jiā zuòzhělièbiǎo
bái shuǐ Bai Shui píng dǎo He Pingdao
· ā Margaret Atwoodmài 'ěr · luò Michael Bullock
ài rén Eskimolín lián Sandy Lam
yuē hàn · láo lún · léi nuò 约翰劳伦斯雷 Reynoldstài · ā lán Ted Allan
sài nài · dēng Sydney Gordon · méng Lucy Maud Montgomery
chuān shā Chuan Sha · lún 伊芙萨伦巴
fēn · Stephen Leacockshǐ fēn · 'ěr Stephanie Howard
shān · Susanna Moodie nèi suō · lán Vanessa Grant
duō · Donna Carlisekāng · lāi Conrad Black
fàn wēi Fan Weiāi · tuō Eckhart Tolle
ān · yōu · shí
· luó · léi 'è léi ·S· lāi shè
dīng · duō · xià
'ěr · lāi sēn 'ào · lāi 'ēn
fēn · bǎikǎi · lāi
ā · hēi xiū · luò tíng
jiǎn · gài ·C· fàn hǎi
lán · shǐ wàng ā 'ěr bèi tuō · màn 'āi 'ěr
· méng ài · tuō 'ěr
luó · chá 'ěr · wēi 'ěr sēn lǎng · mài kěn (
mài 'ěr · láo sài 'ěrláo lún ·G· mài lún
suō bèi 'ěr · luò qiē ·· āi 'ěr dùn
tānɡ · wēn 'ěr lán · qín lóng
ā 'ěr wéi tuō · màn 'āi 'ěr 'ài yīng Jean
yuē hàn · shān · mài táng Sir John Alexander Macdonaldyuē hàn · yuē · kǎo wēi 'ěr · ā jué shì Sir John Joseph Caldwell Abbott
yuē hàn · luò · wèi · tānɡ sēn jué shì Sir John Sparrow David Thompsonmài kěn · bào wēi 'ěr jué shì Sir Mackenzie Bowell
chá 'ěr · jué shì Sir Charles Tupperwēi 'ěr · láo léi 'ěr jué shì Sir Wilfrid Laurier
luó · lāi 'ěr · dēng jué shì Sir Robert Laird Bordenā · 'ēn Arthur Meighen
wēi lián · lāi 'áng · mài kěn · jīn William Lyon Mackenzie King chá · bèi · bèi nèi Richard Bedford Bennett
· fēn · shèng luò lǎng Louis Stephen St. Laurentyuē hàn · qiáo zhì · fēn bèi John George Diefenbaker
jiǎ tíng · duō Justin Pierre James Trudeau
jiā xiàn dài jiā   (1971niánshíèryuè25rì~?xiànjīn)
chūshēngdì: jiā 'ān lüè shěng tài huá tài huá yuàn

Justin Trudeau

贾斯廷·皮埃尔·詹姆斯·特鲁多 PC MP(法语:Justin Pierre James Trudeau,1971年12月25日),加拿大政治人物,现任加拿大总理加拿大自由党党魁及加拿大众议院帕皮诺选区议员,并曾任该党的青年、专上教育及业余体育事务评议员。上任时以43岁之龄成为加拿大历史上第二年轻的总理(最年轻的是乔·克拉克,就任时39岁),或称小特鲁多






















孟晚舟事件发生后,加拿大公民谢伦伯格(Robert Lloyd Schellenberg)被控于2014年底走私毒品,多次判决和上诉后终在2019年1月被改判死刑,没收其全部财产,杜鲁多批评中国“任意”判处谢伦伯格死刑,对事件表极度关注。加拿大当晚修订对中国的旅行警示级别,警告加拿大公民在当地要“高度谨慎”,警告国民在中国或面临“任意执法”威胁










2020年5月,在美国爆发的Black Lives Matter反种族歧视运动传入加拿大。6月2日,特鲁多被记者寻问如何评论美国总统特朗普威胁动用军队平息国内的暴力示威的问题。特鲁多在镜头前思考了21秒后,并未正面回答记者提问的表现招致媒体和学者的广泛批评










贾斯廷·特鲁多曾经在2012年与上议员帕特里克·布拉佐进行了一场慈善拳击比赛,然后把对手打的头破血流。这件事被拍成了电影——《天佑贾斯廷·特鲁多:21世纪的政治艺术》(God Save Justin Trudeau: The Art of Politics in the 21st Century)




