měi guó zuòzhělièbiǎo
fēi William Marrài lún · Edgar Alan Poeài shēng Ralph Waldo Emerson
huì màn Walt Whitman gēngshēng Emily Dickinson fēn · lán Stephan Crane
shǐ wén Wallace Stevens luó Robert Frost 'ěr · sāng bǎo Carl Sandberg
wēi lián William Carlos Williamspáng Ezra Pound 'ěr Hilda Doolittle
ào dēng Wystan Hugh Auden míng E. E. Cummings · lāi 'ēn Hart Crane
luó · dèng kěn Robert Duncanchá 'ěr · ào 'ěr sēn Charles Olsonā mén A. R. Ammons
jīn bǎo Allen Ginsbergyuē hàn · ā shénbǎi John Ashberyzhān · tài James Tate
lán dūn · xiū Langston Hughes wēn W. S. Merwinluó · lāi Robert Bly
xiào Elizabeth Bishopluó · luò wēi 'ěr Robert Lowell Sylvia Plath
yuē hàn · bèi màn John Berrymanān · sài dùn Anne Sexton nuò W. D. Snodgrass
lán · ào Frank O'Hara luò L.D. Brodskyài · luò wēi 'ěr Amy Lowell
āi · shèng wén sēn · lěi Edna St. Vincent Millay · tái 'ěr Sara Teasdale Edgar Lee Masters
wēi lián · William Staffordài 'ān · Adrienne Rich wèi · nèi tuō David Ignatow
jīn nèi 'ěr Galway Kinnell · 'ěr Sidney Lanierhuò huá · nài luò Howard Nemerov
· ào Mary Oliverā · mài 阿奇波德麦 Kerry Xujié shī xuǎn Robinson Jeffers
· Louise Glückkǎi · lāi Kate Lightshī jiā zhāng Arthur Sze
yáng Li Young Lee 'ā nuò L. S. Stavrianosā Art
fèi xiáng Kris Phillips huì xīn eVonnejié luó · wèi · sài lín Jerome David Salinger
· ào Barack Hussein Obamazhū lín · qiáo sài 'ěr sēn Josselson, R.zhān · tài 詹姆斯泰伯
wēi lián · ēn dào 'ěr Frederick William Engdahl · pèi 'ēn Mark - Payne - 'ěr Raj - Patel
dān · lǎng Dan Brown
měi guó xiàn dài měi guó  (1964niánliùyuè22rì)

shì yǎn narrative educe fēn The Da Vinci Code》
kǒng xuán terror cliffhangshù chéng bǎo
tiān shǐ guǐ
tuī zhēn tàn consecution detectivepiàn

yuèdòudān · lǎng Dan Brownzài小说之家dezuòpǐn!!!
  dān . lǎng( DanBrown, 1964 nián 6 yuè 22 ), měi guó chàng xiāo shū zuò jiāquán xīn tóu xiě zuò shì zhī qiánshì gāo zhōng de yīng wén lǎo shī de zuò pǐn duō wéi xué jié zōng jiào shù de jīng sǒng xuán xiǎo shuō。 2003 nián xiǎo shuō fēn pào 'ér hóngwén míng shì jiè
   zǎo nián shēng huó
   dān . lǎng chū shēng suō xiǎo měi guó xīn hǎn xià zhōu de 'ài zhèn( Exeter), shì jiā zhōng lǎo qīn shì míng zhí yīnyuè jiāzài jiào táng yǎn zòu guǎn fēng qíndān . lǎng de qīn chá lǎng( RichardG.Brown) shì míng shù xué lǎo shīzhuàn xiě guò jiāokè shūtuì xiū qián shì fěi 'ài xué yuàn( PhillipsExeterAcademy) jiào shòu gāo zhōng shù xué
   fěi 'ài xué yuàn shì jiān yán de xué xiàoxīn lǎo shī rèn jiào qián nián zhù xiàosuǒ dān . lǎng de xiōng mèi dōushì zài xué xiào tóu zhǎngdà deài zhèn de shè huì huán jìng duō shì jiào dān . lǎng cóng xiǎo cānyù jiào táng chàng tuán gēn zhù xué xiàoshǔ jiǎ zài jiào huì yíng huì guò zài 'ài zhèn shàng zhōng xiǎo xué dào 9 nián zhī hòuzhuǎn fěi 'ài xué yuàn
   chuàng zuò shǒu
