晋代 List of Authors
Tao YuanmingWang YanPan YuePan NiSeng Zhao
Fu XuanHe ShaoZhang HanZhang HuaZhang Xie
Zhang ZaiLiu JiLiu YunDan ChongSun Chu
Cao ShuGuo PuLiu KunLu ChenYuan Hong
Xi ZaochiGan BaoCao JiazhiDeng CanXu An
Li GuiSun ChengChen ShouLiu HuiSima Biao
Chang QuWang YinYu YuZhu FengHua Jiao
Xie ShenYuan ShansongZhang FanYi MingHuangfu Mi
Fa XianZhou ChuJi HanGe HongDu Yu
Fan NingGuo XiangMa LongDai KaizhiLiu Hui
Cui BaoRen YuLuo HanWang JiaGuo Yigong
Zhang SengjianKong YeLiu XinqiGu WeiCheng Hongzhi
Chen Shou
晋代  (233 AD297 AD)

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  Words Cheng Zuo and Jin Bastian Han (now Nanchong) people. He was less eager to learn, teachers and scholars county functionaries do Qiao Zhou, Wei generals in the former of Shu Han during the main book, East View Mishu Lang and watch House and Rice, Sanji Huangmenshilang other posts. At that time, the eunuch Huang Hao autocratic, Secretary of State are attached from the Italian song. Shou-Hao Huang refusal to submit, so repeated removal dismiss. Shanxi Province after the successive Zhuzuo Lang, a long flat prefect, rule book to be the rank of censor. 280, Jinmie Dong Wu, ending the separation. Chen Shou was 40-year-old, began writing "The Three Kingdoms."
  "Three Kingdoms" is a record of Wei, Shu, Wu Sanguo Kingdoms period biographical history of the country. Among them, "Wei Shu" 30 volumes, "Shu Shu" 15 volumes, "Wu Shu" 20 volumes, a total of 60 in five volumes. Recorded from the beginning of the first year of Huang Wei Wendi (220) to Emperor Wu Tai Hong year (280 years) 6 years old.
  Shou is Jin Chen, Cheng Wei and Jin is a world of. Therefore, the "Three Kingdoms" will respect the Wei as orthodox. In the "Wei Shu" Cao Cao wrote for this century, while "Shu Shu" and "Wu Shu" only biography, not Chi. Kee Liu Bei was "the first major pass," Sun Quan claimed that in mind, "Wu Chuan master." This is compiled history books as an example of politics as well as "Three Kingdoms," a feature.
  Written by Chen Shou's "Three Kingdoms", and three history, just as Private History. After his death, Shangshu Lang Fan Yun on the table, said: "Shou for" Three Kingdoms ", words and more dissuasive, friends almost gains and losses, good morals, although not as similar as Man Yan, and straight over the quality, willing to collect and record the hanging." This shows that the "Three Kingdoms" after its completion, it had been when people at home. Shou-narrative short, rarely repeated three books, notes and informative. The choice of materials is also very strict carefully, as valued by ancient historians. Historians of "Historical Records", "Han", "the Book" and the "Three Kingdoms" collectively, before the Four, as a famous biographical history.
