唐代 人物列錶
白居易 Bai Juyi(唐代)劉禹錫 Liu Yuxi(唐代)張誌和 Zhang Zhihe(唐代)
李白 Li Bai(唐代)溫庭筠 Wen Tingyun(唐代)王維 Wang Wei(唐代)
王昌齡 Wang Changling(唐代)李商隱 Li Shangyin(唐代)竇鞏 Dou Gong(唐代)
杜甫 Du Fu(唐代)韓愈 Han Yu(唐代)王勃 Wang Bo(唐代)
韋承慶 Wei Chengqing(唐代)盧綸 Lu Lun(唐代)皇甫鬆 Huangfu Song(唐代)
無名氏(唐) Wumingshi(唐代)虞世南 Yu Shina(唐代)王績 Wang Ji(唐代)
王梵誌 Wang Fanzhi(唐代)寒山 Han Shan(唐代)盧照鄰 Lu ZhaoLin(唐代)
駱賓王 Luo Binwang(唐代)杜審言 Du Shenyan(唐代)蘇味道 Su Weidao(唐代)
楊炯 Yang Jiong(唐代)劉希夷 Liu Xiyi(唐代)宋之問 Song Zhiwen(唐代)
渖佺期 Shen Quanqi(唐代)郭震 Guo Zhen(唐代)陳子昂 Chen Ziang(唐代)
賀知章 He Zhizhang(唐代)顧況 Gu Kuang(唐代)段成式 Duan Chengshi(唐代)
鄭符 Zheng Fu(唐代)李端 Li Duan(唐代)劉采春 Liu Caichun(唐代)
張若虛 Zhang Rexu(唐代)張九齡 Zhang Jiuling(唐代)韋莊 Wei Zhuang(唐代)
王之渙 Wang Zhihuan(唐代)孟浩然 Meng Haoran(唐代)李頎 Li Qi(唐代)
祖詠 Zu Yong(唐代)韋應物 Wei Yingwu(唐代)岑參 Cen Shen(唐代)
崔護 Cui Hu(唐代)韓翎 Han Hong(唐代)劉方平 Liu Fangping(唐代)
綦毋潛 Qiwu Qian(唐代)王翰 Wang Han(唐代)元結 Yuan Jie(唐代)
栁宗元 Liu Zongyuan(唐代)孟郊 Meng Jiao(唐代)髙適 Gao Shi(唐代)
李賀 Li He(唐代)李隆基 Li LongJi(唐代)王灣 Wang Wan(唐代)
常建 Chang Jian(唐代)劉長卿 Liu Changqing(唐代)錢起 Qian Qi(唐代)
唐代  唐

詩詞《嵩山十誌十首·草堂 Songshan, the highest and central peak of the five sacred mountains (or five peaks), located in hunan 10 Chi 10 thatched cottage》   《嵩山十誌十首·倒景臺 Songshan, the highest and central peak of the five sacred mountains (or five peaks), located in hunan 10 chi 10 Back view _set_》   《嵩山十誌十首·樾館 Songshan, the highest and central peak of the five sacred mountains (or five peaks), located in hunan 10 chi 10 Yue Museum》   《嵩山十誌十首·枕煙庭》   《嵩山十誌十首·雲錦淙 Songshan, the highest and central peak of the five sacred mountains (or five peaks), located in hunan 10 chi 10 Colorful brocade as beautiful as clouds noise of water》   《嵩山十誌十首·期仙磴 Songshan, the highest and central peak of the five sacred mountains (or five peaks), located in hunan 10 chi 10 Of Xian Ishidan》   《嵩山十誌十首·滌煩磯 Songshan, the highest and central peak of the five sacred mountains (or five peaks), located in hunan 10 chi 10 Di trouble Angeles》   《嵩山十誌十首·幂翠庭 Songshan, the highest and central peak of the five sacred mountains (or five peaks), located in hunan 10 chi 10 Power Greenview》   《嵩山十誌十首·洞元室》   《嵩山十誌十首·金碧潭 Songshan, the highest and central peak of the five sacred mountains (or five peaks), located in hunan 10 chi 10 Gold Bitan》   更多詩歌...


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