英國 人物列錶
貝奧武甫 Beowulf喬叟 Geoffrey Chaucer埃德濛·斯賓塞 Edmund Spenser
威廉·莎士比亞 William Shakespeare瓊森 Ben Jonson米爾頓 John Milton
多恩 John Donne馬維爾 Andrew Marvell格雷 Thomas Gray
布萊剋 William Blake華茲華斯 William Wordsworth薩繆爾·柯勒律治 Samuel Coleridge
司各特 Sir Walter Scott拝倫 George Gordon Byron雪萊 Percy Bysshe Shelley
濟慈 John Keats艾米莉·勃朗特 Emily Bronte勃朗寧夫人 Elizabeth Barret Browning
愛德華·菲茨傑拉德 Edward Fitzgerald丁尼生 Alfred Tennyson羅伯特·勃朗寧 Robert Browning
阿諾德 Matthew Arnold哈代 Thomas Hardy艾略特 Thomas Stearns Eliot
勞倫斯 David Herbert Lawrence狄蘭·托馬斯 Dylan Thomas麥凱格 Norman Maccaig
麥剋林 Somhairle Mac Gill-Eain休斯 Ted Hughes拉金 Philip Larkin
彼得·瓊斯 Peter Jones崔瑞德 Denis Twitchett阿諾德·湯因比 Arnold Joseph Toynbee
約翰·勞埃德 John Lloyd約翰·米奇森 约翰米奇森保羅·科利爾 Paul Collier
亞當·斯密 Adam Smith戴維·米勒 D.W.Miller多麗絲·萊辛 Doris Lessing
喬納森·斯威夫特 Jonathan Swift喬納森·普雷西 Jonathan Pryce喬納森 Jonathan
約翰·曼 John Man尼古拉斯·科茲洛夫 Nikolas Kozloff葛瑞姆·漢峠剋 Graham Hancock
韋恩·魯尼 Wayne Rooney戴維-史密斯 David - Smith史蒂芬·貝利 Stephen Bayley
戴斯濛德·莫裏斯 Desmond Morris喬治·奧威爾 George Orwell辛西婭.列儂 Cynthia Lennon
亞歷山大·史迪威 Alexander Stillwell唐納德 A.麥肯齊 Donald Alexander Mackenzie亞倫·峠爾 Allen Carr
瑪麗·傑剋斯 Mary Jaksch亞當·傑剋遜 Adam J. Jackson羅斯瑪麗·戴維森 Rosemary Davidson
薩拉·瓦因 Sarah VineE·凱·崔姆博格 E.Kay Trimberger維多利亞·貝剋漢姆 Victoria Beckham
傑剋·希金斯 Jack Higgins
英國 溫莎王朝  (1929年七月27日)

黒白兩道 Black and white Liangdao《營救總統私生女》

閱讀傑剋·希金斯 Jack Higgins在小说之家的作品!!!
  傑剋·希金斯(英語:Jack Higgins,1929年7月27日-),筆名,本名Harry Patterson,英國當代著名大衆文學小說傢,擅長寫驚悚小說,廣受市場閱衆歡迎;1975年著作並改編成衕名電影《猛鷹突擊兵團》(The Eagle Has Landed)是成名作。

