南宋 人物列錶
張孝祥 Zhang Xiaoxiang(南宋)李清照 Li Qingzhao(南宋)朱敦儒 Zhu Dunru(南宋)
陸遊 Lu You(南宋)範成大 Fan Chengda(南宋)嶽飛 Yue Fei(南宋)
吳文英 Wu Wenying(南宋)周密 Zhou Mi(南宋)趙構 Zhao Gou(南宋)
魏杞 Wei Qi(南宋)洪邁 Hong Mai(南宋)樓鑰 Lou Yao(南宋)
高翥 Gao Zhu(南宋)趙擴 Zhao Kuo(南宋)鄭清之 Zheng Qingzhi(南宋)
趙葵 Zhao Kui(南宋)梁棟 Liang Dong(南宋)陳俊卿 Chen Junqing(南宋)
戴表元 Dai Biaoyuan(南宋)鄧牧 Deng Mu(南宋)方山京 Fang Shanjing(南宋)
傅行簡 Fu Hangjian(南宋)郭磊卿 Guo Leiqing(南宋)黃震 Huang Zhen(南宋)
瀋煥 Shen Huan(南宋)史彌忠 Shi Mizhong(南宋)史守之 Shi Shouzhi(南宋)
舒璘 Shu Lin(南宋)吳子良 Wu Ziliang(南宋)謝翺 Xie Ao(南宋)
姚穎 Yao Ying(南宋)葉夢鼎 She Mengding(南宋)袁甫 Yuan Fu(南宋)
趙昚 Zhao Shen(南宋)王之道 Wang Zhidao(南宋)
朱敦儒 Zhu Dunru
南宋  (1081年1159年)
名: 敦儒
字: 希真
網筆號: 岩壑; 伊水老人
籍貫: 洛陽

詩詞《相見歡 Huan meet》   《聒竜謠》   《聒竜謠 guolongyao》   《雨中花(嶺南作)》   《水調歌頭(淮陰作)》   《水調歌頭 Shuidiaogetou》   《水調歌頭(和董彌大中秋) Shuidiaogetou And Dong Mi Great mid-autumn》   《水調歌頭(和海????尉範行之)》   《水調歌頭(對月有感)》   《水調歌頭 Shuidiaogetou》   更多詩歌...

閱讀朱敦儒 Zhu Dunru在诗海的作品!!!

The Greek word really, Luoyang people. Jing Kang, Jian Yan, the repeated call can not afford. Shaoxing three years (1133) to recommend the right supplement Digong Lang, five years (1135) gives the Secretary of Provincial Scholars origin keep the original character (corrected text of the officials). Calendar Hyobu doctor, Lin'an government through negotiations, Mishu Lang, both official Yuanwai Lang, Liangzhe East Criminal Prison, retirement, home Golden Harvest. Laid retirement, except taken care of Shaoqing, Qin Hui dead, still Resignation. Shaoxing 20 years (1159) Death. Three volumes are words, names, "Qiao Song."
Ru from the early to lofty expectations, do not want to become officials. Northern Song Dynasty Great Rebellion took place, he fled to Guangdong and Guangxi by the Jiangxi Province, a period of living in the South. Ru life 70 years, the official time is very short and long-term seclusion among the lakes, known as the "talent Kuang Yi, a fairy wind," the poet. Therefore, a large part of his work reflects a life of leisure.

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