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威廉斯 William Carlos Williams庞德 Ezra Pound杜丽特尔 Hilda Doolittle
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露易丝·博根 Louise Bogan艾伦·金斯伯格 Allen Ginsberg艾米莉·狄金森 Emily Elizabeth Dickinson
威廉斯 William Carlos Williams
美国  (1883年1963年)

诗词《诗选 anthology》   

阅读威廉斯 William Carlos Williams在诗海的作品!!!
  威廉·卡洛斯·威廉斯(William Carlos Williams1883-1963)是20世纪美国最负盛名的几个诗人之一。威廉斯在谈到《荒原》的面世对他个人的影响时说:“对于我,它特别像迎面射来的一颗嘲笑的子弹。我立刻感到它使我后退了20年,我相信的确如此。”在另一处威廉斯把《荒原》的发表看作是诗坛上的晴天霹雳,说“它好像是原子弹落下来,把我们的世界炸开,我们向未知领域作的种种勇敢的突击被化为灰尘”。艾略特以诗歌创作开辟了西方现代诗坛,以他的美学思想创建起来的英美新批评理论更是雄霸英美诗评论坛和大学文学讲堂长达30年之久。然而威廉斯却认为艾略特是在向后看,同时认为自己应该向前看,即他希望自己能够创作出纯粹美国化的诗歌以抵抗艾略特的创作路线。

  William Carlos Williams (17 September 1883 – 4 March 1963), was an American poet closely associated with modernism and Imagism. He was also a pediatrician and general practitioner of medicine. Williams "worked harder at being a writer than he did at being a physician," wrote biographer Linda Wagner-Martin. During his long lifetime, Williams excelled both as a poet and a physician.
  Williams was born in Rutherford, New Jersey, a community near the city of Paterson. His father was an English immigrant, and his mother was born in San Juan, Puerto Rico. He attended public school in Rutherford until 1896, then was sent to study at Château de Lancy near Geneva, Switzerland, the Lycée Condorcet in Paris, France, for two years and Horace Mann School in New York City. Then, in 1902, he entered the University of Pennsylvania Medical School. During his time at Penn, Williams was friends with Ezra Pound, Hilda Doolittle (best known as H.D.) and the painter Charles Demuth. These friendships supported his growing passion for poetry. He received his M.D. in 1906 and spent the next four years in internships in New York City and in travel and postgraduate studies abroad (e.g., at the University of Leipzig where he studied pediatrics). He returned to Rutherford in 1910 and began his medical practice, which lasted until 1951. Surprisingly, most of his patients knew little if anything of his writings; instead they viewed him as a doctor who helped deliver more than 2,000 of their children into the world. Today, Rutherford is home to a theater, "The Williams Center," named after the poet.
  Williams married Florence Herman (1891-1976) in 1912.[1] They moved into a house in Rutherford which was their home for many years. Shortly afterwards, his first book of serious poems, The Tempers, was published. On a trip to Europe in 1924, Williams spent time with writers Ezra Pound and James Joyce. Flossie and Williams's sons stayed behind in Europe to experience living abroad for a year as Williams and his brother had in their youth.
  Although his primary occupation was as a doctor, Williams had a full literary career. His work consists of short stories, poems, plays, novels, critical essays, an autobiography, translations and correspondence. He wrote at night and spent weekends in New York City with friends - writers and artists like the avant-garde painters Marcel Duchamp and Francis Picabia and the poets Wallace Stevens and Marianne Moore. He became involved in the Imagist movement but soon he began to develop opinions that differed from those of his poetic peers, Ezra Pound and T. S. Eliot. Later in his life, Williams toured the United States giving poetry readings and lectures.
  Modern liberals portray Williams as aligned with liberal democratic and left wing issues; however, as his publications in more politically radical journals like Blast and New Masses suggest, his political commitments were further to the left than the term "liberal" indicates. He considered himself a socialist and opponent of capitalism, and in 1935 published "The Yachts", a poem which indicts the rich elite as parasites and the masses as striving for revolution. The poem features an image of the ocean as the "watery bodies" of the poor masses beating at their hulls "in agony, in despair", attempting to sink the yachts and end "the horror of the race". Furthermore, in the introduction to his 1944 book of poems "The Wedge", he writes of socialism as an inevitable future development and as a necessity for true art to develop. In 1949, he published a booklet/bar "The Pink Church" that was about the human body but was understood, in the context of McCarthyism, as being dangerously pro-communist. The anti-communist movement led to his losing a consultantship with the Library of Congress in 1952/3, an event that contributed to his being treated for clinical depression. As is demonstrated in an unpublished article for Blast, Williams believed artists should resist producing propaganda and be "devoted to writing (first and last)." However, in the same article Williams claims that art can also be "in the service of the proletariat".[2]
  After Williams suffered a heart attack in 1948, his health began to decline, and after 1949 a series of strokes followed. He also underwent treatment for clinical depression in a psychiatric hospital during 1953.[3] Williams died on March 4, 1963 at the age of seventy-nine. [4] Two days later, a British publisher finally announced that he was going to print his poems – one of fate’s ironies, since Williams had always protested against the English influence on American poetry. During his lifetime, he had not received as much recognition from Britain as he had from the United States. He was buried in Hillside Cemetery in Lyndhurst, New Jersey.[5]
  During the First World War, when a number of European artists established themselves in New York City, Williams became friends with members of the avant-garde such as Man Ray, Francis Picabia and Marcel Duchamp. In 1915 Williams began to be associated with a group of New York artists and writers known as "The Others." Founded by the poet Alfred Kreymborg and by Man Ray, this group included Walter Conrad Arensberg, Wallace Stevens, Mina Loy, Marianne Moore and Duchamp. Through these involvements Williams got to know the Dadaist movement, which may explain the influence on his earlier poems of Dadaist and Surrealist principles. His involvement with The Others made Williams a key member of the early modernist movement in America.
