法国 人物列表
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保尔·瓦雷里 Paul Valery夏尔·佩吉 Charles Peguy苏佩维埃尔 Jules Supervielle
布洛东 André Breton艾吕雅 Paul Eluard阿波里奈尔 Guillaume Apollinaire
雅克·普莱维尔 Jacques Prévert阿拉贡 Louis Aragon保尔·福尔 Paul Fort
亨利·米修 Henri Michaux埃雷迪亚 José Maria de Heredia阿尔托 Antonin Artaud
勒韦迪 Pierre Reverdy拜斯 Saint-John Perse普吕多姆 Sully Prudhomme
勒内·夏尔 René Char伊凡·哥尔 Yvan Goll博斯凯 Alain Bosquet
博纳富瓦 Yves Bonnefoy勒内·格鲁塞 Rene Grousset阿兰·佩雷菲特 Alain Peyrefitte
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若泽·弗雷什 José Frèches米歇尔-施奈德 Michelle - Schneider尼古拉·萨科齐 Nicolas Sarkozy
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米歇尔·孔达 Michel Contat埃莱娜·格里莫 Hélène Grimaud塔丽塔·特里帕亚 Tarita Teriipaia
让·菲利普 To Philip尼玛·扎玛尔 尼玛扎玛尔克洛维一世 Clovis I
克洛泰尔一世 Clothaire Ier希尔德里克三世 Childeric III丕平 Pepin III
查理大帝 Charlemagne路易一世 Louis the Pious查理二世 Charles II (le Chauve)
路易二世 Louis II路易三世 Louis III卡洛曼二世 Carloman II
阿波里奈尔 Guillaume Apollinaire
法国 法兰西第三共和国  (1880年8月26日1918年11月9日)

诗词《诗选 anthology》   

阅读阿波里奈尔 Guillaume Apollinaire在诗海的作品!!!
纪尧姆·阿波利奈尔法语Guillaume Apollinaire,1880年8月26日-1918年11月9日),法国诗人,剧作家,艺术评论家。主要诗集有《醇酒集》、《图画诗》等。

Guillaume Apollinaire (in French pronounced [ɡijom apɔliˈnɛʁ]) (August 26, 1880 – November 9, 1918) was a French poet, writer, and art critic born in Italy to a Polish mother.

Among the foremost poets of the early 20th century, he is credited with coining the word surrealism and writing one of the earliest works described as surrealist, the play Les Mamelles de Tirésias (1917, later used as the basis for an opera in 1947).

Two years after being wounded in World War I, he died at 38 of the Spanish flu during a pandemic.

Born Wilhelm Albert Vladimir Apollinaris Kostrowitzky / Wąż-Kostrowicki and raised speaking French, among other languages, he emigrated to France and adopted the name Guillaume Apollinaire. His mother, born Angelica Kostrowicka, was a Polish noblewoman born near Navahrudak (now in Belarus). His father is unknown but may have been Francesco Flugi d'Aspermont, a Swiss Italian aristocrat who disappeared early from Apollinaire's life. He was partly educated in Monaco.

Apollinaire was one of the most popular members of the artistic community of Montparnasse in Paris. His friends and collaborators during that period included Pablo Picasso, Gertrude Stein, Max Jacob, André Salmon, Marie Laurencin, André Breton, André Derain, Faik Konica, Blaise Cendrars, Pierre Reverdy, Jean Cocteau, Erik Satie, Ossip Zadkine, Marc Chagall and Marcel Duchamp. In 1911, he joined the Puteaux Group, a branch of the cubist movement.

On September 7, 1911, police arrested and jailed him on suspicion of stealing the Mona Lisa, but released him a week later. Apollonaire then implicated his friend Pablo Picasso, who was also brought in for questioning in the art theft, but he was also exonerated.

He fought in World War I and, in 1916, received a serious shrapnel wound to the temple (see photo). He wrote Les Mamelles de Tirésias while recovering from this wound. During this period he coined the word surrealism in the program notes for Jean Cocteau and Erik Satie's ballet Parade, first performed on 18 May 1917. He also published an artistic manifesto, L'Esprit nouveau et les poètes. Apollinaire's status as a literary critic is most famous and influential in his recognition of the Marquis de Sade, whose works were for a long time obscure, yet arising in popularity as an influence upon the Dada and Surrealist art movements going on in Montparnasse at the beginning of the twentieth century as, "The freest spirit that ever existed."

