Zealand, there have been various wars between iwi, and between the British settlers and iwi. New Zealand has fought in the Second Boer War, World War I, World War II, the Korean War, the Malayan Emergency (and committed troops, fighters and bombers to the subsequent confrontation with Indonesia), the Vietnam War, the Gulf War and the Afghanistan War. It has also sent a unit of army engineers to help rebuild Iraqi infrastructure for one year during the Iraq War. As of 2008, New Zealand forces are still active in Afghanistan.
  HMNZS Canterbury is a multi-role vessel (MRV) of the Royal New Zealand Navy.The New Zealand Defence Force has three branches: the New Zealand Army, the Royal New Zealand Navy, and the Royal New Zealand Air Force. New Zealand considers its own national defence needs to be modest; it dismantled its air combat capability in 2001. New Zealand has contributed forces to recent regional and global peacekeeping missions, including those in Cyprus, Somalia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, the Sinai, Angola, Cambodia, the Iran/Iraq border, Bougainville, East Timor, and the Solomon Islands.
  Local government and external territories
  Major cities and towns in New ZealandThe early European settlers divided New Zealand into provinces. These were abolished in 1876 so that government could be centralised, for financial reasons. As a result, New Zealand has no separately represented subnational entities such as provinces, states or territories, apart from its local government. The spirit of the provinces, however, still lives on, and there is fierce rivalry exhibited in sporting and cultural events. Since 1876, local government has administered the various regions of New Zealand. In 1989, the government completely reorganised local government, implementing the current two-tier structure of regional councils and territorial authorities which are constituted under the revised Local Government Act 2002 (New Zealand). In 1991, the Resource Management Act 1991 replaced the Town and Country Planning Act as the main planning legislation for local government.
  Today, New Zealand has twelve regional councils for the administration of regional environmental and transport matters and seventy-three territorial authorities that administer roading, sewerage, building consents, and other local matters. The territorial authorities are sixteen city councils, fifty-seven district councils, and the Chatham Islands County Council. Four of the territorial councils (one city and three districts) and the Chatham Islands County Council also perform the functions of a regional council and thus are known as unitary authorities. Territorial authority districts are not subdivisions of regional council districts, and a few of them straddle regional council boundaries.
  Realm of New ZealandThe regions are (asterisks denote unitary authorities): Northland, Auckland, Waikato, Bay of Plenty, Gisborne*, Hawke's Bay, Taranaki, Manawatu-Wanganui, Wellington, Marlborough*, Nelson*, Tasman*, West Coast, Canterbury, Otago, Southland, Chatham Islands*.
  As a major South Pacific nation, New Zealand has a close working relationship with many Pacific Island nations, and continues a political association with the Cook Islands, Niue and Tokelau. New Zealand operates Scott Base in its Antarctic territory, the Ross Dependency. Other countries also use Christchurch to support their Antarctic bases and the city is sometimes known as the "Gateway to Antarctica".
  Administrative divisions of New Zealand
  Supranational level Realm of New Zealand
  National level New Zealand Tokelau Cook Islands Niue Ross Dependency
  Regions 12 non-unitary regions 4 unitary regions Chatham Islands Kermadec Islands sub-Antarctic islands
  Territorial authorities 16 cities and 57 districts
  Notes Some districts lie in more than one region These combine the regional and the territorial authority levels in one Special territorial authority Areas outside regional authority; these, plus the Chatham Islands and the Solander Islands, form the New Zealand Outlying Islands State administered by New Zealand States in free association with New Zealand Claimed by New Zealand, but claim frozen by the Antarctic Treaty
  Geography and environment
  Topography of New ZealandNew Zealand comprises two main islands (called the North and South Islands in English, Te Ika a Maui and Te Wai Pounamu in Māori) and a number of smaller islands located near the centre of the water hemisphere. The North and South Islands are separated by the Cook Strait, which is 20km wide at its narrowest point. The total land area, 268,680 square kilometres (103,738 sq mi), is a little less than that of Italy and Japan, and a little more than the United Kingdom. The country extends more than 1,600 kilometres (1,000 miles) along its main, north-north-east axis, with approximately 15,134 km (9,404 mi) of coastline. The most significant of the smaller inhabited islands include Stewart Island/Rakiura; Waiheke Island, in Auckland's Hauraki Gulf; Great Barrier Island, east of the Hauraki Gulf; and the Chatham Islands, named Rēkohu by Moriori. The country has extensive marine resources, with the seventh-largest Exclusive Economic Zone in the world, covering over four million square kilometres (1.5 million sq mi), more than 15 times its land area.
