诸葛大名垂宇宙,宗臣遗像肃清高。 三分割据纡筹策,万古云霄一羽毛。 伯仲之间见伊吕,指挥若定失萧曹。 运移汉祚终难复,志决身歼军务劳。
【白话文】 诸葛亮的英名永垂人世,千士流芳;世人所尊崇的重臣遗像,肃穆清高。 天下三分的局势,是经他策划运筹;千百年来,他才能象鸾凤振羽云霄。 他辅佐刘备,同伊尹吕尚难分上下;指挥从容镇定,萧何曹参不能比超。 时运不好,东汉帝业实在难于复兴;心志虽坚,终因军务繁艰死于积劳。
Thoughts of Old Time V
Du Fu
Zhuge's prestige transcends the earth; There is only reverence for his face; Yet his will, among the Three Kingdoms at war, Was only as one feather against a flaming sky. He was brother of men like Yi and Lu And in time would have surpassed the greatest of all statesmen. Though he knew there was no hope for the House of Han, Yet he wielded his mind for it, yielded his life.