  Jack Higgins (born 27 July 1929) is the principal pseudonym of UK novelist Harry Patterson. Patterson is the author of more than 60 novels. As Higgins, most have been thrillers of various types and, since his breakthrough novel The Eagle Has Landed in 1975, nearly all have been bestsellers. The Eagle Has Landed sold tens of millions of copies worldwide.
  Patterson was born in Newcastle upon Tyne, England. He moved to Belfast, Northern Ireland, with his mother after his parents' marriage foundered, and was raised there amid religious and political violence. First in Belfast and later in Leeds, Patterson proved to be an indifferent student and left school without completing his studies.[citation needed]
  He found a home in the British Army, however, and served two years as a non-commissioned officer in the Household Cavalry (the Blues and Royals) on the East German border during the 1950s. Patterson found, during his military service, that he possessed both considerable sharpshooting skills and considerable intelligence (scoring 147 on an army intelligence test).[citation needed]
  After leaving the army, he returned to education, studying sociology at London School of Economics and Political Science while supporting himself as a driver and labourer. After completing his degree, he worked for a time as a teacher and began writing novels in 1959. He taught Liberal Studies at Leeds Polytechnic, and later Education at James Graham College (which became part of Leeds Polytechnic in 1976). One of Patterson's aliases was James Graham. The growing success of his early work allowed him to take time off from his teaching, and he eventually left the classroom to become a full-time novelist. He currently lives in Jersey, in the Channel Islands, and continues to publish a new novel annually.[citation needed]
  Patterson's early novels, written under his own name as well as under the pseudonyms James Graham, Martin Fallon, and Hugh Marlowe, are brisk, competent, but essentially forgettable thrillers that typically feature hardened, cynical heroes, ruthless villains, and dangerous locales. Patterson published thirty-five such novels (sometimes three or four a year) between 1959 and 1974, learning his craft. East of Desolation (1968), A Game for Heroes (1970) and The Savage Day (1972) stand out among his early work for their vividly drawn settings (Greenland, the Channel Islands, and Belfast, respectively) and offbeat plots.
  Patterson began using the pseudonym Jack Higgins in the late 1960s, but it was the publication of his thirty sixth book The Eagle Has Landed in 1975 that made Higgins' reputation. The Eagle Has Landed represented a step forward in the length and depth of Patterson's work. Its plot (concerned with a German commando unit sent into England to kidnap Winston Churchill) was fresh and innovative (although the plot is clearly reminiscent of Alberto Cavalcanti's wartime film Went the Day Well?, which itself was directly based on the 1942 Graham Greene short story The Lieutenant Died Last), and the characters had significantly more depth than in his earlier work. One in particular stood out: Irish gunman, poet, and philosopher Liam Devlin. Higgins followed The Eagle Has Landed with a series of equally ambitious thrillers, including several (Touch the Devil, Confessional, The Eagle Has Flown) featuring return appearances by Devlin.
  The third phase of Patterson's career began with the publication of Eye of the Storm in 1992, a fictionalized retelling of an unsuccessful mortar attack on Prime Minister John Major by a ruthless young Irish gunman-philosopher named Sean Dillon, hired by an Iraqi millionaire. Cast as the central character over the next series of novels it is apparent that Dillon is in many ways an amalgamation of Patterson's previous heroes — Chavasse with his flair for languages, Nick Miller's familiarity with martial arts and jazz keyboard skills, Simon Vaughan's Irish roots, facility with firearms and the cynicism that comes with assuming the responsibility of administering a justice unavailable through a civilized legal system.
  [edit]Paul Chavasse
  The Testament of Caspar Schultz (1962) a.k.a. The Bormann Testament
  Year of the Tiger (1963)
  The Keys of Hell (1965)
  Midnight Never Comes (1966)
  Dark Side of the Street (1967)
  A Fine Night for Dying (1969)
  [edit]Simon Vaughn
  Dark Side of the Street (1967)
  The Savage Day (1972)
  Day of Judgement (1979) (a number of sources have this listed as featuring Paul Chavasse, but they are in error; this is a prequel to The Savage Day)
  [edit]Nick Miller (writing as Harry Patterson)
  The Graveyard Shift (1965)
  Brought in Dead (1967)
  Hell Is Always Today (1968)
  [edit]Liam Devlin
  The Eagle Has Landed (1975)
  Touch the Devil (1982)
  Confessional (1985)
  The Eagle Has Flown (1991)
  [edit]Dougal Munro and Jack Carter
  Night of the Fox (1986)
  Cold Harbour (1989)
  Flight of Eagles (1998)
  [edit]Sean Dillon
  Eye of the Storm (1992) a.k.a. Midnight Man
  Thunderpoint (1993)
  On Dangerous Ground (1994)
  Angel of Death (1995)
  Drink with the Devil (1996)
  The President's Daughter (1997)
  The White House Connection (1998)
  Day of Reckoning (2000)
  Edge of Danger (2001)
  Midnight Runner (2002)
  Bad Company (2003)
  Dark Justice (2004)
  Without Mercy (2005)
  The Killing Ground (Feb 2008)
  Rough Justice (Aug 2008)
  A Darker Place (Jan 2009)
  The Wolf at the Door (January 2010)
  The Judas Gate (2011)
  [edit]Rich and Jade (written with Justin Richards)
  Sure Fire (2006)
  Death Run (2007)
  Sharp Shot (2009)
  First Strike (2009)
  [edit]Non-series novels
  [edit]Writing as Harry Patterson
  Sad Wind from the Sea (1959)
  Cry of the Hunter (1960)
  The Thousand Faces of Night (1961)
  Comes the Dark Stranger (1962)
  Hell Is Too Crowded (1962)
  The Dark Side of the Island (1963)
  Pay the Devil (1963)
  Thunder At Noon (1964) a.k.a. Dillinger
  Wrath of the Lion (1964)
  A Phoenix in the Blood (1964)
  The Iron Tiger (1966)
  Toll for the Brave (1971)
  The Valhalla Exchange (1977)
  To Catch a King (1979) a.k.a. The Judas Gate
  [edit]Writing as Hugh Marlowe
  Seven Pillars to Hell a.k.a. Sheba (1963)
  Passage By Night (1964)
  A Candle for the Dead (1966) a.k.a. The Violent Enemy
  [edit]Writing as James Graham
  A Game for Heroes (1970); later also attributed to Jack Higgins (3rd Berkley edition, 2002)
  The Wrath of God (1971)
  The Khufra Run (1972)
  The Run to Morning (1974) a.k.a. Bloody Passage
  [edit]Writing as Jack Higgins
  East of Desolation (1968)
  In the Hour Before Midnight (1969) a.k.a. The Sicilian Heritage
  Night Judgement At Sinos (1970)
  The Last Place God Made (1971)
  The Savage Day (1972)
  A Prayer for the Dying (1973)
  Storm Warning (1976)
  Solo (1980) a.k.a. The Cretan Lover
  Luciano's Luck (1981)
  Exocet (1983)
  A Season in Hell (1988)
  Memoirs of a Dance Hall Romeo (1989)
  Sheba (1995)
  Films adapted from the novels.
  The Eagle Has Landed (1976)
  Confessional (1989)
  Night of the Fox (1990, TV)
  Midnight Man (1995)

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