  1982 nián cóng fěi 'ài xué yuàn zhī hòudān . lǎng jìn 'ài xué( AmherstCollege), chéng wéi lǎo de sài yóu lún xiōng huì( PsiUpsilon) de yuán qiúcān jiā 'ài chàng tuánxiàng xiǎo shuō jiā 'ài lún - ( AlanLelchuk) xué xiě zuò
   dān . lǎng 1986 nián dào bān yīng wén shuāng xué wèi zhī hòushè yīnyuè jièchuàng zuò chéng yīn xiào zhì juàn jiàodòng yīn》( SynthAnimals) de 'ér tóng dàimài liǎo shàng bǎi juàn shí kāi liǎo jiā míng jiào guǐ hùn ( Dalliance) de yīn gōng zài 1990 nián zhēn duì chéng rén shì chǎng xíng zhāng jiào《 Perspective》 de yīnyuè CD, mài liǎo shàng bǎi zhāng。 1991 niánbān dào hǎo lāi zhuī qiú chuàng zuò shǒu gāng qín jiā de rén shēng mèng
   dān . lǎng zài luò shān jìn guó jiā zuòqǔ xué yuàn( NationalAcademyofSongwriters), cānyù shǎo huó dòng shì zài zhè shí hòu dào 12 suì de lāi - niǔ dùn( BlytheNewlon), xué yuàn de shù chuàng zuò ( ArtistDevelopment) zhù rèn xún cháng jiē xià dān . lǎng zāi péi huáxiě xīn wén gǎo dòng huó dòngbìng jiāng jiè shào gěi yòu rén shì, 1993 niándān . lǎng chū liǎo zhāng tóng míng zhuān ji dān . lǎng gǎn qíng shàng jìn zhǎn shén suī rán zhí dào 1993 nián wéi zhǐpéng yǒu hái zhī dào men zài jiāo wǎng guò dāng dān . lǎng huí dào xīn hǎn xià zhōuér lāi chàng suí shí jiā jiù míng bái liǎo men zài 1997 nián jié chéng
   bāng zhù dān . lǎng de chàng shì wài lāi zuì de yǐng xiǎng guò xiě zuò duì dān . lǎng de zuò pǐn zhù liáng duō men céng yòng míng xiě guò yōu xiǎo pǐntuī yīnggāi zài zuò pǐn zhàn yòu zhòng yào de juésèzàide míng xiè shàngdān . lǎng gǎn xiè lāi - lǎnggǎn xiè xīn láo wèiwǒ yán jiū bèi jǐng zuò xiě zuò líng gǎn」。
   xīn yīng lán lǎo shī
   dān . lǎng lāi zài 1993 nián bān huí jiā xiāng xīn hǎn xià zhōudào de xiào fěi 'ài xué yuàn dān rèn yīng wén lǎo shībìng zài lín kěn ā màn xiǎo xué( LincolnAkermanSchool, suǒ zhǐ yòu 8 nián 250 míng xué shēng de xiǎo xué xiàojiào gāo nián xué shēng bān wén
  1994 niándān . lǎng xíng zhāng míng wéitiān shǐ guǐ》( Angels&Demons) de yīnyuè CD, měi shù shè jiù shì hòu lái wéi tóng míng xiǎo shuō shè shuāng xiàng ( Ambigram) de yuē hàn - lán dēng( JohnLangdon)。 chàngpiān fēng miàn shàngtóng yàng yòu zhì de gǎn xiè ,「 sòng gěi juàn de zhuàn gǎo zhě zuò zhì piàn rén shī zhòng yào de rénhái yòu xīn zhì liáo shī。」
   shì tóng nián dào jiǎ shí wán - xuē 'ěr dùn( SidneySheldon) de zhuī shā》( TheDoomsdayConspiracy), rèn wéi xiěde hǎo shì kāi shǐ cǎo zhuàn xiěshù chéng bǎo》, biān gēn yòng míng dān 'ér - lǎng( DanielleBrown) xiě yōu xiǎo pǐn《 187 zhǒng gāi duǒ kāi de nán réngěi qíng chǎng shī de zhǐ nán》( 187MentoAvoid:AGuidefortheRomanticallyFrustratedWoman), zuò zhě jiè shào xiě zhe,「 dān 'ér - lǎng xiàn zhù xīn yīng lánjiāoshū xiě shū duǒ nán rén。」 zhe zuò quán hái shì liè zhe dān . lǎng de míng zhè běn shū yìn qián jiù shòu liǎo shàng qiān běn
   zuò jiā shēng
