nuó wēi zuòzhělièbiǎo
ào ·H · háo Olav H. Hauge
ào ·H · háo Olav H. Hauge
nuó wēi  (1908nián1994nián)

shīcíshī xuǎn anthology》   

yuèdòuào ·H · háo Olav H. Haugezài诗海dezuòpǐn!!!
  ào ·H · háo èr shí shì nuó wēi zhù míng shī rénshēng nuó wēi de 'ěr wéi jīhū shēng shēng huó zài zhòngzhí yīng píng guǒ wéi shēng shēn shòu zhōng guó dài shī rén de yǐng xiǎng shìguò zhe yuán dīng de jiǎn shēng huó cóng 1946 nián chū bǎn juàn shī huī jìn zhōng de jìn lái chū bǎn liǎo shí duō juàn shī zuòhái chū bǎn guò juàn 'ér tóng shī zhōng zhòng yào de yòu děng huò guò nuó wēi wén xué píng lùn jiā jiǎng děng duō zhǒng guó guó nèi wén xué jiǎng wài hái shì wèi zhī míng de fān jiācéng jīng guó xiàng zhēng zhù shī rén xiē yīng měi zuò jiā de zuò pǐn chéng nuó wēi
   ào ·H · háo de zuò pǐn bèi rèn wéi shì 'èr shí shì nuó wēi wén xué de zhù yào chéng jiù zhī de shī zhā gēn nuó wēi běn de fēng jǐng yòu diǎn xíng de běi 'ōu zhēng zhìshū qíng de yán zhōng tòu chū píng jìng 'ér shēn de zhé shàn yòng shì de piàn duàn lái gài kuò shì de zhěng duì shī rén lái shuō shuǐ 、“ yáncái shì rén lèi shì jiè zuì měi hǎo de lián chéng wéi duì zhè héng liú de xiàn shí shè huì de kàng jīng shén 'ān wèi de shī jīng bèi chéng liǎo shù shí zhǒng wén zài ōu měi yòu jiào de yǐng xiǎng

  Olav Håkonson Hauge (born 18 August 1908 in Ulvik, Norway, died 23 May 1994) was a Norwegian poet. He lived his whole life in Ulvik, working as a gardener in his own orchard.
  Aside from writing his own poems, he was internationally oriented, and translated poems by Alfred Tennyson, William Butler Yeats, Robert Browning, Stephane Mallarmé, Arthur Rimbaud, Stephen Crane, Friedrich Hölderlin, Georg Trakl, Paul Celan, Bertolt Brecht and Robert Bly to Norwegian.
  He was also inspired by classical Chinese poetry, e.g. in his poem "T`ao Ch`ien" in the collection Spør vinden (Ask the wind).
  Hauge's first poems were published in 1946, all in a traditional form. He later wrote modernist poetry and in particular concrete poetry that inspired other, younger Norwegian poets, such as Jan Erik Vold. A well-known example, in the Norwegian original:
  sit i tunet
  når du kjem.
  Snakk litt med katten.
  Det er han som er varast i garden.
  In English translation:
  The cat is sitting
  out front
  when you come.
  Talk a bit with the cat.
  He is the most sensitive one here.
  Hauge has been translated to English by the Scottish poet Robin Fulton in Olav Hauge: Selected Poems, from 1990, and by the American poet Robert Bly in Trusting Your Life to Water and Eternity: Twenty Poems of Olav H. Hauge, from 1987. The American author Robert Hedin translated Hauge in 2001 in the collection The Bullfinch Rising from the Cherry Tree: Poems of Olav H. Hauge and in Leaf-huts and Snow-houses in 2004.
  List of works
  Glør i oska (Noregs boklag, 1946)
  Under bergfallet (Noregs boklag, 1951)
  Seint rodnar skog i djuvet (Noregs boklag, 1956)
  På ørnetuva (Noregs boklag, 1961)
  Dikt i utval: Dogg og dagar editor Ragnvald Skrede. (Noregs boklag, 1965)
  Dropar i austavind (Noregs boklag, 1966)
  Spør vinden (Noregs boklag, 1971)
  Dikt i samling (Noregs boklag, 1972)
  Syn oss åkeren din in selection by Jan Erik Vold. Bokklubben, 1975. (Collected from Dikt i samling)
  Janglestrå (Samlaget, 1980)
  Regnbogane (1983) (Children's book, illustrations by Wenche Øyen)
  ABC, 1986 (Children's book)
  Mange års røynsle med pil og boge (recording). (Samlaget, 1988)
  Brev 1970-1975 (Cappelen, 1996)
  Det er den draumen (Samlaget, 1998)
  Dagbok 1924-1994 (Samlaget, 2000)
  Skogen stend, men han skiftar sine tre. Aforismar i utval (Samlaget, 2001)
  Utanlandske dikt, 1967
  Stephen Crane: Svarte ryttarar, 1974
  Bertolt Brecht: Til ettertidi, 1978
  Hand grip hand i svevne, 1978
  Dikt i umsetjing, 1982
  Frå Rimbaud til Celan, 1991
  Kritikerprisen 1961, for På ørnetuva
  Sokneprest Alfred Andersson-Ryssts fond 1968
  Doblougprisen 1969
  Sunnmørsprisen 1971, for Spør vinden
  Melsom-prisen 1973
  Aschehougprisen 1978
  Nynorsk barnelitteraturpris 1983 for Regnbogane (jointly with Wenche Øyen)

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