美國 人物列錶
非馬 William Marr愛倫·坡 Edgar Alan Poe愛默生 Ralph Waldo Emerson
惠特曼 Walt Whitman狄更生 Emily Dickinson斯蒂芬·剋蘭 Stephan Crane
史蒂文斯 Wallace Stevens弗羅斯特 Robert Frost卡爾·桑德堡 Carl Sandberg
威廉斯 William Carlos Williams龐德 Ezra Pound杜麗特爾 Hilda Doolittle
奧登 Wystan Hugh Auden卡明斯 E. E. Cummings哈特·剋萊恩 Hart Crane
羅伯特·鄧肯 Robert Duncan查爾斯·奧爾森 Charles Olson阿門斯 A. R. Ammons
金斯堡 Allen Ginsberg約翰·阿什伯利 John Ashbery詹姆斯·泰特 James Tate
蘭斯敦·休斯 Langston Hughes默溫 W. S. Merwin羅伯特·勃萊 Robert Bly
畢肖普 Elizabeth Bishop羅伯特·洛威爾 Robert Lowell普拉斯 Sylvia Plath
約翰·貝裏曼 John Berryman安妮·塞剋斯頓 Anne Sexton斯諾德格拉斯 W. D. Snodgrass
弗蘭剋·奧哈拉 Frank O'Hara布洛茨基 L.D. Brodsky艾米·洛威爾 Amy Lowell
埃德娜·聖文森特·米蕾 Edna St. Vincent Millay薩拉·梯斯苔爾 Sara Teasdale馬斯特斯 Edgar Lee Masters
威廉·斯塔福德 William Stafford艾德裏安娜·裏奇 Adrienne Rich大衛·伊格內托 David Ignatow
金內爾 Galway Kinnell西德尼·拉尼爾 Sidney Lanier霍華德·奈莫洛夫 Howard Nemerov
瑪麗·奧利弗 Mary Oliver阿奇波德·麥剋裏許 阿奇波德麦 Kerry Xu傑弗斯詩選 Robinson Jeffers
露易絲·格麗剋 Louise Glück凱特·萊特 Kate Light施加彰 Arthur Sze
李立揚 Li Young Lee斯塔夫理阿諾斯 L. S. Stavrianos阿特 Art
費翔 Kris Phillips許慧欣 eVonne傑羅姆·大衛·塞林格 Jerome David Salinger
巴拉剋·奧巴馬 Barack Hussein Obama朱瑟琳·喬塞爾森 Josselson, R.詹姆斯·泰伯 詹姆斯泰伯
威廉·恩道爾 Frederick William Engdahl馬剋·佩恩 Mark - Payne拉吉-帕特爾 Raj - Patel
赫爾曼·麥爾維爾 Herman Melvill
美國 美國重建和工業化  (1819年八月1日1891年九月28日)

歷險小說 Adventure novels《白鯨》

閱讀赫爾曼·麥爾維爾 Herman Melvill在小说之家的作品!!!
