měi guó zuòzhělièbiǎo
zhū lín · qiáo sài 'ěr sēn Josselson, R.zhān · tài 詹姆斯泰伯
wēi lián · ēn dào 'ěr Frederick William Engdahl · pèi 'ēn Mark - Payne
ā · léi Avner Greifān ·B· Andrew B Busch
hǎi lún · kǎi Helen Kellerléi méng · méng · lǎng Raymond Lamont-Brown
mài 'ěr · 'ěr Michael Largo luó · luó shēng Harold R.Isaacs
ān · huò 'ěr Andy Warholsuō lún · luó Suolunluosi
'ěr · shī Neil Schlagerjié Jeremy
fěi · mài Philip Meyerài lún · wéi màn Alan Weisman
· Steve Wozniak guǒ · · jiā Hugo de Garis
· J.Hillis Millermài · sòng Mike Song
wéi · 'ěr Vicki Halseyào 'ěr sēn · 'ān · ào 'ěr sēn 奥尔森拉里迪 Anaoersen
jiā · 'ěr Gary Wolfyuē hàn · ā 'ěr · méi John Albert Macy
bīn sài · wéi 'ěr Spencer Wellssāng · nèi luó Sanda Cisneros
wēn · léi K. Winnài lún · ài 'ěr jīn Allen Elkin
dāng · shí Adam Cashnuò màn · sēn Norman Cousins
mài 'ěr · luó sēn Micheal F.Roizenliú · màn Lewis Lapham
ruì 'ěr · màn Gabrielle Lichterman shān · léi nuò Susan Reynolds
suō bái · 'ěr Elizabeth Gilbertshā lún · Sharon Mole Mu
qiáo sēn · lín Jonathan Prince ruì · Fred Cuell
ān · suǒ luó mén Andrew Solomon hǎn · ào Muhammad Oz
yuē hàn · léi John T.Molloyzhāng chéng Zhang Cheng
· màn Mark Hyman wǎn zhú Wu Wan-bamboo
· wéi 玛吉波维斯dài · dān Dai Bidan
· léi Mark Leyner · bǎo Billy Goldberg
láo · duō 'ěr Laura Doylekǎi wén · fěi Kevin Phillips
ài huá ·G· 'ōu Edward G. Muzio ·J· fèi xuě Deborah J. Fisher
luó ·A· ā nuò Roger A. Arnoldjié · qiē 'ěr Jack Mitchell
ài · shī luó Alice Schroederhuá lāi shì Wallace D. Wattles
luó · 'ěr 罗伯特柯里尔 chá · 'ěr sēn Richard Carlson
'ěr · shí 马尔科姆库什 Naqiáo zhì · suǒ luó George Soros
· Peter F. Drucker
měi guó xiàn dài měi guó  (1909niánshíyīyuè19rì2005niánshíyīyuè11rì)

jīng shāng Economics Shangqizhuó yòu chéng xiào de guǎn zhě
shāng jiè jīng yīng the business circle elitebàng guān zhě

yuèdòu · Peter F. Druckerzài历史大观dezuòpǐn!!!
yuèdòu · Peter F. Druckerzài百家争鸣dezuòpǐn!!!
  xiàn dài guǎn zhī shī zhōng de shī
   1909 nián shēng 'ào xiōng guó de wéi wéi lán jiā de xiān rén zài 17 shì shí cóng shì shū chū bǎn gōng zuò de qīn wéi 'ào guó wén huà shì de guān yuán qīn shì shuài xiān xué xué de zhī cóng xiǎo shēngzhǎng zài wén huà de huán jìng zhī zhōng 1979 nián suǒ zhù de zìzhuàn xiǎo shuōbàng guān zhěduì chéngzhǎng chéng zuò liǎo xiáng 'ér shēng dòng de miáo shù · zài guǎn jiè shì shòu rén zūn jìng de xiǎng shī 1909 nián shēng wéi , 1937 nián měi guózhōng shēn jiāoshūzhù shū xún wéi shēng gòng zhù shū 39 běnzài shāng píng lùn biǎo wén zhāng 30 piānbèi wéixiàn dài guǎn xué zhī ”。 wén fēng qīng liàn duì duō wèn chū liǎo de jīng jiàn jiějié · wéi 'ěr 'ěr · gài děng réndōu shēn shòu xiǎng de yǐng xiǎng shēng gēng chuònián jiǔ xún hái chuàng zuò liǎo zhè běn zhì》, guài niǔ yuē shí bàozàn wéidāng dài zuì xìng de xiǎng jiā”。 2005 nián 11 yuè 11 zài jiā zhōu jiā zhōng shì shìxiǎng nián 95 suì
   zūn wéixiàn dài guǎn xué zhī de shì zhè shí dài zuì chū de guǎn xué zhě céng shì:“ guǒ néng huó dào 80 suì yào xiě dào 80 suì
   · duì jiè de shēn yuǎn yǐng xiǎng
  “ xiān shēng de yuān zhī shíshēn xiǎng jǐn yǐng xiǎng liǎo xué shù jiè yǐng xiǎng liǎo jiè shuōméi yòu zhù míng xué zhě chéng gōng de shāng jiè lǐng xiù cóng yǎng fēn。”
   héng héng nán jīng xué shāng xué yuàn yuàn cháng zhào shǔ míng
  “ quán shì jiè de guǎn zhě yìng gāi gǎn xiè zhè rényīn wéi gòng xiàn liǎo shēng de jīng lái qīng men shè huì zhōng rén de juésè zhì gòu de juésè rèn wéi · rèn réndōu gèng yòu xiào zuò dào liǎo zhè diǎn。”
   héng héng tōng yòng diàn qián shǒu zhí xíng guān jié · wéi 'ěr
  “ zài suǒ yòu de guǎn xué shū zhōng de zhù zuò duì yǐng xiǎng zuì shēn。”
   héng héng wēi ruǎn zǒng cái 'ěr · gài
  “ shì xīn zhōng de yīng xióng de zhù zuò xiǎng fēi cháng qīng zài xiē kuáng zhuī qiú shí máo xiǎng de rén qún zhōng shù zhì。”
   héng héng yīng 'ěr zhù 'ān ·
   guó quán wēi méi duì · de píng jià
  “ F. lùn shù liǎo guǎn de xīn fàn shì gǎi biàn gǎi biàn men duì guǎn shí jiàn guǎn lùn de běn rèn shí。《 21 shì de guǎn tiǎo zhàn yuǎn jiàn zhuó shí chāo qián wéi fēng de zhī shíguǎng fàn de shí jiàn jīng yànshēn suì de dòng chá jīng de fēn yún jiàn bān de cháng shí shēnzhè xiē dōushì zhù zuò de jīng suǐ guǎn zhuān de chéng bēi 。”
   héng héng shāng píng lùn
  “ zhè wèi gāo zhān yuǎn zhǔ de xiǎng jiā yòu zhāo pái shì de mǐn ruì dòng chá néng gòu dòng tóng liàng zhī jiān cún zài de nèi zài lián yòu gěi men dài lái de zhù zuò。”
   héng héng shū guǎn zhì( LibraryJournal)
   · 1909 nián shēng 'ào xiōng guó de wéi wéi lán rén jiā zài shí shì shí cóng shì shū chū bǎn gōng zuò( Drucker yuán wéi " yìn shuà zhě ")。 de qīn wéi 'ào guó wén huà shì de guān yuáncéng chuàng bàn 'ěr bǎo yīnyuè jié de qīn shì 'ào guó shuài xiān xué de zhī cóng xiǎo shēngzhǎng zài wén huà de huán jìng zhī zhōng 1979 nián suǒ zhù de zìzhuàn xiǎo shuōbàng guān zhěduì chéngzhǎng chéng zuò liǎo xiáng 'ér shēng dòng de miáo shù - :《 jīng xué rénduàn yán shī zhōng de shī
   xiān hòu zài 'ào guó shòu jiào , 1929 nián hòu zài lún dūn rèn xīn wén zhě guó yínháng de jīng xué jiā 1931 nián huò lán xué xué shì。 1937 nián mín měi guócéng zài xiē yínhángbǎo xiǎn gōng kuà guó gōng rèn jīng xué jiā guǎn wèn。 1942 nián dào 1949 nián rèn bèi níng dùn xué yuàn zhé xué jiào shòu zhèng zhì xué jiào shòu。 1942 shòu pìn wéi dāng shí quán shì jiè zuì héng héng tōng yòng chē gōng de wèn 1946 nián jiāng xīn chéng guǒ biān ji wéigōng de gài niàn shū chū bǎnduì de zhì jié gòu yòu xiáng 'ér dào de fēn 。 1950 nián rèn niǔ yuē xué shāng yán jiū yuàn guǎn xué jiào shòu
   chū biāo guǎn de gài niàn
  1954 nián chū liǎo yòu huàshídài de gài niàn héng héng biāo guǎn (ManagementByObjectives, jiǎn chēng wéi MBO), shì suǒ míng de zuì zhòng yàozuì yòu yǐng xiǎng de gài niànbìng chéng wéi dāng dài guǎn xué de zhòng yào chéng fēn
   biāo guǎn de zuì yōu diǎn shì shǐ wèi jīng rén néng kòng zhì de chéng jiù kòng zhì wèi zhe gèng qiáng de zhǒng yào zuòde zuì hǎo 'ér shì yǎn liǎo shì de yuàn wàng wèi zhe gèng gāo de chéng jiù biāo gèng guǎng kuò de yǎn jiè biāo guǎn de zhù yào gòng xiàn zhī jiù shì shǐ men néng yòng kòng zhì de guǎn lái dài yóu bié rén tǒng zhì de guǎn
