閱讀羅伯特·詹姆斯·沃勒 Robert James Waller在小说之家的作品!!! |
沃勒 1968 年畢業於印第安那伯明頓大學的凱萊商學院,獲得博士學位。而後在北愛荷華大學任教,並成為商學院的院長。
1992 年憑藉《廊橋遺夢》,羅伯特.詹姆斯.沃勒躋身全球最暢銷書作傢之列,該書以幾十種語言銷售了1200 多萬册。值得一提的是,1992 年沃勒在《廊橋遺夢》的封面上使用了"廊橋"的照片。由於這部具有傳奇色彩的愛情小說空前絶後的暢銷佳績,後來又被拍成了風靡一時的動人電影,使得這座原本普通的木橋因此而美名遠揚,每個月都要吸引數千遊人慕名前來瞻仰。該橋始建於1883年,1992 年毀於一場大火,後於1998 年花費12.8 萬美元進行了必要的翻新工作,被稱為"美國歷史名勝",每年秋天要舉行熱鬧非凡的"廊橋節"。
除了《廊橋遺夢》以外,作者在他的另一部作品《無數條鄉村公路》(《夢係廊橋》)中詳細描寫了卡萊爾-麥剋米倫尋找他生父的經過。此後,蘭登書屋 2005年6月推出《高原上的探戈》,已銷售100餘萬册,版權售往全球30多個國傢和地區,被視為沃勒的巔峰之作。
Waller received his B.A. ('62) and M.A. ('64) from University of Northern Iowa (then known as Iowa State Teachers College). He received his Ph.D. in business from the Kelley School of Business at Indiana University Bloomington in 1968.
Later that year he returned to UNI and began teaching management and economics, and in 1977 became a full professor. He became dean of the College of Business in 1980 and retired from that position in 1986. He made a "seven figure" donation to Indiana University.
Several of his books have been on the New York Times bestseller list including 1992's The Bridges of Madison County which was the top best-seller in 1993. Both that novel and his 1995 novel, Puerto Vallarta Squeeze, have been made into motion pictures. Waller currently resides in Texas.
* The Bridges of Madison County (1992) (original UK Title Love in Black and White)
* Slow Waltz in Cedar Bend (1993) ISBN 0-446-51653-8
* Puerto Vallarta Squeeze (1995)
* Border Music (1995)
* A Thousand Country Roads: An Epilogue to The Bridges of Madison County (2002)
* High Plains Tango (2005)
* The Long Night of Winchell Dear (2006)
* Just Beyond the Firelight (1988)
* One Good Road is Enough (1990)
* Iowa: Perspectives on Today and Tomorrow (1991)
* Old Songs in a New Café (1994)
* Images (1994)
* The Ballads of Madison County: A Collection of Songs (1993)