  1844年,麥爾維爾退伍回到紐約,開始創作生活。最初的長篇小說《泰比》、《奧穆》、 《馬爾迪》都是以他在南太平洋的生活為依據寫成。其中《泰比》描寫了他在馬剋薩斯島上的食人部落泰比人中的驚險經歷,揭示了資本主義文明給當地土著人的淳樸生活帶來的破壞,因此受到教會的譴責。另外兩部長篇小說《雷德本》和《白外套》也是描寫海洋生活的。這些作品給美國文學帶來了嶄新的領域和內容,在美國讀者中廣受歡迎,作者因此贏得了海洋文學家的稱譽。
  圍繞着麥爾維爾,一切都是悲劇。創作悲劇作品本身並不是悲劇,衹有創作悲劇作品的人成了現實悲劇中的主人公時,真正的悲劇纔産生了。梅爾維爾最初的兩本書《泰皮》(1846)和《歐穆》 (1847),是根據他在泰皮和塔希提的見聞經過藝術加工而寫成的遊記。1847年梅爾維爾開始創作《瑪地》,並同紐約文藝界接觸,經常為文藝刊物寫稿。1849年梅爾維爾出版《雷得本》,1850年出版《白外衣》,都寫航海生活,也都獲得好評。這年夏天他與霍桑相識,兩人成為鄰居和朋友。1866至1885年他在紐約任海關檢查員。1866年他自費印行第1部詩集《戰事集》。1876年又自費出版以宗教為題材的18000行長詩《剋拉瑞爾》,1888年和1891年自費出版詩集《約韓·瑪爾和其他水手》和詩集《梯摩裏昂》,各印25册。
  1851年梅爾維爾出版他最重要的作品《白鯨》,這部小說以充實的思想內容、史詩般的規模和沉鬱瑰奇的文筆,成為傑出的作品,但在當時卻沒有得到重視。梅爾維爾的小說作品還有《皮埃爾》 (1852)和《伊斯雷爾·波特》 (1855)。他的短篇小說和散文有《代筆者巴特貝》 (1853)、《迷惘的島嶼》(1854)、《班尼托·西蘭諾》 (1855)等,後來集成《廣場故事》於1856年出版。1857年出版的長篇小說《騙子的化裝表演》 。他去世前所寫的一部長篇小說是《畢利·伯德》 (1924),在他死後30多年纔出版。梅爾維爾晚年轉而寫詩。1866年他自費印行第1部詩集《戰事集》 。1876年又自費出版以宗教為題材的18000行長詩《剋拉瑞爾》 ,1888年和1891年自費出版詩集《約韓·瑪爾和其他水手》和詩集《梯摩裏昂》 ,各印25册。
  這就是麥爾維爾所生活的時代,這就是1851年前後處處彌漫着徵服和占有氣息的社會氛圍。麥爾維爾這位富有航海經歷的作傢,雖然不能說正處於新興資本主義的中心,但他卻置身於這一歷史發展最敏感的地帶,應該感受到那個時代的氣息,把握到其脈搏。在當時,資本主義雖然已經在歐洲、在北美,在東西南北不同的地理區域,“按照自己的面貌為自己創造出一個世界”,但它在如何徹底地控製大自然,如何完整地占有大自然這一事關資本主義未來的重大問題上,還沒有為自己的行動找到合情合理的解釋,並沒有為自己的殺戮和貪欲找到可供減緩心理壓力及可滋效仿的偶像。或許,麥爾維爾並未真正意識到這是新興資産階級的急迫需要,它與資本主義體係的歷史命運相聯結,是與這一體係共存亡的大主題。但他適時地行動了,並在文學寫作中最大限度地發揮了個人想象¾¾這些想象明顯植根於閱讀前人作品(培根、莎士比亞、埃斯庫羅斯、卡萊爾、《聖經》 )獲得的靈感,植根於那一時代的整體氛圍、諸多刺激性因素和普遍性情緒之中。麥爾維爾的寫作不可能超越時代。
  1851年完成的長篇小說《白鯨》(即《莫比·迪剋》 )是麥爾維爾的代表作。這是一部寓意豐富、深刻、筆觸雄渾的長篇小說。它記述在19世紀上半葉美國捕鯨業蓬勃發展的年代,從事捕鯨業40年的裴圭特號捕鯨船船長亞哈在同一條巨大兇猛的白鯨莫比·迪剋搏鬥中船破身亡的經歷,反映出作者對當時資本主義巨大發展的疑慮和惶恐心情。
  《白鯨》為讀者提供了這樣一段有趣的場景:亞哈船長一隻手抓着護桅索,一隻手高舉着一枚西班牙金幣,口中高喊着:“你們隨便哪一個給我發現這條白鯨,就可以拿到這枚金幣,朋友們!”在大海中,在航船上,以西班牙金幣懸賞第一個在桅桿上發現獵物的人,這樣的情景令人眼熟,肯定在哪裏發生過。它與某一段歷史,某位聲名顯赫的徵服者有關。查一查, 《哥倫布航海日志》中就有類似的記述,那應該是1492年10月至12月的某一天,哥倫布乘“平塔”號探險船航行在大西洋上,他就是以同樣的姿態,同樣的口氣,以西班牙國王的名義宣佈:第一個在桅桿上發現陸地的人將得到賞金。這是歷史的照搬和刻意復製嗎?究竟是麥爾維爾無意中設置了這一情節,還是因為大海和航船等相似的場景,使他下意識地套用了當年殖民擴張時哥倫布的焦慮?這一時難以認定。但有一點可以肯定,兩個發生於不同時代的故事,既然使用了相同的情節,必然在某些方面有內在的聯繫:主人公(或當事人)意識到徵服和占有是他此行的惟一目的,意識到金錢所具有的無法抗拒的魔力。從這富有象徵和隱喻色彩的情節中,讀者或許應該不難找到這樣一種聯繫:在麥爾維爾的潛意識中,哥倫布,或這一類人是值得效仿的楷模:他要做一樁大事情,他要完成有一個大發現,他要徵服一個大目標。這徵服欲,也就是弗羅姆所說的“愛死物”的欲望。這一欲望通過愛爾維爾所虛構的人物和故事一點一滴地表露出來。