   guǎn xué de zhēn
  “ guǎn shì mén xué zhè shǒu xiān jiù wèi zheguǎn rén yuán zhū shí jiàn de shì guǎn xué 'ér shì jīng xué shì jìliáng fāng shì xíng wéi xué lùn shì jīng xuéjìliáng fāng hái shì xíng wéi xué zhǐ shì guǎn rén yuán de gōng dàn shìguǎn rén yuán zhū shí jiàn de bìng shì jīng xuézhèng hǎo xiàng shēng zhū shí jiàn de bìng shì yàn xuè yàngguǎn rén yuán zhū shí jiàn de bìng shì xíng wéi xuézhèng hǎo xiàng wèi shēng xué jiā zhū shí jiàn de bìng shì xiǎn wēi jìng yàngguǎn rén yuán zhū shí jiàn de bìng shì jìliáng fāng zhèng hǎo xiàng wèi shī zhū shí jiàn de bìng shì pàn yàngguǎn rén yuán zhū shí jiàn de shì guǎn xué。”
   guǎn yào jiě jué de wèn yòu 90% shì gòng tóng de
   rèn wéiguǎn zài tóng de zhì huì yòu xiē chā yīn wéi shǐ mìng jué dìng yuǎn jǐngyuǎn jǐng jué dìng jié gòuguǎn 'ěr (Wal-Mart) guǎn luó tiān zhù jiào táng dāng rán yòu suǒ tóng chā zài zhì suǒ shǐ yòng de míng yányòu suǒ tóng de chā zhù yào shì zài yìng yòng shàng 'ér shì zài yuán shàngsuǒ yòu zhì de guǎn zhědōuyào miàn duì jué yào zuò rén shì jué ér rén de wèn jīhū shì yàng desuǒ yòu zhì de guǎn zhě miàn duì gōu tōng wèn guǎn zhě yào huā liàng de shí jiān shàng xià shǔ jìn xíng gōu tōngzài suǒ yòu zhì zhōng, 90% zuǒ yòu de wèn shì gòng tóng de tóng de zhǐ yòu 10%。 zhǐ yòu zhè 10% yào shì yìng zhè zhì dìng de shǐ mìng dìng de wén huà dìng yánhuàn yán zhī chéng gōng de lǐng dǎo rén tóng yàng néng lǐng dǎo hǎo jiā fēi yíng gòufǎn zhī rán
   péi yǎng jīng rén de zhòng yào xìng
   rèn wéijīng rén shì zhōng zuì 'áng guì de yuánér qiě shì zhé jiù zuì kuàizuì yào jīng cháng chōng de zhǒng yuánjiàn zhī guǎn duì yào duō nián de shí jiān de tóu dàn chè gǎo kuǎ néng yòng fèi duō jìn 'ér。 21 shì jīng rén de rén shù jiāng duàn zēng jiāpéi yǎng wèi jīng rén suǒ de tóu jiāng duàn zēng jiā tóng shí duì jīng rén de yào qiú jiāng duàn gāo
   de biāo néng fǒu dào jué jīng rén guǎn de hǎo huài jué guǎn jīng rénér qiě duì yuán gōng de guǎn duì gōng zuò de guǎn zhù yào jué jīng rén de guǎn guǎn jīng rén yuán gōng de tài suǒ fǎn yìng deshǒu xiān shì guǎn céng de tài yuán gōng de tài zhèng shì guǎn céng de néng jié gòu de miàn jìng yuán gōng de gōng zuò shì fǒu yòu chéng xiàozài hěn chéng shàng jué bèi guǎn de fāng shì
   zhì de de shì shǐ píng fán de rén zuò chū píng fán de shì
   rèn wéi zhì de de shì shǐ píng fán de rén zuò chū píng fán de shì
   zhì néng lài tiān cáiyīn wéi tiān cái shǎo fèng máo lín jiǎokǎo chá zhì shì fǒu yōu xiùyào kàn néng fǒu shǐ píng cháng rén men kàn lái suǒ néng de gèng hǎo de xiàonéng fǒu shǐ chéng yuán de cháng chù huī chū láibìng yòng měi rén de cháng chù lái bāng zhù rén xiào zhì de rèn hái zài shǐ chéng yuán de quē diǎn xiāng xiāo
   de quán zhù zuò nián biǎo
  1.《 jīng rén de 》( TheEndofEconomicMan) -1939
  2.《 gōng rén de wèi lái》( TheFutureofIndustrialMan) -1942
  3.《 gōng de gài niàn》( ConceptoftheCorporation) -1946
  4.《 xīn shè huì》( TheNewSociety) -1950
  5.《 guǎn shí jiàn》( ThePracticeofManagement) -1954
  6.《 měi guó de xià 20 nián》( America'sNextTwentyYears) -1957
  7.《 míng de chéng bēi》( LandmarksofTomorrow) -1957
  8.《 chéng guǒ guǎn 》( ManagingforResults) -1964
  9.《 zhuó yòu chéng xiào de guǎn zhě》( TheEffectiveExecutive) -1966
  10.《 duàn céng shí dài》( TheAgeofDiscontinuity) -1968
  11.《 shùguǎn shè huì》( Technology, ManagementandSociety) -1970
  12.《 rén xiǎng shè huì》( Men, IdeasandPolitics) -1971
  13.《 guǎn rèn rènshí jiàn》( Management:Tasks, Responsibilities, Practices) -1973
  14.《 kàn jiàn de mìng》( TheUnseenRevolution) -1976(1996 nián tuì xiū jīn mìng》( ThePensionFundRevolution) chóngbǎn )
  15.《 rén xiào lùn guǎn jīng huá》( PeopleandPerformance:TheBestofPeterDruckeronManagement) -1977
  16.《 guǎn dǎo lùn》( AnIntroductoryViewofManagement) -1977
  17.《 bàng guān zhě》( AdventuresofaBystander) -1978(autobiography)
  18.《 máo zhī běn huì huà》( SongoftheBrush:JapanesePaintingfromtheSansoCollection) -1979
  19.《 dòng dàng nián dài de guǎn 》( ManaginginTurbulentTimes) -1980
  20.《 mài xiàng jīng xīn yuán lùn wén》( TowardtheNextEconomicsandOtherEssays) -1981
  21.《 biàn dòng zhōng de guǎn jiè》( TheChangingWorldoftheExecutive) -1982
  22.《 zuì hòu néng chū xiàn de shì jiè》( xiǎo shuō, TheLastofAllPossibleWorlds) -1982
  23.《 xíng shàn de yòu huò》( xiǎo shuō, TheTemptationtoDoGood) -1984
  24.《 chuàng xīn jiā jīng shén》( InnovationandEntrepreneurship) -1985
  25.《 guǎn de qián yán》( FrontiersofManagement) -1986
  26.《 xīn xiàn shízhèng zhèng zhìjīng shè huì shì jiè》( TheNewRealities) -1989
  27.《 fēi yíng zhì de guǎn yuán shí jiàn》( ManagingtheNonprofitOrganization:PrinciplesandPractices) -1990
  28.《 guǎn wèi lái》( ManagingfortheFuture) -1992
  29.《 shēng tài yuǎn jǐng》( TheEcologicalVision) -1993
  30.《 hòu běn zhù shè huì》( Post-CapitalistSociety) -1993
  31.《 biàn shí dài de guǎn 》( ManaginginaTimeofGreatChange) -1995
  32.《 kàn zhōu zhōng nèi de duì huà》( DruckeronAsia:ADialoguebetweenPeterDruckerandIsaoNakauchi) -1997
  33.《 lùn guǎn 》( PeterDruckerontheProfessionofManagement) -1998
  34.《 21 shì de guǎn tiǎo zhàn》( ManagementChallengesforthe21stCentury) -1999
  35.《 jiǔ shí nián dài de guǎn . - 1999
  36.《 jīng huá》( TheEssentialDrucker) -2001
  37.《 xià shè huì de guǎn 》( ManagingintheNextSociety) -2002
  38.《 gōng néng shè huì》( AFunctioningSociety) -2002
  39.《 zhì》( TheDailyDrucker) -2004
  40.《 zhuó yòu chéng xiào guǎn zhě de shí jiàn》( TheEffectiveExecutiveinAction) -2006
   · fēn wén
   . wén zhuó yuè zǒng cái de rén shù” .pdf
   . wén zhì liàng zài guò chéng .pdf
   . wén zhì zào miàn lín liǎng nán chǔjìng .pdf
   . wén zhàn lüè guī huá de shì fēi .pdf
   . wén tǒng shì chǎng de duō yuán huà jīng yíng .pdf
   . wén qiǎn zhuó yòu chéng xiào de guǎn zhě” .pdf
   . wén méi yòu yǒng yuǎn de lǐng dǎo zhě .pdf
   . wén kàn qīng shì chéng gōng mài chū guǎn de .pdf
   . wén jīng rén yào xué huì guǎn .pdf
   . wén gāo xiào jīng rén wèihé gāo xiào .pdf
   . wén gāo céng guǎn de jié gòu .pdf
   . wén fǎn miàn jiànzhèng què jué deshǒu shén” .pdf