The war-weakened Apollinaire died of influenza during the Spanish Flu pandemic of 1918. He was interred in the Le Père Lachaise Cemetery, Paris.

Apollinaire's first collection of poetry was L'enchanteur pourrissant (1909), but Alcools (1913) established his reputation. The poems, influenced in part by the Symbolists, juxtapose the old and the new, combining traditional poetic forms with modern imagery. In 1913, Apollinaire published the essay Les Peintres cubistes on the cubist painters, a movement which he helped to define. He also coined the term orphism to describe a tendency towards absolute abstraction in the paintings of Robert Delaunay and others.

In 1907, Apollinaire wrote the well-known erotic novel, The Eleven Thousand Rods (Les Onze Mille Verges). Officially banned in France until 1970, various printings of it circulated widely for many years. Apollinaire never publicly acknowledged authorship of the novel. Another erotic novel attributed to him was The Exploits of a Young Don Juan (Les exploits d'un jeune Don Juan), in which the 15-year-old hero fathers three children with various members of his entourage, including his aunt. The book was made into a movie in 1987.

Shortly after his death, Calligrammes, a collection of his concrete poetry (poetry in which typography and layout adds to the overall effect), was published.

In his youth Apollinaire lived for a short while in Belgium, but mastered the Walloon language sufficiently to write poetry through that medium, some of which has survived.

Selected bibliography

Henri Rousseau, "La Muse inspirant le poète," 1909. (A portrait of Apollinaire and Marie Laurencin).
Le bestiaire ou le cortège d’Orphée, 1911
Alcools, 1913
Vitam impendere amori', 1917
Calligrammes, poèmes de la paix et de la guerre 1913-1916, 1918 (published shortly after Apollinaire's death)
Il y a..., 1925
Ombre de mon amour, poems addressed to Louise de Coligny-Châtillon, 1947
Poèmes secrets à Madeleine, pirated edition, 1949
Le Guetteur mélancolique, previously unpublished works, 1952
Poèmes à Lou, 1955
Soldes, previously unpublished works, 1985
Et moi aussi je suis peintre, album of drawings for Calligrammes, from a private collection, published 2006

Mirely ou le Petit Trou pas cher, 1900
"Que faire?",
Les Onze Mille Verges ou les amours d'un hospodar, 1907
L'enchanteur pourrissant, 1909
L'Hérèsiarque et Cie (short story collection), 1910
Les exploits d’un jeune Don Juan, 1911
La Rome des Borgia, 1914
La Fin de Babylone - L'Histoire romanesque 1/3, 1914
Les Trois Don Juan - L'Histoire romanesque 2/3, 1915
Le poète assassiné, 1916
La femme assise, 1920
Les Épingles (short story collection), 1928

Plays and screenplays
Les Mamelles de Tirésias, play, 1917
La Bréhatine, screenplay (collaboration with André Billy), 1917
Couleurs du temps, 1918
Casanova, published 1952

Articles, essays, etc.
Le Théâtre Italien, illustrated encyclopedia, 1910
Pages d'histoire, chronique des grands siècles de France, chronicles, 1912
Méditations esthétiques. Les peintres cubistes, 1913
La Peinture moderne, 1913
L'Antitradition futuriste, manifeste synthèse, 1913
Case d'Armons, 1915
L'esprit nouveau et les poètes, 1918
Le Flâneur des Deux Rives, chronicles, 1918

^ Time Magazine, STEALING THE MONA LISA, 1911. Consulted on August 15, 2007.

Additional references
Apollinaire, Marcel Adéma, 1954
Apollinaire, Poet among the Painters, Francis Steegmuller, 1963, 1971, 1973
Apollinaire, M. Davies, 1964
Guillaume Apollinaire, S. Bates, 1967
Guillaume Apollinaire, P. Adéma, 1968
The Banquet Years, Roger Shattuck, 1968
Apollinaire, R. Couffignal, 1975
Guillaume Apollinaire, L.C. Breuning, 1980
Reading Apollinaire, T. Mathews, 1987
Guillaume Apollinaire, J. Grimm, 1993

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