  很明顯,作傢在這裏是嚮一大批為數衆多的隱形讀者訴說。這批讀者對獵取和屠殺沒有興趣,他們不願自己的雙手染上血跡,但他們卻有很高的消費趣味,有很強的好奇心,他們的關註點集中在珍希物品上。為了滿足這些隱形讀者的特殊口味,麥爾維爾被“資本和利潤”浸透過的商品意識已溢於言表。從這一角度閱讀“割油”、“絨毯”、“海德堡大桶”、“竜涎香”、“手的揉捏”、“煉油間”等章節,從那大段大段工廠化操作的描述中,被牽着鼻子繞來繞去的讀者終會發現,原來這裏談及的,纔是遠洋捕鯨的真實目的,它與金錢和利潤直接挂鈎,它是捕鯨、獵鯨、屠鯨的原初動機,與所謂的“復仇”和“仇恨”根本就沒有什麽瓜葛。在這條軌道上還談什麽正義與邪惡!捅破這一層窗戶紙,讀者或許有上當受騙之感。特別是在“抹香鯨頭——對比圖”和“露脊鯨——對比圖”這兩個章節,麥爾維爾引領讀者以占有者的姿態把玩手中的獵物,他觸摸鯨的唇、舌、須,把玩鯨的頭顱,將鯨的“整個頭當成一隻大提琴,而那些個噴孔,就是大提琴的聲板上的壁孔。”他細細地觀賞鯨“頭頂上的奇特、隆起、雞冠形的覆蓋物——這種碧緑而纏來纏去的東西……”他翻看鯨的牙齒和嘴巴,“這衹嘴巴真是多麽漂亮雅緻呀!從地板到天花板都有鑲裏,或者不如說是用一層白色薄膜裱褙的,光輝閃爍,宛如新娘穿的緞子。”這情景恰如一隻老貓把玩爪下的小老鼠。夠了,這到底表現了一種什麽心理?與捕鯨手的心態(無論怎麽說《白鯨》還是以捕鯨為主綫)是否相符?我們不能不有所質疑。從人類學家泰勒、弗雷澤的專著中不難發現,狩獵部族獵獲之後通常是以敬畏的心情撫慰自己的獵物,安慰它,討好它,並以多種方式為自己的行為開脫、謝罪,這不衹是部族成員自覺履行的習俗,而是他們自然信仰的一部分,同他們的生存方式合為一體。這樣的習俗在亞洲、在中國的北方,在西伯利亞的密林中,一直延續到20世紀60年代。如今,在世界某些邊遠地區的部族文化中仍然存留着。美國作傢海明威在他的《老人與海》 (出版於1952年)中,就以令人信服的細節描述了老漁民與一條大魚搏鬥的經過,其虔誠、敬畏的心境和獵取大魚後的失落感,給人以刻骨銘心的記憶。顯然,麥爾維爾清楚地意識到他面對(或者說他感興趣的)的是什麽樣的讀者:這是一個新興的強力集團,是特殊群體,這一群體的行為心理特徵早與傳統相悖,特別在對待大自然、對待自己占有物的態度上,同古老的傳統有了本質別。
  麥爾維爾確實捕捉到了一個大目標,他為早期資本主義對待大自然的態度,勾畫出大體輪廓,也預示了其未來。麥爾維爾在《白黥》所拓展的母題以及相關的氣氛、基調和人物,在後來的文學和藝術發展中被不斷地因襲和復製,一個多世紀以來竟然潮起潮落,從未停歇。直至20世紀中葉,美國的電影公司還推出與《白鯨》相類似的海洋恐怖故事,它就是影片《大白鯊》 。無論從什麽角度看,《大白鯊》都是《白鯨》的現代復製版。我相信,類似的敘述性作品今後還會陸續問世,衹不過它的背景很可能不再僅僅是海洋,而是漫無邊際的地球外層空間。

  Herman Melville (August 1, 1819 – September 28, 1891) was an American novelist, short story writer, essayist, and poet, whose work is often classified as part of the genre of dark romanticism. He is best known for his novel Moby-Dick and the posthumous novella Billy Budd. His first three books gained much attention, the first becoming a bestseller, but after a fast-blooming literary success in the late 1840s, his popularity declined precipitously in the mid-1850s and never recovered during his lifetime. When he died in 1891, he was almost completely forgotten. It was not until the "Melville Revival" in the early 20th century that his work won recognition, especially Moby-Dick which was hailed as one of the literary masterpieces of both American and world literature. He was the first writer to have his works collected and published by the Library of America.
  Early life, education, and family