   . wén duō yuán huà de shù guī .pdf
   . wén kàn lǐng dǎolǐng dǎo .pdf
   . wén biàn de yǐn dǎo zhě zūn xún de 4 yuán .pdf
   . wén chū de wèn .pdf
   . wén bāng zhù xiǎo jīng yíng .pdf
   · de xiáng shēng píng
  1909 nián 11 yuè 19 · chū shēng 'ào xiōng guó tǒng zhì xià de wéi lán jiā zài 17 shì shí jiù cóng shì shū chū bǎn gōng zuò qīn shì 'ào guó wén huà shì de guān yuáncéng chuàng bàn 'ěr bǎo yīnyuè jié de qīn shì 'ào guó shuài xiān xué de zhī cóng xiǎo shēngzhǎng zài wén huà de huán jìng zhī zhōng
   xiān hòu zài 'ào guó shòu jiào , 1929 nián hòu zài lún dūn rèn xīn wén zhě guó yínháng de jīng xué jiā 1931 nián huò lán xué xué shì
  1937 nián mín měi guócéng zài xiē yínhángbǎo xiǎn gōng kuà guó gōng rèn jīng xué jiā guǎn wèn, 1943 nián jiā měi guó céng zài bèi níng dùn xué yuàn rèn zhé xué jiào shòu zhèng zhì xué jiào shòubìng zài niǔ yuē xué yán jiū shēng yuàn dān rèn liǎo 20 duō nián de guǎn xué jiào shòujìn guǎn bèi chēng wéixiàn dài guǎn xué zhī ”, dàn zhí rèn wéi shǒu xiān shì míng zuò jiā lǎo shī
  1942 niánshòu pìn wéi dāng shí shì jiè zuì héng héng tōng yòng chē gōng de wènduì gōng de nèi guǎn jié gòu jìn xíng yán jiū
  1946 niánjiāng xīn xiě chénggōng gài niàn》,“ jiǎng shù yōng yòu tóng néng zhī shí de rén zài xíng zhì zěn yàng fēn gōng zuò”。 gāi shū de zhòng yào gòng xiàn hái zài shǒu chū zhìde gài niànbìng qiě diàn dìng liǎo zhì xué de chǔ
  1954 niánchū bǎnguǎn shí jiàn》, chū liǎo yòu huàshídài de gài niàn héng héng biāo guǎn cóng jiāng guǎn xué kāi chuàng chéng wéi mén xué , cóng 'ér diàn dìng guǎn shī de wèi
  1966 niánchū bǎnzhuó yòu chéng xiào de guǎn zhě》, gào zhī zhě shì zhǐ yòu guǎn bié rén de rén cái chēng shàng shì guǎn zhězài dāng jīn zhī shí shè huì zhōngzhī shí gōng zuò zhě wéi guǎn zhěguǎn zhě de gōng zuò zhuó yòu chéng xiàochéng wéi gāo guǎn zhě de jīng diǎn zhī zuò
  1973 niánchū bǎn zhùguǎn rèn rènshí jiàn》, shì běn gěi jīng yíng zhě de tǒng huà guǎn shǒu wéi xué guǎn xué de xué shēng gōng de tǒng huà jiào shūgào guǎn rén yuán zhū shí jiàn de shì guǎn xué 'ér shì jīng xué shì jìliáng fāng shì xíng wéi xuégāi shū bèi wéiguǎn xuédeshèng jīng”。
  1982 niánchū bǎn biàn shí dài de guǎn 》, tàn tǎo liǎo yòu guān guǎn zhě de xiē wèn guǎn zhě juésè nèi hán de biàn huà men de rèn shǐ mìngmiàn lín de wèn men de zhǎn shì
  1985 niánchū bǎnchuàng xīn jiā jīng shén》, bèi wéiguǎn de shí jiàntuī chū hòu zuì zhòng yào de zhù zuò zhī quán shū qiáng diào qián de jīng yóuguǎn de jīng zhuǎn biàn wéichuàng xīn de jīng ”。
  1999 niánchū bǎn《 21 shì de guǎn tiǎo zhàn》, jiāngxīn jīng de tiǎo zhàn qīng chǔ dìng wéi gāo zhī shí gōng zuò de shēng chǎn
   zài 'ōu zhōu jīng liǎo 'èr zhàn de cán bìng liǎo měi guó zài liǎng shì jiè zhàn zhōng de zuò yòng gǎn dào xiē yōu xiù de lǐng dǎo zhě cái shì shì de yīng xióng zài běn rén shēn shěng de zìzhuànbàng guān zhě de mào xiǎnzhōng xiě dào:“ wéi de xiǎo hái yàngdōushì zǒng tǒng jiù huó de tuī dòng chéng de jiù zhì gōng xué xiào měi tiān dùn cānzhè dùn cān de cài shìqīng shì mài piàn fěn chōng pào de yǐn liàozhí dào jīn tiān réng rán duì zhè liǎng yàng dōng dǎo wèi kǒu guò zhěng 'ōu zhōu dāng rán bāo kuò zài nèi de shù bǎi wàn 'è hái tóng de xìng mìngdōushì zhè zhì jiù huó de。” zhì rán néng huī zhè me de gōng yòngcóng huó shēng shēng de jīng zhōng men nán xiàn qiáng diàotòu guò zhì zhè zhǒng gōng jìn liàng huī rén lèi chuàng zào guān niàn de gēn yuán
   wài zài shāng jīng de biàn huà shì fāng miàn xiǎn shì chū liǎo jīng rén de tiān zǎo zài 1969 nián jiù yán jiāng yòu zhǒng xīn de lèi xíng de láo dòng zhě chū xiàn héng héng héng zhī shí yuán gōng men de zhí jiāng yóu suǒ xué de zhī shí lái jué dìng zài kào chū mài lái yǎng jiā kǒu。 1987 nián 10 yuèměi guó shì bēng pánjǐn 10 yuè 19 tiānměi guó quán guó sǔn shī piào shì zhí 5000 měi yuánduì shuō zǎo jiù liào dào liǎo,“ shì yīn wéi jīng shàng de yuán yīnér shì shěn měi dào 。” jiāng dāng shí de huá 'ěr jiē piào jīng rén chēng wéiwán quán yòu shēng chǎn de qúndàn yòu néng hěn qīng lāo qián。”
   zuò wéi chūguǎn xuégài niàn de réndāng jīn shì jièhěn nán zhǎo dào gèng néng yǐn lǐng shí dài de kǎo zhě: 1950 nián dài chūzhǐ chū suàn zhōng jiāng chè gǎi biàn shāng ; 1961 nián xǐng měi guó yìng guān zhù běn gōng de jué ; 20 nián hòuyòu shì shǒu xiān jǐng gào zhè dōng guó jiā néng xiàn jīng zhì zhàng; 1990 nián dàishuài xiān duìzhī shí jīng jìn xíng liǎo chǎn shì
   zhù shū shòu wèi céng jiànduàn 1971 nián zhí rèn jiào lāi méng xué de · guǎn yán jiū shēng yuànwéi niàn zài guǎn lǐng de jié chū gòng xiàn lāi méng xué de guǎn yán jiū yuàn de míng mìng míng。 1990 niánwéi gāo fēi yíng zhì de xiàoyóu lǎng · sài 'ěr běn děng rén de shēng wàngzài měi guó chéng liǎo fēi yíng jīn huì”。 gāi jīn huì shí nián lái xuǎn yōu xiù de fēi yíng zhì bàn yán tǎo huìchū bǎn jiào cáishū kān duō zhǒngduì shè huì zào chéng yǐng xiǎng
   zhì jīn chū bǎn chāo guò 30 běn shū bèi fān chéng 30 duō zhǒng wén , chuán 130 duō guó jiāshèn zhì zài qián lián lánnán jié děng guó wéi chàng xiāo zhōng zuì shòu tuī chóng de shì de yuán gài niàn míngbāo kuò:“ jiāng guǎn xué kāi chuàng chéng wéi mén xué biāo guǎn kòng zhì shì guǎn zhé xué zhì de mùdì shì wèile chuàng zào mǎn de běn gōng néng shì xíng xiāo chuàng xīngāo céng guǎn zhě zài lüè zhōng de juésèchéng xiào xiàolǜ gèng zhòng yàofēn quán huàmín yíng huàzhī shí gōng zuò zhě de xīng zhī shí xùn wéi chǔ de shè huì。” zhì 2004 nián hái yòu xīn shū wèn shì
  2002 nián 6 yuè 20 měi guó zǒng tǒng qiáo zhì ·W· shí xuān · chéng wéi dāng nián dezǒng tǒng yóu xūn zhāngde huò zhězhè shì měi guó gōng mín suǒ néng huò de zuì gāo róng
   lùn shì yīng 'ěr gōng chuàng shǐ rén 'ān · wēi ruǎn dǒng shì cháng 'ěr · gài hái shì tōng yòng diàn gōng qián CEO jié · wéi 'ěr men zài guǎn xiǎng guǎn shí jiàn fāng miàn shòu dào liǎo de yǐng xiǎng。“ jiǎ shì jiè shàng guǒ zhēn yòu suǒ wèi shī zhōng de shī rén de míng dìng shì · héng héng zhè shì zhù míng cái jīng zhìjīng xué rénduì · de píng jià
  2005 nián 11 yuè 11 zài měi guó jiā zhōu lāi méng jiā zhōng shì shìxiǎng nián 95 suì
   běn zhù de yán jiā ?
