美國 人物列錶
非馬 William Marr愛倫·坡 Edgar Alan Poe愛默生 Ralph Waldo Emerson
惠特曼 Walt Whitman狄更生 Emily Dickinson斯蒂芬·剋蘭 Stephan Crane
史蒂文斯 Wallace Stevens弗羅斯特 Robert Frost卡爾·桑德堡 Carl Sandberg
威廉斯 William Carlos Williams龐德 Ezra Pound杜麗特爾 Hilda Doolittle
奧登 Wystan Hugh Auden卡明斯 E. E. Cummings哈特·剋萊恩 Hart Crane
羅伯特·鄧肯 Robert Duncan查爾斯·奧爾森 Charles Olson阿門斯 A. R. Ammons
金斯堡 Allen Ginsberg約翰·阿什伯利 John Ashbery詹姆斯·泰特 James Tate
蘭斯敦·休斯 Langston Hughes默溫 W. S. Merwin羅伯特·勃萊 Robert Bly
畢肖普 Elizabeth Bishop羅伯特·洛威爾 Robert Lowell普拉斯 Sylvia Plath
約翰·貝裏曼 John Berryman安妮·塞剋斯頓 Anne Sexton斯諾德格拉斯 W. D. Snodgrass
弗蘭剋·奧哈拉 Frank O'Hara布洛茨基 L.D. Brodsky艾米·洛威爾 Amy Lowell
埃德娜·聖文森特·米蕾 Edna St. Vincent Millay薩拉·梯斯苔爾 Sara Teasdale馬斯特斯 Edgar Lee Masters
威廉·斯塔福德 William Stafford艾德裏安娜·裏奇 Adrienne Rich大衛·伊格內托 David Ignatow
金內爾 Galway Kinnell西德尼·拉尼爾 Sidney Lanier霍華德·奈莫洛夫 Howard Nemerov
瑪麗·奧利弗 Mary Oliver阿奇波德·麥剋裏許 阿奇波德麦 Kerry Xu傑弗斯詩選 Robinson Jeffers
露易絲·格麗剋 Louise Glück凱特·萊特 Kate Light施加彰 Arthur Sze
李立揚 Li Young Lee姚園 Yuan Yao雷蒙德·卡佛 Raymond Carver
露易絲·博根 Louise Bogan艾倫·金斯伯格 Allen Ginsberg艾米莉·狄金森 Emily Elizabeth Dickinson
珍妮弗·布萊剋 Jennifer Blake
美國 現代美國  (1942年三月9日)

言情 describe loving stories (books)《夢寐以囚》

閱讀珍妮弗·布萊剋 Jennifer Blake在小说之家的作品!!!

