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白居易 Bai Juyi(唐代)刘禹锡 Liu Yuxi(唐代)张志和 Zhang Zhihe(唐代)
李白 Li Bai(唐代)温庭筠 Wen Tingyun(唐代)王维 Wang Wei(唐代)
王昌龄 Wang Changling(唐代)李商隐 Li Shangyin(唐代)窦巩 Dou Gong(唐代)
杜甫 Du Fu(唐代)韩愈 Han Yu(唐代)王勃 Wang Bo(唐代)
韦承庆 Wei Chengqing(唐代)卢纶 Lu Lun(唐代)皇甫松 Huangfu Song(唐代)
无名氏(唐) Wumingshi(唐代)虞世南 Yu Shina(唐代)王绩 Wang Ji(唐代)
王梵志 Wang Fanzhi(唐代)寒山 Han Shan(唐代)卢照邻 Lu ZhaoLin(唐代)
骆宾王 Luo Binwang(唐代)杜审言 Du Shenyan(唐代)苏味道 Su Weidao(唐代)
杨炯 Yang Jiong(唐代)刘希夷 Liu Xiyi(唐代)宋之问 Song Zhiwen(唐代)
沈佺期 Shen Quanqi(唐代)郭震 Guo Zhen(唐代)陈子昂 Chen Ziang(唐代)
贺知章 He Zhizhang(唐代)顾况 Gu Kuang(唐代)段成式 Duan Chengshi(唐代)
郑符 Zheng Fu(唐代)李端 Li Duan(唐代)刘采春 Liu Caichun(唐代)
张若虚 Zhang Rexu(唐代)张九龄 Zhang Jiuling(唐代)韦庄 Wei Zhuang(唐代)
王之涣 Wang Zhihuan(唐代)孟浩然 Meng Haoran(唐代)李颀 Li Qi(唐代)
祖咏 Zu Yong(唐代)韦应物 Wei Yingwu(唐代)岑参 Cen Shen(唐代)
崔护 Cui Hu(唐代)韩翎 Han Hong(唐代)刘方平 Liu Fangping(唐代)
綦毋潜 Qiwu Qian(唐代)王翰 Wang Han(唐代)元结 Yuan Jie(唐代)
柳宗元 Liu Zongyuan(唐代)孟郊 Meng Jiao(唐代)高适 Gao Shi(唐代)
李贺 Li He(唐代)李隆基 Li LongJi(唐代)王湾 Wang Wan(唐代)
常建 Chang Jian(唐代)刘长卿 Liu Changqing(唐代)钱起 Qian Qi(唐代)
唐代  唐

诗词《九日幸临渭亭登高应制得酒字 The ninth day of the ninth noon, a festival on the lunar calendar Xinglinweiting Ascend Write poem according to the emperor's order Get the word wine》   《奉和九月九日登慈恩寺浮图应制 Feng and September the ninth day of the ninth noon, a festival on the lunar calendar Teng Jionji Buddha write poem according to the emperor's order》   《奉和送金城公主适西蕃应制 Feng and Accompany golden city archduchess fitness western barbarians write poem according to the emperor's order》   《饯许州宋司马赴任 Xu Song State preserves Minister of war in ancient china go to take one's post》   《饯唐州高使君赴任 Jiantangzhougao honorific fitle of civil governor of a province in ancient China go to take one's post》   《奉和立春游苑迎春应制 Feng and The beginning of spring Yu Yuan Spring Festival write poem according to the emperor's order》   《奉和圣制春日幸望春宫应制》   《奉和人日宴大明宫恩赐彩缕人胜应制 Feng and Man-days feast Ming dynasty Gong yan obliged Color thread Who wins write poem according to the emperor's order》   《奉和幸安乐公主山庄应制 Feng and favour Cushion Archduchess Village write poem according to the emperor's order》   《兴庆池侍宴应制 Chi Shi Yan Xingqing write poem according to the emperor's order》   更多诗歌...


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