  Herman Melville was born in New York City on August 1, 1819, the third child of Allan and Maria Gansevoort Melvill. After her husband Allan died, Maria added an "e" to the family surname. Part of a well-established and colorful Boston family, Melville's father spent a good deal of time abroad as a commission merchant and an importer of French dry goods. The author's paternal grandfather, Major Thomas Melvill, an honored survivor of the Boston Tea Party who refused to change the style of his clothing or manners to fit the times, was depicted in Oliver Wendell Holmes's poem "The Last Leaf". Herman visited him in Boston, and his father turned to him in his frequent times of financial need. The maternal side of Melville's family was Hudson Valley Dutch. His maternal grandfather was General Peter Gansevoort, a hero of the Battle of Saratoga; in his gold-laced uniform, the general sat for a portrait painted by Gilbert Stuart, which is described in Melville's 1852 novel, Pierre, for Melville wrote out of his familial as well as his nautical background. Like the titular character in Pierre, Melville found satisfaction in his "double revolutionary descent."
  Allan Melvill sent his sons to the New York Male School (Columbia Preparatory School). Overextended financially and emotionally unstable, Allan tried to recover from his setbacks by moving his family to Albany in 1830 and going into the fur business. The new venture, however, was unsuccessful; the War of 1812 had ruined businesses that tried to sell overseas and he was forced to declare bankruptcy. He died soon afterward, leaving his family penniless, when Herman was 12. Although Maria had well-off kin, they were concerned with protecting their own inheritances and taking advantage of investment opportunities rather than settling their mother's estate so Maria's family would be more secure. Herman's younger brother, Thomas Melville, eventually became a governor of Sailors Snug Harbor.
  Melville attended the Albany Academy from October 1830 to October 1831, and again from October 1836 to March 1837, where he studied the classics.
  [edit]Early working life
  Historical marker at the site of the family home in Albany, NY.
  Melville's roving disposition and a desire to support himself independently of family assistance led him to seek work as a surveyor on the Erie Canal. This effort failed, and his brother helped him get a job as a cabin boy on a New York ship bound for Liverpool. He made the voyage, and returned on the same ship. Redburn: His First Voyage (1849) is partly based on his experiences of this journey.