  However, written by Tang Fang Xuanling other Feng Zhao, "Chen Shou Jin Shu Chuan" in recognition of Chen Shou "good narrative, a good history of it," the same time, because of personal enmity that Chen Shou in the book to be seen . Said, "Ding Yi, Ding-yi has known in the Wei, Confucius said, stating that his life: to seek a thousand cups of rice, see and, when the respect for the public to make good transmission. D not with, Jing Bu for the biography. Shou Ma Su father joined the army , Su Liang is to punish, the parent has to sit to be matters of life, Zhuge Zhan light and life. Life is a biography of bright, that light will be slightly non-long, no it should be the enemy; made by looking but the book works, Mingguoqishi. seconder less of this. "
  "Book of Jin Chen Shou Biography" on Chen Shou Suomi of this historical data, only a handful of historians such as the Liu Qiu Zhou, Liu Zhi Tang Dynasty, and so believe, and most historians think that this historical fact substandard, is false. Pan Qing Mei in "Three Kingdoms research," pointed out: "Ding Yi, Ding-yi, the official but the right auxiliary and Huangmenshilang treacherous thorns, no destroyed outer edge of the front access power, in effect no Shengtang Temple win, the party in Wang Chen Si, Si Ji rock mound, instigated by a flesh and blood, do not become, along the Third Observation, Sri real Wei Zhao sinners, not a biography of Ming carry on. "Book of Jin," a biography that had to Suomi, the most non- know the words. "Zhao Yi in" Notes on the History 廿二, "also said:" Book of Jin "that" life father joined the army as Ma Su, Su as Zhuge Liang by Zhu, Ting father was bald, so life as a "light transmission", that will be slightly non-director. This really has no knowledge of the theory. light of the Department can not and the former do not have to use military force known for. concept of life-determined "Zhuge set" strict science and education table made by Leung, reward and punishment will be a letter, no evil without punishment, No good is not obvious, as clerks can not be rape, human pregnant and self-motivation. now beam, the benefits of the people, though, "Kom Tong Hall" in Yong Zhao Gong, Zheng person Utako production, no order had also. Also, "light transmission" post comment said: light of the rule also, open sincerely, cloth fair, good micro but not without reward, no fiber instead of the evil banished. finally within state domain, salty fear and love, no evil, Criminal Jun complain though those its intentions are peaceful and advised the next. The Chung Ming indeed reflected in a large carry on alone. "Thus," Book of Jin "derogatory is said Chen Shou is indeed the truth, can not believe everything.
  However, the "Three Kingdoms" also has its shortcomings, we should never overlook. In the narrative, in addition to the discipline and in some mass in contradiction to, the the biggest drawback is that many of the Wei and Sima's there to shield, praise, by the ancient historians criticism. In addition, the book only discipline and transfer, without Chi and tables, this is a big shortcomings.
  "Three Kingdoms" into a book, due too brief narrative, to the Southern Song, the prosperity, the well-known historian of it for Pei Song for injection, then added a lot of material.
  Wei, Shu and Wu book was originally written for their own until the Northern Song Dynasty was merged, renamed the "Three Kingdoms."
  Shou is also author of "benefits the Department of Tibetology biography" and "ancient Chi" and other books edited order, "Zhuge Liang set" Unfortunately, these books were later Disappearing the.
  When 1700 years ago, Chen Shou Getting to Know Nanchong people write these three words, he may not think of, this cost him his life energy out of history books will be created across the time barrier, affecting the later dynasties in China community until after 1700 Evolution as a unique cultural phenomenon.
  For most people today to understand the "three cultures" are mostly written by Luo Guanzhong's classic Ming Dynasty "Three Kingdoms", then these two books for hundreds of years away from what is between what kind of relationship?
  "" Three Kingdoms "and the" Three Kingdoms "," Three Kingdoms "is a history book," Three Kingdoms "is a novel," Three Kingdoms "stands for" Three Kingdoms Popular Kingdoms ", and now we are all collectively, the" Three Kingdoms ", Kingdoms is the novel's author He can "Three Kingdoms" to improvise. "
  "Three Kingdoms" and "Historical Records", "Han", "the Book" along with later historians known as the "Chinese famous history prior to the Four", ancient historians of the "Three Kingdoms" all have excellent reviews. Accordingly, many experts and scholars at home and abroad: Chen Shou's "Three Kingdoms" is today has become the "three cultures" of the source.
  As early as the Tang Dynasty, Chen Shou's hometown in Nanchong, Chen Shou young folks in his study where rolls of floor built in his honor. Nanchong, also became the "Three Cultures" cradle. In 1992, the financial allocation is not well-off more than 10 million yuan in Nanchong city, re-built this large-scale rolls of floor, in Nanchong hearts, our predecessors left behind this cultural wealth is clearly better than many things must be important. Since then, countless people came to rolls of floor, looking for their desire of the Three Kingdoms culture.
  , "Three Kingdoms" in the story has been known to the world, in the back of this classic history books, hidden in Chen Shou's hometown has some kind of historical stories and characters destiny?
  Nanchong, in the Three Kingdoms, Han called the Brazilian gun safety and the county, is Shu territory. Shou Shu LIU Chan was born in Lite 10 a year, is Liu Bei Zhuge Liang Tuogu in Baidicheng after the tenth year, the three countries have entered the end of hegemony.
