意大利 List of Authors
Dante AlighieriFrancesco PetrarcaTorquato TassoGiuseppe Ungaretti
Salvatore QuasimodoEugenio MontaleGiosuè Carducci
Septimius Severus
意大利 塞维鲁王朝  (April 11, 145 ADFebruary 4, 211 AD)
Reign193 AD211 AD

  Septimius Severus (Latin: Septimius Severus, 145 -211 on April 11 on Feb. 4) at 193 -211 on April 14 became the Roman emperor, reigned until death. He was the first Roman emperor from Africa.
  211 years under the British province of British deaths.
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(193 AD211 AD)
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