  Aoraki/Mount Cook is the tallest mountain in New ZealandThe South Island is the largest land mass of New Zealand, and is divided along its length by the Southern Alps, the highest peak of which is Aoraki/Mount Cook at 3754 metres (12,320 ft). There are 18 peaks over 3,000 metres (10,000 ft) in the South Island. The North Island is less mountainous than the South, but is marked by volcanism. The highest North Island mountain, Mount Ruapehu (2,797 m / 9,177 ft), is an active cone volcano. The dramatic and varied landscape of New Zealand has made it a popular location for the production of television programmes and films, including the Lord of the Rings trilogy and the The Last Samurai.
  The country owes its varied topography, and perhaps even its emergence above the waves, to the dynamic boundary it straddles between the Pacific and Indo-Australian Plates. New Zealand is part of Zealandia, a continent nearly half the size of Australia that is otherwise almost completely submerged. About 25 million years ago, a shift in plate tectonic movements began to pull Zealandia apart forcefully, with this now being most evident along the Alpine Fault and in the highly active Taupo volcanic zone.
  New Zealand from space. The snow-capped Southern Alps dominate the South Island, while the North Island's Northland Peninsula stretches towards the subtropicsNew Zealand is culturally and linguistically part of Polynesia, and constitutes the south-western anchor of the Polynesian Triangle.
  The latitude of New Zealand (ranging from approximately 34 to 47°S) corresponds closely to that of Italy in the Northern Hemisphere. However, its isolation from continental influences and exposure to cold southerly winds and ocean currents gives the climate a much milder character. The climate throughout the country is mild and temperate, mainly maritime, with temperatures rarely falling below 0 °C (32 °F) or rising above 30 °C (86 °F) in populated areas. Temperature maxima and minima throughout the historical record are 42.4 °C (108.3 °F) in Rangiora, Canterbury and -21.6 °C (-6.9 °F) in Ophir, Otago. Conditions vary sharply across regions from extremely wet on the West Coast of the South Island to semi-arid (Köppen BSh) in the Mackenzie Basin of inland Canterbury and subtropical in Northland. Of the main cities, Christchurch is the driest, receiving only 640 mm (25 in) of rain per year; Auckland, the wettest, receives almost twice that amount. Auckland, Wellington and Christchurch all receive a yearly average in excess of 2000 hours of sunshine per annum. The southern and south-western parts of South Island have a cooler and cloudier climate, with around 1400–1600 sunshine hours per annum; whilst the northern and north-eastern parts of the South Island are the sunniest areas of the country and receive approximately 2400–2500 sunshine hours per annum.
  Pōhutukawa treesBecause of its long isolation from the rest of the world and its island biogeography, New Zealand has extraordinary flora and fauna, descended from Gondwanan wildlife or since arriving by flying, swimming or being carried across the sea . About 80% of New Zealand's flora is endemic, including 65 endemic genera. The two main types of forest are those dominated by podocarps and/or the giant kauri, and in cooler climates the southern beech. The remaining vegetation types in New Zealand are grasslands of tussock and other grasses, usually in sub-alpine areas, and the low shrublands between grasslands and forests.
  The endemic flightless kiwi is a national iconUntil the arrival of humans, 80% of the land was forested. Until 2006, it was thought, barring three species of bat (one now extinct), there were no non-marine native mammals. However, in 2006, scientists discovered bones that belonged to a long-extinct, unique, mouse-sized land animal in the Otago region of the South Island.. New Zealand's forests were inhabited by a diverse range of megafauna, including the flightless moas (now extinct), four species of kiwi, the kakapo and the takahē, all endangered by human actions. Unique birds capable of flight included the Haast's eagle, which was the world's largest bird of prey (now extinct), and the large kākā and kea parrots. Reptiles present in New Zealand include skinks, geckos and living fossil tuatara. There are four endemic species of primitive frogs. There are no snakes and there is only one venomous spider, the katipo, which is rare and restricted to coastal regions. However, there are many endemic species of insects, including the weta, one species of which may grow as large as a house mouse and is the heaviest insect in the world.
  New Zealand has suffered a high rate of extinctions, including the moa species, the huia, laughing owl and flightless wrens (which formerly occupied the roles elsewhere occupied by mice). This is due to human activities such as hunting and pressure from introduced feral animals, such as weasels, stoats, cats, goats, deer and brushtailed possums. Five indigenous vascular plant species are now believed to be extinct, including Adam's mistletoe and a species of forget-me-not.