  Chen Shou bright when young, studious, works of history from an early age showed a special interest. He first read the most ancient "Book of History" and "Autumn", a more detailed study of the Western Han Dynasty to Sima Qian's "Shi Ji" and the Eastern Han Ban Gu's "Han", familiar way of writing history books. At the same time, he wrote the article and full of brilliant and moving, won the praise elders. Chen Shou as a child reading at home, often by his father's attention and supervision.
  "Ma Su Chen Shou's father is the join the army, after the loss of Jie Ting, Chen Shou Ma Su as his father and be punished, Liang Ma Su was thrown into a large prison, died in prison, Chen Shou's father by the matters of punishment, is Thinning , shave hair, is kind of degrading punishment, and then out of the barracks, this time Chen Shou's father before returning home after a few years married, got Chen Shou, Chen Shou's father lost his wholehearted among Jieting The outrage and unsuccessful Chen Shou who placed his son, from childhood on Chen Shou very strict. "
  In 1992, the construction of rolls of floor, in Chen Shou's former residence in such a Han Dynasty unearthed bricks, after careful identification, to determine the content of Chinese tiles is to teach graph, Chen Shou's father, which makes more clear the image up, it is In this teaching, the Chen Shou and his father established a deep affection.
  Later, Chen Shou's father died, Chen Shou hurried home, mourning for three years. Was compiled in the later of "Three Kingdoms", in regard to the involvement of loss due to a battle of Jie Ting's father implicated no mention, for the punishment of his father's wise but large increases praise demonstration of Chen Shou objective view of history impartiality. As a result, Chen Shou's father's name in history have not even left. Descendants are often mentioned only called Shou parent.
  Chen Shou in about 18 years old to enter the Shu in Chengdu, capital of Imperial College study, met the second life affect his personal property - the same people Qiao Zhou and Nanchong. Learning in the subglottic Qiao Zhou, Shou further hard work and discipline history, has spread in many civil Nanchong Chen Shou hard reading the story.
  Qiao Zhou and later as an important figure in the three countries may not be well known today. Chen Shou in his "Three Kingdoms" in specifically for this fellow teacher wrote a biography. Qiao Zhou language humor, biography, said Zhuge Liang had been his humorous banter. Is such a humorous person, eventually around the three horse race.
  Latter three countries, Wei began to grow. Shu, Wu and Wei are unable to compete. When cutting Wei Shu, Bing Zhi IA. Critical juncture, Qiao Zhou Wei urged LIU Chan down. And to dispel Liu Chan concerns, saying that if you drop Wei Houwei country king is not sealed, I would venture to Wei reasoning, Liu Shan Qiao Zhou's views listened to, surrender Wei. Three Kingdoms of the pattern was broken.
  "This way, we can guarantee LIU Chan Bu Zhiyu ruin, on the other hand can make all the people Buzhi Yu Shu loss of life."
  Chen Shou in the "Three Kingdoms" in the true evaluation of his teacher, however, that loyalty-based feudal society, Qiao Zhou's actions in the eyes of many is undoubtedly against the loyalty of the Road, in this and future generations Qiao Zhou for all the people there are many criticisms.
  Nanchong who generously accepted the controversial fellow. After the fall of Wei Shu, Qiao Zhou Feng Shang several times rejected the king and to his greatnesses. Seven years later, Qiao Zhou and the tumult in his home on passed away, swear refused to wear the king and gave his shroud. The merits of which can only be allowed to comment on the future generations. Today's Qiao Zhou tomb is located in a rather lively plot in the community, people do not know whether it will occasionally think of gossip this section with the name of this Fangping An exchange for the villagers.
  After the evolution of form, really like, as expected, Qiao Zhou, Shu Wei in the fall after two years, Sima Zhao Wei's king was the son of Emperor Wudi to Enthronement to replace the name of the establishment of Wei Jin, is history The Western Jin Dynasty, 280 AD, Wu Jin eliminated, now, 84 years of separatist separatist rule end.
  Shu destroyed that year, Chen Shou 31-year-old, gradually into middle age. He stayed in his hometown of Nanchong, homebound, hard at school for several years, accomplished deep. What happened outside world also look in the eyes of his, "Three Kingdoms" concept may be started a few years since then.
