意大利 共和国时期
翁贝尔托·萨巴(Umberto Saba,1883-1957),意大利诗人、小说家,出生于地中海边的港口城市的里雅斯特(Trieste,时属奥匈帝国)。萨巴一生经历艰辛,其母是犹太人,出生前就与母亲一同被其父抛弃。一战时曾从军,二战时受法西斯迫害,辗转流徙,受到诗人翁加雷蒂和蒙塔莱的友谊的保护。他的诗也受到隐逸派的影响,但又独具一格。这里的诗选译自英意对照本《太阳的黑暗:萨巴诗选》(The Dark of the Sun),英译者为克里斯托弗·米利斯(Christopher Millis)。
Umberto Saba (9 March 1883 – 26 August 1957) was an Italian poet and novelist, born Umberto Poli in the cosmopolitan Mediterranean port of Trieste when it was the fourth largest city of the Austro-Hungarian Empire. Poli assumed the nom de plume "Saba" in 1910, and his name was officially changed to Umberto Saba in 1928. From 1919 he was the proprietor of an antiquarian bookshop in Trieste. He suffered from depression for all of his adult life.