   céng jīng yòu wèi měi guó gōng de jīng xiě xìn xiàng ? bào gào shuō de jīng bān duì biǎo de měi piān lùn wén dōuyào jìn xíng fǎn de tàn tǎobìng zǒng jié běn cóng zhōng dào de jiào duì guǎn xué jiā lái shuōkǒng zài méi yòu zhè gèng gāo de jiǎng shǎng liǎoháo wènjiān chí zhè zhǒng zuò de jué jǐn xiàn shàng miàn dào de de jīng bān shì shí shàng cóng 40 nián dài guǎn xué xué shù yán jiū xīng lái de wén zhāng cóng láidōu shì jiè bié shì xiàn jīng men guān zhù de jiāo diǎn duì xué de biāo chǐ yīn 'ér bèi wéiměi guó gōng zǒng cái de dǎo shī”。
   cóng xué shù de jiǎo lái jiǎngyào xiǎng shàng shù chéng jiù zài běn zhuān nèi zuò dào xià sān diǎn: (1) zhèng què chū wèn ; (2) chū qièshí xíng de jiě jué zhī dào; (3) shí jìnzài shè huì jìn de bèi jǐng xià chóngfù qián liǎng zhòu
   běn rén de gōng zuò jīhū chēng shàng shì mǎn shàng shù tiáo jiàn de diǎn fàn jǐn zài guǎn xué de lùn shí jiàn zhōngzhè gōng zuò liú chéng shì běn rén suǒ chàng de
   dāng gōng zài jīng liǎo duō nián de gāo zēngzhǎng zhī hòuwǎng wǎng huì chū xiàn rán de tíng zhìshèn zhì shuāi tuìzhè yàng de zài jiè wèi jiē shìrén men de zuì chū fǎn yìng wǎng wǎng shì de jiāng huàguān liáo zhù shèn zhì yuán gōng de dài qíng děng děngzhì liáo de fāng shì zhàn lüè guī zhòng tuán duì děngdàn shìshì shì ràng wéi zài sàn xiē
   zài fēn shàng shù wèn shí jìng chū liǎo de shì lùn guān diǎn zài xiāng dāng cháng de shí jiān néng gòu shùn chéngzhǎngzài hěn chéng shàng suǒ de shì lùn jué de shǐ mìng xīnbāo kuò duì shì chǎng huán jìng de běn jiǎ shè shí xiàn shǐ mìng de bān shǒu duànchéng gōng de shì lùn jiāng shēng wéi xíng zhǎn de lǐng tóu rén zhù dǎo zhěrán 'érdāng shì lùn shí xiàn hòuzhè lèi wǎng wǎng què huì shī fāng xiàngzuò chū yòu bèi shí shì de xíng wéi
  20 nián dài, AT&T wéi de zhì guī dìng de shǐ mìng shìràng měi měi guó jiā tíng gōng zhuāng shàng diàn huà”, zài zhè shǐ mìng de xiàgōng diào dòng yuánzài cháng 30 nián de shí jiān liǎo wěi de chéng jiùrán 'érdāng zài 50 nián dài wán chéng liǎo zhè shǐ mìng zhī hòugōng què kāi shǐ xiàn wēi yuán yīn fēi guān liáo zhù fēi shù yōu shì de sàng shīzhè xiē shuō rán bìng fēi kōng xué lái fēngdàn què jiě shì gōng zāo shòu de cuò zhéguān jiàn de wèn shì wèi néng tiáozhěng chū xīn de shì lùngōng néng shì yìng biàn huà liǎo de wài huán jìngér duì wài huán jìng biàn huà de mǐn ruì fǎn yìng què shì rèn gōng chéng gōng de xiān jué tiáo jiàn
   jīn tiānzhè zhǒng wēi tóng yàng qián zài xiàng { wēi ruǎn zhè yàng de chǔyú shì diān fēng de zhōng mendōu zhī dào wēi ruǎn de kǒu hào shìràng měi bàn gōng shì měi jiā tíng de zhuō shàng bǎi shàng tái diàn nǎo”, zhè kǒu hào zhèng shì AT&T50 nián qián wéi guī dìng de shǐ mìngdāng zhè biāo zhèng zài xùn jiē jìn shíwēi ruǎn tiáozhěng de shì lùn jiāng shì guān dào cháng yuǎn zhǎn de guān jiàn cuò
   zài zhè wèn shàng lìng jiā měi guó de xuǎn cān kǎotōng yòng diàn shì dào qióng gōng zhǐ shù lái shuò guǒ jǐn cún de chéng fèn zài qiáng hàn de CEO jié · wéi 'ěr de lǐng dǎo xià jīng jìn liǎo shǐ shàng zuì chéng gōng de shí dàn men 'ān wēiwèi chóu yīngyǐn rén liǎo xīn de shì lùnxiàn zàizhěng gōng zhèng zài wéi diàn shāng shí dài de dào lái jìn xíng zhǔn bèi diào zhěngwéi 'ěr yóu tuī dòng de xíng zhuànxiàng diàn shāng shí dài 'ér huò zèng E-Jack de hào
   zài lùn wén zhōng wéi zhè zhǒng qíng kuàng kāi liǎo liǎng yào fāng jiù shì zhù dòng fàng 'èr shì zhuī suí de 。 GE de xuǎn de lùn móu 'ér duì zhào de lùn wén GE de xíng dòng, CEO men nán chū de qián chǔyú shénme wèi zhìshèn zhì lián gōng zuò de liú chéng dōukě shè chū lái tán lùn de fǎng shì zuì bān de qíng kuàngdàn jīhū háo zhàng 'ài jiāng yǐn shēn dào de bìng qiě zhī dào yīnggāi zěn yàng cāo zuòzhè zhèng shì wèi zhuó yuè de guǎn xué jiā mèi zhī suǒ zài
   guān zhù miàn lín de bān xìng jīng yíng wèn rán shì guǎn xué jiā de zhí dàn guǒ guǎn xué jiā jǐn jǐn cóng jīng yíng de wēi guān céng shàngér néng cóng shè huì shí dài suǒ shēng de gēn běn xìng biàn huà chū duì jīng yíng de wài huán jìng zhōng suǒ chū xiàn de qián suǒ wèi yòu de biàn huà zuò chū mǐn ruì de fǎn yìng me suǒ péi yǎng de zhǐ néng shìjiě jué wèn de jīng 'ér shì xiàn huì huìshèn zhì chuàng zào huì de jiā”。 zhè shì de fēng zuò wéi jiā de dǎo shī”, zhè wèi zhe jiāng xiān zhī de jīng guān dài dào de tóu shàng gāo de mǐn gǎn jué chá fēn shí dài biàn qiān xiàng shè huì chū de xīn de yào qiúbìng qiě zuì kuài de xiàng shè huìxiàng jiè bào gào de xiànxiàng xiàn de CEO men chū jǐng bào xǐng men yóu wài huán jìng de biàn huà zài jìng zhēng zhōng néng zāo de zhǒng wēi zài guò de shí nián cóng wèi fàng guò zhè zhǒng chéng jiù shì jīn tiān men suǒ shú de zuò pǐn duàn liè de shí dài》、《 jīng rén de 》、《 rén de wèi lái》、《 fēi yíng gòu de jīng yíng zhī dào》、《 hòu běn zhù shí dài de jīng děngdān cóng míng shàng kàn men gèng xiàng shì shè huì xué de wén xiànér shì guǎn xué de zhù zuòzhè xiē zuò pǐn wèitā yíng liǎo běn zhù de yán jiāde chēng hào
   jìn guǎn jìng shì guǎn xué jiā 'ér shì shè huì xué jiā duì shè huì biàn huà de xīng zuì zhōng hái shì luò shí zài céng miànzhòng suǒ zhōu zhīzhī shí jīng zhī shí shè huì de zuì zǎo jiù chū de xià (60 nián dài ), zài lùn wén zhōng shǐ yòng liǎozhī shí gōng zuò zhě” (knowledgeworker) de gài niànér duì zhè gài niàn de fēn zhōng nèi shòu quánxìn liú xiàngzhī shí gōng zuò zhě de kǎo děng děng
   zài lìng piān wéixīn shēng chǎn de tiǎo zhànzhōng chū liǎo xīn de wèn zhī shí jīng bèi jǐng xià gāo shēng chǎn de guān jiàn shì shénmezài huí liǎo shǐ shàng gāo pǐn shēng chǎn dòng de gōng zuò xiàolǜ de zhī hòu jiāng chuán tǒng jīng zhī shí jīng shí dài de gōng zuò zuò liǎo jīng cǎi zhì de huàfēnqián zhě guī jié wéi zhèng què zuò shìhòu zhě liàn wéi yīngdāng zuò shénme de wèn zài chuán tǒng jīng gōng zuò zhōngguǎn zhě jiào huì gōng rén zěn yàng cāo zuò cái néng gāo xiàolǜ tài luó de fān shā gōng dòng zuò fēn jiě yán jiū wéi dài biǎodàn shìzài zhī shí jīng zhōngshòu guò zhuān xùn liàn de ( zhuān shuǐ zhǔn zǎo chāo chū guǎn zhě de shuǐ píngcóng 'ér tán dào dǎo péi xùn ) zhī shí gōng zuò zhě men miàn lín de zhēn zhèng kǎo yàn què shì jué dìng yīnggāi zuò shénme
