英国 人物列表
贝奥武甫 Beowulf乔叟 Geoffrey Chaucer埃德蒙·斯宾塞 Edmund Spenser
威廉·莎士比亚 William Shakespeare琼森 Ben Jonson米尔顿 John Milton
多恩 John Donne马维尔 Andrew Marvell格雷 Thomas Gray
布莱克 William Blake华兹华斯 William Wordsworth萨缪尔·柯勒律治 Samuel Coleridge
司各特 Sir Walter Scott拜伦 George Gordon Byron雪莱 Percy Bysshe Shelley
济慈 John Keats艾米莉·勃朗特 Emily Bronte勃朗宁夫人 Elizabeth Barret Browning
爱德华·菲茨杰拉德 Edward Fitzgerald丁尼生 Alfred Tennyson罗伯特·勃朗宁 Robert Browning
阿诺德 Matthew Arnold哈代 Thomas Hardy艾略特 Thomas Stearns Eliot
劳伦斯 David Herbert Lawrence狄兰·托马斯 Dylan Thomas麦凯格 Norman Maccaig
麦克林 Somhairle Mac Gill-Eain休斯 Ted Hughes拉金 Philip Larkin
彼得·琼斯 Peter Jones崔瑞德 Denis Twitchett阿诺德·汤因比 Arnold Joseph Toynbee
约翰·劳埃德 John Lloyd约翰·米奇森 约翰米奇森保罗·科利尔 Paul Collier
亚当·斯密 Adam Smith戴维·米勒 D.W.Miller多丽丝·莱辛 Doris Lessing
乔纳森·斯威夫特 Jonathan Swift乔纳森·普雷西 Jonathan Pryce乔纳森 Jonathan
约翰·曼 John Man尼古拉斯·科兹洛夫 Nikolas Kozloff葛瑞姆·汉卡克 Graham Hancock
韦恩·鲁尼 Wayne Rooney戴维-史密斯 David - Smith史蒂芬·贝利 Stephen Bayley
戴斯蒙德·莫里斯 Desmond Morris乔治·奥威尔 George Orwell辛西娅.列侬 Cynthia Lennon
亚历山大·史迪威 Alexander Stillwell唐纳德 A.麦肯齐 Donald Alexander Mackenzie亚伦·卡尔 Allen Carr
玛丽·杰克斯 Mary Jaksch亚当·杰克逊 Adam J. Jackson罗斯玛丽·戴维森 Rosemary Davidson
萨拉·瓦因 Sarah VineE·凯·崔姆博格 E.Kay Trimberger维多利亚·贝克汉姆 Victoria Beckham
马克·马佐尔 Mark Mazower
英国 温莎王朝  (1958年)

阅读马克·马佐尔 Mark Mazower在历史大观的作品!!!
  马克·马佐尔(Mark Mazower)
  本书《为什么是巴尔干》(The Balkans: A Short History)是其关于巴尔干历史的代表作,以深刻的见解和优美的文笔赢得了沃尔夫森历史奖。

  Mark A. Mazower (born 1958, London) is a British historian. His expertise is Greece, the Balkans and, more generally, 20th century Europe. He is currently a professor of history at Columbia University in New York City.
  CareerMazower earned his BA in Classics and Philosophy from Oxford in 1981 and his doctorate from the same university in 1988. He also holds an MA in International Affairs from Johns Hopkins University (1983). Prior to his arrival at Columbia Mazower taught at Birkbeck, University of London, and at the University of Sussex. He has also taught at Princeton University.
  Mazower also writes for various newspapers since 2002 including articles and comments on international affairs and book reports for the Financial Times and for The Independent.
  He has been appointed to the Advisory Board of the European Association of History Educators (EUROCLIO).
   Fields of interestHe has written extensively on Balkan history, and Greek history. His book The Balkans: A Short History won the Wolfson History Prize and Inside Hitler's Greece: The Experience of Occupation, 1941–44, won both the Longman History Today Award for Book of the Year. Salonica, City of Ghosts: Christians, Muslims and Jews 1430-1950 was the Runciman Prize and Duff Cooper Prize winner and was shortlisted for the Hessell-Tiltman Prize.
  In addition, Mazower is more broadly concerned with 20th-century European history. His book Dark Continent: Europe's 20th century argued that the triumph of democracy in Europe was not inevitable but rather the result of chance and political agency on the part of citizens, subjects and leaders.
  In Hitler's Empire: Nazi Rule in Occupied Europe, Mazower compared Nazi occupation policy in different European countries.
  His most recent book No Enchanted Palace was published in 2009. It narrates the origins of the United Nations and its strict ties to colonialism and its predecessor organization, the League of Nations.

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