  Williams disliked Ezra Pound's and especially T. S. Eliot's frequent use of allusions to foreign languages and Classical sources, as in Eliot's The Waste Land. Williams preferred to draw his themes from what he called "the local." In his modernist epic collage of place, Paterson (published between 1946 and 1958), an account of the history, people, and essence of Paterson, New Jersey, he examined the role of the poet in American society. Williams most famously summarized his poetic method in the phrase "No ideas but in things" (from his 1944 poem "A Sort of Song"). He advocated that poets leave aside traditional poetic forms and unnecessary literary allusions, trying to see the world as it is. Marianne Moore, another skeptic of traditional poetic forms, wrote Williams had used "plain American which cats and dogs can read," with distinctly American idioms.
  One of his most notable contributions to American literature was his willingness to be a mentor for younger poets. Though Pound and Eliot may have been more lauded in their time, a number of important poets in the generations that followed were either personally tutored by Williams or pointed to Williams as a major influence. He had an especially significant influence on many of the American literary movements of the 1950s: poets of the Beat Generation, the San Francisco Renaissance, the Black Mountain school, and the New York School. He personally mentored Charles Olson, who was instrumental in developing the poetry of the Black Mountain College and subsequently influenced many other poets. Robert Creeley and Denise Levertov, two other poets associated with Black Mountain, studied under Williams. Williams was friends with Kenneth Rexroth, the founder of the San Francisco Renaissance. A lecture Williams gave at Reed College was formative in inspiring three other important members of that Renaissance: Gary Snyder, Philip Whalen and Lew Welch. One of Williams's most dynamic relationships as a mentor was with fellow New Jerseyite Allen Ginsberg. Ginsberg claimed that Williams essentially freed his poetic voice. Williams included several of Ginsberg's letters in Paterson, stating that one of them helped inspire the fifth section of that work. Williams also wrote introductions to two of Ginsberg's books, including Howl. Though Williams consistently loved the poetry of those he mentored (his children, so to speak), he did not always like the results of his influence on other poets (the perceived formlessness, for example, of other Beat Generation poets). Williams believed more in the interplay of form and expression.
  In May 1963 he was posthumously awarded the Pulitzer Prize for Pictures from Brueghel and Other Poems (1962) and the Gold Medal for Poetry of the National Institute of Arts and Letters. His major works are Kora in Hell (1920), Spring and All (1923), Pictures from Brueghel and Other Poems (1962), Paterson (1963, repr. 1992), and Imaginations (1970). The Poetry Society of America continues to honor William Carlos Williams by presenting an annual award in his name for the best book of poetry published by a small, non-profit or university press.
  Williams' most anthologized poem is "The Red Wheelbarrow," considered an example of the Imagist movement's style and principles (see also "This Is Just To Say"). However, Williams, like his associate Ezra Pound, had long ago rejected the imagist movement by the time this poem was published as part of Spring and All in 1923. Williams is more strongly associated with the American Modernist movement in literature, and saw his poetic project as a distinctly American one; he sought to renew language through the fresh, raw idiom that grew out of America's cultural and social heterogeneity, at the same time freeing it from what he saw as the worn-out language of British and European culture.
  Williams tried to invent an entirely fresh form, an American form of poetry whose subject matter was centered on everyday circumstances of life and the lives of common people. He then came up with the concept of the variable foot evolved from years of visual and auditory sampling of his world from the first person perspective as a part of the day in the life as a physician. The variable foot is rooted within the multi-faceted American Idiom. This discovery was a part of his keen observation of how radio and newspaper influenced how people communicated and represents the "machine made out of words" (as he described a poem in the introduction to his book, The Wedge) just as the mechanistic motions of a city can become a consciousness. Williams didn’t use traditional meter in most of his poems. His correspondence with Hilda Doolittle also exposed him to the relationship of sapphic rhythms to the inner voice of poetic truth:
  "The stars about the beautiful moon again hide their radiant shapes, when she is full and shines at her brightest on all the earth"– Sappho.