  1. ^ 10月21日译名发布:Justin Trudeau. 参考消息网. 2015-10-21 [2018-08-11] (中文(中国大陆)‎).
  2. ^ 张道营. 新闻人物:加拿大总理贾斯廷·特鲁多. 新华网. 2016-08-29 [2019-01-26] (中文(中国大陆)‎).
  3. ^ 王政淇、崔东. 加拿大总理贾斯廷·特鲁多今起对我国进行正式访问. 人民网. 2016-08-30[2019-01-26] (中文(中国大陆)‎).
  4. ^ 华府看天下-特鲁多与台湾的恩怨- 中时电子报
  5. ^ 特鲁多克绍箕裘 没遗传父风流
  6. ^ John English. Citizen of the World: The Life of Pierre Elliott Trudeau Volume One: 1919-1968. Knopf Canada. 28 August 2007: 205– [27 May 2011]ISBN 978-0-676-97522-2.
  7. ^ Elin Woodger; David F. Burg. The 1980s. Infobase Publishing. March 2006: 414 [27 May2011]ISBN 978-0-8160-5809-9.
  8. ^ Patricia Poirier, "Trudeau's son offers his support to Turner," Globe and Mail, 16 September 1988, A8.
  9. ^ Justin Trudeau's eulogyCanadian Broadcasting Corporation; "Text of the eulogy given by Justin Trudeau at his father's funeral Tuesday," Canadian Press, 3 October 2000, 14:52; Francine Dube, "Son's eulogy moves thousands to tears: 'It's all up to us': Dignitaries, citizens pay last respects to former PM," National Post, 4 October 2000, A01; Andre Picard and Mark Mickleburgh, "'Je t'aime, papa' THE SON: The very private Justin becomes a very public figure," Globe and Mail, 4 October 2000, A1; Graham Fraser, "Trudeau children lead our farewell --- Justin's eulogy a towering tribute at father's funeral," Toronto Star, 4 October 2000, p. 1.
  10. ^ Tonda MacCharles, "Spotlight on Justin sparks talk of dynasty --- Trudeau's final resting place," Toronto Star, 5 October 2000, p. 1.
  11. ^ Willa McLean, "This just in . . .; CBC broadcaster revisits momentous events of past 50 years," Kitchener-Waterloo Record, 8 February 2003, G3.
  12. ^ "Justin Trudeau described by friends as down-to-earth and sensitive," Canadian Press, 4 October 2000, 03:25; Tonda MacCharles, "Son 'most like Pierre' relishes his privacy; While Liberals talk about dynasty, Justin looks forward to returning to teaching job," Kitchener-Waterloo Record, 5 October 2000, A06; Justin Trudeau, "Something I'm passionate about," Globe and Mail, 3 February 2001, A11; Gloria Galloway, "Justin Trudeau delivers motivational speech to Ontario teachers," Canadian Press, 27 April 2001, 14:50; "Students should learn to be brave, Trudeau says," Globe and Mail, 28 April 2001, A9.
  13. ^ "Justin Trudeau tells education conference he plans return to teaching," Canadian Press, 28 February 2004, 21:16.
  14. ^ Canada Votes 2011: Ridings: Papineau, Canadian Broadcasting Corporation, accessed 4 July 2011.
  15. ^ Quebec Liberal MP Jean Lapierre to resign. ctv.ca. 2007-01-11 [2011-04-23].
  16. ^ Sean Gordon, "Is Justin Trudeau set to run as MP? Speculation abounds that former PM's eldest son eyeing a riding in Montreal," Toronto Star, 10 January 2007, A04; Jane Taber, "Liberals welcome Trudeau, bid adieu to Graham; Former PM's son confirms candidacy as stalwart bows out," Globe and Mail, 23 February 2007, A1.
  17. ^ Allan Woods, "'A man with a dream'; Trudeau, who handily defeated two opponents, insists that despite his famous name he's more than just his father's son," Toronto Star, 30 April 2007, A06. Trudeau received 690 votes, while councillor Mary Deros received 350 and Basilio Giordano received 220. (These numbers may be approximations.)
  18. ^ Liberals gain ground in Montreal. Canada.com. 15 October 2008 [9 June 2012]. (原始内容存档于2008年10月18日).
  19. ^ Canadians prefer Trudeau: Poll shows young heir is top pick to replace Dion. canada.com. 2008-10-28 [2011-04-23]. (原始内容存档于2012-11-05).
  20. ^ Norma Greenway, "Justin Trudeau top pick as Liberal chief: poll; But rookie MP says he's not interested," Montreal Gazette, 29 October 2008, A10.
  21. ^ Jane Taber, "Vancouver to host a Liberal love-in; the knives are to be left at home," Globe and Mail, 25 April 2009, A4; Terry Pedwell, "Liberals won't change strategy, despite polls, say MPs," 6 October 2009, 12:06.
  23. ^ "Trudeau won't rule out bid for party leadership," Ottawa Citizen, 5 May 2011, A3; Susan Delacourt, "Is the party over? Canada's 'natural governing party' faces difficult questions after Monday's shellacking," Toronto Star, 7 May 2011, IN1.
  24. ^ Trudeau — again?. Hamilton Spectator. 17 July 2011 [9 July 2012]. (原始内容存档于2011-09-21).
  25. ^ Vieira, Paul. The Wall Street Journal - Justin Trudeau Poised to Step into Liberal Race in Canada. The Wall Street Journal. The Wall Street Journal. [October 2, 2012].
  26. ^ 杜鲁多角逐联邦自由党党魁. 《星岛日报》. 2012-10-03 [2012-10-03]. (原始内容存档于2012-10-06).
  27. ^ 小杜誓振兴联邦自由党 得票八成当选党领 赢得轻松前路满荆棘. 《星岛日报》. 2013-04-15[2013-04-15]. (原始内容存档于2016-04-04).
  28. ^ Trudeau to face off against Harper in question period today. CBC News. 2013-04-15[2013-04-15].
  29. ^ Justin Trudeau plans to announce his cabinet Nov. 4. Toronto Star. Oct 20, 2015 [2015年10月20日].
  30. ^ Justin Trudeau earns nickname ‘little potato’ during trip to China. Global News.[2018-07-11] (英语).
  31. ^ 休闲大麻合法化 加拿大几家欢乐几家愁. 2018-10-16 [2019-02-06] (英国英语).
  32. ^ 邓聿文. 观点:中国政府为什么要用强硬方式处理孟晚舟案. 2018-12-18 [2019-02-06] (英国英语).
  33. ^ 加拿大驻华大使麦家廉在特鲁多要求下辞职-香港商报. www.hkcd.com. [2019-02-06].
  34. ^ 中国改判加人死刑 特鲁多斥任意判刑 加拿大警告国民游中国“高度谨慎” 立场新闻 2019-01-15
  35. ^ 加国公民在华贩毒遭改判死刑 加拿大更新对华旅游警示 TVBnews 2019-01-15
  36. ^ 加拿大总理特鲁多也来拜年. www.guancha.cn. [2019-02-06].
  37. ^ 坚称无“不当施压” 特鲁多拒绝道歉
  38. ^ 加拿大总理特鲁多“深夜大屠杀”,将两名“倒戈”前部长扫地出门
  39. ^ 特鲁多扮演黑人丑闻持续发酵 环球时报:自食其果
  40. ^ Michael Higgins: There’s a lesson for Trudeau in the pause heard around the world国家邮报. 2020-06-03 [2020-06-06].
  41. ^ Trudeau’s 21-Second Pause Becomes the Story in Canada纽约时报. 2020-06-03[2020-06-06].
  42. ^ Justin Trudeau lost for words over Trump handling of George Floyd protests卫报. 2020-06-03 [2020-06-06].
  43. ^ Justin Trudeau and wife Sophie welcome new son. CTV.ca. [2011-04-23]. (原始内容存档于2008-12-05).
  44. ^ Justin Trudeau and Sophie Gregoire welcome second child, a girl. Canadian Press.
  45. ^ In 1972 Richard Nixon predicted Justin Trudeau would be PM. Toronto Star. The Canadian Press. 2015-10-21 [2015-10-21].
  46. ^ 边驿卒. 加拿大新总理特鲁多:70后被赞“好莱坞面庞”(图). 凤凰资讯. 2015年10月20日 [2015年10月21日].
  47. ^ 加拿大反种族情绪发酵 总理单膝下跪挺示威者[2020-06-06] (中文(中国大陆)‎)