  However, New Zealand has led the world in island restoration projects where offshore islands are cleared of introduced mammalian pests and native species are reintroduced. Several islands located near to the three main islands are wildlife reserves where common pests such as possums and rodents have been eradicated to allow the reintroduction of endangered species to the islands. A more recent development is the mainland ecological island.
  Auckland, the economic centre of the country, with the Sky Tower in the backgroundNew Zealand has a modern, prosperous, developed economy with an estimated nominal Gross domestic product (GDP) of US$128.1 billion (as of 2008). The country has a relatively high standard of living with an estimated GDP per capita of US$30,234 in 2008 which is comparable to Southern Europe; e.g. Spain US$33,385, but lower than the United States at US$46,820. Since 2000 New Zealand has made substantial gains in median household income. New Zealand, along with Australia, largely escaped the early 2000s recession that impacted upon most other advanced countries.
  New Zealanders have a high level of life satisfaction as measured by international surveys; this is despite lower GDP per-head levels than many other OECD countries. The country was ranked 20th on the 2006 Human Development Index and 15th in The Economist's 2005 world-wide quality-of-life index. The country was further ranked 1st in life satisfaction and 5th in overall prosperity in the 2007 Legatum Institute prosperity index. In addition, the 2007 Mercer Quality of Living Survey ranked Auckland 5th place and Wellington 12th place in the world on its list.
  The tertiary sector is the largest sector in the economy (68.8% of GDP), followed by the secondary sector (26.9% of GDP) and the primary sector (4.3% of GDP).
  New Zealand is a country heavily dependent on trade, particularly in agricultural products. Exports account for around 24% of its output, which is a relatively high figure (it is around 50% for many smaller European countries).[ii] This makes New Zealand particularly vulnerable to international commodity prices and global economic slowdowns. Its principal export industries are agriculture, horticulture, fishing and forestry. These make up about half of the country's exports. Its major export partners are Australia 20.5%, US 13.1%, Japan 10.3%, China 5.4%, UK 4.9% (2006).
  Tourism plays a significant role in New Zealand's economy. Tourism contributes $12.8 billion (or 8.9%) to New Zealand’s total GDP and supports nearly 200,000 full-time equivalent jobs (9.9% of the total workforce in New Zealand). Tourists to New Zealand are expected to increase at a rate of 4% annually up to 2013.
  Recent trends
  Milford Sound, New Zealand's most famous tourist destinationHistorically New Zealand enjoyed a high standard of living which relied on its strong relationship with the United Kingdom, and the resulting stable market for its commodity exports. New Zealand's economy was also built upon on a narrow range of primary products, such as wool, meat and dairy products. High demand for these products - such as the New Zealand wool boom of 1951 created sustained periods of economic prosperity. However, in 1973 the United Kingdom joined the European Community which effectively ended this particularly close economic relationship between the two countries. During the 1970s other factors such as the oil crises undermined the viability of the New Zealand economy; which for periods before 1973 had achieved levels of living standards exceeding both Australia and Western Europe. But these events led to a protracted and very severe economic crisis, during which living standards in New Zealand fell behind those of Australia and Western Europe, and by 1982 New Zealand was the lowest in per-capita income of all the developed nations surveyed by the World Bank.
  Since 1984, successive governments have engaged in major macroeconomic restructuring, transforming New Zealand from a highly protectionist and regulated economy to a liberalised free-trade economy. These changes are commonly known as Rogernomics and Ruthanasia after Finance Ministers Roger Douglas and Ruth Richardson. A recession began after the 1987 share market crash and caused unemployment to reach 10% in the early 1990s. However the economy recovered and New Zealand’s unemployment rate is now the second lowest of the twenty-seven OECD nations with comparable data (3.7%).
  The current government's economic objectives are centred on pursuing free-trade agreements and building a "knowledge economy". On April 7th 2008, New Zealand and China signed the New Zealand China Free Trade Agreement, the first such agreement China has signed with a developed country. Ongoing economic challenges for New Zealand include a current account deficit of 7.9% of GDP, slow development of non-commodity exports and tepid growth of labour productivity. New Zealand has experienced a series of "brain drains" since the 1970s, as well educated youth leaving permanently for Australia, Britain or the United States. "Kiwi lifestyle" and family/whanau factors motivates some of the expatriates to return, while career, culture, and economic factors tend to be predominantly 'push' components, keeping these people overseas. In recent years, however, a brain gain brought in educated professionals from poor countries, as well as Europe, as permanent settlers.
