běn zuòzhělièbiǎo
chuān jùn tài láng Shuntaro Tanikawa xiè jīng Yosano Akikoshí chuān zhuó Takuboku Ishikawa
dǎo téng cūn Shimazakigāng yuán fèng Yuan Feng Gangchén shùn chén Chin Shunshin
chuān kǒu cháng Kawaguchi Changrushi yuán dēng Noboru Tsujigāo qiáo Takahashi apply
jiāng jiàn sān láng Kenzaburō Ōemào měi Moro Miyashān gāng zhuāng Yamaoka Sohachi
shān běn cháng cháo Chang Korean Yamamotoshí yuán jiēshí Ishihara strongbǎn dōng zhēn Mariko Bando
qiān 1000 叶丽子 tián qiān jīng Fu 田千晶gāo qiáo měi jiā Takahashi Meijia
zhōng liú měi Nakazawa Okinawa U.S. shí yuán Tateishi member sub-jīn tián miào Jin 田妙子
cháo míng Koosōng dǎo · Song Nakajima Asia nài Taiichi Ohno
tōng kǒu tài xíng Yasuyuki Higuchihǎi yīn cháo láng Kaionji Chogorojiá tián guāng xióng A 田光雄
dōng mào yóu Tung Mau by thehēi míng Akira Kurosawatóng shān guì Kiriyama Keiichi
jǐng shàng Inoue Du Fuzhòng xiù Shuichi Shigenojiā téng zhèng xiù Kato Masahide
zàng nuò zūn Izanagi respecttiān zhào shén Amaterasushén tiān huáng Emperor Jimmu
suí jìng tiān huáng Appeasement Emperorān níng tiān huáng Annei Tennō tiān huáng Itoku-tenno
xiào zhāo tiān huáng Kosho-tennoxiào 'ān tiān huáng Koan-tennoxiào líng tiān huáng Emperor Xiao Ling
xiào yuán tiān huáng Kogen-tennokāi huà tiān huáng Civilized Emperorchóng shén tiān huáng Emperor worship God
chuí rén tiān huáng Emperor Suininjǐng xíng tiān huáng Kageyuki Emperorchéng tiān huáng Emperor into service
zhòng 'āi tiān huáng Emperor Chuaishén gōng huáng hòu Jingū Kōgōyìng shén tiān huáng God Emperor should be
rén tiān huáng Emperor Ren zhōng tiān huáng To fulfill the Emperorfǎn zhèng tiān huáng Hanzei-tennō
yǔn gōng tiān huáng Ingō-tennōān kāng tiān huáng Ankō Tennōxióng lüè tiān huáng 雄略 Emperor
qīng níng tiān huáng Qing 宁天皇xiǎn zōng tiān huáng Exoteric Emperorrén xián tiān huáng Renxian Emperor
běn Yoshimoto Banana
běn lìng   (1964niánqīyuè24rì)
Banana Yoshimoto
běn zhēn xiù
chūshēngdì: dōng jīng

duǎn piān xiǎo shuō novellachú fáng
mǎn yuè

yuèdòu běn Yoshimoto Bananazài小说之家dezuòpǐn!!!