  1996 niándān . lǎng jiào zhí quán xīn tóu xiě zuò。 1998 nián chū bǎnshù chéng bǎo》, lāi wéi zhè xiǎo shuō zuò liǎo xíng xiāo zhuàn xiě xīn wén gǎowéi dān . lǎng qiāo dìng tán huà jié zhě fǎng tán yuè hòudān . lǎng yòu biǎo liǎo lìng běn yōu xiǎo pǐn《 TheBaldBook》, zhè xiǎo pǐn de zuò zhě zhèng shì shǔ míng wéi lāi guò chū bǎn shāng shuō zhù yào de zhuàn xiě rén hái shì dān . lǎng
   dān . lǎng de qián sān xiǎo shuō chéng píng píngměi xiǎo shuō de chū bǎn yuē zhǐ yòu wàn běndàn shì dào liǎo xiǎo shuō fēn 》, yuè 'ér chéng chàng xiāo zuò jiā zhōng de hēi zhè xiǎo shuō 2003 nián chū bǎn suí dēng shàng niǔ yuē shí bào chàng xiāo shū páiháng bǎng( NewYorkTimesBestSellerlist) míngxiàn zài shì yòu shǐ lái zuì chàng xiāo de xiǎo shuō zhī jìn guǎn shòu dào liǎo yán de píng)。 dào 2006 nián quán qiú xiāo chàng liàng lěi 6050 wàn běndān . lǎng qián xiǎo shuō gēn zhe mài de xiǎo shuō 2004 nián tóng shí jìn niǔ yuē shí bào chàng xiāo shū páiháng bǎng。 2005 nián bèishí dài zhì liè nián bǎi zuì yòu yǐng xiǎng de rén,《 shì zhì jiāng dān . lǎng píng xuǎn wéi 2005 nián bǎi míng liú 12 míng nián shōu 7600 wàn měi yuán,《 shí dài zhì guāng shì fēn jiù yòu 2500 wàn měi yuán de jìn zhàng
   zài 2004 nián 10 yuèdān . lǎng jiā rén juān kuǎn 220 wàn měi yuán gěi fěi 'ài xué yuànzhù qīn huò zǒng tǒng róng jiǎngshè chá - lǎng jīn」, yòng gōng diàn nǎo gāo shè bèi gěi pín kùn de xué shēng」。 dān . lǎng duì xué yào xīng nóng hòu zhí dōushì shì de zhù píng lùn jiā cháng duì shū de xué hánghuà yòng jìn xíng tàn jiū de xiǎo shuō jīng bèi fān chāo guò 40 zhǒng yán
  2006 nián lún diàn yǐng gōng ( ColumbiaPictures) tuī chū yóu dān . lǎng tóng míng xiǎo shuō gǎi biān de diàn yǐng fēn 》, lǎng - huò huá dān rèn dǎo yǎntānɡ - hàn shì yǎn zhùjué luó bǎi - lán dēngào dài - duǒ shì yǎn fěi - 'ēn - mài lián jué shì shì yǎn - bīnzhè diàn yǐng bèi rèn wéi shì 2006 nián zuì lìng rén dài de yǐngpiān, 5 yuè 17 zài kǎn chéng yǐng zhǎn shǒu yìngpíng què shì piàn chàng shuāi
   dān . lǎng liè míng wéi diàn yǐng fēn de zhí xíng zhì piànwéi diàn yǐng shè liǎo tóng de dān . lǎng biān zòu de gēqǔ《 Phiano》 shōu zài diàn yǐng yuán shēng dài miàn
   zhù yào xiǎo shuō zuò pǐn
  1998 nián DigitalFortress shù chéng bǎo
  2000 nián AngelsandDemons tiān shǐ guǐ
  2001 nián DeceptionPoint
  2003 nián TheDaVinciCode fēn
  * dān . lǎng huì zài lóu de xiě zuò jiān wán wǎng qiú líng chén 4 diǎn jiù chuáng gōng zuòshū zhuō shàng bǎi fàng zhe zhī dǒng shā lòuyòng lái xǐng yào shì shí xiū
  * dān . lǎng gào shū shǐ yòng dǎo diào xié( GravityBoots) dàolì lái chuàng zuò píng jǐng shuō,「 tóu xià jiǎo shàng dàoguà láishǐ zhěng xiǎng huàn rán xīnyòu zhù jiě jué qíng shàng de tiǎo zhàn。」