  AD 268, the 36-year-old left home Nanchong rushed Shou Jin capital of Luoyang, as the Western Jin Zhu Zuolang dedicated to compiling history books, from life entered a new stage. Unified world political environment makes Shou-compiled "Three Kingdoms" scenario possible. Childhood growing up in the Shu Chen Shou Shu has already accumulated a lot of information, then added Wei, Wu China Information, a volume up to 65 macros articles monumental history finally been compiled.
  In the "Three Kingdoms" to complete in the moment when the world caused a sensation. King Hui have read "Three Kingdoms" immediately after the edict, orders the country people have to copy every household, "Three Kingdoms", which also makes "Three Kingdoms" in the story of a popular, very quickly, to the Tang dynasty, the community the emergence of a new industry - the story-teller, a further boost to the popularity of the three stories in the folk.
  "Three Kingdoms," the characters and story to story-telling in the form of folklore a thousand years, since our old teahouse in Nanchong, in the three countries still heard many stories about storytelling. Spread, people on the "Three Kingdoms" in the recorded history of the story according to their own values to choose Kingdoms, Luo Guanzhong was the "Three Kingdoms" is the record according to the story-teller completed.
  In Nanchong folk paper-cut art, a large number of genres from the story and characters in the three countries, "Three Kingdoms" in multi-record is a historical fact, very little on the description of characters, which gives future generations a lot of imagination and play space. On the characters and stories have a lot of different versions.
  Han Fei Hang waiting Langzhong stationed in seven years in Nanchong, in the local spread of many of Zhang Fei's legend. Time goes by, the local who built for Zhang Fei first ring eye image of the leopard had doubts.
  "Three Kingdoms" in the record, Reggie Zhang Fei died in Langzhong, by their subordinates Fan Jiang and Zhang Da victimized, but not the Ming Fan Jiang, why kill Zhang Fei Zhang Da. In Nanchong, circulating a legend of the death of Zhang Fei, also the local people adapted northern Sichuan shadow, detailed explanation of the reason.
  Zhang Fei and Guan Yu said in Langzhong miscues, was victimized by the army of Wu, abnormal grief, life hands Fan Jiang, Zhang reached to produce a white a white helmet to crusade against Wu revenge for the brother. Fan Jiang, Zhang Da mistake this for a hundred per helmet, thinking that death is able to fulfill the task, they may feel murderous intention, drink and sleep in the killing of Zhang Fei, Zhang Fei Primary defect to Soochow carrying away. Zhang Fei is on the road to head left in the Yunyang. Therefore, there are still folk Nanchong Zhang Fei "head Yunyang, are in Langzhong" argument.
  Attachment: Chen Shou Jin Shu Chuan
  Shou-Cheng Zuo word, Bastian Han Chinese. Less easy to learn, teacher was Qiao Zhou county functionaries. Shi Shu as watching House and Rice, Huan Huang Hao get special authority, ministers are attached to the song meaning, life alone is not moved Wat, from that have been repeatedly condemned the dismiss.
  Zhang will give life to the books Lang, Xun Xu Ji Hua and disease life, then satirical Ministry of Personnel, moved to wide prefect for long life. Not to address old mother. Leaning to the town, recommended the resumption of the Emperor, should make up yellow powder, is granted by the government censor the book to the mother concerned has resigned. Mother last words that Burial, Life of compliance Kwong. Also not to sit home burial site, was badly depreciated meeting. Early, Qiao Zhou Chang Wei Ting said: "Emily will be with the knowledge, fame, When Sun Zhe, nor unfortunately is also advised to be careful deep." To waste another life to this disgrace, Jie Ru Zhou Yan. After a few years old, from the Prince of Bastard, not worship. Yuan Kang seven disease and death, when he was 65.
  Fan Yun Chung Cheng Shangshu Lang okrug so large table, saying: "Xi Emperor Di Zhao said," Sima If the patient is very, whichever may be laid off note book ", messengers obtaining the testament, made Fengshan something different emperor Yan. Chendeng Shi Yu Shi Chenshou rule book by it as of the Three Kingdoms, speech and more dissuasive, understands gains and losses, good morals. although not as similar as Man Yan, and straight over the quality. would like to collect and record the hanging. "Thus, under Chao Yin Henan, Luoyang Order write the book on the family. Life has essays ancient Chi 50, Yidu Tibetology pass 10, pass over the article known to the world.
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