英國 人物列錶
貝奧武甫 Beowulf喬叟 Geoffrey Chaucer埃德蒙·斯賓塞 Edmund Spenser
威廉·莎士比亞 William Shakespeare瓊森 Ben Jonson米爾頓 John Milton
多恩 John Donne馬維爾 Andrew Marvell格雷 Thomas Gray
布萊剋 William Blake華茲華斯 William Wordsworth薩繆爾·柯勒律治 Samuel Coleridge
司各特 Sir Walter Scott拜倫 George Gordon Byron雪萊 Percy Bysshe Shelley
濟慈 John Keats艾米莉·勃朗特 Emily Bronte勃朗寧夫人 Elizabeth Barret Browning
愛德華·菲茨傑拉德 Edward Fitzgerald丁尼生 Alfred Tennyson羅伯特·勃朗寧 Robert Browning
阿諾德 Matthew Arnold哈代 Thomas Hardy艾略特 Thomas Stearns Eliot
勞倫斯 David Herbert Lawrence狄蘭·托馬斯 Dylan Thomas麥凱格 Norman Maccaig
麥剋林 Somhairle Mac Gill-Eain休斯 Ted Hughes拉金 Philip Larkin
彼得·瓊斯 Peter Jones崔瑞德 Denis Twitchett阿諾德·湯因比 Arnold Joseph Toynbee
約翰·勞埃德 John Lloyd約翰·米奇森 约翰米奇森保羅·科利爾 Paul Collier
亞當·斯密 Adam Smith戴維·米勒 D.W.Miller多麗絲·萊辛 Doris Lessing
喬納森·斯威夫特 Jonathan Swift喬納森·普雷西 Jonathan Pryce喬納森 Jonathan
約翰·曼 John Man尼古拉斯·科茲洛夫 Nikolas Kozloff葛瑞姆·漢卡剋 Graham Hancock
韋恩·魯尼 Wayne Rooney戴維-史密斯 David - Smith史蒂芬·貝利 Stephen Bayley
戴斯蒙德·莫裏斯 Desmond Morris喬治·奧威爾 George Orwell辛西婭.列儂 Cynthia Lennon
亞歷山大·史迪威 Alexander Stillwell唐納德 A.麥肯齊 Donald Alexander Mackenzie亞倫·卡爾 Allen Carr
瑪麗·傑剋斯 Mary Jaksch亞當·傑剋遜 Adam J. Jackson羅斯瑪麗·戴維森 Rosemary Davidson
薩拉·瓦因 Sarah VineE·凱·崔姆博格 E.Kay Trimberger維多利亞·貝剋漢姆 Victoria Beckham
戴維·洛奇 David Lodge
英國 溫莎王朝  (1935年元月28日)

現實百態 Realistic Fiction《大英博物館在倒塌》

閱讀戴維·洛奇 David Lodge在小说之家的作品!!!
  戴維·洛奇(David Lodge),1935年在倫敦出生,早年就讀於倫敦大學,伯明翰大學博士,英國皇傢文學院院士,以文學貢獻獲得不列顛帝國勳章和法國文藝騎士勳章。從1960年起,執教於伯明翰大學英語係,1987年退職從事創作,兼伯明翰大學現代英國文學榮譽教授。
     洛奇已出版12部長篇小說,包括“盧密奇學院三部麯”《換位》(Changing Places,1975年,獲霍桑登奬和約剋郡郵報小說大奬)、《小世界》(Small World,1984年,獲布剋奬提名)和《作者,作者》(Author,Author,)2004等,其中以“盧密奇學院三部麯”最為著名。他還著有《小說的藝術》(The Art of Fiction,1992年)和《意識與小說》(Consciousness and the Novel,2002年)等多部文學批評理論文集。洛奇的作品已用25種語言翻譯出版。文學批評史傢安東尼·伯吉斯認為,洛奇是“同代作傢中最優秀的小說傢之一”。