  A Romney ewe with her two lambs.Agriculture has been and continues to be the main export industry in New Zealand. In the year to June 2007, dairy products accounted for 21% ($7.5 billion) of total merchandise exports, and the largest company of the country, Fonterra, a dairy cooperative, controls almost one-third of the international dairy trade. Other agricultural items were meat 13.2%, wood 6.3%, fruit 3.5% and fishing 3.3%. New Zealand also has a thriving wine industry.
  Livestock are rarely housed, but feeding of small quantities of supplements such as hay and silage can occur, particularly in winter. Grass growth is seasonal, largely dependent on location and climatic fluctuations but normally occurs for between 8-12 months of the year. Stock are grazed in paddocks, often with moveable electric fencing around the farm. Lambing and calving are carefully managed to take full advantage of spring grass growth.
  New Zealand's historical population (black) and projected growth (red).New Zealand has a population of about 4.2 million,[iv] of which approximately 78% identify with European ethnic groups. New Zealanders of European descent are collectively known as Pākehā; this term generally refers to New Zealanders of European descent but some Māori use it to refer to all non-Māori New Zealanders. Most European New Zealanders are of British and Irish ancestry, although there has been significant Dutch, Dalmatian, Italian, and German immigration together with indirect European immigration through Australia, North America, South America and South Africa. According to the 2001 census projections, by 2021 European children will make up 63% of all New Zealand children, compared with 74% in 2001. The birthrate is very high for a developed country. The birthrate as of February 2008 was 2.2 per woman, compared to approximately 2 for the previous 30 years, with the total number of births higher than at any point since 1961. The life expectancy of a child born in 2008 was 81.9 years for a girl, and 77.9 years for a boy.
  Indigenous Māori people are the largest non-European ethnic group, accounting for 14.6% of the population in the 2006 census. While people could select more than one ethnic group, slightly more than half (53%) of all Māori residents identified solely as Māori. People identifying with Asian ethnic groups account for 9.2% of the population, increasing from 6.6% in the 2001 census, while 6.9% of people are of Pacific Island origin.
  While the demonym is New Zealander, New Zealanders informally call themselves Kiwi or Kiwis.
  New Zealand is also a predominantly urban country, with 72.2% of the population living in 16 main urban areas and more than half living in the four largest cities of Auckland, Hamilton, Wellington and Christchurch.
  New Zealand immigration policy is relatively open; its government is committed to increasing its population by about 1% annually. In 2004–05, a target of 45,000 was set by the New Zealand immigration Service. Twenty three percent of the population was born overseas, one of the highest rates anywhere in the world. At present, immigrants from the United Kingdom and Ireland constitute the largest single group, accounting for 29% of those born overseas but immigrants are drawn from many nations, and increasingly from East Asia (mostly China, but with substantial numbers also from Korea, Taiwan, Japan, and Hong Kong).
  New Zealand religious beliefs
  Christianity   56%
  No religion   35%
  Others   5%
  According to the 2006 census, Christianity is the predominant religion in New Zealand, held by 55.6% of the population, a decrease from 60.6% at the 2001 census. Another 34.7% indicated that they had no religion, up from 29.6% in 2001, and 5% affiliated with other religions. The main Christian denominations are Anglicanism, Roman Catholicism, Presbyterianism and Methodism. There are also significant numbers who identify themselves with Pentecostal and Baptist churches and with the LDS (Mormon) church. The New Zealand-based Ratana church has adherents among Māori. According to census figures, other significant minority religions include Hinduism, Buddhism, and Islam.
  Until 1987, English was New Zealand's only official language, and remains predominant in most settings; Māori became an official language under the 1987 Māori Language Act and New Zealand Sign Language under the 2006 New Zealand Sign Language Act. The two official languages are the most widely spoken; English by 98% of the population and Māori by 4.1%. Samoan is the most widely spoken non-official language (2.3%),[v] and French, Hindi, Yue and Northern Chinese are also widely spoken.
  New Zealand has an adult literacy rate of 99%, and 14.2% of the adult population has a bachelor's degree or higher. For 30.4% of the population, some form of secondary qualification is their highest, while 22.4% of New Zealanders have no formal qualification.