  The three years after Albany Academy (1837 to 1840) were mostly occupied with teaching school, except for the voyage to Liverpool in 1839. Near the end of 1840 he once again decided to sign ship's articles. On January 3, 1841, he sailed from New Bedford, Massachusetts on the whaler Acushnet, which was bound for the Pacific Ocean. He was later to comment that his life began that day. The vessel sailed around Cape Horn and traveled to the South Pacific. Melville left little direct information about the events of this 18-month cruise, although his whaling romance, Moby-Dick; or, The Whale, probably gives many pictures of life on board the Acushnet. Melville deserted the Acushnet in the Marquesas Islands in July 1842. For three weeks he lived among the Typee natives, who were called cannibals by the two other tribal groups on the island—though they treated Melville very well. Typee, Melville's first novel, describes a brief love affair with a beautiful native girl, Fayaway, who generally "wore the garb of Eden" and came to epitomize the guileless noble savage in the popular imagination.
  Melville, always a reluctant subject, sat for this portrait in 1846/47.
  Melville did not seem to be concerned about repercussions from his desertion from the Acushnet. He boarded another whaler bound for Hawaii and left that ship in Honolulu. While in Honolulu, he became a controversial figure for his vehement opposition to the activities of Christian missionaries seeking to convert the native population. After working as a clerk for four months, he joined the crew of the frigate USS United States, which reached Boston in October 1844. These experiences were described in Typee, Omoo, and White-Jacket, which were published as novels mainly because few believed their veracity.
  Melville completed Typee in the summer of 1845, though he had difficulty getting it published. It was eventually published in 1846 in London, where it became an overnight bestseller. The Boston publisher subsequently accepted Omoo sight unseen. Typee and Omoo gave Melville overnight notoriety as a writer and adventurer, and he often entertained by telling stories to his admirers. As writer and editor Nathaniel Parker Willis wrote, "With his cigar and his Spanish eyes, he talks Typee and Omoo, just as you find the flow of his delightful mind on paper". The novels, however, did not generate enough royalties for him to live on. Omoo was not as colorful as Typee, and readers began to realize Melville was not just producing adventure stories. Redburn and White-Jacket had no problem finding publishers. Mardi was a disappointment for readers who wanted another rollicking and exotic sea yarn.
  [edit]Marriage and later working life
  Elizabeth Shaw Melville
  Melville married Elizabeth Shaw, daughter of chief justice of the Massachusetts Supreme Judicial Court Lemuel Shaw, on August 4, 1847; the couple honeymooned in Canada. They had four children: two sons and two daughters. In 1850 they purchased Arrowhead, a farm house in Pittsfield, Massachusetts, now a museum. Here Melville lived for 13 years, occupied with his writing and managing his farm. While living at Arrowhead, he befriended the author, Nathaniel Hawthorne, who lived in nearby Lenox. Melville, an intellectual loner for most of his life, was tremendously inspired and encouraged by his new relationship with Hawthorne during the period that he was writing Moby-Dick (dedicating it to Hawthorne), though their friendship was on the wane only a short time later, when he wrote Pierre there.
  Arrowhead, home of Melville, Pittsfield, Massachusetts
  However, these works did not achieve the popular and critical success of his earlier books. Indeed, The New York Day Book on September 8, 1852, published a venomous attack on Melville and his writings headlined HERMAN MELVILLE CRAZY. The item, offered as a news story, reported, "A critical friend, who read Melville's last book, 'Ambiguities," between two steamboat accidents, told us that it appeared to be composed of the ravings and reveries of a madman. We were somewhat startled at the remark, but still more at learning, a few days after, that Melville was really supposed to be deranged, and that his friends were taking measures to place him under treatment. We hope one of the earliest precautions will be to keep him stringently secluded from pen and ink." Following this and other scathing reviews of Pierre by critics, publishers became wary of Melville's work. His publisher, Harper & Brothers, rejected his next manuscript, Isle of the Cross which has been lost. On April 1, 1857, Melville published his last full-length novel, The Confidence-Man. This novel, subtitled "His Masquerade", has won general acclaim in modern times as a complex and mysterious exploration of issues of fraud and honesty, identity and masquerade, but when it was published, it received reviews ranging from the bewildered to the denunciatory.
  Melville in 1885, age 66.