  David John Lodge CBE, (born 28 January 1935 at Brockley, London, England) is a British author.
  In his novels, Lodge often satirises academia in general and the humanities in particular. He was brought up Catholic and has described himself as an "agnostic Catholic". Many of his characters are Catholic and their Catholicism is a major theme. Examples include his novels The British Museum Is Falling Down (1965), How Far Can You Go? (1980; published in the U.S. as Souls and Bodies) and Paradise News (1991).
  Lodge's first published novel The Picturegoers (1960) draws on his early experiences in 'Brickley' (based on Brockley in S E London) , which are also described in his novel Therapy. World War II forced Lodge and his mother to evacuate to Surrey and Cornwall.
  Lodge studied at University College London, obtaining a BA (with honours) in 1955. In 1959 he married Mary Frances Jacob and received an MA from UCL. He went on to obtain a PhD at the University of Birmingham, and taught English literature there from 1960 until 1987, being particularly noted for his lectures on Victorian fiction. From 1964-5 he was Harkness Fellow in the United States. He retired from his post at Birmingham in 1987 to become a full-time writer, but retains the title of Honorary Professor of Modern English Literature at the University and continues to live in Birmingham. His papers are housed in the University of Birmingham Library's Special Collections.
  Apart from his frequent themes of academia and Roman Catholicism, Lodge's works tend to feature the same fictional locales. The town of "Rummidge", modelled after Birmingham (UK), and the equally imaginary US state of "Euphoria", situated between the states of "North California" and "South California" feature prominently. Euphoria's State University is located in the city of "Plotinus", a thinly disguised version of Berkeley, California.
  Several of his novels, including Small World (1984), and Nice Work (1989), have been adapted as television series, the latter by Lodge himself. Nice Work was filmed at the University of Birmingham. In 1994 Lodge adapted Dickens' Martin Chuzzlewit for the BBC.
  In 1997 David Lodge was made a Chevalier dans l'Ordre des Arts et Lettres by the French Ministry of Culture, and in the 1998 New Years Honours list, he was appointed CBE for his services to literature.
  Two of Lodge's novels have been shortlisted for the Booker Prize and in 1989 Lodge was himself chairman of the Booker Prize judges. His latest novel Deaf Sentence published in 2008, is a comic novel based on his own hearing problems, about a hard-of-hearing, retired academic.
  [edit]Awards and recognition
  Winner of the Hawthornden Prize and the Yorkshire Post Fiction Prize for Changing Places
  Whitbread Book of the Year (1980) for How Far Can You Go?
  Shortlisted for the Booker Prize (1984) for Small World
  Shortlisted for the Booker Prize (1988) for Nice Work
  Winner of the Sunday Express Book of the Year award (1988) for Nice Work
  Regional winner and finalist for the Commonwealth Writers Prize (1996) for Therapy
  Fellow of the Royal Society of Literature
  The television serialization of Nice Work (which he adapted himself) won the Royal Television Society's Award for best Drama serial in the year 1989 and a Silver Nymph at the International Television Festival (Monte Carlo; 1990).
  The Picturegoers — 1960
  Ginger You're Barmy — 1962
  The British Museum Is Falling Down — 1965
  Out of the Shelter — 1970
  Changing Places: A Tale of Two Campuses — 1975
  How Far Can You Go? (US edition: Souls and Bodies) — 1980
  Small World: An Academic Romance — 1984
  Nice Work — 1988
  Paradise News — 1991
  A David Lodge Trilogy — 1993 - single volume comprising Changing Places, Small World and Nice Work
  Therapy — 1995
  The Man Who Wouldn't Get Up: And Other Stories — 1998
  Home Truths — 1999 (novella - written from original play)
  Thinks ... — 2001
  Author, Author — 2004
  Deaf Sentence — 2008
  Language of Fiction — 1966
  The Novelist at the Crossroads — 1971
  The Modes of Modern Writing — 1977
  Working with Structualism — 1981
  Write On — 1986
  After Bakhtin — 1990
  The Art of Fiction (book) — 1992
  Modern Criticism and Theory: A Reader — 1992
  The Practice of Writing — 1997
  Consciousness and the Novel — 2003
  The Year of Henry James: The Story of a Novel — 2006
  The Writing Game — 1990
  Home Truths — 1999
  [edit]Adaptations for television
  Small World — 1988
  Nice Work — 1989
  Martin Chuzzlewit — 1994
  The Writing Game — 1995

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