  * dān . lǎng xiǎo shuō zhōng de rén míng duō shì shēn biān de zhēn shí rén luó bǎi - lán dēng lái chuàng zàotiān shǐ guǐshuāng xiàng de yuē hàn - lán dēngzǒng luó - fán léi de míng lái màn huà jiā péng yǒu - fán léi luó bǎi - lán dēng de biān ji qióng - mànjiù shì dān . lǎng zhēn shí shēng huó de biān ji jié sēn - màn mìng míng de - bīn jué shì shèng xuè shèng bēi》( HolyBlood,HolyGrail,《 fēn de zhù yào cái duì xiàngde liǎng wèi zuò zhě zhī míng
  * dān . lǎng zài 2006 nián 3 yuè de shěn xùn shēng míngdāng shíshèng xuè shèng bēizuò zhě kòng gào dān . lǎng chāo hòu pàn huí shuōzài xiǎo shí hòu qīn huì zài shēng shèng dàn jié shíyòng shì shè xún bǎo yóu ràng men xiōng mèi xún xiàn zhǎo dào tóng yàng de shì jiàn jiāng zhī xiě juésè de tóng nián
  * shǎo rén píng lùn dān . lǎng de xiǎo shuō yóu shì fēn 》) yǐn hán yòu fǎn de xiǎngdān . lǎng biǎo shì zào chéng tǎo lùn fēng fǎn 'ér shì hǎo dezuì hòu fǎn 'ér néng zhèng míng zhēn de dòng yáo
  * dān . lǎng de chàng xiāo shū fēn shì shǒu dēng shàng yín de zuò pǐn guò què shì zhùjué luó bǎi - lán dēng liè de 'èr shì dēng chǎng detiān shǐ guǐdiàn yǐng bǎn zhèng zài chóu pāi zhōng
  * xiǎo shuō zhōng lán dēng gēn dān . lǎng yàng xiào dōushì fěi 'ài xué yuàn
  * zài 2005 nián de diàn yǐnghēi dào 》( BeCool) yòu shǐ fēi chuán yǎn chàng huì de chǎng jǐnggēn liào xiǎn shìdān . lǎng jiù zuò zài qián pái
  * diàn yǐng fēn dān . lǎng de shēn yǐng céng chū xiàn zài qián duàn shū diàn chǎng jǐng miàn

  Dan Brown (born June 22, 1964) is an American author of thriller fiction, best known for the 2003 bestselling novel, The Da Vinci Code. Brown's novels, which are treasure hunts set in a 24-hour time period, feature the recurring themes of cryptography, keys, symbols, codes, and conspiracy theories. His books have been translated into over 40 languages, and as of 2009, sold over 80 million copies.
  Brown's novels that feature the lead character Robert Langdon also include historical themes and Christianity as recurring motifs, and as a result, have generated controversy. Brown states on his website that his books are not anti-Christian, though he is on a 'constant spiritual journey' himself, and says of his book The Da Vinci Code that it is simply "an entertaining story that promotes spiritual discussion and debate" and suggests that the book may be used "as a positive catalyst for introspection and exploration of our faith".
  Early life and education
  Dan Brown was born and raised in Exeter, New Hampshire, USA, the eldest of three children. Brown grew up on the campus of Phillips Exeter Academy, where his father, Richard G. Brown, was a teacher of mathematics, and wrote textbooks from 1968 until his retirement in 1997. Both of Brown's parents are also singer/musicians and served as church choir masters, with his mother serving as church organist. Brown was raised as an Episcopalian.
