德國 人物列錶
歌德 Goethe荷爾德林 Friedrich Hölderlin海涅 Heinrich Heine
拉斯剋—許勒 Else Lasker-Schüler艾興多爾夫 Joseph Freiherr von Eichendorff弗裏德裏希·威廉·尼采 Friedrich Nietzsche
君特·格拉斯 Günter Grass朋霍費爾 Dietrich Bonhoeffer葛瑞夫 Dieter M. Gräf
赫爾曼·黒塞 Hermann Hesse曼弗雷德·馬伊 Manfred Mai峠爾·威特 Carl Weter
康拉特·賽茨 Konrad Seitz萊內爾·埃爾林格 莱内尔埃尔林 grid哥爾特·朗古特 哥尔特朗古特
霍爾格·萊納斯 Holger Reiners烏特·艾爾哈特 Ute Ehrhardt戴特·奧藤 Dieter Otten
約爾格·艾剋曼 Jorge Ikmann赫爾曼·約瑟夫·左赫 Hermann-Josef Zoche洛塔爾·賽韋特 Lothar J. Seiwert
彼得·馬丁 Bidemading布魯諾·霍爾納格 布鲁诺霍尔 Nag花映紅 Flowers Yinghong
格哈德·施羅德 Gerhard Schroeder剋裏斯塔·施羅德 Christa Schroder羅鬍斯·米施 Rochus Misch
安格拉·黙剋爾 Angela Merkel鬍戈·米勒-福格 Hugo Muller-Vogg韋爾納·比爾曼 Werner Bierman
佩特拉·納格爾 Petra Nagel特勞德爾·容格 Telaodeer Jung梅麗莎·米勒 梅丽莎米勒
埃米爾·路德維希 Emil Ludwig享利剋·埃伯利 Enjoy 利克埃伯利馬蒂亞斯·烏爾 Matthias Uhl
埃裏希·沙剋 埃里希沙克邁剋爾·舒馬赫 Michael Schumacher邁剋爾·舒馬赫 Michael Schumacher
海德格爾 Heidegger叔本華 Arthur Schopenhauer黒格爾 Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel
貝托爾特·布萊希特 Bertolt Brecht布萊姆·斯托剋 Bram Stoker席勒 Friedrich von Schiller
雅科布·格林 Jacob Grimm威廉·格林 Wilhelm Grimm峠爾·馬剋思 Karl Marx
剋勞斯·曼 Klaus Mann埃裏希·馬裏亞·雷馬剋 Erich Maria Remarque特奧多·施托姆 Theodor Storm
托馬斯·曼 Thomas Mann安妮·弗蘭剋 Anne Frank威廉·豪夫 Wilhelm Hauff
施篤姆 Theodor Storm漢斯·裏鮑 Hansilibao孔薩利剋 Heinz G. Konsalik
赫拉·琳德 Hera Lind威德爾·埃彭多夫 Wade Acres Peng Dorf峠爾·麥 Karl May
艾興多爾夫 Joseph Freiherr von Eichendorff
德國 德意誌邦聯  (1788年三月10日1857年十一月26日)
Joseph von Eichendorff

詩詞《詩選 anthology》   

閱讀艾興多爾夫 Joseph Freiherr von Eichendorff在诗海的作品!!!



Joseph Freiherr von Eichendorff (March 10, 1788 – November 26, 1857) was a German poet and novelist.

Eichendorff was born at Schloß Lubowitz near Ratibor in Upper Silesia. His parents were the Prussian officer Adolf Freiherr von Eichendorf and his wife, Karoline Freiin von Kloche, who came from an aristocratic Roman Catholic family. He studied law in Halle (1805-1806) and Heidelberg (1807-1808). In 1808 he travelled through Europe, visiting Paris and Vienna. In 1810, he returned home to help his father run the family estate. The same year he met Johann Gottlieb Fichte, Achim von Arnim, Clemens Brentano, and Heinrich von Kleist in Berlin. He finished his studies in Vienna in 1812. From 1813 to 1815 he fought in the Napoleonic Wars.

From 1816, Eichendorff worked in various capacities in the administrative service of the Prussian state. In 1821, Eichendorff became school inspector in Danzig, in 1824 Oberpräsidialrat in Königsberg. He moved with his family to Berlin in 1831, where he worked for several ministries, until he retired in 1844. Eichendorff died in Neiße, Upper Silesia, in 1857.

Despite a career of rather mundane officialdom, Eichendorff is considered the greatest of the German Romantic lyric poets. His guiding poetic theme was that Man should find happiness in full absorption of the beauties and changing moods of Nature. He also wrote a history of German literature that was posthumously published. Eichendorff's poetry been set by many composers, including Schumann, Mendelssohn, Brahms, Hugo Wolf, Richard Strauss, Friedrich Nietzsche, Hans Pfitzner, and Alexander Zemlinsky.

Aus dem Leben eines Taugenichts – Eichendorff's masterpiece
English title: Life of a Good-For-Nothing.

A typical romantic novella, voyage and love are the main topics. The protagonist leaves his father's mill and becomes gardener on a Viennese castle and falls in love with the supposed daughter of the duke. Because she is unreacheable for him he travels to Italy but then returns and gets to know that she is just adopted by the duke and nothing stands in the way of a marriage between them.

Important works

Stamp of him from the GDR1808 – Die Zauberei im Herbst
1808–1810 – Oberschlesische Märchen und Sagen (Upper Silesian fairytales and sagas)
1815 – Ahnung und Gegenwart
1819 – Das Marmorbild (The Marble Statue)
1826 – Aus dem Leben eines Taugenichts (Life of a Good-For-Nothing)
1833 – Dichter und ihre Gesellen
1833 – Viel Lärmen um nichts
1834 (or 1838) – Auch ich war in Arkadien
1835 – Die Meerfahrt
1837 – Das Schloß Dürande
1839 – Die Entführung
1841 – Die Glücksritter
Geschichte der poetischen Literatur Deutschlands (published 1857)
Libertas und ihre Freier

Regarding personal names: Freiherr is a title, translated as Baron, not a first or middle name. The female forms are Freifrau and Freiin.

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