  Patricia Maxwell, née Patricia Anne Ponder (b. March 9, 1942 near Goldonna, Louisiana) is a best-selling American author of over fifty novels. A member of the Romance Writers of America Hall of Fame and the Affaire de Coeur Romance Hall of Fame, Maxwell has received numerous awards for her writing. Her first novel in the romance genre, Love's Wild Desire, became a New York Times Bestseller.
  Maxwell has published books under five different names. Using her real name, Patricia Maxwell, she writes Gothic mystery-suspense romances; she wrote one book in collaboration with Carol Albritton, that was published under Elizabeth Trehearne, under her maiden name, Patricia Ponder, she wrote a murder mystery and a romantic suspense story, as Maxine Patrick, she wrote contemporary romances and as Jennifer Blake she writes historical romances. Many of her books are set in her native Louisiana.
  Early years
  Maxwell is a seventh generation Louisianan of English, Irish, Welsh, Scots-German, French and American Indian descent. She was born in a one hundred-twenty year old house constructed by her grandparents near Goldonna. She spent her childhood on a 80-acre (320,000 m2) farm in Northern Louisiana. Through her mother, who belonged to a mail order book club, Maxwell was introduced at an early age to adult mysteries, westerns, historical novels, and romances. As a young teenager, she volunteered at the school library, further cementing her love of the written word.
  At age 15, the former Patricia Ponder married, took her husband's surname of Maxwell, and became a housewife, and soon, a mother. She began writing one morning when she was 21, attempting to describe a very vivid dream she'd had that was set in historical Scotland. She took a six-week correspondence course on writing and began practicing as much as she could.
  [edit]Writing career
  For the next seven years, Maxwell sold various poems, articles, and short stories before deciding to take the time to write a novel. Her husband was very supportive of her efforts, even buying her a typewriter to make the work easier. After objectively looking at her maiden work, though, Maxwell decided that it was not good enough to sell, and promptly started on a second manuscript. This one sold in 1970, to the first publisher who actually read it. A stunned Maxwell used her first check to buy a greenhouse—something she had long wanted.
  Maxwell's early works, published under her own name, were mystery suspense novels. In the mid-1970s, this type of novel became less popular, and Maxwell suddenly had trouble selling new works. After two years of struggling to find another niche, Maxwell was asked to write a proposal for an emerging genre, historical romance. Her first novel in this genre, Love's Wild Desire, became a New York Times Bestseller under the pseudonym Jennifer Blake (so that fans of her previous work would not be confused).
  Maxwell has now been churning out novels as Jennifer Blake for over 30 years. She writes both contemporary romance novels as well as historicals, many of them set between 1830-1850. The vast majority of her novels are set in Louisiana.
  [edit]Personal life
  Maxwell writes for six hours a day, five days a week in her home office, usually completing one book each year. In her spare time, she enjoys collecting antiques, painting, and quilting. Because she is allergice to many chemicals, she and her husband maintain a small organic garden to cultivate their own produce. They also grow antique roses.
  Maxwell and her husband live in Northern Louisiana, with a second home in Colorado. They have four children and several grandchildren.
  [edit]As Patricia Maxwell
  [edit]Single novels
  The Secret of the Mirror House, 1970
  Stranger at Plantation Inn, 1971
  The Bewitching Grace, 1973
  The Court of the Thorn Tree, 1973
  Dark Masquerade, 1974
  Bride of a Stranger, 1974
  Love's Wild Desire, 1977
  The Notorious Angel, 1977
  Sweet Piracy, 1978
  Night of the Candles, 1978
  [edit]As Elizabeth Trehearne
  [edit]Single Novel
  Storm at Midnight, 1973
  [edit]As Patricia Ponder
  [edit]Single novels
  Haven of Fear, 1974
  Murder for Charity, 1974
  [edit]As Maxine Patrick
  [edit]Single novels
  The Abducted Heart, 1978
  Bayou Bride, 1978
  The hired wife, 1978
  Snowbound Heart, 1979
  Captive Kisses, 1980
  Love at Sea, 1980
  April of Enchantment, 1981
  [edit]As Jennifer Blake
  [edit]Single novels
  Tender Betrayal, 1979
  The Storm and the Splendor, 1979
  Golden Fancy, 1980
  Embrace and Conquer, 1981
  Midnight Waltz, 1984
  Surrender in Moonlight, 1984
  Fierce Eden, 1985
  Prisoner of Desire, 1986
  Louisiana Dawn, 1987
  Southern Rapture, 1987
  Perfume of Paradise, 1988
  Love and Smoke, 1989
  Spanish Serenade, 1990
  Joy and Anger, 1991
  Wildest Dreams, 1992
  Arrow to the Heart, 1993
  Shameless, 1994
  Silver-Tongued Devil, 1995
  Tigress, 1996
  Garden of Scandal, 1997
  [edit]Royal Family of Ruthenia Series
  Royal Seduction, 1983
  Royal Passion, 1985
  [edit]Louisiana's Gentlemen Benedict Series
  Kane, 1998
  Luke, 1999
  Roan, 2000
  Clay, 2001
  "Adam" in With a Southern Touch, 2002
  Wade, 2002
  [edit]Masters at Arms Series
  Challenge to Honor, 2005
  Dawn Encounter, 2006
  Rogue's Salute, 2007
  Guarded Heart, 2008
  Gallant Match, 2009
  [edit]Anthologies in collaboration
  "Dream Lover" in A Dream Come True, 1994 (with Georgina Gentry, Shirl Henke, Anita Mills and Becky Lee Weyrich)
  "Besieged Heart" in Secret of the Heart, 1994 (with Madeline Baker, Georgina Gentry, Shirl Henke and Patricia Rice)
  "The Warlock's Daughter" in Star-Dust, 1994
  "Reservations" in Honeymoon Suite, 1995 (with Margaret Brownley, Ruth Jean Dale and Sheryl Lynn)
  "Out of the Dark" in A Purrfect Romance!, 1995 (with Robin Lee Hatcher and Susan Wiggs)
  "Pieces of Dreams" in The Quilting Circle, 1996 (with Jo Anne Cassidy, Joanne Cassity, Christina Cordaire and Linda Shertzer)
  A Vision of Sugarplums in Joyous Season, 1996 (with Olga Bicos, Hannah Howell and Fern Michaels)
  "Love in Three-Quarter Time" in Unmasked, 1997 (with Janet Dailey and Elizabeth Gage)
  "John 'Rip' Peterson" in Southern Gentleman, 1998 (with Emilie Richards)
  With a Southern Touch, 2002 (with Heather Graham and Diana Palmer)
  "Pieces of Dreams" in With Love, 2002 (with Kristin Hannah and Linda Lael Miller)
  Inducted into Romance Writers of America Hall of Fame
  1997 Frank Waters Award for Writing Excellence
  1997 Holt Medallion, Southern Theme, Virginia Romance Writers: SILVER-TONGUED DEVIL
  1995 "Climbing Rose" Award, North Louisiana Romance Authors
  1995 Lifetime Honorary Membership, Coeur de Louisiane, Inc. Writers Club
  1994 Romance Hall of Fame, Affaire de Coeur Magazine
  1994 Reviewer’s Choice Winner, Affaire de Coeur: SHAMELESS
  1993-1994 Reviewer’s Choice Certificate of Excellence, Romantic Times: SHAMELESS
  1992-1993 Reviewer’s Choice Certificate of Excellence, Romantic Times: ARROW TO THE HEART
  1991-1992 Reviewer’s Choice Certificate of Excellence, Romantic Times: WILDEST DREAMS
  1988 Keynote Speaker, Romance Writers of America National Conference
  1988 Honorary Membership, Romance Writers of America
  1988 Silver Plume Award, Affaire de Coeur: SOUTHERN RAPTURE 1988 Best Colonial Romance, Romantic Times: LOUISIANA DAWN
  1987 Golden Treasure Award, Lifetime Achievement, Romance Writers of America
  1987 "Maggie" Award, Georgia Romance Writers: SOUTHERN RAPTURE
  1987 "Climbing Rose" Award, North Louisiana Romance Authors
  1985 "Maggie" Award, Georgia Romance Writers: MIDNIGHT WALTZ
  1985 Historical Romance Author of the Year, Romantic Times

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