Justin Pierre James Trudeau PC MP (/ˈtrd, trˈd/About this soundlistenFrench: [ʒystɛ̃ tʁydo]; born December 25, 1971) is a Canadian politician who has served as the 23rd prime minister of Canada since 2015 and has been the leader of the Liberal Party since 2013. Trudeau is the second-youngest Canadian prime minister after Joe Clark; he is also the first to be related to a previous holder of the post, as the eldest son of Pierre Trudeau.

Born in Ottawa, Trudeau attended Collège Jean-de-Brébeuf, graduated from McGill University in 1994, and then the University of British Columbia in 1998. He has a bachelor of arts degree in literature and a bachelor of education degree. After graduating, he worked as a teacher in VancouverBritish Columbia. He started studying engineering at Montreal's École Polytechnique in 2002 but dropped out in 2003. Beginning in 2004, he took one year of a master's program in environmental geography at McGill University but, again, left without graduating in 2005. He has also held jobs including camp counselor, nightclub bouncer, and snowboard instructor.

In the 2008 federal election, he was elected to represent the riding of Papineau in the House of Commons. In 2009, he was appointed the Liberal Party's critic for youth and multiculturalism, and the following year, became critic for citizenship and immigration. In 2011, he was appointed as critic for secondary education and sport. Trudeau won the leadership of the Liberal Party in April 2013 and led his party to victory in the 2015 federal election, moving the third-placed Liberals from 36 seats to 184 seats, the largest-ever numerical increase by a party in a Canadian federal election. As Prime Minister, major government initiatives he undertook during his first term included legalizing recreational marijuana through the Cannabis Act; attempting Senate appointment reform by establishing the Independent Advisory Board for Senate Appointments; establishing the federal carbon tax and negotiating trade deals such as the United States-Mexico-Canada Agreement and the Comprehensive and Progressive Agreement for Trans-Pacific Partnership; while later grappling with controversies surrounding the SNC-Lavalin affair.

Winning the most seats (157) in the 2019 federal election, the Liberals formed a minority government, despite losing the popular vote and receiving the lowest percentage of the national popular vote of any governing party in Canadian history.

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