  Brown's interest in secrets and puzzles stems from their presence in his household as a child, where codes and ciphers were the lynchpin tying together the mathematics, music and languages in which his parents worked. The young Brown spent hours working out anagrams and crossword puzzles, and he and his siblings participated in elaborate treasure hunts devised by their father on birthdays and holidays. On Christmas, for example, Brown and his siblings would not find gifts under the tree, but would follow a treasure map with codes and clues throughout their house and even around town in order to find their hiding place.[dead link] Brown's relationship with his father inspired that of Sophie Neveu and Jacques Sauniere in The Da Vinci Code, and Chapter 23 of that novel was inspired by one of his childhood treasure hunts.
  After graduating from Phillips Exeter, Brown attended Amherst College, where he was a member of Psi Upsilon fraternity. He played squash, sang in the Amherst Glee Club, and was a writing student of visiting novelist Alan Lelchuk. Brown spent the 1985 school year abroad in Seville, Spain, where he was enrolled in an art history course at the University of Seville. Brown graduated from Amherst in 1986.
  Songwriter and pop singer
  After graduating from Amherst, Brown dabbled with a musical career, creating effects with a synthesizer, and self-producing a children's cassette entitled SynthAnimals which included a collection of tracks such as "Happy Frogs" and "Suzuki Elephants"; it sold a few hundred copies. He then formed his own record company called Dalliance, and in 1990 self-published a CD entitled Perspective, targeted to the adult market, which also sold a few hundred copies.
  In 1991 he moved to Hollywood to pursue a career as singer-songwriter and pianist. To support himself, he taught classes at Beverly Hills Preparatory School.
  He also joined the National Academy of Songwriters, and participated in many of its events. It was there that he met Blythe Newlon, a woman 12 years his senior, who was the Academy's Director of Artist Development. Though not officially part of her job, she took on the seemingly unusual task of helping to promote Brown's projects; she wrote press releases, set up promotional events, and put him in contact with individuals who could be helpful to his career. She and Brown also developed a personal relationship, though this was not known to all of their associates until 1993, when Brown moved back to New Hampshire, and it was learned that Blythe would accompany him. They married in 1997, at Pea Porridge Pond, a location near Conway, New Hampshire.
  In 1993, Brown released the self-titled CD Dan Brown, which included songs such as "976-Love" and "If You Believe in Love".
  In 1994, Brown released a CD titled Angels & Demons. Its artwork was the same ambigram by artist John Langdon, which he later used for the novel Angels & Demons. The liner notes also again credited his wife for her involvement, thanking her "for being my tireless cowriter, coproducer, second engineer, significant other, and therapist." The CD included songs such as "Here in These Fields" and the religious ballad "All I Believe."
  Brown and Blythe moved to his home town in New Hampshire in 1993. Brown became an English teacher at his alma mater Phillips Exeter, and gave Spanish classes to 6th, 7th, and 8th graders at Lincoln Akerman School, a small school for K–8th grade with about 250 students, in Hampton Falls.
  Writing career
  While on holiday in Tahiti in 1993, Brown read Sidney Sheldon's novel The Doomsday Conspiracy, and was inspired to become a writer of thrillers. He started work on Digital Fortress, setting much of it in Seville, Spain, where he had studied in 1985. He also co-wrote a humor book with his wife, 187 Men to Avoid: A Guide for the Romantically Frustrated Woman, under the pseudonym "Danielle Brown". The book's author profile reads, "Danielle Brown currently lives in New England: teaching school, writing books, and avoiding men." The copyright is attributed to Dan Brown.
  In 1996, Brown quit teaching to become a full-time writer. Digital Fortress was published in 1998. His wife, Blythe, did much of the book's promotion, writing press releases, booking Brown on talk shows, and setting up press interviews. A few months later, Brown and his wife released The Bald Book, another humor book. It was officially credited to his wife, though a representative of the publisher said that it was primarily written by Brown. Brown subsequently wrote Deception Point and Angels & Demons, the latter of which was the first to feature the lead character, Harvard symbology expert Robert Langdon.
  Brown's first three novels had little success, with fewer than 10,000 copies in each of their first printings. His fourth novel, The Da Vinci Code, became a bestseller, going to the top of the New York Times Best Seller list during its first week of release in 2003. It is now credited with being one of the most popular books of all time, with 81 million copies sold worldwide as of 2009. Its success has helped push sales of Brown's earlier books. In 2004, all four of his novels were on the New York Times list in the same week, and in 2005, he made Time magazine's list of the 100 most influential people of the year. Forbes magazine placed Brown at #12 on their 2005 "Celebrity 100" list, and estimated his annual income at US$76.5 million. The Times estimated his income from Da Vinci Code sales as $250 million.