   gāo zhī shí shēng chǎn de guān jiàn shì guī dìng zhèng què de gōng zuò nèi róngér shì gào zhī shí gōng zuò zhě zěn yàng wán chéng gōng zuò
  “ zhèng què zuò shìzuò zhèng què de shì”, yòng chún cuì cāo zuò céng miàn de yán jiè zǒu liǎng shí dài de biézài zhè diǎn shàng hái méi yòu rén zuòde gèng chū de liǎo
   zhèng de tóng shì qiáo zhì ? suǒ shuō xiàng shàn jiāng chōu xiàng de lùn hái yuán wéi rén men zài cháng gōng zuò shēng huó zhōng lǐng dào de xiǎng guān niàn”。 zài yuè de lùn wén zhōng jiāng duàn xiǎng shòu dào zhè zhǒng wéi de zhè zhèng shì suǒ wàng depéi gēn shuō guòzhī shí jiù shì liàng chōng dàofēn xiǎng de zhī shí cái shì yòu liàng de
   · de xīn chǎn
   duì shēng huó de kàn duì guǎn de kàn mài xiāng chéng jiù shì rèn zhǒng zhī shízhǐ yòu dāng néng yìng yòng shí jiàngǎi biàn rén men de shēng huózhè zhǒng zhī shí cái huì yòu jià zhí
   zài duō huó 8 tiān · jiù néng yíng lái de 96 suì shēng liǎodàn de ruì zhì zǎo wán zhè zhǒng shí jiānjiào jìnde yóu liǎozhí dào shēng mìng de zuì hòu rán yōng yòu nián qīng de xīn líng tóu nǎo
   zuò wéixiàn dài guǎn zhī ”, de xiǎng jīhū shè liǎo guǎn xué de fāng fāng miàn miànxiàn zài men shú zhī de duō guǎn lùn de gài niàn dōushì shǒu xiān chū lái de yíng xiāo biāo guǎn zhī shí gōng zuò zhě děngfěi · shuō:“ guǒ rén men shuō shì yíng xiāo guǎn zhī me jiù shì yíng xiāo guǎn de 。”
   dàn shì tōng cháng shàng de guǎn xué zhěshí shàng guǎn de xué yuàn pài zhí zài tán dào de zhí shí shuō:“ xiě zuò shì de zhí xún shì de shí yàn shì。” de yán jiū lǐng hán gài liǎo guǎn xuézhèng zhì xué shè huì xué de zhū duō fàn chóuzhè shǐ de zuò pǐn yòu kuān guǎng de shì héng jiǔ de chuān tòu
   chú fēi néng gǎi biàn rén men de shēng huó
  1950 nián yuán dàn de qīn tàn wàng de lǎo shī yuē · xióng guò liǎo 8 tiān xióng jiù shì liǎozài zhè jiàn miàn zhōngxióng duì shuō:“ xiàn zài jīng dào liǎo zhè yàng de nián língzhī dào jǐn jǐn píng jiè de shū lùn 'ér liú fāng bǎi shì shì gòu dechú fēi néng gǎi biàn rén men de shēng huófǒu jiù méi yòu rèn zhòng de 。”
   zhè huà chéng liǎo hòu lái héng liàng shēng chéng bài de běn biāo zhǔn shì shēng cóng shì xué shù yán jiū de zhòng yào hái shì xué shù jiè de zhù yào yuán yīn biān jiāoshū biān zuò xún biān xiě zuòzhèng shì zhè sān zhǒng tóng de shēn fèn zào liǎo de yán jiū fāng chéng wén fēng chéng liǎo bié bié de guǎn xué zhě de zhòng yào zhēng
   céng jīng jué liǎo shāng xué yuàn de yāo qǐngzhù yào yuán yīn shì dāng shí shāng xué yuàn yuàn cháng zhì dìng liǎo xiàng guī dìng héng héng jiào zhí yuán gōng měi xīng zuì duō zhǐ néng zuò xún gōng zuòér zài kàn láiguǎn xué gèng shì zhǒng shí jiàncóng zhě yào cānyù shí jiànzài 1946 nián chū bǎngōng de gài niànzhī qián céng jīng zài tōng yòng chē gōng zuò guān chá liǎo liǎng nián
   zài xiě zuò zhī qián tōng cháng duì jìn xíng shēn yán jiū guān cházài xún guò chéng zhōng xiàn wèn bìng zài zhè zhǒng guān chá dòng zhōng xíng chéng xiē dòng chá de guān diǎnzài de zuò pǐn zhōnghěn shǎo kàn dào shénmeguǎn xíngshù fēn ”, 'ér dài zhī de shì xiē zhí zhǐ rén xīn de guān diǎn shìchéng wén fēng jiǎn dānqīng 'ér yòu
   zhè zhǒng yán jiū fāng zài guǎn xué shù zhōng bèi chēng zhī wéiguǎn jīng yàn xué pài”, zhè zhǒng xué pài zài xué shù yán jiū zhōng shǔ zhù liúyīn wéi men de yán jiū fāng xué dexué shù guī fàn”, méi yòu xínglùn zhèng”, yīn hěn nán zài xué shù lùn wén zhōng yǐn yòng men deyán jiū chéng guǒ”。
   wèi liú xué 'ōu zhōu de shì gào zhě dāng shí wèile xiě shì lùn wénkàn guò bǎi piān xué shù lùn wénméi yòu piān yǐn yòng de huà wéi tīng dào de míng shì zài cān huì shàng wèi guǎn xué shì zài tǎo lùn zhù jiào shuí de gòng xiàn wèi nián qīng de zhù jiào zuò liǎo yíng shì de diào chá yán jiū
   qīng chǔ shí dào cóng lái jiù shì xué yuàn pài debiān yuán rén”。 běn rén gōng liǎo yòu dòng jiàn de jiě shì:“ wèile kòng zhì xué jièměi guó zhèng zhǐ xiàng xiē yòng shù xué gōng shì xiě zuò de yán jiū rén yuán gōng yán jiū jīn zhè lèi shēn shí jiàn de xué zhě bèi zhī mén wài biàn shùn chéng zhāng liǎo。”
  2002 nián 6 yuè 22 měi guó zǒng tǒng qiáo zhì ·W. shí xuān · chéng wéi dāng nián dezǒng tǒng yóu xūn zhāngde huò zhězhè shì měi guó gōng mín suǒ néng huò de zuì gāo róng zhè shì fèn chí dào de róng dāng shí jīng 93 suì liǎoxìng kuī huó gòu jiǔgěi liǎo měi guó zhèng gǎi zhèng cuò de huì
   guǎn shì zhǒng shí jiàn
  1971 nián qiū tiān kāi liǎo céng jīng rèn jiào 20 duō nián de niǔ yuē xué shāng xué yuàn yán jiū shēng yuàndào luò shān de jiā zhōu lāi 'ěr méng yán jiū shēng yuàn wéi gāo céng guǎn rén yuán péi xùn bān shòu zhè suǒ xué jǐn zài dāng shí méi yòu shénme yǐng xiǎng biàn shì xiàn zài de měi guó shāng xué yuàn páiháng bǎng zhōng de pái míng zài 50 míng zhī wài
   zhè xuǎn fǎn yìng liǎo duì dāng shí de guǎn xué yán jiū jiào xué de mǎn xiāng xìn guǎn xué yīnggāi shì mén zōng de rén wén xué ér shì xiē fēn xué de lāi 'ěr méng yán jiū shēng yuàn zūn cóng liǎo de guǎn zhé xuézài zhè de xué shēng jǐn yào xué jīng guǎn ér qiě yào xué shǐshè huì xué rán xué
   zhè zhǒng xué shù xùn liàn fāng shì yán liǎo 'ōu zhōu de xué chuán tǒng fǎn yìng liǎo guǎn de běn zhì yào qiú jiù shì guǎn yìng gāi zhǐ shì xiē néng de xùn liànér shì duì rén lèishè huì de zhěng rèn shíguǎn yìng gāi zhǐ shì xiē lùn xué shù yán jiūér shì yīnggāi yòng lái jiě jué shè huì suǒ yào jiě jué de wèn