吉本芭娜娜 - 历程

到中学为止都很活跃的她,进入高中之后,整个人突然变得很封闭,不仅是对任何事物都提不起兴趣来,连斗志也丧失了,每天过着游魂般的生活,除了睡觉和吃饭以外几乎什么事也不做。这段时间里,她接触了太宰治的文学作品,太宰治文库的 37 七本著作,她全部都读完了。另外,史蒂芬 金的文字魅力也令她深深着迷,每每拿到他的书总是要读到最后才肯将视线移开。进入日本大学艺术学院就读的她,终于脱离了高中阴暗的岁月,每天过得开开心心的。据她说:“是因为进入了最合适的学校,遇到了最合适的人的关系。”大学四年很快地就过去了,面临毕业的她,依然抱持着想要当作家的志向。因此,她试着写了短篇小说<月光阴影>作为毕业论文。这则短篇现在收录在《厨房》里头。这篇只花了十天的时间写好的作品,获得艺术学院院长奖的肯定,这使得她对于当作家这件事更有自信了。同年,她在餐厅里当服务生时所完成的《厨房》获第六届“海燕”新人文学赏,成为书市上的畅销书。
于是她在短短两三年间,完成《泡沫》、《哀愁的预感》、《Tugumi》(鸫)、《白河夜船》等多部作品,这些书几乎每本都登上畅销排行榜,总发行量更高达 470 万本以上,可说是创造了前所未闻的记录。这件事受到了各界的注目,造成“吉本芭娜娜现象”和“吉本芭娜娜风潮”被频繁地使用。芭娜娜本人回顾这段时期说:“眼前所看到的事物,仿佛

浮光掠影一般。”1998 年她以《泡沫 / Sanctuary》提名第九十九届、第一百届的芥川奖,虽然没有赢得该奖项,但是吉本芭娜娜的才气已经引起注目,并陆续获得包括泉镜花文学奖、文部大臣新人奖、第二届山本周五郎奖等的大奖肯定。芭娜娜与村上春树一样,成为日本现代文坛上颇受瞩目的新人,号称日本现代文学的天后。芭娜娜的小说也被翻译成多种语言,受到欧美读者的高度关注,1993 年获意大利SCANO外国文学奖的肯定,亚马逊书店则以四颗半的星级评鉴《 Kitchen 》一书,读者 Gensaku 说:“吉本的文字轻巧而熟练,阅读时,你可能会无法分辨自己究竟身在何处。”“芭娜娜”即日本外来语“香蕉”(banana)之音译。她作品的特色总少不了一些要素──如‘家庭的分裂’:死亡、离异、乱伦、超能力、变性、女同性恋,和‘个人的分裂’等。她的小说没有固定结构,人物不多,擅长以细腻婉转的女性笔触描写日常生活的小故事,营造鲜活的感性与哀愁的氛围,仿佛等待夜归人的一盏温暖灯火,值得人品味再三。
吉本芭娜娜 - 写作风格



吉本芭娜娜 - 荣誉

1964年7月24日生于东京,1987年毕业于日本大学艺术系文艺专业,毕业创作《月影》获得艺术系奖。1987年11月以小说《厨房》获第6届海燕新人文学奖。1988年1月以《厨房》获第16届泉镜花文学奖,掀起罕见的“芭娜娜小说热”。1988年8月以《泡沫 圣所》获第39届艺术选奖文部大臣新人奖。1989年3月以《斑鸫》获第2届山本周五郎奖。“芭娜娜热”形成高潮。1993年6月获意大利SCANO奖。1995年11月以《甘露》获第5届紫式部文学奖。1996年3月获意大利Fendissime文学奖“Under 35”。1999年11月获意大利银面具奖文学奖。2000年9月以《背伦与南美》获第10回多玛格文学奖。2000年9月以《背伦与南美》获第10回多玛格文学奖。自《厨房》始,吉本芭娜娜作品已在30多个国家和地区翻译出版。
吉本芭娜娜 - 自序《厨房》

吉本芭娜娜 - 《哀愁的预感》


Banana Yoshimoto (吉本 ばななYoshimoto Banana) (born 24 July 1964) is the pen name of Japanese writer Mahoko Yoshimoto (吉本 真秀子Yoshimoto Mahoko). From 2002 to 2015, she wrote her name in hiragana (よしもと ばなな).


Yoshimoto was born in Tokyo on July 24, 1964 and grew up in a liberal family. Her father is the famous poet and critic Takaaki Yoshimoto, and her sister, Haruno Yoiko, is a well-known cartoonist in Japan.

Yoshimoto graduated from Nihon University's College of Art with a major in literature. While there, she adopted the pseudonym "Banana", after her love of banana flowers, a name she recognizes as both "cute" and "purposefully androgynous."