  Brown's third novel featuring Robert Langdon, The Lost Symbol, was released on September 15, 2009. According to the publisher, on its first day the book sold over one million in hardcover and e-book versions in the U.S., the U.K. and Canada, prompting the printing of 600,000 hardcover copies in addition to the five million first printing. The book takes place in Washington D.C. over a period of 12 hours, and features the Freemasons. Brown's promotional website states that puzzles hidden in the book jacket of The Da Vinci Code, including two references to the Kryptos sculpture at CIA Headquarters in Langley, Virginia, give hints about the sequel. This repeats a theme from some of Brown's earlier work. For example, a puzzle at the end of the book Deception Point decrypts to the message, "The Da Vinci Code will surface."
  Brown has stated that he has ideas for about 12 future books featuring Robert Langdon.
  Characters in Brown's books are often named after real people in his life. Robert Langdon is named after John Langdon, the artist who created the ambigrams used for the Angels & Demons CD and novel. Camerlengo Carlo Ventresca is named after "On A Claire Day" cartoonist friend Carla Ventresca. In the Vatican Archives, Langdon recalls a wedding of two people named Dick and Connie, which are the names of his parents. Robert Langdon's editor Jonas Faukman, is named after Brown's real life editor Jason Kaufman. Brown also said that characters were based on a New Hampshire librarian, and a French teacher at Exeter, Andre Vernet. Cardinal Aldo Baggia, in Angels and Demons, is named after Aldo Baggia, instructor of modern languages at Phillips Exeter Academy.
  In interviews, Brown has said that his wife is an art historian and painter. When they met, she was the Director of Artistic Development at the National Academy for Songwriters in Los Angeles. During the 2006 lawsuit over alleged copyright infringement in The Da Vinci Code, information was introduced at trial which showed that Blythe did research for the book. In one article, she was described as "chief researcher".
  Influences and habits
  In addition to Sidney Sheldon, Dan Brown has been quite vocal about a number of other literary influences who have inspired his writing. He appreciates wit and humor, as shown when he talked about Shakespeare's Much Ado About Nothing: "I didn't understand how funny this play Much Ado About Nothing truly was until I became an English teacher and had to teach it. There is no wittier dialogue anywhere." He also lists personal friend, mystery writer Harlan Coben, and Robert Ludlum's Bourne series of books. On Ludlum, he states, "Ludlum's early books are complex, smart, and yet still move at a lightning pace. This series got me interested in the genre of big-concept, international thrillers." Recurring elements that Brown prefers to incorporate into his novels include a simple hero pulled out of their familiar setting and thrust into a new one with which they are unfamiliar, strong female characters, travel to interesting locations, and a 24-hour time frame in which the story takes place.
  Because of the research-intensive nature of his novels, Brown can spend up to two years writing them. In order to remain focused on such projects, Brown ensures that when he chooses a theme for the novel (what he refers to the "big idea"), and its subject, that they be those that can hold his interest. In Brown's view, the ideal topic does not have an easily defined right or wrong view, but presents a moral grey area that can lend itself to debate. Because his favorite subjects include codes, puzzles, treasure hunts, secretive organizations and academic lectures on obscure topics, he tends to incorporate those into his novels. Because Brown considers writing to be a discipline that requires constant practice, he has developed a routine to maintain his abilities. He rises at 4:00am when there are no distractions (a practice he began with Digital Fortress when he had two daytime teaching jobs) and when he feels most productive, in order to give symbolic importance to the first order of business each day. He keeps an antique hourglass on his desk, so that he can stop briefly every hour to do push-ups, sit-ups and stretching exercises in order to keep his blood flowing. Brown does his writing in his loft. He has also told fans that he uses inversion therapy to help with writer's block. He uses gravity boots and says, "hanging upside down seems to help me solve plot challenges by shifting my entire perspective."
