汉代 List of Authors
Ban GuCai WenjiYi MingLiang HongMei Cheng
Gu YiHuai NaxiaoshanSima XiangruWang YiDongfang Shuo
Wang BaoZhao YiQin JiaBan BiaoBan Zhao
Zhang HengCai YongMi HengKong RongMao Heng
An Shigao
汉代  (?149 AD)

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  Theravada Buddhism's first translators
  Indian Buddhism into China, in China, and eventually the formation of Chinese Buddhism, largely through scriptures, the formation of schools, the creation of sectarian three stages. India, the initial spread of Buddhism in China, is associated with the scriptures, the first translation of this group of persons, not the local Chinese people, but the monks Western China. Shigao translation can be said that the founder of Buddhism, who first translated the Indian classical Theravada Buddhist meditation class.
  Father's death, Shigao the throne, but a year later, took throne in favor of his uncle, became a monk. The reason, apart from the father's death and came to realize that life's impermanence and the illusory, the possibly political factors, Kang Monk would say that he is "Chi avoid the local" (ibid.), is able to illustrate this point. Shigao attainments in the country to Zen Buddhism and the Arab-Israeli border known for Tan school after graduation, he traveled in Central Asia, propagate Buddhism, and later to China.
  Shigao China time, generally in the Han Emperor Huan (147-167) before and after, "Liang Monks," recorded as "Han Huan at the beginning, the beginning to the summer" ("Shigao Biography"). Emperor Huan of Han's first reign was "kin" (147-149), Shigao is Turkey in this period to Luoyang.
  China soon, Shigao grasped the Chinese. At this time there has been some influence of Buddhism in China, whether in the royal family and in society has a believer Shigao according to the needs of believers and their own learning potential and translated Buddhist Scriptures in the early group. An article of a few scriptures, Road safety in mind for the 34, 40 volumes, some of which are translated for the safety, Road safety still in doubt, so the exact figure is difficult to know in detail, later, "Tang recorded within the Code," income An translation of 176, 190 seven-volume, the increase for the most part not very reliable, was "recorded Kaiyuan Buddhism" has reduced to 95, 115 volumes. An existing translation of Buddhist texts 22, 20 volumes.
  An translation of the classic Zen class, the most influential is "Anapanasati Classic." Zen Buddhism in India is the meaning of "peaceful contemplation," "Contemplative and repairs." The meaning given "and hold" is a heart specific environment without being chaotic. Zen is actually given the most fundamental part of spiritual practice, Chinese Buddhism together, like meditation. Many types of meditation, its purpose is on the mind of all the pollution. On Translation "Anapanasati by" is designed to stop about 5 heart meditation (not net view, kindly pity concept, causal view, the number of interest rate outlook and the industry outlook, respectively) in the number of interest rate outlook.
  "Anapanasati" in the "general security" and "security is so that" the abbreviation, "Ann called the Offer, as called income. Read information without leaving, is known as Security" ("Anapanasati means by "volume). Intended to keep the incoming air of smoke, as safety-like. "Shou-Yi" is actually a "safe as" free translation of the word, also referred to breathe out, the number of interest, and therefore can be called "View of the number of interest." View information on the number of major governance severe disorder of the heart, known as "multi-read of to medicine" (the "Tripitaka mind set," Volume). The specific contents, by the terms listed as 10, "that several interest rates, and walk away, stop and watch, also, the net, Si Chan" ("Anapanasati by" volume). Hong monk in his order will be the sum by six things Sichan. Si Chan is Anapanasati four different stages of that six things were in the first four things. Zen is the number of first rate stage, the number of information requirements, to concentrate during meditation count the number of breaths, count from one to ten, so messy peace of mind settle down. The second stage of meditation is to go hand in hand, thoughts turned to breathe, run, do not have to count to ten, as long as a breath of the two numbers on the line, San Chan is the only stage, ideas from the breath of a shift of two nose that intention in the nose, distracting thoughts divisible, the inside view of their own, head to toe, repeated introspection, saw themselves not net. Another view of creation, birth and death is uncertain, therefore the heart and believe in Buddha, Dhamma and the Sangha. On this basis, can not afford the hearts of evil, photo come back in good heart, is "also" stage. Their kindness to remove all kinds of appetite, so that the net no heart to think, is the "net" stage. At this point, the all-powerful, and have great magical powers. Such religious practices of Taoism with the then popular in China's "Code One", "food qi" and "Introduction and gas" and very similar, but also to China and Turkey are very acceptable. Moreover, Shigao also take the initiative to the Taoist concept of analogy by the concept of "Anapanasati, intended to be called the Royal Inaction also. Security is clear, like a net, to keep it free, Italian, called" ("On the general Code means by "volume). See Shigao great attention to Indian Buddhism and Chinese to find the point of integration of local culture.
  The saps of the holding, into the organization to explain the basic teachings of Theravada Buddhism: Kudi four lines of phase, that is very (later translated as "uncertain"), bitter, empty, non-body (later translated as "without me"); 10 2 cause, that is crazy (after the translation of "no yin"), and consciousness, the name (after the translation of "name"), into six (later translated as "6"), To (after translation of "touch"), their primary concern ( After the translation of "subject"), love, subject to (later translated as "take"), have, health, die of old age worry misery (later simplified to "die of old age"), followed by cause-sheng, and some of reincarnation; 37 goods, namely Four Italian only, four Italian break, four feet of God, five, five forces, seven felt meaning. An translation of the classic, emphasis on literal translation, yet quality, and the annotated translation. With Shigao disciples by learning a lot, Nanyang Han Lin, Ying Chuan Pi industry, teaming Shigao Kuaiji Chen Hui and so direct. An translation of Buddhist scriptures has a great influence at that time, until the world's Road, Jin An all translations of the Shigao something very appreciative, saying "Anapanasati by" the six things Sichan (Road Safety called the six-order 4 ) for the trend of the "no" to the door. Jin Shi Tan school adjoining the revival of another to form a border Tan school and the first who translated adjoining Tan, but Shigao.
Translated by Google


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