君主 人物列錶
保羅·德沙內爾 Paul Deschanel週自齊 Zhou Ziji
沃倫·蓋瑪利爾·哈定 Warren Gamaliel Harding托馬斯·伍德羅·威爾遜 Thomas Woodrow Wilson
列寧 Vladimir Ilich Lenin孫中山 Sun Zhongshan
弗裏德裏希·艾伯特 Friedrich Ebert大正天皇 Taisho Emperor
黎元洪 Li Yuanhong張作霖 Zhang Zuolin
埃米勒·弗朗索瓦·盧貝 Émile François Loubet譚延闓 Tan Yankai
威廉·霍華德·塔夫脫 William Howard Taft剋萊芒·阿爾芒·法利埃 Clement Armand Fallières
保羅·杜美 Paul Doumer鬍惟德 Hu Weide
岑春煊 Cen Chunxuan小約翰·峠爾文·柯立芝 John Calvin Coolidge,Jr.
雷濛·普恩加萊 Raymond Poincaré保羅·馮·興登堡 Paul von Hindenburg
黃郛 Huang Fu段祺瑞 Duan Qirui
鬍漢民 Hu Hanmin喬治五世 George V
加斯東·杜梅格 Gaston Doumergue羅伯特·萊爾德·博登爵士 Sir Robert Laird Borden
曹錕 Cao Kun李可夫 Ryikov,Leksei Ivanovich
徐世昌 Xu Shichang髙凌霨 Gao Lingwei
威廉二世 Wilhelm II林森 Lin Sen
亞歷山大·米勒蘭 Alexandre Millerand汪精衛 Wang Jingwei
富蘭剋林·德拉諾·羅斯福 Franklin Delano Roosevelt富蘭剋林·德拉諾·羅斯福 Franklin Delano Roosevelt
希特勒 Adolf Hitler理查德·貝德福德·貝內特 Richard Bedford Bennett
顔恵慶 Yan Huiqing阿爾貝·勒布倫 Albert Lebrun
萊昂·布魯姆 Léon Blum威廉·萊昂·麥肯齊·金 William Lyon Mackenzie King
威廉·萊昂·麥肯齊·金 William Lyon Mackenzie King威廉·萊昂·麥肯齊·金 William Lyon Mackenzie King
菲利普·貝當 Henri Philippe Pétain喬治六世 King George VI
斯大林 Joseph Stalin阿瑟·米恩 Arthur Meighen
阿瑟·米恩 Arthur Meighen威廉·皮剋 Wilhelm Pieck
勒內·科蒂 René Coty約翰·菲茨傑拉德·肯尼迪 John Fitzgerald Kennedy
赫伯特·剋拉剋·鬍佛 Herbert Clark Hoover樊尚·奧裏奧爾 Jules-Vincent Auriol
宣統 Xuan Tong宣統 Xuan Tong
康拉德·阿登納 Konrad Adenauer李宗仁 Li Zongren
德懷特·大衛·艾森豪威爾 Dwight David Eisenhower夏爾·戴髙樂 Charles de Gaulle
保羅·德沙內爾 Paul Deschanel
君主  (1855年二月13日1922年四月28日)

  Paul Eugène Louis Deschanel
  進歩共和黨 1920年2月18日 1920年9月21日

  Paul Eugène Louis Deschanel (13 February 1855 - 28 April 1922) was a French statesman. He served as President of France from 18 February 1920 to 21 September 1920.
  Paul Deschanel, the son of Émile Deschanel (1819-1904), professor at the Collège de France and senator, was born at Brussels, where his father was living in exile (1851—1859), owing to his opposition to Napoleon III.
  Paul Deschanel studied law, and began his career as secretary to Deshayes de Marcère (1876), and to Jules Simon (1876-1877). In October 1885 he was elected deputy for Eure-et-Loir. From the first he took an important place in the chamber, as one of the most notable orators of the Progressist Republican group. In January 1896 he was elected vice-president of the chamber, and henceforth devoted himself to the struggle against the Left, not only in parliament, but also in public meetings throughout France.
  His addresses at Marseille on 26 October 1896, at Carmaux on 27 December 1896, and at Roubaix on 10 April 1897, were triumphs of clear and eloquent exposition of the political and social aims of the Progressist party.
  In June 1898 he was elected president of the chamber, and was re-elected in 1901, but rejected in 1902. Nevertheless he came forward brilliantly in 1904 and 1905 as a supporter of the law on the separation of church and state. He was elected President of France on 17 January 1920.
  Deschanel aspired to a much more active role as president than had been de rigueur under the Third Republic; but for reasons of his own mental health was unable to put his ideas to the test.
  As president, his eccentric behaviour caused some consternation - on one occasion after a delegation of schoolgirls had presented him with a bouquet, he tossed the flowers back at them one by one. It all culminated when, late one night 24 May 1920, he disappeared from the presidential train near Montargis, and was found wandering in his nightshirt by a country stationmaster. This was evidence of the ill health which soon provoked his resignation 21 September 1920.
   * He is one of only two French Presidents (the other is Valéry Giscard d'Estaing) who were born outside France (Deschanel in Belgium, Giscard in Koblenz, Germany)
   * He was the only French head of state during whose term in office no persons in France were executed (abolition was introducted in 1981 with support of President François Mitterrand). Deschanel himself was a longtime death penalty opponent
   * His family name was adopted by the Dushnalavski family,a Ukrainian group of military dissidents when they fled to Hungary. The most prominent family member being Hungarian communist party official Mangano Deschanel.
  He was elected a member of the Académie française in 1899, his most notable works being Orateurs et hommes d'état (1888), Figures de femmes (1889), La Décentralisation (1895), La Question sociale (1898).
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