  Film adaptations
  In 2006, Brown's novel The Da Vinci Code was released as a film by Columbia Pictures, with director Ron Howard; the film starred Tom Hanks as Robert Langdon, Audrey Tautou as Sophie Neveu and Sir Ian McKellen as Sir Leigh Teabing. It was much anticipated and served to launch the 2006 Cannes Film Festival, though it received overall poor reviews. It currently has a 24% rating at the film review aggregator website Rotten Tomatoes, derived from 165 negative reviews of the 214 counted. It was later listed as one of the worst films of 2006 on Ebert & Roeper, but also the second highest grossing film of the year, pulling in $750 million USD worldwide. Brown was listed as one of the executive producers of the film The Da Vinci Code, and also created additional codes for the film. One of his songs, "Phiano", which Brown wrote and performed, was listed as part of the film's soundtrack. In the film, Brown and his wife can be seen in the background of one of the early book signing scenes.
  The next film, Angels & Demons, was released on May 15, 2009, with Howard and Hanks returning. It, too, garnered mostly negative reviews, though critics were kinder to it than to its predecessor. As of September 2009[update], it has a 36% meta-rating at Rotten Tomatoes.
  Copyright infringement cases
  In August 2005, author Lewis Perdue unsuccessfully sued Brown for plagiarism, on the basis of claimed similarity between The Da Vinci Code and his novels, The Da Vinci Legacy (1983) and Daughter of God (2000). Judge George Daniels said, in part: "A reasonable average lay observer would not conclude that The Da Vinci Code is substantially similar to Daughter of God".
  In April 2006, Brown won a copyright infringement case brought by authors Michael Baigent and Richard Leigh, who claimed that Brown stole ideas from their 1982 book Holy Blood Holy Grail for his 2003 novel The Da Vinci Code. It was in the book Holy Blood Holy Grail that Baigent, Leigh, and co-author Henry Lincoln had advanced the theory that Jesus and Mary Magdalene married and had a child and that the bloodline continues to this day. Brown even alluded to the two authors' names in his book. Leigh Teabing, a lead character in both the novel and the film, uses Leigh's name as the first name, and anagrammatically derives his last name from Baigent's. Mr Justice Peter Smith found in Brown's favor in the case, and as a private amusement, embedded his own Smithy code in the written judgment.
  On March 28, 2007, Brown's publisher, Random House, won an appeal copyright infringement case. The Court of Appeal of England and Wales rejected the efforts from Baigent and Leigh, who became liable for paying legal expenses of nearly $6 million USD. A contributing factor for the outcome of the case is that these authors presented their work as nonfiction. Fiction writers often draw upon nonfiction resources for content research.
  In October 2004, Brown and his siblings donated US$2.2 million to Phillips Exeter Academy in honor of their father, to set up the Richard G. Brown Technology Endowment to help "provide computers and high-tech equipment for students in need."
  Brown's prose style has been criticized as clumsy. Much criticism also centers on Brown's claim found in the preface to The Da Vinci Code that the novel is based on fact in relation to Opus Dei and the Priory of Sion, and that "all descriptions of artwork, architecture, documents and secret rituals in [the] novel are accurate".
  In an interview with Matt Lauer on The Today Show in September 2009, Brown responded by saying, "I do something very intentional and specific in these books. And that is to blend fact and fiction in a very modern and efficient style, to tell a story. There are some people who understand what I do, and they sort of get on the train and go for a ride and have a great time, and there are other people who should probably just read somebody else."
   * SynthAnimals, a children's album
   * Perspective, 1990, Dalliance. Music CD
   * Dan Brown, 1993, DBG Records
   * Angels & Demons, 1994, DBG Records
   * Musica Animalia, 2003, a children's CD comprising 15 tracks songs portraying animals in poem & song. Proceeds benefited for the Families First charity.
  Humor writing
   * 187 Men to Avoid: A Survival Guide for the Romantically Frustrated Woman, 1995, Berkley Publishing Group (co-written with his wife under the pseudonym Danielle Brown). ISBN 0-425-14783-5, Scheduled for re-release in August 2006
   * The Bald Book, 1998, co-written with his wife Blythe Brown. ISBN 0-7860-0519-X
   * Digital Fortress, 1998
   * Angels & Demons, 2000
   * Deception Point, 2001
   * The Da Vinci Code, 2003
   * The Lost Symbol, 2009
   * The Da Vinci Code, 2006
   * Angels & Demons, 2009

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