俄罗斯 人物列表
普希金 Pushkin佚名 Yi Ming
丘特切夫 Qiuteqiefu莱蒙托夫 Mikhail Yuryevich Lermontov
安年斯基 Annenski巴尔蒙特 Balmont
索洛古勃 Suoluogubo梅烈日柯夫斯基 Dimitrij Sergeevic Mereskovskij
安·别雷 An Bely洛赫维茨卡娅 Luoheweici Kaja
赫列勃尼科夫 He Liebo Melnikov库兹明 Kuzmin
伊戈尔·谢维里亚宁 伊戈尔谢维里亚 Ning马雅可夫斯基 Vladimir Mayakovsky
亚历山大·勃洛克 Alexander Blok勃留索夫 Cult Bo
吉皮乌斯 Gippius蒲宁 Ivan Bunin
弗·索洛维约夫 弗索洛维约夫马·沃洛申 马沃洛 application
霍达谢维奇 Khodasevich波普拉夫斯基 Poplavski
古米廖夫 Gumilyov阿赫玛托娃 Anna Akhmatova
茨维塔耶娃 Marina Tsvetaeva曼德尔施塔姆 Osip Mandelstam
帕斯捷尔纳克 Boris Pasternak叶赛宁 Sergei Yesenin
弗拉基米尔·纳博科夫 Vladimir Nabokov维亚·伊万诺夫 Weiyayiwan Ivanov
安德列·沃兹涅兴斯基 安德列沃兹涅 Xing Ski柴可夫斯基 Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky
尤里·加夫里科夫 尤里加夫里科夫尤里·叶梅利亚诺夫 Yuri Emelianov
罗伊·麦德维杰夫 罗伊麦德维 Jeff瓦列金·别列什科夫 Valery Kim Do Leshkov
米哈伊尔·雅罗斯拉维奇·霍罗布里特 Mikhail Khorobrit鲍里斯·米哈伊洛维奇 Boris Mihajlovic
丹尼尔·亚历山德罗维奇 Daniel尤里·达尼洛维奇 Yuri
伊凡一世 Ivan I (the Money bag)谢苗一世 Simeon (the Proud)
伊凡二世 Ivan II (the Fair)德米特里·顿斯科伊 Dimitri I (of the Don)
瓦西里一世 Vasily I瓦西里二世 Vasily II (the Blind)
伊凡三世 Ivan III of Russia (the Great)瓦西里三世 Vasily III
伊凡四世 Ivan IV (the Terrible)费奥多尔·伊万诺维奇 Fyodor I Ivanovich
鲍里斯·戈东诺夫 Boris Godunov费多尔二世 Feodor II
伪德米特里一世 False Dmitriy I瓦西里四世 Vasili IV
米哈伊尔·费奥多罗维奇·罗曼诺夫 Mikhail I Fyodorovich Romanov阿列克谢一世 Alexis I
费奥多尔三世 Feodor III伊凡五世 Ivan V Alekseyevich Romanov
彼得大帝 Peter I叶卡捷琳娜一世 Catherine I
列昂诺夫 Leonid Leonov
俄罗斯 俄罗斯联邦  (1899年5月31日1994年8月8日)

推理侦探 consecution detective《讨厌的警察》

阅读列昂诺夫 Leonid Leonov在小说之家的作品!!!
  列昂诺夫(1899~ ) Leonov,Leonid Maksimovich

  Leonid Maximovich Leonov (Russian: Леони́д Макси́мович Лео́нов; May 31 [O.S. May 19] 1899 — 8 August 1994) was a Soviet novelist and playwright. He has been dubbed a 20th-century Dostoyevsky for the deep psychological torment of his prose.
  Life and work
  During the Russian Civil War, he worked as a reporter. His first (and perhaps best) novel, The Badgers (1924), employs a fairly conventional style but is filled with peasant speech; it "deals with the impact on the village and the peasantry of the Revolution and symbolically pits brother against brother in the struggle." His dark novel The Thief (1927), set in the criminal underworld of the Russian capital, was warmly welcomed by critics in Russia and abroad, but Brown considers it "spoiled in execution by the self-conscious literary poses of the author and his transparent derivation of himself from the irrationalist Dostoevsky. Leonov nonetheless performs a shrewd psychological dissection upon his main character, a disillusioned commissar who has become a member of a gang of thieves. He produced a thoroughly reworked version of this novel in 1959."
  The Moscow Art Theatre under the direction of Constantin Stanislavski staged Leonov's play Untilovsk, which was set in a remote Siberian community. The production opened on 17 February 1928, having given a preview to the theatre's management committee three days earlier. Both the committee and the wider press disapproved of the play's ideological stance; Anatoly Lunacharsky, writing in the Leningrad journal Krasnaia, described it as a step backwards for the theatre.
  Soviet River (1930) describes the construction of a paper mill on the banks of a river in the middle of the Siberian forest; Skutarevsky (1932), "probably one of his best works in style and intellectual power, explores the psychological problems of an eminent scientist working in a socialist state and, in what is undoubtedly an autobiographical statement, traces his development from a skeptical critic of the new order into an enthusiastic supporter." In 1934, Leonov helped Maxim Gorky to found the Union of Soviet Writers. The following year, he published a fantasy about the Soviet future, Road to the Ocean, in which the hero, "another embodiment of Leonov, meditates on the suffering he has caused and endured and tries to answer the question whether it was worth while in the total economy of history."
  Immediately after the start of World War II, Leonov penned several patriotic plays, which were quickly made into movies and won him the USSR State Prize (1943). His novel The Russian Forest (1953) was acclaimed by the authorities as a model Soviet book on World War II and received the Lenin Prize, but its implication that the Soviet regime had cut down "the symbol of Old Russian culture" caused some nervousness, and Nikita Khrushchev reminded the author that "not all trees are useful ... from time to time the forest must be thinned." In 1967, Leonov was named a Hero of Socialist Labour. He was admitted to the Soviet Academy of Sciences five years later. During the last decades of his life, he worked upon the dark nationalistic-religious epic The Pyramid (1994).
  1963 Русский лес (The Russian Forest) - screenplay
  1975 Бегство мистера Мак-Кинли (The Escape of Mr. McKinley) film / closet screenplay

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