  To repair his faltering finances, Melville listened to the advice of friends and decided to enter what was for others the lucrative field of lecturing. From 1857 to 1860, he spoke at lyceums, chiefly on the South Seas. Turning to poetry, he gathered a collection of verse that failed to interest a publisher. In 1863, he and his wife resettled, with their four children, in New York City. After the end of the American Civil War, he published Battle Pieces and Aspects of the War, (1866) a collection of over 70 poems that generally was ignored by the critics, though a few gave him patronizingly favorable reviews. In 1866, Melville's wife and her relatives used their influence to obtain a position for him as customs inspector for the City of New York (a humble but adequately paying appointment), and he held the post for 19 years. In a notoriously corrupt institution, Melville soon won the reputation of being the only honest employee of the customs house. (The customs house was coincidentally on Gansevoort St., named after his mother's prosperous family.) But from 1866, his professional writing career can be said to have come to an end.
  Melville spent years writing a 16,000-line epic poem, Clarel, inspired by his earlier trip to the Holy Land. His uncle, Peter Gansevoort, by a bequest, paid for the publication of the massive epic in 1876. But the publication failed miserably, and the unsold copies were burned when Melville was unable to afford to buy them at cost.
  Plaque outside 104 East 26th street, New York
  As his professional fortunes waned, Melville's marriage was unhappy. Elizabeth's relatives repeatedly urged her to leave him, and offered to have him committed as insane, but she refused. In 1867, his oldest son, Malcolm, shot himself, perhaps accidentally. While Melville worked, his wife managed to wean him off alcohol, and he no longer showed signs of agitation or insanity. But recurring depression was added to by the death of his second son, Stanwix, in San Francisco early in 1886. Melville retired in 1886, after several of his wife's relatives died and left the couple legacies that Mrs. Melville administered with skill and good fortune.
  As English readers, pursuing the vogue for sea stories represented by such writers as G. A. Henty, rediscovered Melville's novels, he experienced a modest revival of popularity in England, though not in the United States. Once more he took up his pen, writing a series of poems with prose head notes inspired by his early experiences at sea. He published them in two collections, each issued in a tiny edition of 25 copies for his relatives and friends: John Marr (1888) and Timoleon (1891).
  One of these poems further intrigued him, and he began to rework the headnote to turn it into first a short story and then a novella. He worked on it on and off for several years, but when he died in September 1891, he left the piece unfinished, and not until the literary scholar Raymond Weaver published it in 1924 did the book – which is now known as Billy Budd, Sailor – come to light.
  The grave of Herman Melville and his wife
  Melville died at his home in New York City early on the morning of September 28, 1891, age 72. The doctor listed "cardiac dilation" on the death certificate. He was interred in the Woodlawn Cemetery in The Bronx, New York. A common story says that his New York Times obituary called him "Henry Melville", implying that he was unknown and unappreciated at his time of death, but the story is not true.
  From about age 33, Melville ceased to be popular with a broad audience because of his increasingly philosophical, political, and experimental tendencies. His novella Billy Budd, Sailor, unpublished at the time of his death, was published in 1924. Later it was turned into an opera by Benjamin Britten, a play, and a film by Peter Ustinov.
  In Herman Melville's Religious Journey, Walter Donald Kring detailed his discovery of letters indicating that Melville had been a member of the Unitarian Church of All Souls in New York City. Until this revelation, little had been known of his religious affiliation. Hershel Parker in the second volume of his biography makes it clear that Melville became a nominal member only to placate his wife. Melville despised Unitarianism and its associated "ism", Utilitarianism. (The great English Unitarians were Utilitarians.) See the 2006 Norton Critical Edition of The Confidence-Man for more detail on Melville and religion than in Parker's 2002 volume.
  [edit]Publications and contemporary reactions
  Title page of the first U.S. edition of Moby-Dick, 1851.
  Most of Melville's novels were published first in the United Kingdom and then in the U.S. Sometimes the editions contain substantial differences; at other times different printings were either bowdlerized or restored to their pre-bowdlerized state. (For specifics on different publication dates, editions, printings, etc., please see entries for individual novels.)