  This is to be contrasted with a poem from Pictures from Brueghel titled "Shadows":
  "Shadows cast by the street light
  under the stars,
  the head is tilted back,
  the long shadow of the legs
  presumes a world taken for granted
  on which the cricket trills"
  The breaks in the poem search out a natural pause spoken in the American idiom that is also reflective of rhythms found within jazz sounds that also touch upon Sapphic harmony. Williams never stopped searching for the perfect line. He experimented with different types of lines and eventually found the "stepped triadic line", a long line which is divided into three segments. This line is used in Paterson and in poems like "To Elsie" and "The Ivy Crown." Here again one of Williams' aims is to show the truly American (i.e., opposed to European traditions) rhythm which is unnoticed but present in everyday American language.
  Poems (1909)
  The Tempers (1913)
  Al Que Quiere (1917)
  Kora in Hell. Improvisations (1920, repr. 1973)
  Sour Grapes (1921)
  Spring and All (1923)
  Go Go (1923)
  The Cod Head (1932)
  Collected Poems, 1921-1931 (1934)
  An Early Martyr and Other Poems (1935)
  Adam & Eve & The City (1936)
  The Complete Collected Poems of William Carlos Williams, 1906-1938 (1938)
  The Broken Span (1941)
  The Wedge (1944)
  Paterson (Book I, (1946; Book II, (1948; Book III, 1949; Book IV, (1951; Book V, (1958)
  Clouds, Aigeltinger, Russia (1948)
  The Collected Later Poems (1950; rev. ed.1963)
  Collected Earlier Poems (1951; rev. ed., 1966)
  The Desert Music and Other Poems (1954)
  Journey to Love (1955)
  Pictures from Brueghel and Other Poems (1962)
  Paterson (Books I-V in one volume, (1963)
  Imaginations (1970)
  Collected Poems: Volume 1, 1909-1939 (1988)
  Collected Poems: Volume 2, 1939-1962 (1989)
  Early Poems (1997)
  Kora in Hell (1920)
  The Great American Novel (1923)
  Spring and All (1923)
  In the American Grain (1925, 1967, repr. New Directions 2004)
  A Voyage to Pagany (1928; repr. 1970)
  Novelette and Other Prose (1932)
  The Knife of the Times, and Other Stories (1932; repr. 1974)
  White Mule (1937; repr. 1967)
  Life along the Passaic River (1938)
  In the Money (1940; repr. 1967)
  Make Light of It: Collected Stories (1950)
  Autobiography (1951; 1967)
  The Build-Up (1952)
  ____Select____ed Essays (1954)
  The ____Select____ed Letters of William Carlos Williams (1957)
  I Wanted to Write a Poem: The Autobiography of the Works of a Poet (1958)
  Yes, Mrs. Williams: A Personal Record of My Mother (1959)
  The Farmers' Daughters: Collected Stories (1961)
  Imaginations (1970)
  The Embodiment of Knowledge (1974)
  Interviews With William Carlos Williams: "Speaking Straight Ahead" (1976)
  A Recognizable Image: William Carlos Williams on Art and Artists (1978)
  Pound/Williams: ____Select____ed Letters of Ezra Pound and William Carlos Williams (1996)
  The Collected Stories of William Carlos Williams (1996)
  The Letters of Denise Levertov and William Carlos Williams (1998)
  William Carlos Williams and Charles Tomlinson: A Transatlantic Connection (1998)
  Many Loves and Other Plays: The Collected Plays of William Carlos Williams (1961)
  Short stories
  "The Knife of the Times"
  "The Use of Force"
  ^ "Mrs. William Carlos Williams.", New York Times, May 20, 1976. Retrieved on 2008-04-20. "Florence Herman Williams, widow of Dr. William Carlos Williams, the poet, died yesterday at her home in Rutherford, New Jersey. She was 86 years old...."
  ^ Williams, William Carlos (1978). A Recognizable Image: William Carlos William on Art and Artists. W W Norton & Company. ISBN 0811207048.
  ^ Fisher-Wirth, Ann. Williams's "Asphodel, That Greeny Flower". Encyclopedia of American Poetry: The Twentieth Century.
  ^ "William Carlos Williams Dies. Physician Long a Leading Poet. Won Many Literary Honors Over Half a Century. Was 79 Years Old. Combined Two Professions. Won Literary Awards.", New York Times, 5 March 1963. Retrieved on 2008-04-11. "Dr. William Carlos Williams, a leading American poet for half a century, died in his sleep this morning at his home here. Death was attributed to a cerebral hemorrhage. He was 79 years old."
  ^ "Sometimes the Grave Is a Fine and Public Place", New York Times, March 28, 2004. Retrieved on 2007-08-21. "Consider the eclectic group at rest in Hillside Cemetery in Lyndhurst: the Pulitzer Prize-winning poet William Carlos Williams and both founders of the former industrial giant Becton-Dickinson, Maxwell Becton and Fairleigh Dickinson, for whom the New Jersey university is named."
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