jiā zuòzhělièbiǎo
bái shuǐ Bai Shui píng dǎo He Pingdao
· ā Margaret Atwoodmài 'ěr · luò Michael Bullock
ài rén Eskimolín lián Sandy Lam
yuē hàn · láo lún · léi nuò 约翰劳伦斯雷 Reynoldstài · ā lán Ted Allan
sài nài · dēng Sydney Gordon · méng Lucy Maud Montgomery
chuān shā Chuan Sha · lún 伊芙萨伦巴
fēn · Stephen Leacockshǐ fēn · 'ěr Stephanie Howard
shān · Susanna Moodie nèi suō · lán Vanessa Grant
duō · Donna Carlisekāng · lāi Conrad Black
fàn wēi Fan Weiāi · tuō Eckhart Tolle
ān · yōu · shí
· luó · léi 'è léi ·S· lāi shè
dīng · duō · xià
'ěr · lāi sēn 'ào · lāi 'ēn
fēn · bǎikǎi · lāi
ā · hēi xiū · luò tíng
jiǎn · gài ·C· fàn hǎi
lán · shǐ wàng ā 'ěr bèi tuō · màn 'āi 'ěr
· méng ài · tuō 'ěr
luó · chá 'ěr · wēi 'ěr sēn lǎng · mài kěn (
mài 'ěr · láo sài 'ěrláo lún ·G· mài lún
suō bèi 'ěr · luò qiē ·· āi 'ěr dùn
tānɡ · wēn 'ěr lán · qín lóng
ā 'ěr wéi tuō · màn 'āi 'ěr 'ài yīng Jean
yuē hàn · shān · mài táng Sir John Alexander Macdonaldyuē hàn · yuē · kǎo wēi 'ěr · ā jué shì Sir John Joseph Caldwell Abbott
yuē hàn · luò · wèi · tānɡ sēn jué shì Sir John Sparrow David Thompsonmài kěn · bào wēi 'ěr jué shì Sir Mackenzie Bowell
chá 'ěr · jué shì Sir Charles Tupperwēi 'ěr · láo léi 'ěr jué shì Sir Wilfrid Laurier
luó · lāi 'ěr · dēng jué shì Sir Robert Laird Bordenā · 'ēn Arthur Meighen
wēi lián · lāi 'áng · mài kěn · jīn William Lyon Mackenzie King chá · bèi · bèi nèi Richard Bedford Bennett
· fēn · shèng luò lǎng Louis Stephen St. Laurentyuē hàn · qiáo zhì · fēn bèi John George Diefenbaker
yuē hàn · qiáo zhì · fēn bèi John George Diefenbaker
jiā xiàn dài jiā   (1895niánshíyuè18rì1979niánbāyuè16rì)
chūshēngdì: jiā 'ān lüè shěng niǔ
qùshìdì: jiā 'ān lüè shěng tài huá

约翰·迪芬贝克 John George Diefenbaker

约翰·乔治·迪芬贝克PCCHQC英语:John George Diefenbaker;1895年10月18日-1979年8月16日),德国人和苏格兰人后裔,是第13任加拿大总理,任内主要推动北方开发和减少对美国的依赖,恢复同英联邦国家的关系。他在1957年大选中加拿大进步保守党拥有下议院265个席次中的109席次,成为议院中的最大党,而首次成为执政党。他在75岁的前任总理,自由党领袖路易斯·圣劳伦特主动辞职下,就任总理。













John George Diefenbaker PC CH QC FRSC FRSA (/ˈdfənˌbkər/; September 18, 1895 – August 16, 1979) was the 13th prime minister of Canada from 1957 to 1963. Between 1930 and 1979, he was the only federal Progressive Conservative (PC or Tory) leader to lead the party to an election victory, doing so three times, although only once with a majority of seats in the House of Commons of Canada.

Diefenbaker was born in southwestern Ontario in the small town of Neustadt in 1895. In 1903, his family migrated west to the portion of the North-West Territories which would soon become the province of Saskatchewan. He grew up in the province and was interested in politics from a young age. After brief service in World War I, Diefenbaker became a noted criminal defence lawyer. He contested elections through the 1920s and 1930s with little success until he was finally elected to the House of Commons in 1940.

Diefenbaker was repeatedly a candidate for the PC leadership. He gained that party position in 1956, on his third attempt. In 1957, he led the Tories to their first electoral victory in 27 years; a year later he called a snap election and spearheaded them to one of their greatest triumphs. Diefenbaker appointed the first female minister in Canadian history to his Cabinet, as well as the first aboriginal member of the Senate. During his six years as Prime Minister, his government obtained passage of the Canadian Bill of Rights and granted the vote to the First Nations and Inuit peoples. In foreign policy, his stance against apartheid helped secure the departure of South Africa from the Commonwealth of Nations, but his indecision on whether to accept Bomarc nuclear missiles from the United States led to his government's downfall. Diefenbaker is also remembered for his role in the 1959 cancellation of the Avro Arrow project.

Factionalism returned in full force as the Progressive Conservatives fell from power in 1963, and while Diefenbaker's performance as Opposition Leader was heralded, his second loss at the polls prompted opponents within the party force him to a leadership convention in 1967. Diefenbaker stood for re-election as party leader at the last moment, but only attracted minimal support and withdrew. He remained an MP until his death in 1979, two months after Joe Clark became the first Tory Prime Minister since Diefenbaker.

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