  Much of contemporary New Zealand culture is derived from British roots. It also includes significant influences from American, Australian and Māori cultures, along with those of other European cultures and – more recently – non-Māori Polynesian and Asian cultures. Large festivals in celebration of Diwali and Chinese New Year are held in several of the larger centres. The world's largest Polynesian festival, Pasifika, is an annual event in Auckland. Cultural links between New Zealand and the United Kingdom and Ireland are maintained by a common language, sustained migration from the United Kingdom and Ireland, and many young New Zealanders spending time in the United Kingdom/Ireland on their "overseas experience" (OE). The music and cuisine of New Zealand are similar to that of Britain and the United States, although both have some distinct New Zealand and Pacific qualities.
  Māori culture has undergone considerable change since the arrival of Europeans; in particular the introduction of Christianity in the early 19th century brought about fundamental change in everyday life. Nonetheless the perception that most Māori now live similar lifestyles to their Pākehā neighbours is a superficial one. In fact, Māori culture has significant differences, for instance the important role which the marae and the extended family continues to play in communal and family life. As in traditional times, karakia are habitually performed by Māori today to ensure the favorable outcome of important undertakings, but today the prayers used are generally Christian. Māori still regard their allegiance to tribal groups as a vital part of personal identity, and Māori kinship roles resemble those of other Polynesian peoples. As part of the resurgence of Māori culture that came to the fore in the late 20th century, the tradition-based arts of kapa haka (song and dance), carving and weaving are now more widely practiced, and the architecture of the marae maintains strong links to traditional forms. Māori also value their connections to Polynesia, as attested by the increasing popularity of waka ama (outrigger canoe racing), which is now an international sport involving teams from all over the Pacific.
  Te Reo Māori
  Use of the Māori language (Te Reo Māori) as a living, community language remained only in a few remote areas in the post-war years, but is currently undergoing a renaissance, thanks in part to Māori language immersion schools and two Māori Television channels. This is the only nationwide television channel to have the majority of its prime-time content delivered in Māori, primarily because only 4% of the population speak Te Reo Maori. However, partly in recognition of the importance of Māori culture to New Zealand, the language was declared one of New Zealand's official languages in 1987.
  Although films have been made in New Zealand since the 1920s, it was only from the 1970s that New Zealand films began to be produced in significant numbers. Films such as Sleeping Dogs and Goodbye Pork Pie achieved local success and launched the careers of actors and directors including Sam Neill, Geoff Murphy and Roger Donaldson. In the early 1990s, New Zealand films such as Jane Campion's Academy Award-winning film The Piano, Lee Tamahori's Once Were Warriors and Peter Jackson's Heavenly Creatures began to garner international acclaim. In the late 1990s and early 2000s, Jackson filmed The Lord of the Rings film trilogy in New Zealand, using a mostly New Zealand crew and many New Zealand actors in minor parts. Whale Rider, originally a novel by Witi Ihimaera, was produced in 2002 and received recognition from various festivals and awards. Many non-New Zealand productions, primarily from Hollywood but also from Bollywood, have been made in New Zealand.
  The New Zealand media industry is dominated by a small number of companies, most of which are foreign-owned.[iii] The Broadcasting Standards Authority and the New Zealand Press Council can investigate allegations of bias and inaccuracy in the broadcast and print media. This combined with New Zealand's libel laws means that the New Zealand news media is fairly tame by international standards, but also reasonably fair and impartial. New Zealand television is dominated by American and British programming, with a small number of Australian and New Zealand shows.
  The All Blacks perform a haka before a match against France in 2006Sport has a major role in New Zealand's culture, with the unofficial national sport of rugby union being particularly influential. Other popular participatory sports include cricket, bowls, netball, soccer, golf , swimming and tennis. New Zealand has strong international teams in several sports including rugby union, netball, cricket, rugby league, and softball. New Zealand also does traditionally well in the sports of rowing, yachting and cycling. The country is internationally recognised for performing well on a medals-to-population ratio at Olympic Games and Commonwealth Games.
  Rugby union, which is commonly referred to as simply rugby in New Zealand, is closely linked to the country's national identity. The national rugby team, the All Blacks, have the best win to loss record of any national team, and are well known for the haka (a traditional Māori challenge) that they perform before the start of international matches. New Zealand is also well known for its extreme sports and adventure tourism. Its reputation in extreme sports extends from the establishment of the world's first commercial bungee jumping site at Queenstown in the South Island of New Zealand in November 1988; its roots in adventure tourism can be traced all the way back to Sir Edmund Hillary, the first person to reach the summit of Mount Everest.

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