   zhèng yīn wéi zhè yuán de zuò pǐn yíng liǎo duō jiā de gāo píng jiàyīng 'ěr de chuàng shǐ rén 'ān · háo yǎn shì duì de chóng bài zhī qíng。“ · shì xīn zhōng de yīng xióng de zhù zuò xiǎng qīng yòu zài xiē kuáng zhuī qiú shí máo xiǎng de guǎn xué shù fàn zhōng shù zhì。” jié · wéi 'ěr jiāng zhòng yào de jué guī gōng rèn wéi 1981 nián zhěng tōng yòng diàn de xīn xiǎng héng héng 'èrde yuán biàn lái ·
   xìng hǎo yòu xiàng 'ān · 'ěr · gài zhè yàng wěi de jiā jié · wéi 'ěr zhāng ruì mǐn zhè yàng wěi de jīng rén shí jiàn de lùncóng 'ér róng biàn zhèng míng liǎo de lùn de jià zhíér zhè xiē chéng jiù de guàn kàn :“ guǎn shì zhǒng shí jiàn běn zhì zài zhī 'ér zài xíng yàn zhèng zài luó ji 'ér zài chéng guǒ。”
   suī rán shì chuàng jiàn liǎo xiàn dài guǎn xuédàn kǒng lián dāng chū méi xiǎng dào jīn de guǎn xué jīng zǒu liǎo zhè zhǒng gāo fēn gōng de xué shù yán jiū zhī zhōng wèi yuàn tòu xìng míng de guǎn xué jiào shòu gào zhědāng qián de duō shù guǎn xué xué shù lùn wén suī rán yán de xué shù guī fàndàn jià zhí què bùwèi jiè suǒ rèn tóngméi yòu shénme shí jiàn de jià zhí
   zhuī suí de guǎn shī zài guǎn xué jiè zhí méi yòu dào zhù liú de rèn zhōng bāo kuò cháng qīngcóng yōu xiù dào zhuó yuède zuò zhě · lín 、《 zhuī qiú zhuó yuède zuò zhě tānɡ · xiàng xiū liànde zuò zhě · shèng · shèng wéi xiàn zài zhǐ shì shěng gōng xué yuàn de shēn jiǎng shī”!
   xiǎng xiǎng gòng xiàn
  1994 nián dōng tiān · lín wán chéng liǎo zài guǎn xué shàng de zhòng yào zhù zuò cháng qīngzhī hòu jiàn shì jiù shì chē dào jiā zhōu de lāi méng bài fǎng shí nián 36 suì de lín zài guǎn xué jiè hái shǔ míng xiǎo bèi”, 85 suì de zài de tiānchè gǎi biàn liǎo lín duì shēng huó de kàn
   lín shuō:“ bié réndōu zài wèn chéng gōng?’ ér què zài wèn gòng xiàn?’ bié réndōu zài zhuī wèn zěn me zuò cái néng shǐ yòu jià zhí?’ què zài wèn:‘ zěn me zuò cái néng duì bié rén yòu jià zhí?’”
  “ zǒu chū shǐ chéng wéi yòu yòng de rén。” lín xíng zhī qián gào lín lín shì cái huá héng de réndàn què gào :“ cái huá yìng yòng shí jiàn zhī zhōng héng héng cái néng běn shēn háo yòng chù duō yòu cái huá de rén shēng wéitōng cháng shì yīn wéi men cái huá běn shēn kàn zuò shì zhǒng jiēguǒ。”
   duì shēng huó de kàn duì guǎn de kàn mài xiāng chéng jiù shì rèn zhǒng zhī shízhǐ yòu dāng néng yìng yòng shí jiàngǎi biàn rén men de shēng huózhè zhǒng zhī shí cái huì yòu jià zhí
   zǎo nián zài guó liú xuéwǎn shàng jīng cháng yuàn tīng yòu bèi zuòqǔ jiā wēi 'ěr de de měi gǎn shēn shēn zhèn hàn liǎogèng ràng zhèn hàn de shì xiàn zhè shì wēi 'ěr 80 suì shí xiě de zuì hòu zuò pǐnwēi 'ěr zài tán dào chuàng zuò shí shuō:“ shēng dōushì yīnyuè jiāqiě zhí dào wán měi de jìng jièér zhí hěn kùn huò shì fǒu dào zhè jìng jièzhǐ shì xià dìng liǎo jué xīn zài shì。”
   zhè duàn huà chéng liǎo shēng zhuī qiú wán měi de zuò yòu míng shēng xiě liǎo 39 běn shūjǐn cóng 85 suì dào 95 suì zhè 10 nián zhōng jiù chū bǎn liǎo 10 běn zhe zuò de zuì hòu běn zhe zuò jiāng míng nián 1 yuè fèn zhèng shì chū bǎn
   zhèng shì zhè zhǒng chāo cháng de qín fènshǐ zhí bǎo chí zhe nián qīng de tóu nǎo xīng guǎng fànduì zhèng zhì xuéshè huì xué guǎn xué zào shēnbìng měi sān nián jiù huì xuǎn xīn de zhù lái yán jiūzài 2002 nián de fēng miàn wén zhāng zhōngchēng rán shì zuì nián qīng de tóu nǎo”。
   zài 90 suì shēng shíyòu rén wèn cháng shòu de jué shuō:“ měi 5 nián zhòng biàn suō shì !”
   · de shí bīng
  1 fēn quán shòu quáncái néng yǐn xué dòng
   yàn zhèngdāng jīn suǒ yòu de guó quándōu shì zhàofēn quánshòu quánér zhuàng de
  2. yòng chéng xiào lái guǎn yòng biāo lái guǎn ér fēi yòng jiān lái guǎn
   yàn zhèng:“ shù 、 e huà xué fēn kǎo píng chéng wéi qiē guǎn de shí
  3. lián shí dài de xiàn xiàngzhī shí chǎn shí dài de lái línquán qiú jīng dài bié jīng zhèng mèi shì wēi
   yàn zhèng: BillGates、 Google quán qiú zhī shí jīng líng jià zhèng quán zuò chū zhù
  4. chuàng xīn de fēng xiǎn chuàng xīn gāo hěn duō
   yàn zhèng:“ chuàng xīn chéng wéi běn shì suǒ yòu shēng cún zhǎn de shǒu chéng guī de gōng zòng shǐ méi zuò cuò shìyědōu huó liǎo liǎo
  5. shì cún zài de mùdì
   yàn zhèng:“ wéi zūn zhì shàng rén xiāo fèi zhě wéi dǎo shī……” chéng wéi chéng gōng de xìn tiáo
  6. guǎn zhě de sān shǐ mìng:“ chéng mùdìshǐ gōng zuò zhě yòu chéng jiù gǎn xíng shè huì rèn
   yàn zhèng:“ rén zhī hòuhái yòu shè huì rènzhèng shì dāng jīn chàng dǎo zuì xīng shèng degōng huán bǎo shànjiào wén huàděng shǐ mìng
  7. gōng jīng yíng néng chǎo duǎn xiàn
   yàn zhèng:“ yǒng jīng yíngshì xiàn dài suǒ yòu jiǎo jìn nǎo zhī zài zhuī qiú de bǎo diǎn
  8. huà shè huì wèn wéi shāng
   yàn zhèng:“ huà shè huì wèn wéi shāng de zhuó jiànràng suǒ yòu de lǐng chuàng xīn liǎo dàn zhuó zhuàng liǎo fāng biàn liǎo shè huì
  9. zhì de mùdì zài guǎn rénér shì lǐng dǎo rén
   yàn zhèngxíng 'ér xià shì guǎn xíng 'ér shàng shì lǐng dǎo cóng shí de guǎn dào zhì de lǐng dǎo chuàng liǎo diǎn fàn
  10. jiā fáng 'ài jìn
   yàn zhèngzhè shìjīng yíng quán suǒ yòu quán fēn kāide lùn làn shāngzhè bīng ràng tiān xiàyòu cái què cáide néng rénnéng gòu zhǎo dào zhǎn táichuàng xià róng jǐng de 'èr shí shì

  Peter Ferdinand Drucker (November 19, 1909 – November 11, 2005) was a writer, management consultant, and self-described “social ecologist.” He is the man who invented management and was called "Father Of Modern Management". His books and scholarly and popular articles explored how humans are organized across the business, government and the nonprofit sectors of society. His writings have predicted many of the major developments of the late twentieth century, including privatization and decentralization; the rise of Japan to economic world power; the decisive importance of marketing; and the emergence of the information society with its necessity of lifelong learning. In 1959, Drucker coined the term “knowledge worker" and later in his life considered knowledge work productivity to be the next frontier of management.
