阅读塞万提斯 Miguel de Cervantes Saavedra在小说之家的作品!!! |
塞万提斯出身于马德里近郊的一个潦倒外科医生家庭。 只上过中学,曾当过红衣主教的随从,参军抗击土耳其军队时左手残废,后又被海盗 俘虏,在任军需员和税吏时还曾数次被诬入狱,终身穷困潦倒。1577年他开始文学创 作,写过哀歌、诗简、14行诗、长诗、悲剧、喜剧、幕间短剧、田园牧歌体小说、短 篇小说、长篇小说。作品从不同角度深刻地反映了16世纪末西班牙王国走向衰落时期 的社会现实,塑造了上至王公贵族下至流氓妓女的各阶层人物形象,暴露了封建制度 的黑暗,宣扬了人文主义思想。在创作的指导思想上,他主张作家的想象力应与历史 真实性统一起来,作品中进行道德说教应与作品的艺术性统一起来。
著名长篇小说《堂·吉柯德》,Don Quixote,(1602~1615)是塞万提斯的代表作。小说全名为 《奇情异想的绅士堂吉柯德·德·拉·曼却》共2卷,主要描写一个瘦弱的没落贵族 吉柯德因迷恋古代骑士小说,竟像古代骑士那样用破甲驽马装扮起来,以丑陋的牧猪 女作美赛天仙的崇拜贵妇,再以矮胖的农民桑丘·潘札作侍从,3次出发周游全国, 去创建扶弱锄强的骑士业绩。以致闹出不少笑话,到处碰壁受辱,被打成重伤或被当 作疯子遣送回家。小说中出现的人物近700个,描绘的场景从宫廷到荒野遍布全国。 揭露了16世纪末到17世纪初正在走向衰落的西班牙王国的各种矛盾,谴责了贵族阶级 的荒淫腐朽,展现了人民的痛苦和斗争,触及了、经济、道德、文化和风俗等诸 方面的问题。小说塑造了可笑、可敬、可悲的吉柯德和既求实胆小又聪明公正的农民 桑丘这两个世界文学中的著名典型人物,将现实主义和浪漫主义有机地结合起来,既 有朴实无华的生活真实,也有滑稽夸张的虚构情节,在反映现实的深度、广度上,在 塑造人物的典型性上,都迈上了一个新的台阶。小说曾受到马克思、恩格斯、列宁及 席勒、歌德、司各特、拜伦、海涅、别林斯基等导师、著名作家的高度赞誉,在 世界各国翻译出版了1000多次,成为世界各国读者普遍熟悉和喜爱的世界文学名著之一。
Famous novel, "Tong Ji Kede", Don Quixote, (1602 ~ 1615) is the Cervantes masterpiece. Full name fiction "strange situation like a gentleman Hall Jikedede different Raman is" Volume 2, the main description of the decline of a thin noble knight Jike De fascination with the ancient novel, feverish as the ancient knights with broken A nag dressed up with ugly girls for the U.S. livestock pig race angel worship lady, then squat farmers Sangqiupanzha for attendants, three times starting around the country, to create the weak and strong knight hoe performance. Resulting in sudden, a lot of jokes, pushed from pillar to humiliation, was seriously wounded or sent home as a madman. Figures appearing in the novel nearly 700 scenes depicting all over the country from the palace to the wilderness. Exposed the late 16th century to early 17th century is the decline of the Kingdom of Spain to the various contradictions, the dissolute condemned the decadent aristocracy, show the people's suffering and struggle, touched, economic, moral, and other aspects of culture and customs issues . Novel shaped funny, honorable, and both realistic and sad Jike De timid peasants Sancho and smart and just two well-known typical characters in world literature, realism and romanticism will organically combine both simple minimalist real life, but also funny exaggerated fiction, reflecting the reality of the depth, breadth, in shaping the character of the typical on all scaled to a new level. Novel had been subjected to Marx, Engels, Lenin, and Schiller, Goethe, Scott, Byron, Heine, Belinsky and other instructors, the famous writer of highly acclaimed around the world, translated and published more than 1,000, as the world national readers generally know and love in the world literary classics.