Yoshimoto keeps her personal life guarded and reveals little about her certified rolfing practitioner husband, Hiroyoshi Tahata, or son (born in 2003). Each day she takes half an hour to write at her computer, and she says, "I tend to feel guilty because I write these stories almost for fun."[citation needed] Between 2008 and 2010, she maintained an online journal for English-speaking fans.

Writing career

Yoshimoto began her writing career while working as a waitress at a golf club restaurant, in 1987. She named American author Stephen King as one of her first major influences and drew inspiration from his non-horror stories. As her writing progressed, she was further influenced by Truman Capote and Isaac Bashevis Singer.[citation needed]

Her debut work, Kitchen (1988), had over 60 printings in Japan alone. There have been two film adaptations: a Japanese TV movie[citation needed] and a more widely released version titled Wo ai chu fang, produced in Hong Kong by Ho Yim in 1997.

In November 1987, Yoshimoto won the 6th Kaien Newcomers' Literary Prize for Kitchen; in 1988, the novel was nominated for the Mishima Yukio Prize, and in 1999, it received the 39th Recommendation by the Minister of Education for Best Newcomer Artist. In 1988 (January), she also won the 16th Izumi Kyōka Prize for Literature, for the novella Moonlight Shadow, which is included in most editions of Kitchen.

Another one of her novels, Goodbye Tsugumi (1989), received mixed reviews but was made into a 1990 movie directed by Jun Ichikawa.


Her works include twelve novels and seven collections of essays (including Pineapple Pudding and Song From Banana) which have together sold over six million copies worldwide. Her themes include love and friendship, the power of home and family, and the effect of loss on the human spirit.

In 1998, she wrote the foreword to the Italian edition of the book Ryuichi Sakamoto. Conversazioni by musicologist Massimo Milano.

In 2013, Yoshimoto wrote the serialized novel, Shall We Love? (僕たち、恋愛しようか?), for the women's magazine Anan, with singer-actor Lee Seung-gi as the central character. The romance novel was the first of her works to feature a Korean singer as the central character.

Writing style

Yoshimoto says that her two main themes are “the exhaustion of young Japanese in contemporary Japan” and “the way in which terrible experiences shape a person’s life”.

Her works describe the problems faced by youth, urban existentialism, and teenagers trapped between imagination and reality. Her works are targeted not only to the young and rebellious, but also to grown-ups who are still young at heart. Yoshimoto's characters, settings, and titles have a modern and American approach, but the core is Japanese. She addresses readers in a personal and friendly way, with warmth and outright innocence, writing about the simple things such as the squeaking of wooden floors or the pleasant smell of food. Food and dreams are recurring themes in her work which are often associated with memories and emotions. Yoshimoto admits that most of her artistic inspiration derives from her own dreams and that she’d like to always be sleeping and living a life full of dreams.[citation needed]


In August 1988, the Minister of Education awarded Yoshimoto the 39th Best Newcomer Artists Recommended Prize, for Kitchen and Utakata/Sankuchuari. In March 1989, Goodbye Tsugumi was awarded the 2nd Yamamoto Shugoro Prize. In 1994, her first long novel, Amrita, was awarded the Murasaki-shikibu Prize.

Outside Japan, she has been awarded prizes in Italy: the Scanno Literary Prize in 1993, the Fendissime Literary Prize in 1996, the Literary Prize Maschera d' argento in 1999, and the Capri Award in 2011.

The Lake was longlisted for the 2011 Man Asian Literary Prize.


Titles between parentheses are rough translations if the novel has not been translated.