  Personal life and roots of his philosophy
  Peter Drucker was the son of a Jewish upper-class family in Austria-Hungary. His mother Barbie Bondi had studied medicine and his father Adolf Drucker was a lawyer and high-level civil servant. Drucker was born in Vienna, the capital of Austria, in a small village named Kaasgraben (now part of the 19th district of Vienna, Döbling). He grew up in a home where intellectuals, high government officials, and scientists would meet to discuss new ideas. After graduating from Döbling Gymnasium, Drucker found few opportunities for employment in post-Habsburg Vienna, so he moved to Hamburg, Germany, first working as an apprentice at an established cotton trading company, then as a journalist, writing for Der Österreichische Volkswirt (The Austrian Economist). Drucker then moved to Frankfurt, where he took a job at the Daily Frankfurter General-Anzeiger. While in Frankfurt, he also earned a doctorate in international law and public law from the University of Frankfurt in 1931. Among his early influences was the Austrian economist Joseph Schumpeter, a friend of his father’s, who impressed upon Drucker the importance of innovation and entrepreneurship. Drucker was also influenced, in a much different way, by John Maynard Keynes, whom he heard lecture in 1934 in Cambridge. “I suddenly realized that Keynes and all the brilliant economic students in the room were interested in the behavior of commodities,” Drucker wrote, “while I was interested in the behavior of people.”
  Over the next 70 years, Drucker’s writings would be marked by a focus on relationships among human beings, as opposed to the crunching of numbers. His books were filled with lessons on how organizations can bring out the best in people, and how workers can find a sense of community and dignity in a modern society organized around large institutions.
  As a young writer, Drucker wrote two pieces — one on the conservative German philosopher Friedrich Julius Stahl and another called “The Jewish Question in Germany” — that were burned and banned by the Nazis. In 1933, Drucker left Germany for England. In London, he worked for an insurance company, then as the chief economist at a private bank. He also reconnected with Doris Schmitz, an acquaintance from the University of Frankfurt. They married in 1934. (His wedding certificate lists his name as Peter Georg Drucker.) The couple permanently relocated to the United States, where he became a university professor as well as a free-lance writer and business consultant. (Drucker disliked the term “guru,” though it was often applied to him; “I have been saying for many years,” Drucker once remarked, “that we are using the word ‘guru’ only because ‘charlatan’ is too long to fit into a headline.”)
  In 1943, Drucker became a naturalized citizen of the United States. He taught at Bennington College from 1942–1949, then at New York University as a Professor of Management from 1950 to 1971. Drucker came to California in 1971, where he developed one of the country's first executive MBA programs for working professionals at Claremont Graduate University (then known as Claremont Graduate School). From 1971 to his death he was the Clarke Professor of Social Science and Management at Claremont Graduate University. The university's management school was named the "Peter F. Drucker Graduate School of Management" (later known as the "Peter F. Drucker and Masatoshi Ito Graduate School of Management") in his honor in 1987. He taught his last class at the school in 2002 at age 92.
  His career as a business thinker took off in 1942, when his initial writings on politics and society won him access to the internal workings of General Motors (GM), one of the largest companies in the world at that time. His experiences in Europe had left him fascinated with the problem of authority. He shared his fascination with Donaldson Brown, the mastermind behind the administrative controls at GM. In 1943 Brown invited him in to conduct what might be called a "political audit": a two-year social-scientific analysis of the corporation. Drucker attended every board meeting, interviewed employees, and analyzed production and decision-making processes.
  The resulting book, Concept of the Corporation, popularized GM's multidivisional structure and led to numerous articles, consulting engagements, and additional books. GM, however, was hardly thrilled with the final product. Drucker had suggested that the auto giant might want to reexamine a host of long-standing policies on customer relations, dealer relations, employee relations and more. Inside the corporation, Drucker’s counsel was viewed as hypercritical. GM's revered chairman, Alfred Sloan, was so upset about the book that he “simply treated it as if it did not exist,” Drucker later recalled, “never mentioning it and never allowing it to be mentioned in his presence.”
  Drucker taught that management is “a liberal art,” and he infused his management advice with interdisciplinary lessons from history, sociology, psychology, philosophy, culture and religion. He also believed strongly that all institutions, including those in the private sector, have a responsibility to the whole of society. “The fact is,” Drucker wrote in his 1973 Management: Tasks, Responsibilities, Practices, “that in modern society there is no other leadership group but managers. If the managers of our major institutions, and especially of business, do not take responsibility for the common good, no one else can or will.”
  Drucker was interested in the growing effect of people who worked with their minds rather than their hands. He was intrigued by employees who knew more about certain subjects than their bosses or colleagues and yet had to cooperate with others in a large organization. Rather than simply glorify the phenomenon as the epitome of human progress, Drucker analyzed it and explained how it challenged the common thinking about how organizations should be run.
  His approach worked well in the increasingly mature business world of the second half of the twentieth century. By that time, large corporations had developed the basic manufacturing efficiencies and managerial hierarchies of mass production. Executives thought they knew how to run companies, and Drucker took it upon himself to poke holes in their beliefs, lest organizations become stale. But he did so in a sympathetic way. He assumed that his readers were intelligent, rational, hardworking people of good will. If their organizations struggled, he believed it was usually because of outdated ideas, a narrow conception of problems, or internal misunderstandings.
  During his long consulting career, Drucker worked with many major corporations, including General Electric, Coca-Cola, Citicorp, IBM, and Intel. He consulted with notable business leaders such as GE’s Jack Welch; Procter & Gamble’s A.G. Lafley; Intel’s Andy Grove; Edward Jones’ John Bachmann; Shoichiro Toyoda, the honorary chairman of Toyota Motor Corp.; and Masatoshi Ito, the honorary chairman of the Ito-Yokado Group, the second largest retailing organization in the world. Although he helped many corporate executives succeed, he was appalled when the level of Fortune 500 CEO pay in America ballooned to hundreds of times that of the average worker. He argued in a 1984 essay that CEO compensation should be no more than 20 times what the rank and file make — especially at companies where thousands of employees are being laid off. “This is morally and socially unforgivable,” Drucker wrote, “and we will pay a heavy price for it.”
  Drucker served as a consultant for various government agencies in the United States, Canada and Japan. He worked with various nonprofit organizations to help them become successful, often consulting pro bono. Among the many social-sector groups he advised were the Salvation Army, the Girl Scouts of the USA, C.A.R.E., the American Red Cross, and the Navajo Indian Tribal Council.
  In fact, Drucker anticipated the rise of the social sector in America, maintaining that it was through volunteering in nonprofits that people would find the kind of fulfillment that he originally thought would be provided through their place of work, but that had proven elusive in that arena. “Citizenship in and through the social sector is not a panacea for the ills of post-capitalist society and post-capitalist polity, but it may be a prerequisite for tackling these ills,” Drucker wrote. “It restores the civic responsibility that is the mark of citizenship, and the civic pride that is the mark of community.”
  Drucker's 39 books have been translated into more than thirty languages. Two are novels, one an autobiography. He is the co-author of a book on Japanese painting, and made eight series of educational films on management topics. He also penned a regular column in the Wall Street Journal for 20 years and contributed frequently to the Harvard Business Review, The Atlantic Monthly, and The Economist. He continued to act as a consultant to businesses and non-profit organizations well into his nineties. Drucker died November 11, 2005 in Claremont, California of natural causes at 95.
  His work is especially popular in Japan, even more so after the publication of “What if the Female Manager of a High-School Baseball Team read Drucker’s ‘Management’”, a book that features the main character using one of his books to great effect.
   Basic idea
  Several ideas run through most of Drucker's writings:
   * Decentralization and simplification. Drucker discounted the command and control model and asserted that companies work best when they are decentralized. According to Drucker, corporations tend to produce too many products, hire employees they don't need (when a better solution would be outsourcing), and expand into economic sectors that they should avoid.
   * A profound skepticism of macroeconomic theory. Drucker contended that economists of all schools fail to explain significant aspects of modern economies.