  Moby-Dick; or, The Whale has become Melville's most famous work and is often considered one of the greatest literary works of all time. It was dedicated to Melville's friend Nathaniel Hawthorne. It did not, however, make Melville rich. The book never sold its initial printing of 3,000 copies in his lifetime, and total earnings from the American edition amounted to just $556.37 from his publisher, Harper & Brothers. Melville also wrote Billy Budd, White-Jacket, Israel Potter, Redburn, Typee, Omoo, Pierre, The Confidence-Man and many short stories, including "Bartleby, the Scrivener: A Story of Wall Street" and "Benito Cereno," and works of various genres.
  Melville is less well known as a poet and did not publish poetry until later in life. After the Civil War, he published Battle Pieces and Aspects of the War, which did not sell well; of the Harper & Bros. printing of 1200 copies, only 525 had been sold ten years later. Again tending to outrun the tastes of his readers, Melville's epic length verse-narrative Clarel, about a student's pilgrimage to the Holy Land, was also quite obscure, even in his own time. Among the longest single poems in American literature, Clarel, published in 1876, had an initial printing of only 350 copies. The critic Lewis Mumford found a copy of the poem in the New York Public Library in 1925 "with its pages uncut"—in other words, it had sat there unread for 50 years.
  His poetry is not as highly critically esteemed as his fiction, although some critics place him as the first modernist poet in the United States; others would assert that his work more strongly suggest what today would be a postmodern view. A leading champion of Melville's claims as a great American poet was the poet and novelist Robert Penn Warren, who issued a selection of Melville's poetry prefaced by an admiring and acute critical essay.
  [edit]Critical response
  [edit]Contemporary criticism
  Melville was not financially successful as a writer, having earned just over $10,000 for his writing during his lifetime. After the success of travelogues based on voyages to the South Seas and stories based on misadventures in the merchant marine and navy, Melville's popularity declined dramatically. By 1876, all of his books were out of print. In the later years of his life and during the years after his death he was recognized, if at all, as only a minor figure in American literature.
  [edit]Melville revival
  A confluence of publishing events in the 1920s brought about a reassessment now commonly called "the Melville Revival". The two books generally considered most important to the Revival were Raymond Weaver's 1921 biography Herman Melville: Man, Mariner and Mystic and his 1924 edition of Melville's last great but never quite finished manuscript, Billy Budd, which Melville's granddaughter gave to Weaver when he visited her for research on the biography. The other works that helped fan the Revival flames were Carl Van Doren's The American Novel (1921), D. H. Lawrence's Studies in Classic American Literature (1923), and Lewis Mumford's biography, Herman Melville: A Study of His Life and Vision (1929). In 1945, the Melville Society was formed as a nonprofit organization dedicated to celebrating Melville’s literary legacy. Jay Leyda, better known for his work in film, spent more than a decade gathering documents and records for the day by day Melville Log (1951). In the same year Newton Arvin published the critical biography Herman Melville, which won the nonfiction National Book Award.
  In the 1960s, Northwestern University Press, in alliance with the Newberry Library and the Modern Language Association, established ongoing publication runs of Melville's various titles. This alliance sought to create a "definitive" edition of Melville's works. Titles republished under the Northwestern-Newberry Library include Typee, Piazza Tales and Other Prose Pieces, Omoo, Israel Potter, Pierre or the Ambiguities, Confidence-Man, White Jacket or the World in a Man-of-War, Moby Dick, Mardi and a Voyage Thither, Redburn, Clarel , as well as several volumes of Melville's poems, journals, and correspondence.