TitlePublish date
Moonlight Shadowムーンライト・シャドウ19861993 (included in most editions of Kitchen)
(Sad premonition)哀しい予感1988
Goodbye TsugumiTUGUMI19892002
(Marika's lengthy night, dreamlog in Bali)マリカの永い夜・バリ夢日記1994
(Hachiko's last lover)ハチ公の最後の恋人1994
Hardboiled & Hard Luckハードボイルド/ハードラック19992005
(Occult) Collection of essays selected by the author 1オカルト2000
(Love) Collection of essays selected by the author 2ラブ2000
(Death) Collection of essays selected by the author 3デス2001
(Life) Collection of essays selected by the author 4ライフ2001
(The body knows everything)体は全部知っている2000
Furin to Nanbei (Adultery and South America)不倫と南米2000
Daisy's Lifeひな菊の人生2000
(Kingdoms, first instalment, Andromeda Heights)王国 その1 アンドロメダ・ハイツ2002
Argentine Hag (with drawings and pictures by Yoshitomo Nara)アルゼンチンババア20022002 Also published in English by RockinOn
(Cloak of feathers)ハゴロモ2003
(Memories of a dead end)デッドエンドの思い出2003
(Don't worry, be happy)なんくるない2004
(High and dry (first love))High and dry (はつ恋)2004
(Lid of the sea)海のふた2004
(Kingdoms, second instalment, the shadow of lost things, and ensuing magic)王国 その2 痛み、失われたものの影、そして魔法2004
(Kingdoms, third instalment, the secret flower garden)王国 その3 ひみつの花園2005
The Lakeみずうみ20052010
(Dolphin or Are you there?)イルカ2006
(Salamander or The small shadow)ひとかげ2006
(Chie and I)チエちゃんと私2007
(Hawaii dreaming)まぼろしハワイ2007
(South point)サウスポイント2008
(About her or About my girlfriend)彼女について2008
Moshi-Moshi: A Novelもしもし下北沢20102016
(The acorn sisters)どんぐり姉妹2010
(Another world, Kingdoms, fourth instalment)アナザー・ワールド 王国 その42010
(Sizzle sizzle)ジュージュー2010
(Sweet hereafter)スウィート・ヒアアフター2011
(A night with Saki and friends)さきちゃんたちの夜2013
(Hostess bar stumble)スナックちどり2013
(Shall We Love?)僕たち、恋愛しようか?2013
(Take an afternoon nap on a bed of flowers)花のベッドでひるねして2013
(Circus night)サーカスナイト2015
(Funafuna Funabashi)ふなふな船橋2015


  1. ^ "Banana Yoshimoto"Faber & FaberArchived from the original on 2015-12-23. Retrieved 2015-12-23.
  2. ^ "Banana Yoshimoto"Encyclopædia BritannicaArchived from the original on 2009-02-11. Retrieved 2008-06-19.
  3. ^ Yoshimoto, Banana. "My Journal"Archived from the original on 2017-03-17. Retrieved 2017-03-16.
  4. ^ Yim, Ho (Director) (1997). Kitchen. IMDb.
  5. ^ "Banana Yoshimoto"Counterpoint PressArchived from the original on August 19, 2016. Retrieved July 30, 2016.
  6. ^ Ichikawa, Jun (Director) (1990). Tsugumi. IMDb. Archivedfrom the original on 2019-12-13. Retrieved 2018-07-01.
  7. ^ Copeland, Rebecca L. (2006). Woman Critiqued: Translated Essays on Japanese Women's Writing. University of Hawaii Press. p. 167. ISBN 0-8248-2958-1Archived from the original on 2016-05-29. Retrieved 2015-10-18.
  8. ^ Lee, KyungNam (April 1, 2013). "Lee Seung Gi to Appear as Lead in New Yoshimoto Banana Novel"mwaveArchived from the original on December 8, 2015. Retrieved November 30, 2015.
  9. ^ Lent, Jesse (April 2, 2013). "Lee Seung Gi To Appear As Hero In Upcoming Banana Yoshimoto Romance Novel 'Shall We Love' For Women's Magazine Anan"kpopstarz.comArchived from the original on December 8, 2015. Retrieved November 30, 2015.
  10. ^ "Banana Yoshimoto and the young". March 26, 2012. Archived from the original on November 4, 2013. Retrieved November 3, 2013.
  11. ^ "Award"Kyodo News. Japan. May 2011.


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