   * Respect of the worker. Drucker believed that employees are assets and not liabilities. He taught that knowledgeable workers are the essential ingredients of the modern economy. Central to this philosophy is the view that people are an organization's most valuable resource and that a manager's job is to prepare and free people to perform.
   * A belief in what he called "the sickness of government." Drucker made nonpartisan claims that government is often unable or unwilling to provide new services that people need or want, though he believed that this condition is not inherent to the form of government. The chapter "The Sickness of Government" in his book The Age of Discontinuity formed the basis of the New Public Management, a theory of public administration that dominated the discipline in the 1980s and 1990s.
   * The need for "planned abandonment". Businesses and governments have a natural human tendency to cling to "yesterday's successes" rather than seeing when they are no longer useful.
   * A belief that taking action without thinking is the cause of every failure.
   * The need for community. Early in his career, Drucker predicted the "end of economic man" and advocated the creation of a "plant community" where individuals' social needs could be met. He later acknowledged that the plant community never materialized, and by the 1980s, suggested that volunteering in the nonprofit sector was the key to fostering a healthy society where people found a sense of belonging and civic pride.
   * The need to manage business by balancing a variety of needs and goals, rather than subordinating an institution to a single value. This concept of management by objectives forms the keynote of his 1954 landmark The Practice of Management.
   * A company's primary responsibility is to serve its customers. Profit is not the primary goal, but rather an essential condition for the company's continued existence.
   * An organization should have a proper way of executing all its business processes.
   * A belief in the notion that great companies could stand among humankind's noblest inventions.
   Awards and honor
  Drucker was awarded the Presidential Medal of Freedom by U.S. President George W. Bush on July 9, 2002. He also received honors from the governments of Japan and Austria. He was the Honorary Chairman of the Peter F. Drucker Foundation for Nonprofit Management, now the Leader to Leader Institute, from 1990 through 2002. In 1969 he was awarded New York University’s highest honor, the NYU Presidential Citation. Harvard Business Review honored Drucker in the spring of 2005 with his seventh McKinsey Award for his article, "What Makes an Effective Executive", the most awarded to one person. Drucker was inducted into the Junior Achievement U.S. Business Hall of Fame in 1996. Additionally he holds 25 honorary doctorates from American, Belgian, Czech, English, Spanish and Swiss Universities. In Claremont, California, Eleventh Street between College Avenue and Dartmouth Avenue was renamed "Drucker Way" in October 2009 to commemorate the 100th anniversary of Drucker's birth.
   Criticism of Drucker's work
  The Wall Street Journal researched several of his lectures in 1987 and reported that he was sometimes loose with the facts. Drucker was off the mark, for example, when he told an audience that English was the official language for all employees at Japan’s Mitsui trading company. (Drucker’s defense: “I use anecdotes to make a point, not to write history.”) And while he was known for his prescience, he wasn’t always correct in his forecasts. He predicted, for instance, that the nation’s financial center would shift from New York to Washington.
  Others maintain that one of Drucker’s core concepts—“management by objectives”—is flawed and has never really been proven to work effectively. Specifically, critics say that the system is difficult to implement, and that companies often wind up overemphasizing control, as opposed to fostering creativity, to meet their goals.
   Main work
   * 1939: The End of Economic Man
   * 1942: The Future of Industrial Man
   * 1946: Concept of the Corporation
   * 1950: The New Society
   * 1954: The Practice of Management
   * 1957: America's Next Twenty Year
   * 1959: Landmarks of Tomorrow
   * 1964: Managing for Result
   * 1967: The Effective Executive
   * 1969: The Age of Discontinuity
   * 1970: Technology, Management and Society
   * 1971: Men, Ideas and Politic
   * 1973: Management: Tasks, Responsibilities, Practice
   * 1976: The Unseen Revolution: How Pension Fund Socialism Came to America
   * 1977: People and Performance: The Best of Peter Drucker on Management
   * 1977: An Introductory View of Management
   * 1979: Song of the Brush: Japanese Painting from Sanso Collection
   * 1980: Managing in Turbulent Time
   * 1981: Toward the Next Economics and Other Essay
   * 1982: The Changing World of Executive
   * 1982: The Last of All Possible World
   * 1984: The Temptation to Do Good
   * 1985: Innovation and Entrepreneurship
   * 1986: The Frontiers of Management: Where Tomorrow's Decisions are Being Shaped Today
   * 1989: The New Realities: in Government and Politics, in Economics and Business, in Society and World View
   * 1990: Managing the Nonprofit Organisation: Principles and Practice
   * 1992: Managing for the Future
   * 1993: The Ecological Vision
   * 1993: Post-Capitalist Society
   * 1995: Managing in a Time of Great Change
   * 1997: Drucker on Asia: A Dialogue between Peter Drucker and Isao Nakauchi
   * 1998: Peter Drucker on the Profession of Management
   * 1998: Adventures of a Bystander
   * 1999: Management Challenge for 21st Century
   * 2001: The Essential Drucker
   * 2002: Managing in the Next Society
   * 2002: The Functioning Society
   * 2004: The Daily Drucker
   * 2006: The Effective Executive in Action
   Further reading
   * Tarrant, John C., Drucker: The Man Who Invented the Corporate Society (1976), ISBN 0-8436-0744-0
   * Beatty, Jack, The World According to Peter Drucker (1998), ISBN 0-684-83801-X
   * Flaherty, John E., Peter Drucker: Shaping the Managerial Mind (1999), ISBN 0-7879-4764-4
   * Edersheim, Elizabeth, The Definitive Drucker (2007), ISBN 0-07-147233-9
   * Cohen, William A., A Class with Drucker: The lost lessons of the World's greatest management teacher (2008), ISBN 978-0-8144-0919-0
   * Weber, Winfried W., Kulothungan, Gladius (eds.), Peter F. Drucker's Next Management. New Institutions, New Theories and Practices (2010), ISBN 978-3-9810228-6-5
   * Stein, Guido, Managing People and Organisations (2010), ISBN 978-0-8572403-2-3
   1. ^ Drucker, Peter F., “Reflections of a Social Ecologist,” Society, May/June 1992
   2. ^ Drucker Institute - Why Drucker Now?
   3. ^ a b c Byrne, John A.; Gerdes, Lindsey (November 28, 2005). "The Man Who Invented Management". BusinessWeek. http://www.businessweek.com/magazine/content/05_48/b3961001.htm. Retrieved November 2, 2009.
   4. ^ Drucker, Peter F., Concept of the Corporation, Preface to the 1983 edition, p. xvii, (1983)
   5. ^ Beatty, Jack, The World According to Peter Drucker, p. 5-7, (1998)
   6. ^ Beatty, Jack, The World According to Peter Drucker, p. 163, (1998)
   7. ^ Drucker, Peter F., The Ecological Vision, p. 75-76, (1993)abcdefghijklmnopqr
   8. ^ Drucker Institute - Why Drucker Now?
   9. ^ The Drucker Institute Archives, Claremont, California. Box 39, Folder 11
   10. ^ “Peter Drucker, the man who changed the world,” Business Review Weekly, 15 September 1997, p. 49
   11. ^ Drucker, Peter F., Adventures of a Bystander, p. 288, (1979)
   12. ^ Drucker Institute - Why Drucker Now?
   13. ^ Drucker, Peter F., Management: Tasks, Responsibilities, Practices, p. 325, (1973)
   14. ^ Drucker Institute
   15. ^ Drucker, Peter F., Managing the Nonprofit Organization (1994)
   16. ^ Drucker, Peter F., Post-Capitalist Society, p. 177, (1993)
   17. ^ Drucker in the dug-out, A Japanese book about Peter Drucker and baseball is an unlikely hit, The Economist, Jul 1st 2010
   18. ^ Drucker, P. F., Collins, J., Kotler, P., Kouzes, J., Rodin, J., Rangan, V. K., et al., The Five Most Important Questions You Will Ever Ask About your Organization, p. xix (2008)
   19. ^ Planning a successful lesson
   20. ^ Drucker, Peter F., The Practice of Management, pp 62-63, (1954)
   21. ^ Drucker, Peter F., Managing for the Future, p. 299, (1992)
   22. ^ Drucker, Peter F., The Practice of Management, p. 12, (1954)
   23. ^ Drucker, Peter F., The Practice of Management (1954)
   24. ^ Drucker, Peter F., The Five Most Important Questions You Will Ever Ask About Your Organization, p.54, (2008)
   25. ^ Drucker, Peter F., "Classic Drucker", p. vii, (2006)
   26. ^ http://www.druckerinstitute.com/showpage.aspx?Section=WN&PageID=110
   27. ^ “Peter Drucker, Leading Management Guru, Dies at 95," Bloomberg, Nov. 11, 2005
   28. ^ Krueger, Dale, "Strategic Management and Management by Objectives", Small Business Advancement National Center, 1994

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