  [edit]Themes of gender and sexuality
  Although not the primary focus of Melville scholarship, there has been an emerging interest in the role of gender and sexuality in some of Melville's writings. Some critics, particularly those interested in gender studies, have explored the existence of male-dominant social structures in Melville's fiction. For example, Alvin Sandberg claimed that "The Paradise of Bachelors and the Tartarus of Maids" offers "an exploration of impotency, a portrayal of a man retreating to an all-male childhood to avoid confrontation with sexual manhood" from which the narrator engages in "congenial" digressions in heterogeneity. In line with this view Warren Rosenberg argues the homosocial "Paradise of Bachelors" is shown to be "superficial and sterile." David Harley Serlin observes in the second half of Melville's diptych, "The Tartarus of Maids," the narrator gives voice to the oppressed women he observes: "As other scholars have noted, the "slave" image here has two clear connotations. One describes the exploitation of the women's physical labor, and the other describes the exploitation of the women's reproductive organs. Of course, as models of women's oppression, the two are clearly intertwined." In the end the narrator is never fully able to come to terms with the contrasting masculine and feminine modalities. Issues of sexuality have been observed in other works as well. Rosenberg notes Taji, in "Mardi", and the protagonist in "Pierre" "think they are saving young "maidens in distress" (Yillah and Isabel) out of the purest of reasons but both are also conscious of a lurking sexual motive." When Taji kills the old priest holding Yillah captive, he states "remorse smote me hard; and like lightning I asked myself whether the death deed I had done was sprung of virtuous motive, the rescuing of a captive from thrall, or whether beneath the pretense I had engaged in this fatal affray for some other selfish purpose, the companionship of a beautiful maid." In "Pierre" the motive for his self-sacrifice for Isabel is admitted: "womanly beauty and not womanly ugliness invited him to champion the right." Rosenberg argues "This awareness of a double motive haunts both books and ultimately destroys their protagonists who would not fully acknowledge the dark underside of their idealism. The epistemological quest and the transcendental quest for love and belief are consequently sullied by the erotic."
  Melville fully explores the theme of sexuality in his major poetical work "Clarel." When the narrator is separated from Ruth, with whom he has fallen in love, he is free to explore other sexual (and religious) possibilities before deciding at the end of the poem to participate in the ritualistic order marriage represents. In the course of the poem "he considers every form of sexual orientation - celibacy, homosexuality, hedonism, and heterosexuality - raising the same kinds of questions as when he considers Islam or Democracy."
  Some passages and sections of Melville's works demonstrate his willingness to address all forms of sexuality, including the homoerotic, in his works. Commonly given examples from Moby Dick are the interpretation of male bonding from what is termed the "marriage bed" episode involving Ishmael and Queequeg, and the "Squeeze of the Hand" chapter describing the camaraderie of sailors extracting spermaceti from a dead whale. Billy Budd's physical attractiveness is described in quasi-feminine terms: "As the Handsome Sailor, Billy Budd's position aboard the seventy-four was something analogous to that of a rustic beauty transplanted from the provinces and brought into competition with the highborn dames of the court." Some critics argue that "Ahab's pursuit of the whale, which can be associated with the feminine in its shape, mystery, and in its naturalness, represents the ultimate fusion of the epistemological and sexual quest."
  [edit]Law and literature
  In recent years, Billy Budd has become a central text in the field of legal scholarship known as law and literature. In the novel, Billy, a handsome and popular young sailor impressed from the merchant vessel Rights of Man to serve aboard H.M.S. Indomitable in the late 1790s, during the war between Revolutionary France and Great Britain and her monarchic allies, excites the enmity and hatred of the ship's master-at-arms, John Claggart. Claggart devises phony charges of mutiny and other crimes to level against Billy, and Captain the Honorable Edward Fairfax Vere institutes an informal inquiry, at which Billy convulsively strikes Claggart because his stammer prevents him from speaking. Vere immediately convenes a drumhead court-martial, at which, after serving as sole witness and as Billy's de facto counsel, Vere then urges the court to convict and sentence Billy to death. The trial is recounted in chapter 21, the longest chapter in the book, and that trial has become the focus of scholarly controversy: was Captain Vere a good man trapped by bad law, or did he deliberately distort and misrepresent the applicable law to condemn Billy to death?
  In 2010 it was announced that a new species of extinct giant sperm whale, Livyatan melvillei was named in honor of Melville. The paleontologists who discovered the fossil are all fans of Moby-Dick and wanted to dedicate their discovery to Melville.

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